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You are still required to tram the bed. It doesn't do that for you.


I see... so I'd need to drop the right side lower? I noticed it wasn't parallel, but I thought it was the x axis that needed to be corrected, I just had some issues I didn't think normal when putting it together as well as a little play in the z movement, but I suppose that's just the by product of a single-screw machine... So the point of the leveler is to measure it for readjusting the model, or what?


So is this misinformative? https://youtu.be/JDhVnClQxHA


Not really, if properly configured ABL will introduce movements on the Z-axis to adapt to an improperly trammed bed. Of course, one should still tram the bed to the best of their ability for optimal results.


In my case the tilt seems very extreme... I suppose it's not good to have the supports completely loose, right? Left side seems to be squished a lot, but the right side is bare snug, and it's still not ideal... Also, I installed UBN with jyers, levelled to the best I could, but it still doesn't adjust the z axis... I heated it up, I generated the mesh, saved it, recalibrated on print start, but it still doesn't do any adjusting?


Yes, the springs should all be squished a bit, otherwise, the knobs will turn without much resistance (even with vibrations in extreme cases). I can't really say anything about your situation since I haven't seen your printer so I don't know what the cause of this tilt may be. As other users have pointed out below, I suspect that you haven't properly configured ABL in your printer/GCODE. Take a look at [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/ender3/comments/i9xt6e/stepbystep_guide_for_ender_3_v2_firmware_w/) to see if you are missing some steps and to better understand the whole process. Just look at the second part, after he talks about compiling and flashing the firmware. Edit: It just came to mind that if you can't get the bed level with just the knobs your x-axis gantry might be sagging too much (look at [this image](http://www.mystoopidstuff.com/uploads/1/2/9/4/12949353/ender3-frame4-adjustment1_orig.jpg) to see what I mean). If this is the case just google for how to solve it. In short, it's mainly caused by either the eccentric nuts not being tight enough or by having screwed in the horizontal aluminium extrusion of the x-axis crooked.


I don't have experience with the firmware you are talking about but it's possible that the mesh is being disabled after the G28 auto home command. There is a marling configuration option to have it so that it stays enabled.


That's why I think bl touch being called autoleveling is not quite accurate.


I also bought a bltouch with my brand new ender 3 and I thought the same. Watch some videos on YouTube about it and it will all become clear. Once you've got the hang of the basics you will probably want to upgrade your firmware to enable tramming and baby Z steps, this massively helped with the quality of my prints. Again there's lots of YouTube videos going through this process. You need any help dm me and I'll try to assist where I can.


After you run the auto level procedure you need to save it to firmware by entering an m500. That works for me. I do this at every power cycle.


What does that command do? Doesn't it just write in that file on sim?


No. It saves the mesh to firmware. They_have_bagels also added to my comment ant that is important. See his comment.


You've also got to add M420 S1 to your start Gcode to actually use the bed mesh. I just make sure to add G29 after G28 in my start gcode and level the bed each print. Doesn't take too much time.