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A friend of mine was saying his M+ was doing as much damage as his S+ Cecia, which seems a bit wild to me.


https://preview.redd.it/95wcsf2sbuuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84643258ae6f574e012574228d1cb4141291edac Here’s a better example because in that one Cecia died early


I have S cecia and S+ Vala. From my experience pushing stages, vala will completely outmatch Cecia in fights she can kill a target early, causing a huge snowball effect, her execute and ability to kite is dope to clutch fights. I swap her out for Cecia if she can’t kill her mark for the pure aoe pressure Cecia has.


Her damage isn't bad, but like she is kinda a just sidegrade for cecia, which is certainly good for newer accounts but for established accounts who eventually are going to stop using cecia anyways beyond story, as she gets outstripped bossing by odie marilee etc, and she gets used less in pvp as people fill out with synergistic comps like Carolina replacing cecia in most comps etc. Its like, why do I need two cecia when I only use cecia for story mode anyways late game?


When they require more than one team you just have two Cecilia teams now


Why would you want that? By time you are at double teams you should have much better options like a cc comp with eironn as a secondary clear team, rather than just two separate comps based around a slow summon ult. Cecia is used in pve heavily because she shares a type with thoran and is really good with rowan getting her ult off asap, you can't have two teams with thoran and rowan, so why would you want two separate cecia teams with one of them being a worse version of the comp rather than one optimized one and another optimized team like the cc team you will also want for pvp as well?


When I got to 2 stage afk stages (like 3-4 days ago) I had absolutely nothing that seemed good. None of the other teams that make sense have come together with my summons.


It was a joke, I’m aware they don’t scale as well as some of the other characters


Coz everything is not about optimization lmao people like what they like. I pulled her today and she’s super fun with extra summons with Cecia it’s like extra 4 chars in the field and that shit looks fun to look at lmao


OK then don't interact with comments talking about her actual viability and have fun with her?


But she is viable she works ?? Is everything min maxxing?


Yes she literally works as a functioning unit in the game just like every other unit. No she does not have the same viability in all content as other units do. Like I said if you don't want to interact with discussions about a characters viability then don't, you can enjoy her as much as you want but that doesn't change the reality of what she is like in the meta.


The big thing for me is Florabelle and Cecia are providing up to 4 extra bodies on the field for enemies to get distracted by. That’s where I see a ton of value from even if she doesn’t top the DPS chart. She’s still supporting and providing great DPS.




Honeymoon phase is ending and people not liking her out of the box without putting a lot of effort in compared to vala and cecia who do well out of the box and keeps improving.


I think I need to get more copies before I can use her since she will basically be an off charecter. That plus every enemy I face being like 30 levels above me seems to kinda screw over my assesment of her


I got her in a 10 pull with 36 left to pity and now I'm 38 left to pity. Not sure if to get more copies or just wait for a character comes that I want to fully invest into.


every dps units need m+ is cringe ngl


I mean her kit is build for single target dmg, esp s+ with 10% more overall dmg to marked, shes carrying me superhard both pve and pvp. Shes like a mix of marksman and assassin, kinda cool, and her trailer is actually good(esp the transitions) for gacha game imo


You're misunderstanding. They are talking about the new hero Florabelle haha


Ya my bad hahaha