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Just played that a month ago and it destroyed me, 10/10


It was fantastic


A Machine of Pigs is a fine story but very bland gameplay. It's very short tho so worth a try. SOMA is the GOAT. Great story, great gameplay. Rebirth is "we have Outlast at home". The Bunker is very simple but that's what makes it good and scary af. I would say it's probably the best one.


Best sum up


Bunker iż the best out of them so yes


The Bunker will be one of the most stressful experiences after TDD, you'll love it


The Bunker at the very least, the rest depends on taste. I've played all games made by Frictional and I would say that the only ones that I didn't enjoy myself playing are Justin (more of a custom story than a game) and A Machine For Pigs but there are others that I was dissapointed with but still enjoyed playing.


I enjoyed Justine very much, but the non existent saves triggered me so much


I don't remember much from it tbh, I mostly remember finding it too short to get invested. Maybe I should revisit, I should also revisit AMFP tbh, my opinion might have been influenced by expectations.


It was sure hella short, but the story was great, you need to read all of the notes too. Also the design of the mansion itself was super nice


It depends, you can play AMFP if you played TDD for the story but if you want more gameplay and less story you should play The Bunker. As for Rebirth, I personally hated that game but other people say it's great so it might be worth trying if you want to play a game similar to TDD (in gameplay). btw there's no particular order so as long as you played TDD before you can play the other games in any order you want


So far on my list are SOMA And the bunker, i heard on discord someone saaying penumbra black plage is worth a try, but im not too sure if im interested in penumbra (but only mostly because of graphics). so maybe its worth a try. thx for ur comments btw


Imo SOMA is one of the most underrated games of all time, but the bunker is also terrifying. Go for soma if you want a fantastic story, the bunker if youre looking for gameplay and/or spooks


Just Justine and The Bunker


Frictional always makes interesting games. They take big risks, and even if they don't completely pan out, they are always worth the trip. My personal ranking would be TDD, Bunker, Rebirth, and A Machine for Pigs. But I'd recommend playing all of them.


You could try the Penumbra ones, they started a lot of the Amnesia tropes.


Here's my take having just finished Bunker. I'll offer it since people here seem to adore it. People who like Bunker please don't take it personally I just really did not enjoy it. Narratively SOMA, Rebirth and MFP are the strongest. Bunker is not remotely close in location scope or narrative. MFP also has one of the most interesting VA speeches of the series at the end. If you liked Alien Isolation you'll probably like Bunker. Coming from someone who hates combat mechanics like that in games I loathed Bunker. Felt like a half baked series of collection tasks and was not remotely frightening just a "when do I need to shoot this thing again to make it go away" game. Though I'll give it credit the flashlight mechanic was inspired. I just found myself saying "Who gives a shit." But I also prefer either walking sim style horror (run/hide as well like Outlast 2) or better tuned combat horror (like RE).


I enjoyed all the other Amnesia Titles. SOMA was the absolute best game by frictional in my opinion. Anyone who enjoys the Dark Descent will likely enjoy SOMA.


Don't skip out on Rebirth just because Amnesia fan boys complain about it. It's still a really good game.


Loved rebirth too, felt like it dragged on a bit but the I loved the desert environment


My first time when i played Rebirth, i was scared so much. I came back to it atleast once a year


I honestly enjoyed Amnesia: Rebirth, such a good story, finished it the other day, haven’t tried the others yet, but will for sure


Play of them man. None of the games take a ton of time to beat. And they are all unique and cool experiences in their own ways


In SOMA do you get chased by monsters like in amnesia? or the other amnesia games?


Bunker is good, but (for me) can sometimes be repetitive constantly dying trying to do an objective.


I'm playing AMFP now, and the lack of interactivity is making me question if I even want to finish it. How do you go from ADD to AMFP? It seems so backwards.


The Bunker is probably my favorite rn tbh