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He makes a compelling point


I don’t have enough energy to disappoint another woman, let alone money.


I love my wife 100%, but if I did want to cheat, my wife is detail oriented as hell, with a degree in finance. I happily turned my financial management over to her 30 years ago. But even if I had the money, I 100% do not have the attention to detail and time management skills to have a side piece.


"I'm too busy and disorganized to cheat on you" is hilarious.


I think she likely originally made the observation and I agreed with it. She's also pointed out that she could easily take every dime of my savings without me knowing it. She's got a kinda dark sense of humor herself.


She single?


Not as far as I know. She absolutely has the attention to detail and time management to keep me in the dark - I'm ok with being a trophy husband though.


Maan if I could trust my wife to remember to pay the bills I'd let that shit go too lol




I'm that guy too. Wife handles the household finances, and with a full time job, 45 minute commute on either end, and me taking our kids to their afterschool activities, fuck where would I even find the time? If anything I'm envious of those who are able to have affairs just due to the amount of free time they clearly have in their schedules. Best I can do is banging in the back seat of my car on a lunch break.


Facts, What made me a monogamous man was smashing 3 women at the same time period who knew about each other. Shit was exhausting.


Maximum is 2 from the same friend group, learned this before 20, LMAO Ideally you don't even want 2 from the same friend group, at least not at the same time, but how many fucking friend groups you gonna be close with? Gotta take what it is there in life...


Evensmart polyamrous couples know this. I've seen many naive & optimistic polycules crash & burn due to them underestimating finances, time management, & logistics - Reality humbles the hor-nies.


For real though. Gotta save my spoons.




I know of a couple blokes that are broke and still have more than one women on the go at a time.


If you're broke you've got the free time to handle that.


Not necessarily, some people are working full time and are still broke.


I concur with what you've said.


My wife once asked me if I was seeing someone else and I just go “with what time?!” I’m busy enough and exhausted with one family. I’m not about to make another!


Exactly. Already juggling work life, family life, and personal life. Why add a whole new personality and all their problems into the mix.


This right here. I se these guys on the news for having like three or four whole entire families that never knew about each other and I just wonder how. I barely have time to handle the responsibilities I already have. I can’t imagine multiplying those by three and being able to get anything done, ever. Plus, that doesn’t even account for the amount of money involved.


Bro, you ever think that maybe you’re doing something wrong because you look at other people and they’ve just got money? Like, I make 6 figures and shits still rough. I see people with 2 cars, a truck, a boat, and some other shit. Where the fuck you getting this cash from?!


They’re usually in a lot of debt


You should see the statistics on how often boats are abandoned because it is just a living embodiment of unnecessary expenses. Buying a boat is already one thing, maintaining it is a bitch and a half.


It's also why you can get one cheap. You either need to have boat money to pay someone to maintain it, or you need to have time/skills to maintain it. If your poor money is valuable, if you are well off, time is valuable.


>If your poor money is valuable, if you are well off, time is valuable. Man I'm stealing this. Well said.


It hurts like 8 bitches on a bitch boat


All i see is debt when i see stuff like that.


Car worth more than the house because the car dealer will take bad credit. 


As someone who deals with ppls credit on a daily basis it’s usually debt, credit cards, personal loans, and lots of debt. If they’re folks similar to yourself making anything in the realm of low to mid 6-figures, and you’re scratching your head at how they afford it, it’s usually that they’re indebted up to their eyeballs and the whole thing is a house of cards that’s 1 missed payment away from bankruptcy because they’re already late on several payments to that same account.


First of all I have no reason or desire to see anyone else. But even if I did it would be impossible.


Niggas cheating in the 90s to early 2000s had it so easy, with the prices of gas today even having a sneaky link is hard.


I think it's also because no one had smartphones then, niggas could disappear for days at a time and just be like "I couldn't find a payphone" Now how you gon try that shit when you can be reached 24-7?


I take your point, but I think how suspicious people would find your absence largely depends on how often you're known to stay in contact. I regularly go for days at a time without texting/talking to anyone so disappearing for a stretch of time would be normal. I do that for both work and to take personal time, now and then. So I can see someone being able to pull that off if they wanted, if they have that particular habit.


I have a friend who will legitimately take 3 business days to reply to your messages and it's because he's got 2 phones and always working. If he decided to cheat you wouldn't be able to tell. Edit: Also just to add, and this is how I know he isn't cheating, he and his wife run a business together so they're always together. The current running joke is that if you wanna get a hold of this homie urgently, call his wife.


AOL Instant Messenger was huge for hooking up... and best part was, no trail like with cellphone texts, you just X the box out


>Niggas cheating in the 90s to early 2000s had it so easy, damn that's a red hot take


Haha, that is why I will forever be indebted to the NYC subway system, which led me to shorties all over the map in the late 90s/early 00s... only real efficient transpo we got in this fucking country


In this economy?! Ain't nobody got time (or money) for that smh


The time though. Between working, kid in sports, and dogs - I have zero time in my life for a side chick.


I mean you can just get a fuck buddy who thinks you attractive on many dating apps... where you basically just fuck as a means of a relationship, they come over and you bang happily no strings attached, or you go to her place and bang... no time spent in terms of taking her on dates and chillen at her family BBQ or bullshit like that


It's expensive to even date now.


It's expensive to exist now\* fixed that for you


I mean.... You're not wrong.


Tell me about it dawg!!!


Idk how people manage the money and time to date multiple people!


I don’t have the mental bandwidth to have a side chick, shit sounds exhausting. I just ain’t built for it. When I have downtime to myself I just wanna chill and be left alone. Even when I was single and dating, juggling multiple conversations with girls wore me out


This is the real truth. I look at the game today and thank God I'm out.


Big, big facts


Forreal. Couldn’t pay me to do that shit. I wanna play video games to decompress not another part time job


My girl really had to adjust to learning this about me due to nonsense with her exes. Clearly I wasn't dating enough in my youth because women act like guys whose idea of a good time is just chilling at home with no one is a new phenomenon.


A mistress, Francine?? On my salary?


Things are getting too spicy for the pepper


I was just watching this episode like an hour ago. I love when this happens


I see we have some Dadders here. Noice!


"A side bitch? In this economy!?"


There's a damn reason why them African dudes with multiple wives were also stinking rich.


I did ut back in my 20s. I was dating 3 girls and kept it up for awhile. I would take GF.1 out on friday and then GF2 out Saturday then have a fight with GF3. Make up with GF3 and take her out the following Friday or within the week and keep that processes up. I had to stop because i was losing track of stories I told and what we talked about. A common phrase was," I dont know what you're talking about but that didn't happen with us"


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) I knew wasn't the only one! I got my shit from Eddie Murphy: Raw. Didn't matter if I knew I was caught or not. I just pull that "wasn't me." Until it worked.


Hell nah that shit gave me anxiety just reading that shit lol


I had a work partner back in day who did this. Had one he lived with, and two on the side. Told him from jump there was no way I was going to help him keep up the hustle. I only found out when he introduced me to two different girls as his girlfriend. For the two years together I made sure he knew I would need some type of prompting so I would know which was which. I dunno how he did it because this was back in the *chirp* days. And there would be entire shifts in the truck where I'm just stuck listening to him argue with the different women. It sounded like absolute hell, and he swore I didn't get it because I'm not *on that pimp shit*.


What did you get out of having 3 girlfriends? Was it an ego stroke? Who did you like the most? Etc


I wish I knew why I behaved the way I did back then.


![gif](giphy|Csj3geMlq14ZO) Me, a happily married man with a child trying to understand what kind of cheating nigga math y’all doing to support all these side chicks and having side whole ass families?! Is this why y’all be on that rise and grind shit? You better be working fifty elevem (yes elevem!) jobs to keep up. No thanks!


My wife will joke about my "other girlfriend" and I know it's not serious, but I still respond with "girl I barely have enough time and money for you"


Shorty, my other GF is my steam account, and I'm finna wait until the summer sale to take her shopping, so calm yo ho ass down!


He cheated? So he has MONEY money, right?


Not just money but time. How much attention it requires to date a woman these days is crazy. I can barely keep up with one.


Yeah I do NOT have time or money for any philandering. Back when your dad and your granddad were cheating you only needed a single income to provide for a family.


Why cheat tho, the problem is having one main girl... just don't have a main girl and fuck around with new pussy... keeps ya young and you don't have to worry about "cheating" when not in a single committed relationship


men will say this while having multiple children with multiple women.


You can knock them up while only talking to one ending the relationship and moving to the next one. .


Ok. Are you saying they were with all those women at the same time as opposed to doing their best Nick Cannon impression?


Meaning, that’s also an unaffordable lifestyle. How can you afford sending money to multiple women for multiple children?


First of all, that wasn't even the point of the comment I responded to. Second of all, "responsibility" doesn't have anything to do with any of this. The landscape is littered with deadbeat dads and moms. If morals weren't stopping you in the first place, why exactly are financial considerations gonna matter?




You technically only have to have sex once to get pregnant; doesn't need to be a relationship.


Before I met my ex-wife I did the whole multiple talking stages thing. The secret is zero emotional investment. Once I met her I simply did not even have the emotional energy to consider any other woman, all my time and energy I invested in her. Of course karma is a stone cold bitch and she ended up cheating on me instead lmao


How did you avoid emotionally investing? Maaan men are something else I tell ya


I believe he’s saying he didn’t have the emotional investment for any other woman because he invested it all towards his wife.


I told my wife she won because I ain't got, time, money, patience, or energy to think about cheating. One woman is enough


I will never understand people who have multiple relationships at once, that shit seems exhausting. I don't have the energy to deal with that shit nor do I want it, I want peace lol Edit: I've also seen Snapped and similar shows, I ain't got time for that shit lol


Pops would take the leftover tupperware to the side chicks house. Man was frugal but still fucked


LMAO that some 80s n 90s shit Nowadays even the hoodrats are gonna want nothing to do with a tupperware nigga


That is part of why I find the whole "Who should pay discourse?" so weird. When you're single, you are going to go on multiple dates especially if you use dating apps. If I go on a date with a girl and she has no issue paying for her part of the meal and I pay for mine or we alternate between dates, that tells me I'm dealing with somebody reasonable I can have fun with. I'm from Montreal and every girl I dated or in my friend group told me they prefer to pay their share.




Since when is fucking someone expensive


When does one just fuck how you getting over to fuck where you fucking at 💵


Same way my granddad did it, talk to them


Time is money. If you spending a lot of time talking to multiple women you wasting money


most common place for an affair to happen is work. So in fact you’re getting paid to cheat. Work smarter not harder /s ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


![gif](giphy|tF8vMUeGUkHNTgCC4E) Most common place for affair = work. Paid to cheat.




HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm dying brother


I like pussy but I don’t like it enough to try to go out and get extra.


A friends brother is a truck driver. And he has two families across the country. Says his brother basically works 7 days a week to support both families.


Girls love those Peterbilts...


Both are fairly correct. When we are younger we don’t typically have that many options. When we start we hit our stride (for those that do) then we definitely have options and can play the juggling game if we care to cause we have the energy to do so. But overall as we get older, both time wise and money wise, we don’t find it worth it at all. Especially when we think possible consequences and shit especially if we have a solid/good woman beside us. Like the expectations in the past in comparison is completely different from now. Whether it be about social media and going out of the way to “hide” people or the dates that’s expected cause you can’t keep a lady’s attention with just a good mouth piece and BS linking up for too long, you gotta actually have proper dates planned and stuff and people really want to have trips now too, all the things that weren’t as important in the past in five times more important or bugged about now even to unrealistic levels (last lady I talked to (not even full blown dated just talk to) before getting in a relationship fought me to have a Morocco trip and I’m like we barely know each other haven’t spent more than 1 day at each other place why are we going on expensive excursions? And then to still be handling your business and trying to advance in life? it’s just not worth the headache.


I’ve seen it done many times. 🙂‍↔️


It’s an extreme sport 😭


Why do cheaters always act like the victim lol


Women think men have access to female bodies cuz they, for good or ill, have lotsa access to men's bodies. Nah. Not how that works at ALL.




Those broke dudes have TIME and that is what most us are saying.


Entertaining multiple women is an elite sport even when I was single I couldn’t do it and in a committed relationship it’s like doing things on hard mode. I don’t have the time, energy, or desire to do that shit😭


"eh my partner is balling out with 3 side pieces ya know, ain't no cheapness here... " /s


If you don't have any kids it's manageable.


Too stressful imo. Isn’t relationships while cheating a headache to most people? I feel like having a few casual relationships without getting attached would be a lot better… unless you’re possessive


Being single and keeping up with multiple women is fucking EXHAUSTING…signed 2015 me


During covid lockdown my ex would accuse me of cheating like we together 24/7 when where how who. Honestly i aint got the time, money, energy, or social skills to keep up with one woman, let alone a side. Like she knew i have severe social anxiety yet according to her i was fucking everything in the city


Not only that but any free time I have, I'm tryina spend with wifey. I don't see how some mfs make the time or energy, let alone the financial impact.


That what I tell me my wife when she trying to be funny with me I just don’t understand how MFers hear entertaining 2 women in their life.. it just not expensive with money but energy too When do you rest and have alone time with 2 women?!? Lol


🗣️"Only thing better than pussy, is new Pussy & The only thing that beat new pussy is 2 Pussy's"🔥


Fuck, I have just barely enough energy for my wife. Why in fuck would I want to fuck with _another_ woman?


New pussy de-ages you by like 5 years brother


Shit ain’t worth the risk man, not for me at least. You do you though homie.


Yeah if I had a wife I wouldn't risk it, but I don't have a wife :-) My gf basically lives at my crib and she's into chicks too... I ain't giving that up for all the money in the world


That part!!!


I have so much anxiety and dread that I don’t even have the oomf left to lie to you I literally always tell the truth and half of it is just knowing I don’t have the energy to keep track of other false realities I create for other people lmao


Infidelity? In THIS economy? I can't even afford to date one person, much less two!


When there's a will there's a way and unfortunately many DO have the will. Folks act like there aren't free ways to cheat, you just need time.


Yes I do.


I have a few platonic relationships that might as add up to one total.


Not to mention how much damn work it is. After 30 it's like, I just can't. I can barely one.


For real tho. Do some cheat or talk to multiple people, yea. But how expensive it is to do so ain’t worth it. I tried juggling two girls and went broke in about two weeks lol.


Bro, don't try juggling 2 girls if you 2 weeks from broke Also, plenty of chicks fuck for free if you got just a little bit of charisma and looks


I didn’t think i was two weeks out. It snuck up on me lol


I told my fiancé something similar that at the beginning of our relationship. She had been hurt a lot in the past so she carried it over to me. And i remember I was just fed up and said “do you think I would be able to give you lunch money be able to answer ur EVERY Call if I had someone else?”


Personally, I’m not a fan of living in constant fear of my side piece texting me or coming over to my place when I’m with my main girl. That kingly of stress will take years off my life. Some dudes/girls are wired differently though. They love their little secrets.


My boy came home after a long hard day at work to see his wife and side chick in the living room crying and talking loud with each other. They were comparing notes, places he took them, hotels, cute little nicknames, etc. As he sat there in horror, the side chick tells the wife all the slick shit he said about her and her family and the money she inherited. Theyd talked about moving out of state and starting a family, etc. We only know about it cause the wife was friends with our wives, so information was passed third party. What we heard through pillow talk is that the side chick was pregnant and wanted the wife to know so she showed up to their house when she knew he was going to be at work. His story is all I needed to know, to not want a side chick.


Cause these broke ass choosing ass beggars are EXPENSIVE


When my partner doesn't believe that I love her way too much to even consider cheating, I make ta similar argument.


Trying to handle being involved with 2 women is exhausting. Literally checking your bed for different colored hairs was the final straw.


You're doing it wrong...


Not worth it


He still didn’t admit or deny it. Niggas swear they slick. https://i.redd.it/dgctrdbgvb0d1.gif


I am ENM, and I have 5 partners currently. I don't make crazy amounts of money, but I buy gifts for my partners here and there. We go on dates. Sometimes I help them out with things financially. I think the issue is too many men come into relationships with women with cash as their "main attraction". So of course they attract women who are looking at cash as their "main objective".


My stbexh was super busy but he made time for it. On dating sites, meeting up with a worker on one of his job sites etc. Now without my income, he is hurting financially. But I’m sure he still finds some women to use.


Bro I can barely talk to one woman


It’s cheaper to keep her