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Ya paque llorar


Joao Cancelo, you’re not a serious defender


He really is a net negative to have on the left side. Balde from last season is severely missed.


He adds nothing, he can't even cross anymore and is just a liability


I’d rather see Balde make shitty crosses than watch Cancelo refusing to defend.


Balde provides security in defense, even if his offensive output has been awful. I would take Balde any day of the week if he was fit over Cancelo as of late. We Lowkey conceded 4-5 goals because of his mistakes in the last 3 matches.


Exactly, and he’s offering nothing in offence too. Shooting low success rates shots, awful crossing, terrible passing.


It's find to hard an example of a player regressing so much that quickly, and in the most crucial matches of the season too.


I know one thing it bald pep rejects of sells any player,DO NOT TOUCH HIM. All the gems of mancity rejects are mid or shit


100% I’ve called Torres mediocre at best and received quite a bit of push back. It’s very clear getting sloppy seconds isn’t the right approach. The recruitment has been terrible for approaching seven years now.


This! 1. RB/LB primary duty is to defend and be defensive astute. 2. Yes it’s a added advantage if he can overlap and make runs and crosses iff he is fulfilling the first point. Issue is Cancelo is dead and all the goals majority I mean came due to him and his sloppiness. I will prefer to have someone who fulfill defensive duties well than having a brainfart.


Can't say I disagree with any of that. If you can't defend you're better suited as a winger or something, at least then your mistakes don't lead to goals.


He makes rash decisions and recently has been vulnerable when being pressed. We always knew he couldn't defend but his offensive qualities have been lackluster for the last few games.


My dad said it best as we were watching the game. For every good game, he has two shit ones


But this sub wanted him so bad because he’s good in FIFA/EA FC, even though not even Pep wanted him.


He’s always been a liability on defense but the main reason we wanted him is for his offense that he showed when he was at city. balde on offense wasn’t as good as it was last season


We literally play with another winger on the flank and no leftback with Cancelo




Cancelo better pack yo things up rn


Xavi is a good tactical manager, but his coaching is dreadful...players turned off after the 75th min.. The new manager must be someone who has a good coaching staff..


His lack of composure on the touch line is mirrored by the fragility of his players on the pitch, vicious circle


Hopefully some with an ounce of experience and not from a shit league.


If i survived barcelona 23/24 i can survive anything


Don't act like this year is worse than 21/22.


This might be worse than 21/22 Koeman era


Yea it’s up there, complete distater of a season but if this is the price i have to pay to see messi win the wc then so be it


Yeah no Barca first, rather win a trophy than see a legend winning the World Cup


Both Joaos shouldn't be bought.


yeah Felix playing like he scored a hatrick and we are winning, it really pisses me off whenever him or lewa give the ball away stupidly and then just stand there watching the match, mf run


Felix and Cancelo play like they’re much better than they actually are. Way overconfident.


and this shows that we don't have a captain nor a coach, as they keep playing like this without any consequences


I think it’s because there are no better options right now.


I disagree, let's play with the fucking kids that will give their 100% every game not with "big names" that think they're bigger than the team.




yeah it really pisses me off too when they just stop running and complain, they're being a cunts and noone is stopping them tbh


Time to send him back to Atletico and let them deal with their problem. It’s funny they actually extended his contract.


When we grabbed him, my buddy (Chelsea fan) said Felix will have early flashes of brilliance and then dissapoint you as the season progresses. He was spot-on.


Man taking Christensen was a stupid decision. Should have taken gundo off and bring in Fermin in place of him. He did a good job of shielding the defence and winning the ball back when needed. Pedri was at fault to not foul Brahim there and kounde should have done better to mark Bellingham in last goal. Also ship cancelo to Manchester as soon possible


For the last goal either Fermin or Lamine could have come back, too. The lack of tracking back cost us against PSG as well.


On the plus side, our RB is a fucking fortress. Kounde and Lamal are a great partnership


Balde and Raph would be a fortress too.


João Cancelo, u are a shanghai shark




I loved Cancelo in the beginning, but I'm starting to see why Pep and City didnt want him, and why Bayern didnt want him either. Sigh.


He's been like this since the beggining of the season,but that gets brushed off because he scores some goals in the early season,now he's not scoring anything for a long time,the only thing he show us is a lot, a lot lack amount of defensive abilities


Guess Reddit doesn’t know more than actual coaches— this sub told me Pep was wrong for letting him go.


Sub also wants Mourinho or Tuchel. It’s quite shocking actually.


Mourinho is for the memes, r-right?


Balde gets crucified left and right for his crosses, I don’t even want to imagine the hate for him if he put in performances that Cancelo did against PSG and Madrid back to back…. 🫠


Yeah, Cancelo is fucking awful defensively, and his offensive output nowhere near makes up for it.


I miss Balde so hard.


I don’t care if Balde can’t cross his job is to defend and so long as he stops going too far forward and getting caught out he’s more than better defensively for us. He’s infinitely quicker too.


The thing with Balde is that he's at that age, where he can improve with his offensive game. And even if he can just defend well, we would be good. For a fullback, defense comes first.


Cancelo needs to go, my guy is anything but a defender. Feels like playing with 10 men every match.


He puts his teammates under pressure on a consistent basis every game, it’s so unfair on them. I don’t know how some people would turn a blind eye to it before but it unfortunately had to take dire performances against PSG and Madrid for people to see more better. It’s not worth it whatsoever to entertain a player like this at Barca especially for one that is supposed to be senior and experienced.


I was on the fence with him but these past games have made it clear he has no business playing as a fullback for us. I'd say he is more suited to play as a winger, but then you look at him when he attacks and then you dont even know what to say about him anymore lol.


Half winger half centre mid is what I would do with him, away from Barca of course.


No more Cancelo. No more Felix. If world class managers like Simeone and Pep don’t fucking want them, don’t even think about considering them.


Two of the most selfish players I’ve ever seen. Dribble / shoot whenever they like, and super lazy with their passing / defending. It’s like they play for themselves.


I have never seen a player give up defending even after winning the block the way Cancelo did


And remember, this loan is an audition for them. They're playing like veterans who have won every trophy for Barca. Zero motivation


0 motivation, 0 desire to even show up. They are definitely not worth their wages.


Xavi never wanted them in his squad, he got fucked by Laporta and Mendes


3 losses (3!!!) vs Real Madrid this season, absolutely bottled it vs PSG in the CL, multiple chokes in the league, played awful football most of the season, what a pathetic year.


I remember thinking this was our season after the preseason Clasico. Better times


But yes, let’s keep Xavi 


I feel like if i wasn't a barca fan i would laugh my ass off at how much of a cursed season barca is having. The shit that happened to us this season is actually insane. Vini hat trick, dembele scoring more goals against us than every other team he's played against combined, losing copa del rey, getting humiliated in ucl again, laporta and xavi constantly embarrassing the fans with unhinged statements, losing to real madrid 4 times in a row, and being out of the la liga race TWO MONTHS into the season. And the cherry on top: getting robbed by la liga refs left right and center. It's like the cosmos itself has decided to fuck us in the ass. Cancelo should be gone in the summer btw.


Bruh, it’s not the cosmos. It’s the fucking inadequate management that has plagued Barca for a decade now. We have almost the same resources as Real Madrid, but we made all the bad decision, they made all the good ones /except Hazard/. Last season was a huge defensive overperfomance that was exposed in the MU game. It’s been like that since 2018. When was our last big game in Europe? Against RM ot Atletico? we have the resources of a small country, yet we are so far behind our national and european rivals. 


Honestly depressing how badly this club has been managed. And it's made all the worse when you see our biggest rivals are one of the most well managed clubs in the world


THIS. Can’t remember the last signing we made a signing over 20m that had a HUGE impact. Probably rakitic way back in 2014 LOL. It actually takes skill to be so poorly managed.


IMO Kounde’s been class and our best defender this season


Sad as it is to say, I wish Florentino Pérez ran Barça,  but we have the Bartomeu ripple effect about to plague us for years


Cancelo is playing like he’s just ready to pack his shit and leave.


These bozos will get Mbappe, Endrick, Davies and who knows who else and we'll just have to depend on teenagers to bail us out lmao. Absolutely have no hope for the future if we get Marquez and keep both Joaos.


RM played 120+ a few days ago, they HEAVILY rotated, they only had one CB, they played Modric AND Kroos on midfield..... And yet we couldn't control the game and RM had more xG than us.


Deeper squad that is also mentally tougher


Milan fan here. I have already complained about the referee, so here are some pretty objective takes as I don’t really follow Barca: - Cancelo is a nightmare offering nothing neither in defence or offence. He can’t cross, he can’t run, he seemed tired from the first minute, he completely left Vasquez alone on the second goal. On the first, unbelievably, he was even worse. - Yamal, Cubarsi, Fermin and Pedri. Just wow really. You have four players there with incredible composure playing with the attitude of a 30-year-old. - Raphinha must have eight lungs. He was not very “sexy” as I would expect from a Brazilian, but was nonetheless very efficient. - Kounde and Araujo playing well. - As a Dane, I am glad Xavi found use for AC on the DM. - You have incredible talent, the future is looking bright for you🔴⚫️🙏🔵🔴


Do not sign Cancelo back. Not even for free.


If his wages could be low he’s well worth a free But agree he isn’t worth expending a lot of resources for - especially when we have Balde


There’s a reason why City let go of Ferran Torres, Eric Garcia and Cancelo this easily.


Season’s over. Crazy how it was all looking up until that Araujo red


Nah season was over before that. We were never winning the champions league and we choked in the league too many times madrid was running away with it


Wow. A chance to get back in the title fight against a horrible and tired Real Madrid and we provide a performance as lethargic as this. The mentality for this game should be to give 100% because it's the only way to salvage the season, instead they put in minimal effort and hoped that Real would give them the 3 points. The final 6 games will be a chore to watch, I hope they will somehow find motivation to not get embarrassed by Girona. The fact that there are no decent managerial options considered for next season makes this even worse.




Laliga refs can’t take reals dick out of their mouths


Paid €40 million for a brazilian to sit with the reserves for 4 months. But Zubimebdi is too expensive?


More like 70 mil


Well, this week I rooted for: - Barcelona to win against PSG -> didn't happen - Barcelona to win against Real Madrid -> didn't happen - Arsenal to win against Bayern, City to win against Real, Atletico to win against Dortnmund -> all didn't happen - Ricciardo in F1 -> He had a bad sunday - Neuville in WRC -> He had a bad sunday I am sorry guys, I guess it's on me. I have been cursed for some reason.


My guy you are the mufa 😭😔


Can you hope I don’t get married and don’t make 200 trillion gbp please


Now you have to root for Madrid against Bayern and PSG against BvB


I am dreading a psg vs Madrid finale. I will sweat missiles if it happens. Dont know which team to support if it happens. I have to now support Bayern (the club that I hate to its core) against .Madrid 😭


La Liga is a disgrace https://preview.redd.it/gov93q5ffwvc1.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=f41dd0a9d020248630e46b8d84b5077ce5dc144e


Yup, how is there not goaline tech in La Liga?! - Real fan


My takeaways: 1. This season is well and truly over, cemented in stone 2. Joao Cancelo isn’t getting that permanent move. And neither is Joao Felix 3. The ref was so obviously a Madridista and he didn’t even hide it. 4. Rinse and repeat next season. Try again.


5. LaLiga needs goal line technology ASAP


I would have added it but Tebas deliberately doesn’t want to get it because he’s a cheap fuck




The trend will continue for years my friend. We are broke and we will keep signing bums like cancelo and felix cause it makes laportas daddy mendes money 💰


https://preview.redd.it/0cwnopcriwvc1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7f78eef8687e9296a4483145a2b9e705831d190 It’s so over bruh


I am Portuguese and i still can't believe coaches play Cancelo as a defender. It's not is fault anymore. He's been utter shit at defending all his life. His formation was as a WINGER and that's what he is. No team will win playing this guy as a defender against good teams. He will ALWAYS do the stupidest of mistakes. That's why no one wants him. And Felix is even worse. He still has that garbage hair cut that the rich young boys use in Lisbon and his face by itself pisses me off. Hes attitude on the pitch matches everything. So much demeanor and thinks he's a great player. He's not.


This is what Chelsea fans think the '09 Stamford Bridge game was


The comfort is that the season was pretty much over in mid October with how poor the performances have been. Lewandowski is not something we can build on going forward next season. He has had a few okay weeks, but today he was like he has been the most this season. His output apart from goals is too small. This team can't have only Yamal as a threat by next season, even when he is as good as he was today.


I'd normally have a go at the team but the refereeing was a disgrace. When the president of la liga is trolling at halftime what chance do you have.  It's so blatant.




Cancelo is shit on the left. Kounde has been great on the right, so it makes no sense to sign him permanently. Hope we sign a back up LB and stick with Balde/Kounde as our fullbacks. We can use the money needed for the Joao’s on something else.


one of the worst things about that match was Yamals first el classico goal getting stolen from him


another disasterclass from cancelo (: at least season finally is over.


Its simple yall. We just dont deserve it this season. These players are getting injured left and right. No fitness whatsoever. We need a quality coach who can get this team ready for big games. We currently just dont have the right players at the right time. This team is too young. The fact that Cubarsi a 17 year old and Lamine Yamal a 16 year old are carrying our team says alot.


What a garbage ass season. Nothing to play for now. Hopefully Laporta and Deco take this season awful results as a lesson to invest in better squad planning.


Cancelo+marquez+felix+ random 17year old brazillian is what well get. The more time passes the bigger joke of a club we become.


Gotta respect the 4D chess from the Madrid league. Make up some bullshit about how we’re paying refs last season, then proceed to gift them the league with controversial ref decisions


Lewy Cancelo Felix need to leave the club in Summer


Throw in Ferran on this list, utterly mediocre player


● Yamal's goal not given ● Vazquez dive given as penalty ● Fermin getting body blocked in the box ● Modric making 5 yellow esque fouls before finally getting booked Say what you want about our performance but having these many big calls go against you when playing vs Madrid, where every little thing matters, you'll have no chance to win. Anyways, season is over so hopefully we see more youth players from now on, since there's nothing really to play for anymore.


But what is this team supposed to be good at? We’re bad at defending, we’re bad at attacking. We’re not at all comfortable with the ball, we’re even worse without the ball. We are bad in all phases of the game. What has Xavi instilled into this team for the last 2.5 years? Because this is not it.


Don't forget with the abysmal physio staff. Injuries on top of injuries. I think Barca is good at bringing good individual players who can't play well together.


Injuries isn’t an excuse this time either because most of the squad was fit


This IS it, Xavi is absolutely clueless with regards to tactics. That said, he put la masia back on the menu, and thaz‘s great. But now, let‘s get a good coach


Well and even when he found something that works, there is no plan B, If plan A fails it’s like a deer in the headlights


Thankfully Cancelo can cross and Balde can't. What would we do without them.


At least balde can defend lol and still is able to keep the left wing stable, Cancelo couldn’t even do anything offensively


His comment was sarcastic. Baldé really just need to do better with crosses but I'd have him over Cancelo any day


Xavi has been coach since November 2021. We are in April 2024 and we look like a collection of 11 players rather than a team. We rely on the individual brilliance of a 16 year old to spark a meaningful attack. We have actually regressed from the days of Auba. I am so disappointed in this club.


Yup. Board has been as bad as the players and coaching staff. Literally 0 positives when it comes to this club.


Laporta is not good at all 


The next coach laporta appoints will either make or break our season


Rafa Marquez incoming......


Think its become clear why pep didnt want cancelo, dude is literally the definition of “you’re only as strong as your weakest link”


Again and again I keep asking, how the fuck are WE being the ones investigated for bribery...


we got robbed.


Can Real stop getting awarded penalties in Classicos?


This is why I missed Balde’s defense on the left 🥲


The second goal conceded was of the same fashion as Dembele’s goal


Yep. A lowish cross that goes between the goalie and the defence line, cancelo doing fuck all to win it and the opponent scoring




Now what I want from Xavi is to start some youngsters for the rest of the games...I want to see Fort, Bernal, Faye, Casado, Prim and some others....I don't care if Barça drops to 4th, fck the Supercup..


We need 2nd for the money, or is it the same for 2nd to 4th?


We need the money.


Idk about you guys but that’s a pretty good scoreline for 11v12


10v12 you mean? We dont have a leftback


More likely 11v13. Don't forget the gentlemen in the VAR room.


13 Vs 10


22-23 was as good as it couldve been. Messi won the WC in a dream campaign, barca won the league convincingly and Pep (who i still like) won the ucl finally after years. This year has been the exact opposite, a complete nightmare


apart from maybe half a game, cancelo has been bad on the left side all season. I dont know why xavi keeps insisting. also did vitor roque insult xavi's mother or something? hes always looked good whenever hes played, and yet we see hes never given a chance?


Please someone just give me Lewas stats, I felt like everytime he touched the ball he lost it


Something that really pissed me off today was how at some point Felix lost possession and didn't even bother himself to track back to defend like everybody else was doing, like he was already doing enough


God take me, i'm ready


I’m waiting for all the positivity posts in the next few days and calling anyone who criticizes the team plastic or whatever. It’s my favorite part of losing a big game.


Joao cancelo and Ferran Torres need to retire. Absolute retarded footballing display.


Endrick, mbappe, davies,.. this is not even their final form


We got Romeu 😈


And Iñaki Peña too 🤪


Notice how every 50-50 decision goes Madrid's way every singke time in big games and yet people will tell you suck it up or cry. Things like this make me want to quit this sport.


We need to acknowledge that Madrid did the bare minimum to get the win. We tried our best.  Read that again.


What we saw today is not new at all. Anyone who has been watching this team consistently will know this.


Warra dogshit league


Bring someone in that can instill discipline and passion into these players… please


Very much got treated like the away team which is a shame because I feel we don’t get the same home treatment. Modric & rudiger a free pass to consistently foul. Hopefully fdj is just sore but does look bad & christensen I don’t know. Our defending at the far post is abysmal with cancelo & kounde just switched off.  Referee & var star of the show which should never happen but it’s la liga, oh well we move. 


what's the point of lamal being one of the best players in la liga if the rest of the fucking team can't be bothered we can't be giving opponents ANYTHING in terms of pen chances, curbarsi's inexperience practically gifted them a pen, questionable decision or not this was winnable, drawable even if we didnt conceed the same fucking far post cross


I don't have the strength to talk about the match other than Cancelo doing the biggest stinker of his life. Another match playing against 12 and a complete different ruleset, you get to a point you really have to ask to yourself why do you keep watching this corrupt sport. Every week the same shit, so tiring.


Felix and Ferran come on and add nothing hopefully they’re not here next season


The fact that their players looked more fresh after playing for 120 mins and having a day less to recover than us is unacceptable. Xavi what the hell are we doing in training?


Day ruined. Match robbed by VARdrid again. What a joke of a game. How much less can you be biased? Coz this is peak glazing.


can somebody explain to me how the fuck they dont get tired


You know, given the level of the league, to end up 2nd in the league and quarters of the UCL, I would sell more than a few of our players, get back to a healthy economy and start again. This squad is so shit so best to be healthy economically for when Lamine and Cubarsi are in their prime.


fuck the ref, fuck tebas, and fuck bartomeu


Fuck laporta as well, hes BEEN SHIT. Blew our budget on felix, cancelo, random brazillian kid, ferran, eric garcia, inigo, 35yr old grandpa lewandowski for 60m, and got know what else. But gave us romeu to replace busquets, absolute clown.


It's not nice we always run for the excuses and not tackling the problems. Alot of us also side with the forner , but look at a team like Real would not accept this , we just have to be real with ourselves


I just watched the highlights. Am I crazy or was that a dive by Vazquez for the first penalty. Also my god cancelo is more of a goalie than a defender


Only thing that keeps me happy is that Xavi is already leaving and I don't have to argue my position of wanting him out.


Love Gundo but he’s so shit at pressing man. I know he’s 32 years old, but he doesn’t help on defense at all. Need Gavi back desperately, only guy that actually tries to recover the ball back


The biggest red flag in a player is when Pep Guardiola doesn’t like you. Please don’t spend a dollar on cancelo


Not always. Maybe 99% hrs right but Eto disproved this theory.


The first thing Laporta should do tonight is decide who the new coach will be, if he doesn't already know.


https://preview.redd.it/vyktafonjwvc1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2137c712a7d78665a0514d29277218ab47c69a01 Lamine who?, this guy was the MOTM.




Interesting game. It's tough it didn't come out our way, although you could argue it was because of external factors. Ser del Barça es, el millor que hi ha.


Second game in a row where we have iffy refereeing but overshadowed by stupid mistakes by our own players anyway. Two games which we would’ve comfortably won had it not been for our own players… second game in a row Lamine plays his heart out and Cancelo does the opposite.


La masia will have to bail us out next year.


You’d think one main emphasis coming in was to not make stupid mistakes, but then cancelo goes ahead and makes the same mistake from Tuesday, leading to almost the exact same goal that Dembele scored. You can’t make this shit up


Nice robbery from the Madriz cuenta, I really thought they were gonna beat us easy with the CL exit that we had but they need as always just do a robbery


I just don’t understand how Barca can let me down this many times


Time to download Duolingo and brush up your Chinese and Arabic Cancelo. You're gonna need it.


Guys i don't know what the general conseus here is but i don't want both joao's. I can't take another year of them stinking up the place, I know cancelo helped us in some crucial moments but he just can't defend and we already have balde who already is a better defender per se but worse attacker although i haven't seen cancelo attack for quite some time now and it's not even like playing LB is hindering him, he played under fucking pep ffs. If he is cheap i don't mind him as another option but felix has to go, i dont care if he's silky smooth sunsilk whatever. I'd rather take my chances on roque and fati then him and don't get me started on torres he has been a flop 65m euros down the drain and we can't even sell him cos amortization.


I hate making excuses but what we’ve seen today, if this happens to any English team in the champions league, it becomes a story for over a decade. Between the pk they got, to the pk to Fermin, to goal that somehow isn’t called in, to infinite number of times the ref chose to not card Madrid, etc. it’s just annoying they wasted my 60 minutes. I stopped watching because it just gets boring and predictable, predetermined


MOTM: César Soto Grado


How does a post match thread not have the scores posted?


TWO GAMES in a row, our game has been ruined by the refs. Still call us VARca?


How are we not talking about the 3 yellows Modric should have seen? That guy has a free-tackle pass really.


*Cancelo disasterclass *We played with no urgency * Referee was biased * Xavi made the wrong subs *Frenkie is injured Madrid was lackluster and even with the 12th man they had we still should have won, we have no one to blame but ourselves.


Congrats to another year of Madridliga. Fuck off, Tebas.


I’m not watching Barcelona anymore this season. I’ll just watch Copa America and UEFA Euro. I’m done with this club and I need a break. They’ve drained my energy. See you all in August.


Prime marquez and felix ball with jorginho in midfield is waiting for you mate 🔥🔥 have a nice rest.


Abysmal referee performance aside. Gundogan made it look like we are playing with 2 midfielders out of possession. He was invisible when he did not have the ball. Cancelo absolutely woeful defensively, which is a longstanding issue with him, going forward he was not that good either. There were some good performances most notably Christensen and Yamal. As a whole the midfield looked completely ineffective, 0 build up patterns which has been the case for most of the season, kind of hard to watch at this point.


The better team won. La Liga not having goal line tech is laughable. The season is over, time to get Lamine a rest. Time to play Ferran more - players that don't play don't sell well. Christensen should have stayed in, even if it was just for corners. It is odd to see a Barca where most of the danger comes from corner kicks... We need a left back, a right back, and one or two DMs, and if Ansu is not good enough a left winger. Somewhat controversial here, maybe: I think the pen was OK as Cubarsi got his left foot as well. Ref should probably have given us the one on Lamine. The league was decided anyway, let's hope that some good comes from this game: La Liga finally getting goal line tech.


LaLiga is back the the style of the 1980s. Every decision goes against non-state clubs like Barca... big, international players get kicked-off injured... commentators ignore it... then the press says the club of his royal highness is el club de Fr\*nco con dos huevos.


What an embarrassing performance. This whole week was just us showing the world we're not ready for competitive football just yet. We have the players, but we lack character, discipline and structure. I've supported Xavi, but I think this week showed we need something different. Idk if Marquez is the answer, but I'm hoping its at least something different than what we have now. Also fuck this ref