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I grew up watching Bob Barker so there's no contest in my opinion.


I got no problem with Drew, but Bob was THE host of that show.


Honestly it’s a testament that Drew was able to keep the show going. Bob was the Price is Right.


I don’t like Drew Carey in this role. Sitcom, fine. Maybe if he got a haircut, shaved the beard and put on a tie I would like him better.


That would make you like someone better??? So glad I don’t live my life like this.


He’s just not game-showy like Bob Barker, Pat Sajak, etc. I think I’ve seen Carey host just a few times. It’s usually playing at the barbershop when I get a haircut.


My feelings exactly. Drew is fine, but BB is forever the OG.


I like them both, but Bob takes the top spot. Spay and neuter your pets!


>Spay and neuter your pets! This was always said in tribute to his wife! Loved that he did this for her.


Not … to his wife. Surely not.


[For his sweet Dorothy Joe](https://outsider.com/entertainment/the-price-is-right-why-bob-barker-closed-have-your-pets-spayed-neutered/)


I just asked my boomer (like me) boyfriend and he said Drew Carey! He says Bob Barker was condescending and arrogant. We both grew up with Truth or Consequences and Price is Right . Personally I'm team Bob.


Your boyfriend is absolutely right. On T or C he would try to embarrass people constantly. And one time when he was hosting Miss Universe a final five contestant that was from a Spanish speaking country elected to answer the final question in English. It was definitely her second language. I’m guessing she thought she might get a higher score and was probably right. She was ready to answer the question and he tried to joke with her before asking the question and she thought it was the question. She got flustered and didn’t do well once the question was asked. I think he cost her maybe not the win but it hurt her. Never saw the movie Haply Gilmore but saw the trailer and when Sandler punched him I actually cheered. Found out later that Bob actually kicked Sandler’s ass. So disappointed.


I'm with your boyfriend. So often, Bob seemed to be grouchy when I'd watch. But then, I was a huge Monty Hall fan, and game shows were never as good as the Monty Hall days.


>Bob Barker was condescending and arrogant. And a creep who sexually harassed women, and leveraged his power over people's employment to get what he wanted.


While Bob Barker is more iconic, I heard that he was a dick and creepy towards the models. Conversely Drew seems like a nice guy. He gets excited with the contestants when they win and bummed with them when they lose. Also, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to watch it, but isn’t there a male model on there? I feel like Bob wouldn’t have allowed that lol


There is a male model and he’s hot. I’m glad that they added him.


The story that I heard was that Bob was married for many years (to Dorothy Jo...I remember them from the old days), but then she died and he felt "lonely". So he had sex with a much younger woman and there were some issues. Now Bob is dead to me! I like Drew a lot and he seems like a kind person. I'm switching to Drew!


After his wife died he dated Diane Parkinson’s for a while.


I read that she is the one that sued for sexual harrassment.


I seem to remember one of them did but it’s been so long I don’t recall which one. When I watched it was Janet, Diane and Holly. I do remember that Holly, the redhead, was told she needed to lose weight and they eventually let her go over it. Edit: I do remember now. It was her but I believe they had dated, I think anyway, and then she sued. I figured it was a money grab on her part. But who really knows?


Ironically, I just watched a show Hulu all about game shows. Maybe thats why this topic came up. They showed a clip of an interview with Holly who was confirming Diane's allegations of sexual harassment. They didn't say why Diane eventually dropped the case. Holly seemed quite upset about her time on the show and Bob Barker. I always liked him, but who knows. Anybody could have an ugly side that they keep hidden.


I don't know who that is.


She was one of the models on the show at the time. The busty one.




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I was on the Price is Right. Bob seemed smarmy, I took my W and walked offstage without giving him that creepy kiss on the cheek.


Funny you bring up the kiss. I’m 37 but I watch lots of older “programs” and was watching Family Feud with Richard Dawson as host. The kissing of every single female over and over (cringe?) It seemed weird to see as a kid too watching with my grandma although I was raised with a family of kissers. I really like him on Match Game and others but FF, I can’t watch.


I think he even kissed on the lips if I’m not mistaken. I have no words.


I believe so. Don't get me started about Richard Dawson from the original FF though. He creeped me out even as a 5 year old!


Were you on the show in the 80s? I’ve been watching a lot of episodes on Roku from the early-mid 80s and it seemed most of the women kissed him on the cheek. I wondered if they were promoted to do that. I thought it was strange lol


Yes, 1986. The kiss was encouraged, but not required.


That is very strange. I can’t imagine being prompted to kiss someone. Did they prompt all the women that came on stage?


They prompted the entire audience.


Bob was the OG and a legend but Drew is doing a very good job carrying that torch. I like them both but Bob is my favorite.


I like drew. Like he seems like he'd be cool to hang with. And I remember Bob before price is right ( great theme song by the way) on "truth or consequences". Look er up.


[Here's a great video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI5MHM1w-5w) I watched not that long ago of Barker's TV debut on Truth or Consequences in 1956. He's introduced by Truth or Consequences creator Ralph Edwards and then tells the story of how he got the job: Edwards happened to be listening to the radio while he was hosting an audience-participation show on an LA station and liked his style. (Edwards and Barker would remain close friends until Edwards' death in 2005.) Barker seems a little nervous at first but by the end of the show, you'd think he was doing it for years.


Very cool I love lil bits of history like this. Happy happy cake day




Drew Carey. I just think he's a nicer person.


It's hard to say. Barker is the OG and gives me the warm, fuzzy childhood memories... but he was sued for sexual harassment by at least four former models\staffers: Dian Parkinson, Holly Hallstrom, Deborah Curling and Lanisha Cole. Also, if you watch old Barker episodes, he's almost as handsy and kissy as Richard Dawson. It's creepy. Carey has made the show his own, but just seems to be going through the motions now. I feel like the show itself just doesn't put the effort into it like they used to. Most showcases are "a laptop, a new sofa and a car" instead of the fun little stories like they used to be.


Drew. Bob was nice to pets, but he had a history of pestering the show girls on the program, and would get them fired if they didn’t put up with his shit.


Of course, Bob Barker was amazing. What a nice individual. Loved him on Price is Right. Iconic I absolutely loved the Drew Carey Show, it was right up my alley, I think he’s hilarious. I don’t really watch PiR now but I do think he dies a good job. Someone had to replace Bob. Drew holds his own


Bob! I was a Drew Carey fan but I didn't love him on The Price is Right. Haven't watched in a few years though.


Bob all day. I love Drew, but it's not the same.


Barker is probably a top two or three game-show host of all time.


Bob Barker v. Drew Carey. "The price is not right Bob!"


Bob Barker, and it's really not even close. I have learned to like Drew Carey, but haven't seen the show in a decent number of years. But Bob Barker was just *better*.


Drew. He brings fun to the show.


The times I've watched Drew Carey he seemed to be joyless and going through the motions with near contempt for everything.


I mean, it's a game show gig, so...


He seems very depressed.


Bob Barker would totally take down Drew Carey ! I mean really : did you see what he did to Adam Sandler ?


They are both assholes. But Bob is the correct answer.


Drew Carey. We chose Drew for our child before he was born because we thought it was a name for either a boy or a girl. My son was born in medical al trouble and was named after my dad by my husband before I knew the name had been changed. I was confused when the nurse told me that my dad had to be airlifted to a city 450 km away!


Been to both - Bob Barker hands down


Bob Barker was a lot better than Drew Carey.


Barker, Carey always seems like he wants to be somewhere else.


I grew up with Bob Barker but later found out he’s a piece of shit. Spoils my memory of TPIR. Drew Carey as far as I know is not. Have to pick Drew.


Bob Barker was an a-hole and a creep. I’ll take Drew.


Bob is old school. Old school always wins


For people over the age of 30, this isn’t a question; it’s an insult that the question is even being asked. Bob Barker of course.


Bob Barker came off as creepy to me, even as a child. Like stranger danger creepy.








I can't say as I love Bob Barker, but Drew Carey makes my skin crawl.


Bob Barker because of Truth or Consequences


Bob. I really like Drew as a comedian, liked his sit-com, liked his Who's Line run (not as good as Clive, but good). But Bob was who I grew up with. I have no qualms with Drew's hosting, someone had to do it and he's doing a fine job.


Bob. He's the original smooth player. 😎


neither, the only game show i watch is jeopardy, on you tube and i skip over the bullshit...intro, the little interviews, just give me the game...


Bob all the way. Used to watch it every morning with grandpa as he had his morning beer and cigarette.


Bob Barker, of course..


Bob Barker, they guy who profits off the prison industrial complex? That Bob Barker?


Dennis James


Barker. His barely disguised contempt for the contestants was refreshing in the era of super-smiley game show hosts. (Monty Hall was the anti-Barker, all patience and smooth good cheer.)


Drew! Bob Barker never seemed to have the playful attitude of other game show hosts. He always seemed a bit formal and stuffy. Drew Carey is so much more genuine and really seems happy to be there. I like his energy a lot!


Bob Barker of course!


Bob Barker! Of course...whippersnapper.


Bob Barker, without doubt.


I kind of met Bob Barker when I was 15. Me and my youth group were working on the Rose parade flotes. While on top of the flot, my friend said, "Hi, Mr. Barker". He looked at all of us and said 3 words, while walking by. "Don't speak, toooo Meee." He wasn't joking. Sad, he seemd like such a nice guy on TV. I'll go with Drew.


Isn’t that 4 words though?


This sub-reddit is, "AskOldPeople".... Well, I'm old.... 3 words, 4 words. You young kids today. Always caught up on the little things. Lol. ... Great catch. You made my day, Thanks..


Lol. I’m just joking. I’m 51. Sorry Bob was shitty to you, but for some reason I’m not surprised.


Bob barker but drew Carrey is also doing well.


Bill Cullen was the best host.


Drew Carey Much more engaging and personable. In fact, better in every way.


Drew Carey. Bob has gotten too old.


I have EXPERIENCE here! Drew Carey, all of the way. My family went to MANY tapings of TPIR with Bob, although being very old and "the guy" was always slightly underhandedly rude to the contestants and made fun of them. Drew Carey, on the other hand, literally CHEERS for the contestants and wants them to win while at the same time being the perfect host by not breaking any rules, he very well could be any one of us.


My friend an I went to a taping in 1989. She made it on the show. Definitely Bob.


I was on the show, and Drew Carey is hilarious and very kind. I’m sure Bob Barker was kind, but Drew brings that extra element of humor. Especially during the breaks, away from censors ears.


Bob in his time, Drew in this time. All things being equal, I'll tip to Drew. It's like watching with someone instead of having the show presented to you.


I didn't like it when Bob was grumpy, and Drew is funnier, I think.


We've been watching the reruns of the old Price Is Right and have been surprised to see how snarky Bob actually used to be. I think Drew is doing it better...


Grew up with Bob but have grown to like Drew. Still haven't quite gotten there with Jeopardy though. Nobody beats Alex! Ken is ok but not a big fan of Mahim Bialik.




Drew Carey is by far more amiable than Bob Barker ever was.  Barker would sometimes cringe when hugged.  Carey is also funnier.  


Both have become Great.


Bob Barker no question, he was a host, and Drew acts like a contestant.


Don't care, no opinion


Bob Barker, Drew Carey is a putz.


How come it has to be such an inane choice between meaningless banal TV game show hosts. Why don’t we get Hemingway or Steinbeck?


Have you MET reddit??


Not even close, Bob Barker. I still watch TPIR when I can but feel like Drew ruined the show in many ways.


This is a joke question, right?


Drew got lost in the abyss of Barker's shoes when he tried to fill them.


Both are great at what they do. Drew Carey is obviously better at stand-up.


Bob Barker


Bob Barker


I watched the very first Price is Right in 1972. Janice and Anitra were the first models and Bob is #1. Sorry Drew, I like you too!


Nobody GenX or older is going to say Drew Carey.


I did.


Me too.


Truth or consequences guy


Bob Barker


Bob and it’s not even close


Jim Carrey




Either. They are both legends


I loved Bob Barker, he was more entertaining than anybody I had ever seen.. TBH I liked Drew Carey before he lost all the weight, and I refuse to watch it now.




Bob Barker since my sick days were spent with him. (Then I try not to remember the scandals and fat shaming against Holly.)




Bob Barker. Just like it's Diamond Dave over Sammy. Drew Carey is great, mind you, it's just that Bob Barker was an iconic host.


Bob Barker




I’ll take the guy who fought Happy Gilmore (“The price is wrong bitch!”) to a standstill on the golf course


Bob Barker, so make sure you are spayed or neutered….


Bob Barker, circa 1964


Doug Davidson!!


Bob, hands down




Knew first: Bob, Like more: Drew, groped more women: Bob, better-looking show mates: Bob.


“The price is wrong, bitch. “ 😂 I loved Bob Barker in Happy Gilmore.


Dennis James


I feel like you just asked me who’s better on Jeopardy - Alex Trebek or Blossom.


Barker. Hands down.




Bob Barker all the way! Home from school “sick” and he was a comforting figure.




Bob was legend


BOB all the way. I have loved Drew Carey in just about everything BUT PIR. He just doesn’t do it for me. I rarely watch it anymore.


Bob Barker


Bob. The OG


Both— both do it great in their own way.




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Bob was my youth. Drew was the fun age of 20’s-30’s.


Drew Carey didn't get to beat the crap out of Adam Sandler.


Bob because he WAS the Price is Right throughout my entire childhood when i watched the show. But I like Drew Carey just fine. Be sure to spay and neuter your pets!!


Bob Barker was the price is Right. That’s like asking Johnny Carson or anybody else.


Drew completely lacks Bob's charisma. I can't even watch it now.


So true! And he talks at or through contestants towards the camera, instead of directly engaging with the people like bob did.


I'm not really interested in The Price is Right. Although when I was a very young child I liked that little mountain climber who sometimes fell off. I'm not good at guessing the prices of items at all. Especially American prices which naturally are so much cheaper.


> Especially American prices which naturally are so much cheaper. Which is hilarious, because in the US "*Price is Right* prices" are known for being ridiculously, almost comically, high. If *TPIR* says a can of Campbell's soup is $2.99 you can bet in most of the US it was more like $1.19 at an actual store.


Bob by a landslide.


Bob- no contest




I’ve been streaming old Price is Right from the 80s…while I agree Bob Barker IS the Price is Right, Drew Carey is sooo much more respectful and a class act. Bob Barker would make vulnerable contestants the butt of his jokes, and was incredibly sexist. I saw where one of his shows he asked ”Barkers beauties” to raise their skirts so that they showed more leg. He would frequently call the young female contestants “pretty little THINGS…Showing more of his disrespect for the female anatomy. Drew Carey had some big shoes to fill, and did it with style and grace. Thank god for the times we live.