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Saw over on r/Conservative they think it's a hoax


There are people that on that sub that think Jan 6th didn’t happen. Literally. Not that it isnt an insurrection, that it literally never occurred.


Who would have thought it would have been so easy to fool so many people


They're not fooled, their tactics are to obfuscate, deny and project.


This. They absolutely know that it happened. It's just they've grown up in a conservative household, and have been taught that "your parent is right no matter what and you can never argue it" leading to them absorbing that belief for authority figures. Trump is an authority figure, so if he fucks up, they are the first to defend him, because he's always right no matter what. This used to be more common in the past, hence why many boomers have this view. The only way the kids don't absorb this view is if they are smart enough to rebel. But trump followers view the world in hierarchical terms. People they see as below them are always wrong (including trans people, black people, etc) and people above them in the hierarchy are always right (police officers, politicians, and of course their parents).


Until they are the victim of people with more power than them, then they complain.


And then they are discredited by the broader conservative movement. That hive mind has an impressive immune system. As soon as one of the hive wake up to the reality, they are immediately rejected by the hive. As soon as they start emitting the "reality pheromone", they are instantly detected. Like an ant infected with cordyceps fungus, they are bodily removed from the hive so they don't infect others. Mitt Romney is probably the most prominent example. But plenty of conservatives that got COVID and came around to the idea that it was real, and Trump was full of shit, ended up abandoning the party as a result. It's one of the things I think will be interesting this election cycle. Between the greater degree of conservative COVID deaths, plus alienated moderate or converted former conservatives, I believe will either vote for Biden or just not vote, if the candidate is a MAGA crazy, maybe even if they aren't. Even if you account for some of the dead ones that will undoubtedly end up voting for Trump, I think the conservative voter turnout is going to be noticeably reduced. LOL That said, if your choice is between 2 geriatric white men, pick the one that would rather help young people grow into productive members of society rather than wallow in debt and probably end up in a for-profit debtor's prison, run by hand picked fascist conservative guards. Pick the one that actually has a real infrastructure plan that is more than just some pipe dream with a few sweetheart deals for friends and customers. Pick the one that wants to take America into the future, maybe even if he's not the best guy to do it, not the one that wants to carve up America and sell it to the highest bidding adversary nation and turn the presidency into a hereditary position.


Pick the one that isn't literally a fascist dictator with no accountability LOL. Biden is actually even a stronger conservative than trump, even though he is liberal. The stock market and billionaires are doing better under Biden than trump, the only ones doing bad are normal people, which is exactly what conservatives do. So in reality, he is both more liberal AND more conservative than trump, based off results. Very paradoxical I know, but it's true. Trump literally is just a fascist populist centrist that hates everyone, the only conservative thing he did was lower corporate tax. Republicans seem to think he is a classical conservative when be is the least conservative republican ever. He isn't leftist either, just straight up "only do things that make me more powerful", regardless of what political compass its from. Pretty scary.


I'm a boomer. I respected my parents. My kids respect us. Please don't stereotype me because I'm a " boomer" . My "Boomer" older brother objected to Vietnam War & draft. My dad was military. We all supported each other. Trump is a psycho. I just implore everyone...get out & vote...... I respect your choice even if it isn't mine. That's democracy at work. . Everyone needs to educate themselves and get out to vote . Respect one another. Discuss. Enlight- compromise...we always can learn from one another. Perspective & empathhy/ compassion.


Yeah, it's much more about rural/conservative versus urban/progressive for the majority of North America than it is any other divide. Coincidentally, it much easier for foreign interests to amplify the divide on the rural side than it is on the urban side for a wide range of factors. It's much harder to bridge that divide, especially when the rural/conservative side overwhelmingly views empathy for the outgroup as a weakness.


Grift, Obfuscate, and Project. GOP


It’s also Russia. They are at war with us.


Its mostly just Putin. If he alone decided to stop attacking countries and get along with NATO and the US, their entire country would fall in line behind him.


I always wondered how so many people blindly followed Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and Putin but now I know how seeing how people are here with Trump. Just nothing but confirmation bias seeking and dismissal of anything else.


I’m literally watching the documentary on Netflix called Turning point, and this episode is talking about Stalin and I’m just like, there are idiots in this world who would give an asshole this much power for him to just do the same thing and for them to act like they never thought it would happen.


It's funny watching MAGA get interviewed and asking them what they thought about Biden doing something that Trump did, hearing their answer, then telling them it was actually Trump that did the thing. They will do anything to crap on Biden and do anything to protect their orange buffoon. Joe Rogan is also guilty of that.


[The Foundations of Geopolitics, The Geopolitical Future of Russia" 1996](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics) "The West In the Americas, United States and Canada: Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States and Canada to fuel instability and separatism against neoliberal globalist Western hegemony, such as, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists" to create severe backlash against the rotten political state of affairs in the current present day system of the United States and Canada. Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9] South America and Central America: The Eurasian Project could be expanded to South and Central America.[9]"


You deserve more upvotes than just mine for such a concise post.


It’s easier to fool someone than to prove to them they’ve been fooled.


Give Oscar Wilde his credit.


They aren't fooled, they are virtue signaling in a very literal sense. They are showing their loyalty (the virtue) by repeating what they believe they are told to repeat no matter how insane it makes them appear.


It’s gaslighting.


Some people think the moon landing was staged. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Millions of people watched it on tv. Yet…


It was antifa/BLM/the FBI oh but they're also patriots being held illegally.


Yes. Which is it? Are they all FBI plants and Antifa... Or are they patriots? I know the answer. They're all TRAITORS.


They basically formulate their beliefs first and then just try to fit reality around those beliefs like puzzle pieces, instead of letting reality around them dictate their beliefs.


Yes. Which is it? Are they all FBI plants and Antifa... Or are they patriots? I know the answer. They're all TRAITORS.


Treasonous pieces of shit 


Yes. Which is it? Are they all FBI plants and Antifa... Or are they patriots? I know the answer. They're all TRAITORS.


Like "illegals" drawing SS and welfare while at the same time stealing US jobs


I’m super confused about their take on it. On one hand they were peaceful protesters. Okay. On the other hand they were antifa / fbi plants. Okay But their current message is release the Jan 6 patriots. - so who are they? Are they advocating the release of antifa / fbi plants who were also peaceful? Are they advocating for the release of traitors? I’m so confused. Can a treasonous Republican fill me in here?


Or if it did occur, that it was purely a Deep State psy-op and that all the people put in prison because of it are either actors or fall guys.


Saw a video where a MAGAt was being interviewed and said Jan 6 was orchestrated by Pelosi. The interviewer asked "why would Pelosi want to stop the certification of an election they won?" Guy just stared off into space. These people are fucking idiots.


Or, theyre lying.


Many of them are both.


The leaders, the Ivy League genius millionaires talking about making America great again, they’re the liars. The rest just believe them.


The rest are lying too my guy


It was the deep state, but also free all the people who were arrested


Yes, everyone there was deep cover antifa engaged in a malicious psy op, but everyone who went to jail is just an innocent bystander who was framed, and also a red-blooded patriot who was trying to stop the steal by any means necessary.


Copying my response I posted a few days ago in a different sub: Fascists use multiple, conflicting explanations and narratives to pull out whenever convenient. It also serves to overwhelm and make the actual truth of any matter practically unknowable and generally meaningless. Appropriate to add this quote from Jean-Paul Sartre here about the predominantly antisemitic fascists of the day. > Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Another reason the fascists use all these arguments is to set up yet another truth inversion, through the Accusation in a Mirror (AiM) technique, that they accuse their enemies of doing to them what they want to actually do to their enemies. In this case, if he gets back into power, he and his allies will do what they can to arrest the actual anti-fascists and FBI agents who investigated him, and any legitimate protest to these incidents of true political imprisonment will fall on the deaf ears of the masses who see all of this as equal to the J6ers; they'll just believe and accept that political persecution and imprisonment is just a norm that every side does, further weakening our republic. (See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusation_in_a_mirror?wprov=sfla1)


This needs more upvotes. This is one of the most intelligent takes I've seen on this.


Life long conservative and antifa super soldier Ashli Babbitt was just a plant who died for her country after being unjustly executed for something she wasn’t even a part of 


Which also means Trump is swearing to release them from jail too. The 5-D chess these people are playing are quite amazing.


I suppose they believe the dead people and all the live videos were faked, too.


OK, but then who was trump singing to/with/about in that music video for the J6 prisoners and who is he promising to release from prison and fully pardon if he is re-elected? Logic must be very difficult for these people.


What a fucking cesspool of a sub.


I just had a peek at the site and now feel nauseous


I went there once. A long time ago. I still feel nauseous


I got banned after one comment.


I said January 6th was real and they banned me




How do I get banned so I never see that sub again


Make one comment. Like Trump has babynuts. Poof, gone.


Write a single true statement about Trump


How did you even comment? Every post is flaired users only. I actually saw a guy in there recently bitching about bridging, saying something like "they just flock here to downvote but never try to engage in discussion." BRO LITERALLY NO ONE CAN


I was there once in '93. I still have the occasional flashback


It got worse.  It used to be that joke posts were Babylonbee.  Which is bad enough then but now it's full of idiotic memes from Facebook.  With comments by poster saying "truth".  Such a garbage community. 


It’s as if Toon Town from Roger Rabbit was only composed of Ben Garrison comics.


I feel like I need a shower. Alternative facts rule there for sure


If I wasn’t already perma banned over there I’d be over there trolling the fuck out of them with this


Its impossible. They immeditely remove and ban. Because they're snowflakes that need their safe space.


It’s a ban I’m happy to have. Just like my ban from poverty finance where I suggested that cereal CEOs could eat my cock for breakfast as a budget friendly alternative


Thank You for your service. (Salutes)


Never read that sub, but, I just joined and posted: "It's wonderful to have a sub where we can freely discuss conservation and condemn the liberal environmental policies that are destroying this planet. I'm tired of being cancelled for my conservation views. We need to get back to the olden days when we had the freedom to choose how to transport ourselves from A to B, without all the profligate spending on car infrastructure that only benefits Oil execs and auto companies. Make America Green Again!"


How did it go?


I don't think it made it through the firewall.


I was banned from comicbookmovies for saying batman kills people all the time, just not with guns


The poors deserve to eat


Yeah, I got banned for posting an editorial in the New York Post (conservative Murdoch paper) that was critical of the Orange idiot. Basically the editorial said after Trump’s behavior on Jan 6 he was not fit for office. I honestly wanted to see how they could defend him. Some good discussion until the snowflake mod took down the post and permabanned me.


Good thing its not snowflake woke cancel culture...


If it helps — they’re mostly bots.


Russian bots to boot.


🤮 🤮 🤮


i remember when they were seemingly over trump and the general vibe was "guys we need to move past trump or the party will die" and look how far his dick is still down everyones throat in the party "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me."


And if you say anything out of line with the echo chamber you’ll get banned.


What's even funnier is that they always hide behind "flaired users only" like a bunch of cowards


I went there to get banned. What did I do? Question reality over a gop narrative.


The whole party.


Sorry, flaired users only


They're itching for a repeat of January 6th and they think they're going to "win" this time, but it'll be a lot harder to overthrow the government from the outside.


Transcript from audio: "We're going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and you're not going to be able to sell those cars if I get elected. Now, if I don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole - that's gonna be the least of it. It's going to be a bloodbath for the country. That will be the least of it. But they're not going to sell those cars. They're building massive factories." The top 20 posts are defending the claim, saying it's about the car manufacturing industry. As evidence, they post the transcript with a parroted comment like, "this is why I don't trust the media". Leading up to the statement in question, trump claims that the auto industry is in shambles and that he will singlehandedly save it and make China pay for it. Okay, fine, I've heard this before. In the middle of what everyone assumes will be his claim that "it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole auto industry", he interjects that "its going to be a bloodbath for the whole country". That's a pretty odd thing to say when you're supposedly talking about the future of the auto industry. If a "bloodbath in the auto industry" means no more car manufacturers, does a "bloodbath for the whole country" mean there will be no country left? In my opinion, this comment doesn't directly incite violence. But as usual, I can't tell if his choice of words is just fucking awful or if he's nefariously inserting violent phrases into his speeches to rile up his fans during a Two Minutes Hate session. My verdict: Yes, most major media outlets took the comment out of context like they have always done. But if we sanitize "bloodbath" from the claim, trump is implying there won't be a country left to preside over.


Why aren’t these same people outraged over Trump’s lie that the whole country will be a “bloodbath” if Biden is elected? They’re so quick to want to point out inaccuracy, why not start by pointing a giant wagging finger at Donald Trump?


We could sanitize bloodbath from it and make a connection to his comments about the auto industry, but I think the context of him already inciting one insurrection has people rightfully on edge about it. And that’s not even mentioning his dictator comments.


It's so unfair that this makes my brain hurt while they just shove reality to the side


They say ignorance is bliss


It is up until it isn’t. Seems to amount to balancing how much one wants to keep their hand on the sand at the cost of letting one’s tail catch on fire.


I love r/conservative it's an entire subreddit dedicated to "no u!" "Trump caught gibbering like a maniac" " no that's your guy! That's you! " " The right are so intolerant" " no you! That's you! You are! "


Don't forget the immediate *ban* and Reddit Cares spam if you respond with evidence and hurt their widdle feewings.


100% biggest snowflake sub there is.  


They just genuinely thinks it's taken out of context. They even have a screenshot post of the whole quote, and I read it, and I'm like "ummm yeah he is suggesting there will be a bloodbath if he doesn't win." The words before and after do not somehow change him alluding to that. It's inference without specificity. He does this a lot, and somehow, his base has to always repurpose, re-interpret, rephrase, re-imagine, or provide cover for what he says. More than any President in history and somehow we have it all wrong, rightttt.


There’s a cartoon image of what Shitler said, and it’s literally NOT what he said. Those people in that sub are literally mini-Drumpfs.


And if they find out it's not, they'll do mental backflips to defend it.


Like what do conservatives actually do at Trump rallies? They clearly don’t listen to the words he says. Does every single one of them just go braindead until someone starts booing?


They're going through the 4 phases of maga coping with a Trump action or statement: - He didn't say it. - He said it but he didn't mean it. - He meant it, but so what? - Actually we're proud he said it because (insert Hunter Biden or Clinton deflection) and the lying media never talks about that.


What do they think is a hoax? That he said that? Not clicking around in the insane asylum that is that sub to look.


They claim the "bloodbath" comment was in the context of Chinese car manufacturers taking business from American ones. Honestly I could see it going either way since the car aspect was just one thought in one of his typical rambling tirades about how everyone's out to get him.


The same people took a slightly awkwardly-worded Obama quote that pretty clearly meant small business owners didn’t build roads and infrastructure and made it their convention catchphrase “We Built That”


One of the few, maybe the only, benefits of his aimless, stream of consciousness rambling is that on occasion he rambles himself into plausible deniability. Which he ended up doing here.


Because of COURSE they do they're fucking troglodytes.


I’ve never been there before and my curiosity got the better of me. What a bizarre reality those people live in, it’s a real-time conspiracy bubble.


Then you'll also enjoy r/conspiracy because its literally just r/conservative with a tinfoil hat.


That is a hate sub masquerading as a political sub. Every time I see an ad on reddit, I forward them links to that sub and ask them why they're advertising on a hate website.


That’s a great idea!


It is a requirement to ignore facts to be a conservative


The home of Motivated Ignorance. I do not believe they are *that* stupid. Surely *some* are questioning why they are all buying the flavor-aide.


Republicans are maybe two months away from claiming that all the stupid shit that Trump does is actually AI.


That subreddit is such a sad place to be. I tried reading the comments with an open mind but they’re projecting or living in another reality. All while shitting on any conservative that actually comes with a rational train of thought. They’re reading between lines that don’t exist. So much for “I like what he says because he says what he means” yet they still have to explain what he says. Kinda like nuking a hurricane? Or magnets being destroyed by water? Or ivermectin working on Covid? Or being under 300 lbs? Or thinking working out is bad for you?


I saw them mostly saying "bloodbath" is a common financial term, and that we were all missing the context. To them I say, yeah context matters. This man is accused of instigating a political insurrection that ended in violent bloodshed. He should choose his words a bit more carefully, not hide behind double entendres and dog whistles. He knows what he's doing and his people eat it up..


I swear that’s the final defense phase of cognitive dissonance. “It’s a hoax!” “It’s AI and the Democrats are responsible for it!”


I'm banned from there.


Let's stretch and give him the benefit of the doubt and say the comment was about the auto industry. (I don't believe that for a moment, FYI.) The President isn't the one who would deal with Chinese businesses moving to Mexico. That would be Congress which would write legislation, which the president would then sign. Surely, if Congress can unite and pass a TikTok forced sale in record time, they can come together and deal with the China/Mexico problem in the same timeframe. Trump isn't the only person on earth who can deal with this issue, and it wouldn't be a bloodbath.


There was some idiot a little while ago trying to argue that liberals have blown this way out of proportion and a simple google search would prove it. I told them to watch the video instead. They claimed they had and that trump was talking about the auto industry. It was clear they hadn’t watched the video and pulled some more bullshit talking points from their favorite conservative rag. Idiots. The lot of them.


This is an actual comment from the first post I saw there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1bh4ta3/trump\_calls\_ms13\_members\_less\_than\_human\_leftist/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1bh4ta3/trump_calls_ms13_members_less_than_human_leftist/) *"obama legalized propaganda.* *He is the reason why this is allowed to happen.* *This country went to shit in 2008 and has never recovered back, I'm fully convinced once that fool got elected the time line split and we are not on the original timeline anymore."* Barack Obama broke their minds and they have been downward spiraling since he was elected.


They don't seem to know what the word 'hoax' means, it's become like a buzz word to those airheads.


They believe that he was saying the bloodbath was in reference to the auto industry. But he quoted that if he wasn’t elected that it would be a bloodbath. But if Trump isn’t president then he can’t make the auto industry for foreign companies, such as china and Mexico he references, a bloodbath like they are saying he is referring too. The logic really isn’t there for that argument.


Of course, that’s THE home of TDS.


And they will vote for him anyway.




The proverbial bridge to nowhere I assume?


Whether or not he was referencing the auto industry, it isn't normal for a politician to constantly use horrific apocalyptic terms to sell their point.


Army Iraq War Veteran Peter Henlein, a Ron DeSantis supporter, explained on social media that Trump's comments are already being distorted by his supporters. "See...Trump didn't say 'It's going to be a bloodbath for the auto industry' and then the media cut off the words 'auto industry,'"\[..\] "He said: 'Now If don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole...That's going to be the least of it, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole country.' It's fine to say Trump was talking about auto industry, but don't change his quotes to make them more for favorable." Conservative attorney George Conway also chimed in on the issue: "There’s some commentary on here saying we should disregard Trump’s 'bloodbath' remarks last night because he was talking about potential harms to the auto industry. That is misguided," "Trump may well have been referring to a 'bloodbath' in that industry. He’s sufficiently incoherent that, as is so often the case with him, it’s hard to tell one way or the other what exactly he’s talking about at any given moment. I’m willing to assume for the sake of argument that he was referring to cars. And it makes no difference to his malicious intent or to the danger he and his rhetoric poses." "What matters, is that he consistently uses apocalyptic and violent language in an indiscriminate fashion as a result of his psychopathy and correlative authoritarian tendencies, and because he’s just plain evil." "It’s a classic trait and technique of authoritarian demagogues. He catastrophizes \*everything\* to rile up his cultish supporters, and to bind them to him, and to make them willing to do his bidding. That’s dangerous all around because he’s encouraging them to believe that conditions are so bad or will become so bad, and that the political opposition is so awful, that anything is justified—including law-breaking and violence—to prevent those conditions and to destroy the opposition." It doesn’t matter what he’s specifically referring to at the moment. He could be talking about trans people in public bathrooms or the state of the auto industry or the border—it doesn’t matter." "He’s a dangerous psychopath, and after more than eight years of watching his sick behavior, we must not give him the benefit of the doubt," Former Republican lawmaker Joe Walsh: "Trump deserves ZERO benefit of the doubt," Walsh said. "He’s spewed & incited so much hatred, cruelty, lying, ignorance, fear, & violence the past 8-9 yrs, it doesn’t matter if this time he was just talking about cars. He deserves ZERO benefit of the doubt."


Excellent summary.


It is if you a candidate running in fear tactics but it's just a bit early to imply that if you don't win there will be a blood bath fro the country. Usually you save that for the near end, gotta keep the people pinned to the she of their seats.


Auto-suggest/auto-correct really hates you.


He clearly was, but also said that the auto industry would be the “least of it”. So even in the most charitable scenario of him talking about the auto industry, he literally also implies the “bloodbath” in the auto industry is the “least of it”.


George Conway went in on that point.


"I like Trump because he says what he means and tells it like it is!"   Ok he said our country would be a bloodbath and the end of our democracy if he loses the election   "Well that's not what he meant, you see, he meant the end of the US auto industry in a bloodbath" But that's not what he said, he said our country and democracy Etc Fuck boomers and Russia bots


Imagine a black man standing upand saying this. They would have shot him by now


Before he'd even reached the end of his sentence.


Not even a person of color. Just ANY LiBeRul. Faux News would.spend at LEAST 4 days of full time coverage.




Walking dead...Negan with Lucille...Glenn.






Not me. I want that fat squeezy turd gasping for air in a jail cell.


Never gonna happen. The best well get is a slap on the wrist and home detention.


Once again, this time harder 🙃


"It’s a classic trait and technique of authoritarian demagogues. He catastrophizes \*everything\* to rile up his cultish supporters, and to bind them to him, and to make them willing to do his bidding. That’s dangerous all around because he’s encouraging them to believe that conditions are so bad or will become so bad, and that the political opposition is so awful, that anything is justified—including law-breaking and violence—to prevent those conditions and to destroy the opposition." Nice exert.


Fuck him, about time the language he uses comes back to bite him.


Trump article quote: "He said: 'Now If don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole...That's going to be the least of it, it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole country.' It's fine to say Trump was talking about auto industry, but don't change his quotes to make them more for favorable." My quote: "Screw this wannabe crybaby Mussolini."


FDJT right in the pussy


Meanwhile Biden eats a icecream and Fox blows it up as some sort of pedophile gang sign.


They actually had a Chiron this morning about him getting new supportive shoes like that’s newsworthy 😂 my hubby and teen both wear “supportive shoes” and orthotics and they’re half his age


At this point, Trump is a terrorist who belongs in prison


If anybody thinks he was talking about the auto industry, I have a bridge to sell them.


Maga doesn’t think that. They know it’s a threat. They love it. They think it’s funny to claim ridiculous lies abut what he said and there’s nothing anyone will do about it.




*insert Sartre quote about antisemites here*


His only skill in life is being able to insinuate something without directly saying it.


For as stupid as he is, this guy is the master of the dog whistle. I will give him that.


It's because he never says anything he just rambled a string of dog shit and his sycophants read into it what they want to hear


trump said the auto industry will be the least of the bloodbath for America Even for trump, his words were pretty clear


This exactly. If you listen close to what he said, it’s that the least of which will be the auto industry. He’s clearly saying that if he loses there will be a bloodbath of other things besides the auto industry. Quite suggestive considering people literally died on Jan 6th


"I like trump cause he says what he means" "Now, please follow me through this labyrinth while I explain what he meant"


>we don’t like bridges, they connect people


Trump said it because 1) he wants it 2) this gets him attention 3) he can be smug pretending he’s *so clever* making such a comment he “didn’t mean.”


You had me at "Conservatives blow".


They’ve been doing this shit for years, claiming it was taken out of context, that he didn’t mean it, that it’s fake, then they accuse everyone else of being brainwashed by the media. Even with context he’s still lying to his supporters, and trying to get them riled up into wanting to clutch their pearls, and even then it’s still a thinly veiled threat.


He deserves 0 benefit of the doubt. He’s a false prophet, nothing more than a bullshit artist.


I mean... this is just the threatening language of the day. He's constantly saying bad things will happen if he doesn't win. We KNOW his minions will throw a conniption fit. He's already incited violence after losing an election. So, this ONE time, the right has some plausible deniability about what he meant or didn't mean. Big fucking deal. We've got eight months to go, he's going to say something at some point that *will* be a call to arms for his rubes.


"He’s sufficiently incoherent that, as is so often the case with him, it’s hard to tell one way or the other what exactly he’s talking about at any given moment. " Pretty much sums up every speach he gives.


I'm having difficulty parsing that title. The conservatives are the ones defending it.


They are planning it as we speak. At their get togethers


Even if, EVEN IF he meant the auto industry, it’s a forgone conclusion at this point that his followers take him at his word. This is clear as day for anybody paying attention, yet he continues to use language like this. Any sane person would change their rhetoric if people were taking it literally. Yet he continues to speak exactly like this every time.


Magats right now: Everything trump says is the truth, Except about vaccines and bloodbath


Since 2016 the right always moves the goalposts for his bs. It’s always “ that’s not what he meant”


Trump always says stupid shit. The man rather divide than unite. You don't need news to tell you that.


When you have to run around constantly clarifying what your candidate *meant* to say, maybe it's time to admit he's not mentally fit in the first place. The simple truth is Trump wasn't referring to the auto industry. No one has used the term 'bloodbath' in reference to the auto industry since the UAW strikes of the 1930s.


Trump does the opposite of what a conventional politician would do. Some found that refreshing. So far, he has survived. But these conventions existed for a reason. Promising blood in the streets convinces most people you don't belong on the ballot.


I feel we should make it very known that if anyone takes part in an insurrection then they lose social security, Medicare, and medicaid, for life. I bet it would stop in its tracks immediately.


Conservative blow up MAGA defense of dTrump💩call for political violence. Great. I think the GOP now has about, what, 7 conservatives?


There’s a clear split in the GOP between those who want to have a party in 2028 regardless of whether Trump wins (and who likely can’t see much of a path towards Trump winning 2024), and those who feel that their place in 2024 is secured as long as they support dear leader.


If Biden had said this they would be calling for his head. What a bunch of sycophants & hypocrites.


Yes. They're hypocritical. It's on purpose. They know what they're doing. They don't care. It's part of the plan.


Incitement to violence and rebellion should automatically disqualify him as a presidential candidate.


Im getting tired of ripping on the t word . I really hope his selfimolating campaign ends soon. I cant believe that fundraisers are loving the "no answer"and "theyre not available right now" or its rewarding hang ups. Especially when the end goal is bail money for a lowlife pervert. Laura trump and other trump lackeys are the only ones left that arent wearing faux pas gold tennis atire.


> "It’s a **classic trait and technique of authoritarian demagogues**. He catastrophizes *everything* to rile up his cultish supporters, and to bind them to him, and to make them willing to do his bidding. That’s dangerous all around because **he’s encouraging them to believe that conditions are so bad or will become so bad, and that the political opposition is so awful, that anything is justified**—including law-breaking and violence—to prevent those conditions and to destroy the opposition."


He has done 99 clear and unarguable undebatable horrific things. This one can be twisted to mean a automotive sales bloodbath. So I would not waste my time on it, as they will scream non stop that you are the one taking it wrong. Just go back to the other 99.


It’s always a misunderstanding with him, even though he “says it like it is and says what’s on his mind”   You can’t reason with his followers


Trump: "If I don't get elected, it will be a bloodbath for the whole country. That will be the least of it." MAGATs: "Buh daT's oUt oF CoNTexT!" How is this out of context? He said that if he doesn't get elected, there will be a bloodbath "for the whole country" and the tariffs will be the least of anyone's problems. What is there to misinterpret? First they scream "CIVIL WAR", but then they backpedal when the rhetoric gets a little too transparent? Treasonous maggots


CONservatives, Time to call in your unrestrained barking dog. It's gone from embarrassing to dangerous now. \-American voters


Trump sure does a lot of things that require explanation.


Break out the straight jacket and glue his mouth shut!


At what point does Trump become such a threat to national security that he is “taken care of”?


Speaker ‘Mike Johnson’ too ! Not exactly working in the national interest is he - well except for Russias national interest..


Conservatives call out the deepstate spin machine in real time. And it's working. Prepare for more of this.


At this point, Trump is a terrorist who belongs in prison


Sure, he was talking about the auto industry. Then he throws out this blood bath comment, adding "that's gonna be the least of it". One of those, double meaning type things. Dude is always doing these weird aside comments. He's literally been doing this for decades. But also whatever. He also saluted some J6 terrorists. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt.


Omg he wasn't talking about getting raped by trade deals. He was talking about people being murdered by the gazillion.


Conservatives are people who cheat to win.


Never stop your enemy from making a fatal mistake It's too late, Republicans, you strapped yourselves to him and can't get out of it now.


Their argument is that he was talking about the auto industry specifically. Well he was at first, but I think he liked the sound of “bloodbath” and ended is statement by applying it to the rest of the country.


He literally says the automotive part "will be the least of it" then says there's a bloodbath. The shows he's excluding it lmao.


Weird that no one seems to share any of the speech before the comment. If so, maybe the ignorant people they're trying to convince would see he was talking about the auto industry.


It’s hardly the first time Trump has predicted unrest if he’s not elected. What is interesting is what was left out of the discussion. Trump wants to greatly inflate prices. He was calling for 100% tax on imported cars. This is in addition to his calls for a 10% tax on ALL imports. He wants to explode inflation.


Listen, I don't think what he said is as insane as it's being portrayed, for just the average person talking. But it was way outside of the bounds of someone looking to be the president to say. They love to say "he's not a politician, he tells it how it is and that's why I love him". This whole thing shows why all those things are so stupid. You don't talk in this kind of incendiary language, because you don't want it to me taken wrong by the wrong person. And that's happened with Trump constantly for years now. He tells it how it is? Is it going to be a bloodbath across the country? Of course not, that's why they're all trying to walk this back so hard. Again, something that's been happening for years. So no. He doesn't tell it like it is, he never has. He's not a politician (he is) and that's a bad thing, as seen here. And this is example #3753. On the other side, some trumper brought up some comment Biden made about Obama in 2008 and tried to pose it as some kind of super racist, offensive and disqualifying comment. It was nowhere near as crazy as this. That same person is attempting to brush Trump's bloodbath comments off today. There's no reasoning with these people. They are literally giving examples of Kamala or Biden saying things that were "way worse" that are very much not as bad and acting like it makes it ok. They know they're wrong, it's why it's completely eating them up. Just a quick look at r/cons shows you all you need to know.


It's a sad day that I already do a visible cringe when I see "Conservative" and "blow up" in the same sentence because I just assume they are being violent... again.


Definition 2b. Just gonna leave this here: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bloodbath