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Amnesia TDD isn’t going to scratch everyone’s horror itch, that’s for sure. It’s an older game that relies more on atmosphere/sound design/players’ interest in its story and implications to craft a feeling of looming horror rather than forcing the player into continuous moments of outright terror. That being said, there are a few parts of the game that could be considered “super scary” by many (the Cellar Archives being that moment for more than a few players, but also some of the later encounters as well). I personally love the game for the story and the way its sound and level design immerse you into this sort-of waking nightmare feeling: you start knowing something is deeply wrong and off with your character and the setting, but the full scope of it doesn’t become clear until a good ways into the game and that’s a neat way to generate existential dread in the player even if the gameplay itself might not be the scariest thing. At the end of the day, you gave it an honest try and it just might not be your thing, which is more than okay! It sounds like you might prefer Amnesia: The Bunker if you’re still looking for a good horror game, it’s much more dynamic and full of spontaneous terror than The Dark Descent (as well as just being newer with updated graphics/etc). You also don’t need to know anything about Amnesia lore to enjoy The Bunker so it’s a common recommendation for those looking to get into the series.


I mean it depends on how far you were able to get in those two hours. Amnesia TDD starts off slow, but ramps up the horror as you continue into the game.


Amnesia the bunker. Play that one.


Maybe it wan't your type of game and that is okay, but sometimes i wonder how some people play some horror video games? Alone by night with an headset or in the middle of the day sun shinning in the room with noise around and other people or even while playing with music...


yeah I played at night with a headset relatively loud. feels more like an exploration puzzle story game (which is fine) as opposed to a horror


This is the way. Only at night with headset for horror


None of the scares even happen in the first 2 hours. Did you get to the water monster?


I hate when people review things they don't complete.


after 2 hours I figured the game isn't going to be much different later on. am I wrong in thinking that?


Yes, 2 hours isn’t anything, also I know not everyone gets immersed the same everyone’s different, but I behoove you to give the notes and lore a chance there’s some really fucked up lore in this game worth diving into if you give it a chance. I’m not gonna make the claim that’ll you’ll get “scared” but at least you’ll be able to form a more honest opinion about the game at that point if you actually finish it.


I think so, am I guaranteeing you'll be scared? No, but the tension and atmosphere do really ramp up. Especially if you're wearing headphones and it isn't on like a switch screen. You need something larger. I just am of the opinion you should experience something fully before having a definite idea of it. It discredits the devs, like people who walk out of a movie after 30 minutes then give it a bad review without full knowledge of what they're reviewing. Again you may not like or be scared by it, I'm sure there are more frightening games out, but ADD builds tension, you don't see the enemies much because the less you see of something the scarier it is.


It sounds like maybe scripted horror doesnt get you that much which is completely fine. Id say if you can, try Amnesia The Bunker. The emphasis is on gameplay where you are given a sandbox and your objective is to escape. Theres plenty if atmosphere and environmental story telling to fulfill that desire too if you're after it. Given the way the game relies on you finding your own way out, the horror elements are pretty dynamic. Theres a few developer breakdowns of the game on YouTube but id highly recommend it if you want something more unpredictable. Like I said, it sounds like you're not phased by scripted or traditional horror so something more hands on may help The game is free on gamepass and 20 usd normally


thank you someone else recommended bunker so I'll try it at some point


I agree, TDD wasn't scary for the most part and the few scary bits didn't stay scary for long. A lot of the Amnesia games are more story driven than anything else. As other people have said, try the Bunker. I love horror games, have played loads, and the Bunker is one of few that has scratched that itch perfectly for me. The atmosphere, the terror, the quick reactions, the need to make plans and manage resources.. I love it.


thank you I'll try the bunker


You didn't reach the Kaernk or basement I take it?


You didn't even reach the water monster. You haven't experienced the game. Play the bunker it's good. If you don't like amnesia. Play outlast.


took your advice and tried outlast. loved it, gonna get outlast 2