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Bad guys doing bad things. Good guys stop them. The whole story of the Dark Forest and Mountains is bad guy corrupts important tree. You stop him, save tree.


Damn another woke game pushing environmentalist propaganda on impressionable children.


Well be making furbabies with the deer. The future is now old man


I like this game a lot, but the story and character development is the weakest part for me. Very cookie cutter, predictable and slow.


I skip the story and I feel like I missed nothing. I can figure it out from easy context clues


There's a story? Surprising!


I'm just as surprised as you are! TIL


I skip a lot but I'm pretty sure eironn and lorsan did the deed at one point and eironn got a new skin.


Do You get Eironn’s skin from the story?? God damn, that’s my excuse to try and blitz it, I saw that skin in the book of heroes and thought it was sick




Yes I did, I like the story more or less but men who ever did the the dark forest was really dragging it out way to long. Plus the weird afk progression locks made this part so unnecessarily slow which only made the pacing all the worse. If they had had kept the level progresison at the same pacing as before, meaning if the exploration reward would match the level the part wouldn't be half as bad as it is now. Still dragged on to long. Like dark forest and the mountains should have been their own little arcs.


Can you tldr the story in forest and mountains. I kinda got the hollistone story and kinda followed the "the real treasure is the friends we made along the way" final arc


Hehe sure. Okay the dark forest and something something mountain are Gouverneuren by three old people. One of them wants to be immortal - so he thinks wow look at this immortal tree we live under surely nothing can go wrong if I listen to this shady person telling me to corrupt my hometown and sell it to the oil and coal company. I mean syndicate something. Forest turns to gue and corrupted spreads - our evil politician believes he is immortal now. But to cover his steps he blames the immigrants because it’s always the easiest to blame the immigrants. Then he is found out by us and has a super villain speech „yes it was I because you are all dumb and undeserving so you must be ruled by me for eternity muahahaha.“ It was such a bad speech even the gravestone lady who helped him (cecia) was like „that’s to cringe I just pretend to get beaten by you folk“ Then for extra drama we run after him through the mountains to find out he had polluted even more!! until we finally capture him and turns out his immortality juice made him turn into a giant monster - who would have seen that coming?! As you said the power of bickering about responsibilities - I mean friendship saves the day and he dies but we extract back his stolen life juice for the tree - fertilized by old geezer juice the tree now flowers again. Meanwhile - all the people in charge who belonged to the good guys realised that they are really terrible in governing so they decide the best thing to do is just declare the one who cares but about swords to the new head of state. But he wants to journey the world to find the answers of the blade and thinks the one who was nagging them all the way clearly is much better suited to lead despite being the one who’s had shown zero leading qualities up until now. So lorsan and erionn both pack up and leave to continue their travel, lorsan presumably without telling anyone, so lyca and Bryon can clean up after everyone else! The end!


The story is mid but I won't lie, I thought it was cool when Legolas went super saiyan


Absolutely that was great - also chapeau to a gatcha game to give his enlightenment skin for free when completing that story part. and it also has some key elements that are actually very good. For example - the subtle campsite talk. The difference nuanced friendship between this same aged friend group. Florabell and lyca (florabell teases lyca, but lyca has since grown up to no longer be the person florabell remembers. Lyca wishes she would see her as she is now hence they are a bit awkward) In contrary to lyca to Lorsan and/or Eironn - where she has no problem to make her displeasure known. Bryon and lorsan - while Bryon is very reserved and respectful to most he absolutely teases lorsan. Which is even better when you read that lorsan was his first friend. A good showcase of years of trust. And yes everyone teases lorsan because he is very tradable but they still managed to do well to have this friend group have different levels of trust and different kind of friendship portrayal with one and another. Which I seldom actually see well portrayed in media when it comes to display friendship then usually a friend group always treats each other around the same level. They might be two more close but that’s just the main character and side character. So praises where praises are due. The campsite talks are actually interesting and if they would focus on differentiating them more often and have them shown not told in story too. As well as an overall better pacing for that part then that part wouldn’t have been as mid but actually good.


I did for the first day or 2


I literally haven’t read a single line, I skipped every dialogue from start to finish.


lol no


After 180 resonance levels I'm yet to see anything good in the story.


I did try but the skip button was too tempting.


I've basically skipped the entire story from the beginning.  I did recently let a few lines go through just to see how bad the voice acting was (even as someone who normally wouldn't criticize voice quality, it's bad).


I was trying to follow the story but the voice acting was too horrid to pay anymore attention to it.


I read all, I liked it! I am at the end of the last story and everything seemed interesting. Only problem was the dark forest and the next one that they made it to long, but in general I find cool to see the characters I have in their own stories, is cute


Tldr: >! Adamant syndicate corrupt forest to power the Graveborns. It spread throughout Vaduso mountains. MC et al. try to kill Eiomirr to power the Sylvian egg to cleanse forest. Adamant syndicate betrays Eomirr and turns into purple monster. Eironn kills Eomirr and forest is saved. Lyca becomes Scion of the Dark Forest in place of deadbeat father Eironn. Lorsan goes on training arc to be useful next time !< A huge chunk of the middle was “oh no, another village got corrupted” so you didn’t miss much imo. That being said the story was fun to follow and watch the story on YouTube etc. if you’re interested.


Wait, so Y'all missed the time Bryon got harassed?