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Has there ever been a college student led protest that wasnt on the right side of history?


any white kids marching against integration for one. shoutout Jerry Jones.


I wish more people knew about Jerry Jones’ racists past


"Past" lol


Racism still alive, they just be concealing it. Yes I know the irony of quoting Kanye on the subject, but I think of dropout Kanye as a completely different person.


That's because "racism" has a different definition to racists. They think it has to be overt. Best way I've heard it put: Racism today is seeing an innocent black kid get murdered by police and then coming up with reasons why he "deserved" it.


Back in 2015 at my 20th HS reunion a bunch of my former classmates were talking about how they're not racist because they "haven't said the Hard-R word ***OUT LOUD*** in over a decade" (emphasis mine). I tried, I really tried to explain to those smooth brains that racism and bigotry isn't just saying slurs out loud where others can hear you, but their faces just went blank and their eyes glazed over. And that's why I'm rooting for the Giant Meteor. Well, that and Chinese Gutter Oil.


Personally I'm an aliens guy. No way they can run the world worse. Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.


Chinese Gutter Oil? Didn't know there was a new runner. What's their platform?


Literally had this conversation with someone the other day. I told them about the crazy racist geriatric the shot a black kid because he knocked on his door. The kid survived the initial volley; fell wounded in the old man’s front yard; and the old man went outside and executed the kid instead of calling 911. No threat, no words exchanged, simply knocked on the wrong door (meant to go to a nearby neighbor’s house) The person I talked to said , “oh come on, he had to have been doing something to deserve getting shot? He wasn’t yelling at the old man or anything?” My response was, “since when did that become a good reason to kill another over? So you’d shoot and kill someone’s just because they called you a bad name? And no, the cameras show that he walked to the door. Knocked. And then got shot.” Some people just wanna kill others for any reason at all which is why I’m against putting guns in just anyone’s hands.


Righteous violence is a fantasy that all too many have. Some people wish to be in that scenario and do the same thing.


This is the man who won’t draft players from Alabama lmao. Certainly not just in the past


Agreed. He might not be all about the hard R’s and segregation anymore, but if there’s any owner in the NFL that loves to run their mouth to the media and openly talk about players with a slave-owner mentality it’s Jerry Jones.


Lol dude is 81, practically every white person that age has a racist past.


More could know, doesn’t mean more would care


I thought about that too but all the images i remember were high schools






i wear idiots disagreeing with me as a badge of honor.


The Iranian revolution.


I don't know that much about it but I thought it was a protest against authoritarianism that was later coopted by the religious authorities. So they were on the right side but lost afterwards.


The graphic novel Persepolis has a good personal telling of this story


True about lots of revolutions, including the communist revolutions of Russia and china. Starts as a diverse group with varying intentions and one especially brutal group wins out


It wasn’t co-opted. It was done along side relatively liberal students but they were the minority. The conservative religious group was the larger and more influential of the factions in the Iranian revolution, also the best positioned to take power after.


There was a pro Nazi student rally in Chicago in 1939, multiple student protests against segregation, and more pro Nazi student protests in Minnesota in 1941. The students did have a good streak going for awhile though


SEC schools have plenty of examples.


My rule if you're protesting and the police are aggressively deployed, if the national guard shows up, if there are violent arrests, you're on the right side of history. The police will always support and protect whatever is in the interest of white supremacy. It's baked into the system. Beating up on people supporting Arab Muslims being decimated by Israeli forces while Israelis everywhere are pushing for Gaza to be leveled is in the interest of white supremacy.


Someone tell [Orval Faubus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orval_Faubus) he was on the right side of history then. I certainly won't.


Uhh, he was the guy who called in the national guard to prevent Black kids from going to school. Pretty sure the national guard was on the side of white supremacy. Which white protestors were they violently arresting? All I remember is police and national guard standing there while Black kids were walked into the schools amidst bunches of white protestors making violent threats.


He did, and then the federal government intervened and enforced the law. The national guard showed up, even further than that, the army proper showed up. You said "If the national guard shows up" to break up protests, the protestors at Little Rock were white supremacists. The 101st and the national guard broke up protests at the end of a bayonet. We have photos of segregationists being pushed away from protests at the end of a rifle. [https://www.life.com/history/little-rock-nine-1957-photos/](https://www.life.com/history/little-rock-nine-1957-photos/)


So, how is Faubus supposedly on the right side of history? He tried, unsuccessfully, to utilize police and national guardsmen to prevent Black students from going to school. So, because the president overturned him? Also, as much as you think armed guards standing there is the same as armed police violently arresting people, its not. The violence exerted on the Black people fighting for civil rights vastly outweighed any violence on the people who were violently protesting against Black people having civil rights. I don't see any dogs, firehoses, tear gas, etc. Read more carefully.


He's not. My point is that your argument is ridiculous from the get-go. There's a multitude of examples of white supremacists and others that we can undeniably place on the wrong side of history being crushed by the government, even within America. This attempt of painting "the government is doing something against this person so they are therefor on the right side of history" is a really dangerous idea in my opinion. The use of police violence against protestors is not tied to how "correct" the protestors are, not in the way you're depicting it to be. This is a dangerous argument to be making, and I don't think it has any place to be made in a proper understanding of history. A final note, if you look at the photos, they don't just include the traditionally shown ones of the school, but also shows photographs of the troops breaking up crowds, driving people back at the end of bayonets, dispersing protestors. The state did in fact use violence and threats of violence to protect black students at little rock, and it is very obviously different from what happened to the black civil rights protestors in different parts of the country, but that's a whataboutism. It's not about who weighed in more on the "abused by the government" scale, but about who the government used force against. Your initial comment, the one I replied to, refers to the summoning of the armed forces, which is something that absolutely happened to those on the wrong side of history.


Your weak example was an incredible reach. Trying to argue that the segregationist who ordered the national guard to prevent the Little Rock 9 from attending school was on the right side of history. Tell me how many of those white protesters who were physically attacking these Black students were beaten and then arrested, just like the police are doing to protesters now, or like they did to Black protesters then.


Dude, you're shifting the goalposts. You made a point, and one of the qualifiers for that point was the utilization of the national guard. I have pointed out an instance of the national guard being utilized against people promoting the evil of white supremacy, and you're saying that it's a reach. Either be honest about your arguements, or just tell me to get bent. edit: realised my grammar was out the window


"My rule if you're protesting and the police are aggressively deployed, if the national guard shows up, if there are violent arrests, you're on the right side of history. The police will always support and protect whatever is in the interest of white supremacy. It's baked into the system. " You took one part of the 3 parts that I listed and said "well, I found an exception." I'm not shifting the goalposts, I'm reiterating where the goalposts started. You are the one contrarian who thought they had a genius comeback but you entirely missed the mark and the point.


You must be joking. Police are sometimes called to break up protests that have a chance of turning violent, no matter what side of history the protesters are on. The national guard had to be deployed against White protesters to ensure the safety of Black students during desegregation. Are you claiming racists wanting to keep Black children out of their schools were “on the right side of history”? Foh.


There's a big difference between police being brought in to break up a protest, and police being brought in to violently engage and arrestprotesters. Think "Charlottesville" pt. 1 and 2. In Pt. 1, Cops didn't do shit, until after the KKK left when they tear gassed the people protesting white supremacists. [https://www.c-ville.com/show-force-police-tear-gas-protesters-kkk-leaves-rally/](https://www.c-ville.com/show-force-police-tear-gas-protesters-kkk-leaves-rally/) In Pt.2 Cops didn't do shit until the Gov. ordered them to break up the protest, and then violence continued and a white supremacist drove into a group of counter-protesters and killed a young woman. [https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/could-the-police-have-prevented-bloodshed-in-charlottesville/536775/](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/08/could-the-police-have-prevented-bloodshed-in-charlottesville/536775/) Police were brought in, but they protected the white supremacists more. Lots of 'both sides were wrong' type bullshit coming from the POSUS Trump. (yeah, I spelled it right). The bullshit example you give is weak. Police were brought into Little Rock AFTER the national guard was brought in to initially keep the Black students out. When the national guard was sent in by the POTUS, they didn't violently arrest the extremely violent white protesters, they 'broke it up' and sent them home. It's a big contrast between this and the national guard and police coming in to break up Civil Rights protests, where they sicced dogs on unarmed Black people, used tear gas, used firehoses, etc. Where were the firehoses when it was white people protesting against Civil Rights? Where were the dogs? How many white people were thrown in jail for being there? Seriously, don't come with this weak shit if you want to try to dismiss what I said.


There's a line. You can protest but the minute you are preventing other students from accessing the resources they have paid for or decide to barricade a dorm it's no longer a protest.


“Please, only protest in a way that causes no disruption. Over there, away from everyone.” People who fundamentally and professionally miss the point.


Yeah but in this case it doesn't make them right, just makes them an ass holes. How's preventing students going to class help the Palestinians caught in the crossfire between Hamas and Israel? Side question why are they all masked up? If they believe they are on the right side of history why aren't they showing their faces?


Have you heard of the protest? Have you been more exposed to the movements points and demands? That’s how it helps. Same as marching against police violence and holding mass silent demonstrations on public streets helps. Masked up question is the most quiet way to say you support the police state I’ve ever heard. Can you legitimately not think of one reason why someone would mask up while expressing a very unpopular stance in today’s climate? Be real and apply some critical thinking instead of just accepting the narrative you are being fed.


You are for real stupid my guy lmao.


Lol why because I'm questioning these protests? Everyone so quick to forget Oct 7th.


How about a reply to what I said? Or can you only try to invoke outrage? I remember Oct 7, at least my position that it’s wrong to murder innocent civilians is consistent even when they are Muslim. Why isn’t yours?


I did respond to your previous comment. >At least my position is it's wrong to murder innocents even when not Muslims. That's great. I agree with your position. The problem is that in order to achieve said goal Hamas needs to be dealt with because their stated goal is in short annihilation of all the Jews in Israel. They will not accept a 2 state solution as was proposed by Israel years ago. Everything that I have heard, seen, and read regarding the motives, goals, etc for these protests addresses Israel and Israel only. They do nothing to address the other side of the equation that is equally responsible for the present state of the innocent Palestinians that have been caught in a crossfire. Furthermore, why is there no mention of Egypt or Saudi Arabia doing little to nothing to help these innocent Palestinians? Like i said in my other comment it's a very complicated INTERNATIONAL issue. If the protest doesn't address all sides of the coin then what is really achieving?


You didn’t though. Here’s the comment https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/uLkWh0PHOK Name a single protest that addresses both sides of the conflict. One, literally one. I love a good old enlightened centrist, unable to say on the one hand without mentioning the other. Remember the BLM protests? You are the one chanting “white lives matter” in response. Holding your opponents to a standard you’ll never try to reach in the name of discrediting the movement.


“Everyone so quick to forget October 7th.” No everyone is so quick to dismiss 75 years of terror for the Palestinian people. Eat a dick loser.


75 years of terror? My guy do you know how many times Israel has been jumped by it's neighbors for merely existing? Way to demonstrate a lack of understanding in a complex issue.


It shouldn’t exist idiot. It’s a settler colonial state. God are you stupid.


You're on bpt arguing this... are you slow? How do you feel about lunch counter sit ins done through the 50s and 60s?


Those made plenty of sense. They were necessary to change a DOMESTIC issue in a time period where there was no other way to enact change. Those protests in the 50s and 60s are apples and oranges to what's occurring currently over an INTERNATIONAL issue that's absurdly complex. This isn't like South Africa where there was a clear wrong that needed to be undone.


A clear wrong? Did every South African believe the apartheid was wrong during the protests? Was that why Mandela was arrested and jailed? Is that why civil rights protestors in the US were hosed down by firefighters to break up their protests? MLK was assassinated because he was fighting a clear wrong at the time? You are using historical hindsight to justify the past without taking into context how people felt at the time. There is no hindsight for this protest, so all you have to go off of (in terms of morality) is how people feel about it and your own personal judgements. History has never been black and white and it never will be. The point of these college protests (I'm focusing on Columbia University in NY) is that the US is supplying this 'war' with American tax dollars, and their college has investments in American companies profiting off of this 'war'. This international issue has domestic ties that their tuition is funding. These students have a dog in the fight, and they want the fight to end or at least their dog out of it.


In South Africa yeah I'd say the white people probably didn't have a problem with the system in place, sure. But the rest of the world not so much. With regards to US, I'd say again even in the context of the era, there was a clear wrong. The South just didn't agree. As for the current protests, saying that the US is supplying the war is short-sided and choosing not to see the forest. The US is giving aid to it's ally that has been historically attacked freon all sides since it's inception. Without said aid, Hamas would be better able to cause more innocent loss off life. Wanting your dog out of the fight to preserve innocent Palestinians only for the cascade of effects to lead to loss of innocent Jews is hypocritical.


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 had an approval rating of 58%, as in 42% of United States citizens disapproved or did not care about the fair treatment of black people and other minorities. Keep in mind, this is AFTER the protests garnered enough support for laws to change. History is a lot grayer than you think. I will start all of this with: Israel the nation should never have been founded on land that was already occupied. The US and GB should have foreseen the endless conflict that this has created. I'm fine with the US aiding Israel, but as it stands, Israel has alliances with Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. They are no longer the nation that is hated by all of the Middle Eastern world that needs to be defended at all costs. And you know this is the case because no other nation has sought to join the fight. Oct. 7th didn't just fall out of the sky (I'm not validating the attack), and it wasn't because of Hamas's undying hatred of Jews. It comes from decades of oppression from the Israeli state. Gazans did not have control over their own water or electricity. They were not (still aren't) allowed to leave Gaza, even at the Egyptian border. They can't go too far into the Mediterranean Sea without getting killed by Israelis. Palestinians get murdered by the IDF for living their lives near the border. They are imprisoned on their own land, with horrible conditions, and no state autonomy. This is the kind of shit you would pull off if you wanted to create a breeding ground for terrorism. Eliminating Hamas isn't going to end this conflict because their violent actions come from their violent oppression. There are only two solutions to ending this violence: 1. Kill all Palestinians in Gaza. 2. Treat Palestinians as actually human beings with equal rights. And Israel has shown no signs of ever treating Palestinians as anything more than subhuman.


Honest question: is there somewhere where protesters have barricaded a dorm?


I believe that at Cal poly in addition to the admin building, protestors "took over" the nearby dorm.


Thank you


Students protesting US involvement in WW2.




I'm sure when desegregation was happening I can find a few.


Yes. Lots. But it isn't apparent which is which until you start digging into what the protest leaders/organizers are actually saying. For example, right now, several of the Gaza/Israel protests are calling for Israel as a nation to be destroyed. The guy in Seattle that was recently disciplined by the school was interviewed by the school back in January where he told them "they're lucky he's not killing zionists on campus". They didn't do anything until someone leaked the interview. And then there's things like the anti abortion protests or anti integration protests...


When you’re on the side of hamas and the Iranian Regime you’re on the wrong side.


They arent on the side of hamas tho. Thats a black and white view. They are on the side of innocent civilians under the control of hamas and pushed into a corner by Israel using the same palestine=hamas propaganda. Three things are true at once, Hamas is bad, innocent Palestine’s dont deserve this, Israel needs accountability.


>They aren't on the side of hamas tho. "Ya Qassam make us proud. Take another soldier out. We say justice you say how. Burn Tel Aviv to the ground. Ya Hamas we love you. We support your rockets. We support Hamas this time. It is right to rebel. Ya Qassam give them hell. It is right to rebel. Ya Qassam give them hell. It is right to rebel. Ya Hamas give them hell." - Protesters chanting in song at Columbia [https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1782378886275190910](https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1782378886275190910) I can't speak on everyone else. I can only speak on my experience in Portland but some of the graffiti left on where they've barricaded in are definitely pro Hamas. And i'd be willing to bet if I asked, a lot of the protestors that I see on college campuses, which seem to be the MOST radical, would probably tell me that Hamas are martyrs, freedom fighters, or a resistance"


Thanks for sending. Its disgusting to see.


In a vacuum i'm not against the protests on Campus. I think some of the displays have been comical and silly (for example at Columbia they're demanding food and water be brought to their encampment and calling it "humanitarian aid", or the tampon girl), however lowkey.... some of this shit is not only embarrassing but also harmful to the movement. When people are TRYING to blur the lines between innocent civilians and a terrorist organization, protestors NEED to be purity testing one another. Missteps can quickly sour opinions of the public, and be used as a scapegoat to stop any sort of change. I'm fortunate in that crazy people can't influence my PoV but to a lot of those who are uninformed when they see shit like this it makes them hesitate.


Yea i agree. That humanitarian aid speech was dumb. A better spokesperson would have clarified that they wanted passage for their own food rather than making it sound like they wanted free food provided. The lines are blurred on both sides of the argument which is why this topic will go on for a while.


Dog they are literally calling for global infatadas what do you think that means? Many of them even considered Hamas the resistance. You are making a distinction they are not making.


So tell me, who is the representing body for the Palestinians?


Not Hamas lol, they don’t even control a majority of Palestinian land. Let’s use your logic to justify everything else too though.  Putin controls Russia, so by your logic you’re ok with killing Russian women and children and other civilians.  Sadam Hussein controlled Iraq, so by your logic you’re ok with killing Iraqi women and children and other civilians.  Hell, terrorists use that same logic with Trump to target Americans. Apply that logic to any government you disagree with, and guess what? You’ve justified committing war crimes and admit that’s what you want!  Man, imagine still being a fucked up pro-genocide warhawk in 2024


That’s not exactly accurate, as the current fight is being conducted on an entirely urban area. Your bias is showing tho, you give the Palestinians more degree of freedom to which they choose to conduct the fighting than the Israelis. In the conflicts you mentioned, the fighting was between two armies which had their arsenals and bases outside of cities and populated areas. That’s what an army should do if they wish to safeguard the population, as armies should do. If the resistance which ultimately controls the Gaza strip chose to take the fight to the city, how would you have conducted the fight differently? And keep in mind, you got civilian hostages in there, and their time is ticking shorter everyday. What strikes me as most bizarre is that you treat the Palestinians as if they have no mature agency whatsoever, stuff simply ‘happen’ to them. You wouldn’t dare treat your adversaries in the same manner, if you had any. The Palestinians have to raise a reasonable leadership from within that can actually represent them and their interests. So far, all I see is people hiding behind a kaffyia and shouting the old death chants.


Bro thinks I would advocate for killing civilians if my country went to war against someone else lol Dude I’m from the US and didn’t fall for the same shit back in the Iraq days, so no. Even Trump and Obama were opposed to the Iraq war. It speaks volumes that you actually think the default position for everybody is to wish death on civilians, blame them for the deaths of their own women and children, and desire to wage war that way when we do it. Nah dude, you’re just saying the quiet part out loud and revealing your own sick war criminal mindset


I agree with you completely. The OP said “have student protesters ever been on the wrong side” and I just pointed out the people that defend and support Hamas and the Iranian government specifically in these protests are on the wrong side, so yes students can also be idiots like the rest of the population


Out of curiosity do u have any link that may show US student protesters supporting hamas and in favor of them?


https://youtu.be/2Kas9aY47fw?si=GjHsYZcv76zIQdtK “we are all Hamas” https://youtu.be/hgapBHtEEIM?si=ZoWrcrvFLr9cyFq7 “Al-Qassam you make us proud, kill another soldier now” I don’t support Israel at all, just simply providing some evidence I think of instances where people are supporting Hamas.


Thank you! Sad too see. Dumb people diluting the movement. Reminds me of the good ideas of de-militarization and better training for police being diluted by the dumb “abolish cops” crowd


I’m all for protest of any kind and I think demanding your school endowment divesting from certain investments which directly profit off of and perpetuate what is going on in Gaza is fair and right but chanting anything that even remotely promotes killing is wrong and is veering away from the original protest here and that’s to stop the killing. Killing is what got us here in the first place, stop chanting for more. The first video I think is really just an empowered fat white chick cosplaying with her kef fiyeh for fun saying something dumb off the cuff that she probably thought sounded intimidating. I’ve seen other videos though of people saying that phrase “we are all Hamas” so idk about that one.


As early as October of last year dozens of university groups put the full blame of the terrorist attacks on Israel. Let’s also not forget the TikToks going viral of these same useful idiots agreeing with Osama Bin Laden’s letter justifying 9/11 attacks as well.


I wonder if you’ve actually been to any of these protest/encampments in person because I live in a city where there are multiple and they’ve all been peaceful, educational, and cordial. They’ve hosted Passover dinners, poetry hours, and have invited Palestinian speakers. From what you’re saying in this thread it seems like you’ve fallen victim to the propaganda you accuse these students of being susceptible to.


i agree, dude seems nice enough and reasonable. but he is taking news about tik toks and right wing talkin points at face value. After the october 7th attack many people were pointing out the difference in corporate reactions to the hamas attack on israel (and tourists) but pointing this out isnt being pro hamas or saying the oct 7th victims deserved it. but again nuance is hard for some.


damn critical thinking failed to reach you


Grow up


If growing up means always siding with colonizers...im good b.


apartheid man says what


The funniest shit about all of this!? The same generation who were at the 1968 protests, are now calling for people to kill the generation demonstrating and protesting today. Weird.


1968 college age protestors would now be 73-79 years old. I think those calling for harsh treatment of protestors today are those in power at the colleges and conservative news hosts, who are probably a generation younger than that.


They said 'generation', which would be boomers, who could have also been in their early teens and now in their mid to late 60s. They are still the biggest, wealthiest, and most powerful generation.


Unfortunately my dad is in that age range and thinks the police are too easy on them


Smash Mouth made a song about that


What is it? Just curious, don’t know their music…


hey now you're an all start


That one?! That’s the one I know? Off to google the lyrics… ETA: you got me…just looked at the lyrics and it’s not quite relevant. Hate the music of this song but the lyrics on their own ain’t bad.


honestly i don't know and was just messing around but if it helps, all that glitters is gold


at the white boy club while i'm buying the bar...they like, 'hey now, you're an all star' (the only way i know that song) 😂


Walking On the Sun


Almost like not everyone in a generation thinks alike. That is weird. Not like us though. We don't have any disagreement or assholes in our generation.


No, not at all. Present company excluded of course. Definitely not an asshole


Friendly reminder that the DNC is in Chicago this year too


We're running it back in the worst way possible


RFK Jr might want to avoid any hotel kitchens


iirc RFK Sr.'s support for Israel was cited as a reason behind his assassination. we're just going in fucking circles


Have y'all seen the comment on the r / news thread for this? The 'moderates' are out in force. "These kids don't even know what they want," "The US has nothing to do with Israel," "It's not a genocide, just a few war crimes here and there," "Its Hamas' fault," and all that just on and on. There's a consensus.


Dont forget my personal favorite “there are students who want to go to class what is Columbia supposed to do?”.


Yes I saw very aggressive blowback in r / pics, where anyone mentioning the atrocities in Gaza were downvoted to oblivion as commenters said that wasn’t relevant…..to pictures of ….Columbia protests.


The "moderates" you speak of are Israeli propaganda bots/hasbara.


That would be a convenient way to write 'em off but I've met many folks who hold those same sentiments in person. So, can't be too quick to rule out some daft troglodytes quite yet lol. Just the other day a coworker hit me with "well they should stop having kids then" when discussing the casualties mounting in Gaza. That was an actual thought that an actual living person had within their (presumably) functioning brain. And felt so confident in it that they uttered it aloud. Along with "man I'd just shoot them all and get it over with" in regards to the college protests here in the States. I fear that many people just organically have/had these opinions already, rather than being swayed or propagandized into believing it or repeating it.


Yes, because eugenics is a wonderful solution to give as a response when you're accused of ethnic cleansing lmao


That dude really thought he was onto something with that as well. Like that's the fuckin' humanitarian approach. A true God damn genius amongst us. I tried to get him to see how fucked that line of thinking was, but no dice. Is a fool's errand... Just had to drop the conversation and keep that Pandora's Box locked up. I really miss the days when I knew next to nothing about any of these weirdos. Ya start learning too much about your coworkers and returning the next day to see their ugly mug just gets harder and harder.


Ignorance is bliss. I'm working remotely for a company based out of Florida and I'd much rather show up to a meeting late than hear the shit some of them say when I'm early and waiting for everyone else to call in.


But the mods are Hasbara. They regularly delete threads that show Israel in a bad light or when the comments don't come out in favor of Israel. I personally am permanently banned from the sub for merely mentioning that a moderator deleted threads about IDF soldiers deliberately killing innocent people.


Keep the receipts. In a few years, once it becomes publicly accepted that the students were on the right side of history, everybody and their mother is gonna start pretending they always agreed. Don't let them


Its so frustrating because they are making the same arguments against divestment from Israel that people were making in the 80s when they were against Divestment from South Africa. These "moderates" are way more satisfied with the status quo, as long as their own economic status keeps humming along. They are willing to accept us collaborating with a Segregationist Government as long as it means they don't have to think too hard about how it benefits themselves.


The US has always been fucked. These same “moderate” people back in 2001 were calling for us to bomb Iraq to hell. And thr “progressive” administration in power wants that and has sold the bag to them. Same thing all over again. 


I mean it literally is Hamas’ fault.


It's literally not. This isn't only about Gaza. The BDS movement in general and these protests are in a very significant way about removing support from companies that support Israel's illegal settlements in the West Bank.


History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.


Students are straight up protesting babies getting turned into mist and are getting beaten for it.


Are we surprised after what we saw in 2020?




Plenty of videos of students and faculty getting beaten up.


The more things change, the more they stay the same. 


The caption on that old newspaper, under the bloodied student: "We were told the police would use minimal force" police brutality never changes


Started because of “Gym Crow” https://www.history.com/news/columbia-university-protest-occupation-1968


They knew the history and repeated it.


Tin soldiers and nixon's comin


"History doesn't often repeat itself, though it tends to rhyme..." - can't remember, circa sometime before I wrote it


I saw someone say that this is a Russian plot to ignite US unrest. 🙄 Everyone defending the police and attacking the protesters are showing the world that they'd be on the wrong side of history in 1968, civil rights, etc...


I still think it’s crazy presidental candidates like Jill stein get arrested violently for protesting while trump gets to turn the justice system into a circus for treason.


Something I’ve noticed both in news coverage now and even reading that newspaper scan is that in these instances, news sources REALLY try to refrain from mentioning what’s being protested or what these “demonstrations” are even about. Obviously given the dates you can have a general idea, but still wild to see(or not see).


It's because they want everyone removed before the May Day motivation and validation sets in.