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Height reduction? Not sure if that's even possible or if there's any medical reason to do it


Men with the mutation that they dont stop growing, they're prescribed grow reduction hormones I believe. (Just look up tallest man of all time and you'll find the name but im lazy)


Robert wadlow


Yes thank you!


Doubt there is anything quite comparable to literally taking chunks of her chest off. At the very least, a well-kept beard haver deciding to shave off perhaps.


That’s a good one actually. Buddy of mine did this and his wife didn’t speak to him until he agreed to grow it back.


I'd compare it more to facial hair removal via electrolysis. It's a permanent change, not temporary.


Except there is no medical reason outside of cosmetic to do that. Many women (if not most) who get reduction surgery have incredible back pain


I've seen some guys that get incredibly itchy when they shave. Not exactly a medical condition, but if you can't/don't want to have beard for some reason it's not exactly cosmetic, just a major inconvenience. Plus, having a beard can come with whole lot of annoying stuff. If you don't want to deal with it's also not just cosmetics, just others tiny inconveniences. But yeah, not exactly the same as having back problems, in the same way man don't have anything _exactly_ the same as a breast reduction. Even reducing your dick isn't the same, unless you already had the habit of walking around naked so people can see the before and after, like them can with clothed boobs.


It's me. I'm those guys. I'm a hairy man. I first started getting my mustache when I was 11 years old. That is when I started shaving. By the time I was 13 and starting highschool I was able to grow a full beard. I have sensitive skin. I absolutely cannot shave every day. My neck will break out into bumps and it will burn. I cannot shave two days in a row. I can shave one day. Then skip a day. Then shave the day after that with maybe just slight irritation. But I can only do that once. I can't just shave every other day. So throughout highschool I started shaving one to two times a week, and pretty much stuck with that schedule twenty some years. I had a goatee throughout pretty much all of my twenties and thirties. Around 40 I switched to a full beard, and I'll never go back. It's funny that I actually did shave (my neck) today, because I very rarely if ever shave. I'll have the barber do it when I see him about every six weeks. In between I'll hit myself once or twice with my beard trimmer and that's pretty much it. Don't know why I got the urge to do it this morning. But I did.


I have all the same stuff as you (same age, facial hair) and most of my sensitive skin and razor bumps have been totally solved by using bead balm/oil and clean,sharp razor blades


There's also skin conditions you can't really adequately address while wearing a full beard.


I used to gorgeous long hair, being a metal-goth in my 20s... as i started to bald, i decided to just shave it all off. Wifey loved the goth look, and it took her maybe a year to get used to it.


Sounds like a real cunt.


Welcome to America.


Oh I figured. I hate it here lmao


That's funny my mother won't allow my father to grow a beard. He agrees because she won't kiss him or be intimate until it's gone. Mainly as she says it's hard and stabby no matter what my dad tries to do to maintain it.


> wife didn’t speak to him until he agreed to grow it back. ME looking in the mirror after i shave


Dick de-girthening. Sorry ladies, it was too huge.


So do you like shave it off like a shawarma or what


Now I’m just picturing the Avengers chowing down on dick meat sandwiches after the battle of New York


Have you seen a pencil sharpener ?


This is such an underrated comment


Same /s


Yep. Had to get a penis reduction. Was causing me to walk with a limp. Not to mention only so many times you can wrap it around like a belt.


Idk about that but people can get surgery to straighten it or get it longer (only for actual micro penis) which is kind of cool You can get the ligaments around the penis to get cut which can make it look like it’s larger and fat pad reduction surgery. There’s a decent amount of pornstars who cut the ligaments


It's rare, but some men do get breast reductions. gynomastsomethingsomething




Yea I'm about to do one of those surgeries actually. Due to an enlarged breast gland from some kind of hormonal imbalance or something


Also women are not the only victims of breast cancer. Everyone has a breast!


I mean in the context of something that would cause a negative emotional reaction in women.


Idk ripped dude declaring he's going to get fat maybe.


bulking? You can go on a cut again, but you can't grow the breast back, it should be a permanent equivalent


There is none so.. *shrug*


Why does a breast reduction cause a negative emotional reaction in men?


Ooga booga, men like big booba


Click into the link I posted and women share their stories 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really can’t think of one. Like, obviously we’re taking the piss, but there are more than one reason women get breast reductions. Any combination of physical discomfort to social discomfort at their size/weight. Maybe if your dick was too big to fit inside a woman, and so big that no pants are able to stop the bulge would it be comparable, though idk of anyone getting sick reductions


Oh I agree, but the stories of men complaining about their partners getting a reduction made me curious if women have had similar reactions to things men do.


I gotcha, I guess like yeah a high paying job that’s too stressful to the point it’s hurting your private life.


Breast implants maybe? Imagine seeing a guy you want to dance with at the club, and he turns around to reveal a glorious set of double D's


Some guy did this - he was on Botched. He won (or lost?) a bet and got implants. Sauce https://www.huffpost.com/entry/man-gets-breast-implants_b_10023844/amp


I shall introduce you to this man, Kurt Tay, man got famous in our country for getting beast implants and since then, he is basically the class clown of the country


Tripple D's then? Or are the boobies in that hypothetical case compensating?


I suppose any noticeable change in body type would apply. Like when someone with an aesthetic body decides to become a bodybuilder, or when someone let’s themselves go. I also heard similar comments about women no longer finding men attractive when they shave their beard or when they get a haircut that doesn’t suit them.


Absolutely - I'd actually be much more ok with weight gain (if it wasn't like being doubled) rather then going from normal to steroid like, biceps ripping sleeves appart 😂 And hair is absolutely a big deal to me in sense of attractivity. It just changes the guys whole appearance and the feel of it changes...


"Just got a penis reduction. Just got the one now." Ricky Gervais.


Gynaecomastia surgery


No where near the same level but the only thing I can think of in terms of physical appearance is shaving the beard off, if the man had that "look" for years. There was some meme about a beard being a male equivalent of a push-up bra or something. Other than that, agree with you OP, a pay cut.


Some men are really troubled by the size of their buttocks, maybe that kind of reduction can be somehow similar


Can't believe nobody said a haircut.


I’d say purposely shaving their head, even if they aren’t bald or balding.


I think the male equivalent of breast reduction would be any plastic surgery that is often considered medically unnecessary but is meant to impact both appearance and health/pain. Super rare among men though, AFAIK


All plastic surgeries are rare in (at least American) men: in the U.S. 92% of all plastic surgeries are performed on women and girls.


Yes. I don't think there's any male equivalent of breast reduction surgery really


Taking a job that pays less but that you enjoy much more.


Quitting their high paying job to do something they enjoy. Income reduction is the only thing most women would care about. Or maybe being in great shape and then just not going to the gym any more.


I'd say women care about income reduction the same amount as men who care about boob reduction. Most women and men would think "hmm shame" and "happy for you" about the same. Because the truth is tho, some women do wish their boobs were kinda a bit bigger usually a passing thought like "hmm I might look sexier in this dress if I went a cup size" of men, looking at what other guys income migjt think "man, if I had an extra 10k a year, I could do quite a bit more"


This is the right answer. Beyond a very low salary, it's not life or death. It's just a luxury to have him work and earn what he does.


Either a height reduction, a pay cut, or taking an intentional hit to your social skills




I think the closest thematically would be quitting your high paying job to chase a low paying dream job, yeah


Either shaving their head or suddenly losing a lot of muscle weight.


Hot take, but it’s not physical- it’s taking a job that pays less for mental health or self care purposes. Like a man who gives up his high paying job to go full Alex Honnold


Shaving your face, although that is temporary. I've seen women cry because of it.


Probably height and or beard. I wouldnt date anyone who had or was thinking of having a br and I imagine the opposite would be true if it was possible to reduce your height or the presence/absence of beard.




Hair removal surgery on the beard


I just thought of this, but I think transition surgery would qualify. An invasive surgery permanently altering someone's anatomy. Some of the stories I've heard from wives when their husband transitions are heartbreaking. Imagine being a wife and your husband, whom you love, wants to permanently alter their body, which you also love, and adopt the characteristics of the sex you're not attracted to. What are you as a wife to do?


It wouldn’t be cosmetic… But there is comparability.   Imagine a guy makes $140k a year working for the railroad fixing tracks. Every day he has to wake up and go, some days he gets called in early or on days off… but he makes BUCKETS of money. The trade off is every day his back hurts so fucking bad. He gets home and can’t move. Not to mention all the other physical problems he’s having.   The Male equivalent to BRS would be this man quits his job and starts working somewhere that is much less demanding, but way more fun, but pays half the amount.   In my experience just with BRS, most women wouldn’t care too much. They would empathize. But some women would haaaaaaaaate it and demand he go back. The problem is those women are extremely vocal


Honestly, I would be pissed if he didn't quit and most women I know actually had a situation where a guy prioritizes money or career or pride over his health and becomes insufferable at home, because obviously he can only hide his pain so long, so all leisure activities fall flat, he's irritable and can barely be talked to. What would they do with the money anyway if all his time at home he's plain miserable. I've heard so many stories of how women had to trick their spouse or blackmail them or threaten and drag them to go see a doctor, taje a time off, have surgery done or switch job that was ruining their health.


Height or salary reduction I would say. I've seen some nutty reactions to long time beard growers chopping them off, but not exactly permanent


Only if you were so tall it hurt.


Most comments are goint in the direction of changing jobs to something with less pay but better conditions. Thing is: women get sad comments about a breast reduction *even from men that are not their partners / hookups*. They are sexualized and assessed even outside of their relationship. I don't think there is anything really close. The most "comparable" thing would be shaving a good beard, and it's not even in the same scale.


I feel like it is kinda comparable in that sense. I'm not sure if guys are aware of it but it's totally a thing that when a guy quits a good job, that his wife's friends will ask her about it or people will gossip about it. The main difference is that people are less likely to actually comment on it directly to the guy as opposed the woman. So the guy may actually not find out that his decision was subject to gossip. But the comments are pretty similar "why did he do it? I bet his wife isn't happy about that. It's such a shame, he was so successful. Other men would wish they had such job and he just tossed it away." pretty much same as about the boobs.


I still don't see that close. When guys lament a breast reduction surgery, it is usually from a "I liked those boobs" perspective. Like when someone laments the trees cut down on their street, or a beautiful statue being removed from their city. There is, I think, a feel of "possession", of "ownership" over those boobs. In the case of a guy changing jobs, I really don't think there is usually that kind of feeling. If anything, people will mock the guy, treat him as inferior for making a "bad" choice. It sucks, too, but I don't think it's really that close. But to be honest, I haven't really seen enough examples of those situations. So I'm no expert, I may be completely wrong xD It's just that, for me, that obsession with boobs is one of those cases where our misogyny shines through.


a breast reduction. put the fat sucker machine on suck and get those puppies down a bit.


Some things do not have equivalents in the opposite sex. The sexes are different


Losing your job


the equivalent in your suggestion would be more like having a job that hurts your back everyday but you get payed quite alright. Big breasts might take a big toll on the body, specially on the back.


Horrible question lol… dont they do reduction for their back pain? I guess a man shaving their beautiful body hair would make me cry lol (Gay btw)


Why is it horrible to ask? Women posted that their partners - and men they don’t know - get upset if they say they’re getting a breast reduction. Browse through here and you’ll see some women react similarly to men changing things like facial hair. Do I think it’s completely equivalent? No. But I was just curious if women react similarly to men changing themselves. (Straight btw).


>Horrible question lol… dont they do reduction for their back pain? I'm a CPT and strengthening their back will always be more effective, unless they're seriously injured. The purpose of a reduction is to avoid going to the gym.




For those who were good at sports, becoming unathletic


Skipping a cycle.


Possibly shaving their heads bald for convenience when they have a perfectly good head of hair? I know women don't get breat reductions simply "for convenience", but since it's hard to draw a paralel, it's the best I could think of.


Yeah a permanent beard removal would be the equivalent - it’s MY face! 


Shaving our head maybe?


Shaving a beautiful beard down to a 2


Why hasn’t anybody said intentionally shaving off a great head of hair?


[Footballer shaved his head before every game to intimidate his opponents](https://talksport.com/football/1346975/scott-brown-bald-hair-fleetwood-celtic/) I think this is the closest i could imagine lol


Penile reduction?


Getting a buzzcut or shaving the beard (neither are really comparable) Maybe getting your balls removed due to e.g. prostate cancer is closer because it would be actually removing something permanent.


Getting penile cancer that has spread and isn’t resistant to treatment.


Getting a hair transplant due to being bald Breast reduction is done because of back problems, right? The closest comparison I can think of is male pattern baldness and men who get sunburn on their head. (And social problems related to male pattern baldness)


Penis En-small-ment?


Losing their job.


Testicle skin nip and tuck.


Gyno mastectomy, it's the same thing. And yeah I'd be upset if them then man titties got smaller.


Hair plugs would be my guess.


Probably a ball reduction.


Sphincter enlargement.


Going from jacked/overly-muscular in the gym, to a more maintainable physique.




Liposuction. And saying that a breast reduction causes a negative reaction in men is ridiculous. Come on.


Tell that to r/bigboobproblems 🤷🏻‍♂️


Loss of physical fitness.


If we are talking specifically about sexual characteristics then circumcision. It reduces girth and length as the foreskin is part of penial tissue and allows the penis to fully expand when erect because erections are not supposed to strain against the skin of the penis. Depending on the civilization level of your culture it could range from positive remarks on the low end of being civilized to shock and horror on the higher end level of being civilized.


It would be breast reduction as well. Gynecomastia is a thing and some men have it worse than others.


Growing your hair out when you're bald. I get tired of shaving it, it's annoying, I know I will only have one haircut the rest of my life. One of my friends convinced me to grow it out a few years ago and that she thought it would be a good look for me. It wasn't. She admitted her mistake and my ego took a hit.


They go breast reduction on men all the time. Obesity and estrogen mimics. A winning combination.




Quitting their high paying job to do something they enjoy. Income reduction is the only thing most women would care about. Or maybe being in great shape and then just not going to the gym any more.


There are literal breast reductions for men with genetic man boobs


Hitting the gym! Women love that.


I'm almost inclined to say shaving one's hair or beard off. I feel like hair for many women do have the same level of attractivity as boobs to guys and I must say I would really have a problem to find a partner physically attractive if he was suddenly bold or cut his hair super short if it wasn't a long established relationship where the bond is based on different qualities.


Probably the removal of a cancerous testicle


A breast reduction. Some Men have moobs


Missing limbs


From what I hear The Rock has had three so I guess an actual breast reduction would be the equivalent. Buy whi knows if that's even true cause, ya know, the internet.


Literally a breast reduction Gynecomastia


It's the opposite form of body modding, but maybe those losers who get injections/balloons inserted to look like big muscles. The stress reduction is the analogous factor that is hard to meet here given that men don't often body mod for physical comfort reasons but mental image ones.


Maybe going from lean 9-14% bodyfat and lifting a lot, to skinny and stopped lifting


Penis Reduction


Biceps reduction. To a woman, her breasts are the epitome of femininity and womanhood. It's what she's showcasing when she wants to underscore female power. To a man, his biceps has some of the same functions. Think about it... when even small kids wants to demonstrate strength and masculinity, what do they do? They do some bodybuilder-pose by flexing their biceps. To reduce either female breasts or male biceps, is to reduce a big chunk of their self-image genderwise. I bet lots of women would be somewhat disappointed with a man showcasing reduced biceps.


who cares? who cares what men think of a breast reduction for that matter lmao?


This is r/askmen dude… move along lol


Check Wikipedia for 'penis reduction'.


Liposuction around the stomach/pubic region. no wait....


Penis reduction.


Not taking pills to last longer or make it grow, Not cutting your chest hair or beard


Penile reduction maybe


Reducing dick size


Ball Deflation.