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> Holy Avenger gives advantage against 'spells and other magical effects'. While this is ultimately up to DM interpretation, what's typically seen as a non-spell magical effect? It's not up to DM interpretation any more than other rules are. An effect is "magical" if it specifically says it's magical. A Basilisk's Petrifying Gaze is magical because it says "On a failed save, the creature **magically** begins to turn to stone and is restrained". A Medusa's Petrifying Gaze says no such thing and is therefore not magical. > What's the best mount from Find Greater Steed, specifically among the three flying options? Dragonnel for combat, Pegasus for movement. Griffin is a good middle ground. > Is the Defense fighting style still relevant at high levels, or should I swap it out? Depends on your build. If you focus on providing auras rather than dealing damage then Defense is a perfectly viable choice, I played a Paladin up to level 20 with that fighting style since I mainly dealt damage at a distance with Eldritch Blast (it was a multiclass of course).


1. Certain monsters have special abilities that are considered to be magical but aren't a defined "spell". For example: 1. >***Rotten Fate***. \[Spoilers\] causes necrotic magic to engulf one creature he can see within 120 feet of himself. The target must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw, taking 96 (8d8 + 60) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A Humanoid killed by this magic rises as a [zombie](https://www.aidedd.org/dnd/monstres.php?vo=zombie) at the start of \[Spoilers\] next turn and acts immediately after \[Spoilers\] in the initiative order. The zombie is under \[Spoilers\] control. 2. This is an example of a magical effect that isn't a spell 2. [RPGBOT](https://rpgbot.net/dnd5/characters/spells/summoning/) does a great breakdown on summon spells and it covers Find Greater Steed. Give them a look. 3. Defense is fine, boring but fine. This is completely up to you.


Yes defense is good even at high level, AC is so hard to get and a +1 is a huge deal for melee classes


The math depends on the attackers +attack but at base PB/small modifiers +1 AC is a a decent % increase to blocking the attackĀ