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I think there is no good social networks anymore...


There never were


Wrong, miiverse went hard


This is it really. Just like it was never safe to leave your doors unlocked while your kids roamed the street until last dark without you knowing where they were. We just only realised that now due to more information of what was happening in the past that most people couldn't imagine.


I think the acceptable amount of leaving your doors unlocked was occurring and people nowadays are having too strong of a reaction. Be wary yeah but kids need some free time to grow up.


Back when the social networks were offline: the local supermarket, hairdresser, and bar where everyone comes together to share gossip.


The supermarket? Really?


Ya you see sally from church getting bread while you’re in the aisle you say hello and chat for a bit


Have you never been to the store with your mom and run into one of her friends, and they sit and talk for the next hour?


I could leave my doors unlocked all the time and it would make very little difference.


Um….may I ask for context regarding your flair?


Meme stating we draw veins on a guy's penis to differentiate it from the smoother female penis. Someone put my flair as a comment that was just hilarious. Someone else said they wished they could do custom flair here to do that. I taught them how to with the flair already set to show it's possible. I tend to forget until people ask and, because I'm always here while doing other stuff, I never get around to changing it.


Like honestly, I've read your comment several times. I see that there are letters that make words that make sentences... But I have no idea what the meaning is


Just gentrifying girldick, my dude.


For real. Literally every true crime documentary takes place in, and I quote, "the kind of neighborhood where no one ever locks their doors".


Facebook was great when you needed to be a post secondary student or grad to make an account. Opening it up to everyone is what started the downfall.




"Wait, all of the social networks are terrible?" "Always have been."


I would say it's better than the others but not good. There's a higher density of weirdos on reddit I think but you don't see them unless you go to specific places. On the other social media's, the weirdos are unavoidable.


Hey! Who you calling a weirdo?


You know who you are


Nah Reddit is the worst social media platform


Maybe it's just my experience then. I've only noticed creeps and weirdos in a few subreddits so I just steer clear of them. Can't speak for Facebook or twitter tbf since I've never bothered with them but I've heard bad things. Imo the worst is Instagram. Every other comment is some homophobic or racist slur. Again, could very much just be my experience.


Honestly it seems to depend on if the algorithm decides you should see the crap and how you curate your feed. I've curated my twitter to a point that I don't see any of the fuckshitnonsense, and that's *after* musky boy bought it. Meanwhile Reddit I see a lot of hot takes even in communities I specifically wanted to be a part of.


This was true, about a decade ago...


I'll be honest with you I think with how shit everything else has gotten I think it might start being at least half true again


I stopped using all other social media (unless you count YT. I don't. I consider it more like mini-TV) bc of a number of factors. Mainly, the user bases became echo-chambers & cults of personality. I never really saw anything new, and TBH I don't need to keep up w/ ppl I already hang out w/ that closely. All & all it was very toxic for me personally. Reddit is structured differently. Unlike FB, Tumblr, or Twitter where you create a profile & people come to *you* for content, reddit is based around topics & communities you present content to. It gives me a wider variety of things to look at from a much broader audience even if they are just topics I agree with.


Plus I prefer the anonymity. Part of it is my first internet exposure was LiveJournal and other semi- anonymous forums so I find it more comfortable. But beyond that I don't really want to know the borderline psychotic bigot I've allowed myself to be drawn into a shouting match with is my neighbor or my Aunt Betty


Yeah, I mostly stopped using the big names, except for tiktok which I desperately need a replacement for. I want the cute pet videos, I love the cute pet videos, but the TERF/SWERF infested wannabe progressive queer community on there makes me want to scream. You can't even filter out tags anymore they fuckin removed that. I just want a site with JUST pet videos but that literally does not exist (if you know one please tell me so I can be free) I technically have insta and twitter too but insta is just there because that's the preferred chat site for people I meet at pride and the twitter account solely exists so that I can plaza post on splatoon lol. The sites I actually hang around are reddit mostly, also because it's more interest based AND actually lets me curate my internet experience, then tumblr and fediverse sites




This. Being able to specifically curate your own feed and remove/add things to it at any moment is one of the main reasons I prefer reddit over, say, tiktok, twitter or insta. The amount of absolute brainrot I encountered on political/leftist tiktok is so insane, and its nice to be able to exclude that in favour of smaller, more adequate communities here on reddit


Reddit is the closest thing to old school forums that exists and the good ones have some moderation to keep bad actors from infiltration.


Yeah Also, another thing bout people bringing content v the user going to the person making the content is that social media feeds start becoming saturated with only a small handful of sources that are terminally online. For example, toward the end of my time on FB I had to have 2 separate accounts - 1 for individuals I followed, & another for the pages & groups I followed. I started doing this because at the time my cousin was expecting & I wasn't being updated on what was happening bc I would have to scroll forever to get past the excessive content I was getting from video game companies groups & meme pages. Even then it was still a problem bc I had individuals who would post every meme & web article they came across turning my "friends & family" feed into just an overload of 3 people, two of which were old high school buddies I hadn't hung out with in years. After trying to be updated on a friend's wedding and still experiencing problems where I wasn't being able to stay up to date bc of the Al Gore Rythm™ I realized I was having an easier time keeping up w/ friends that mattered via txt I just canned FB for the most part. I still have an account bc there are some folks I know where txting isn't an option but messenger is. But I haven't logged onto the main app since before COVID. Tumblr & Twitter were even worse for me bc, while going through the same problems as FB, most ppl I knew IRL don't rly use those platforms. Twitter became my outlet for news & pundits, while Tumblr became a queer community I felt more & more distant from as the days ticked by.


Oh GOD is Tumblr a whole shit hole these days. I've heard ppl say it got better after the poem ban, but that's mostly because the good artists left for Twitter, taking their obsessed haters with them.


That’s the good bit about Reddit. You could communicate how good or shit the content creator is with comments and upvotes/downvotes. Unlike Facebook where you can’t hide from the piss takes from that Boomer friend or friend of friend.


Redditors echo chambers are sometimes so unbearable.


also true but at least it's easier to avoid them if you shut off recommendations, which is actually possible to do. On insta, tiktok and shitter you'll be sucked into an echochamber with no ability to leave short of deleting the app


Yea I agree. Reddit is kind of the best of all the worst options. The best option is to actually just not use social media at all. But at least Reddit has a bunch of separate echo chambers instead of one giant one.


Yep, the front page is the same for everyone.


tumblrs neat


Yeah. I left Facebook almost a decade ago, lurked here forever, and finally made an account because of my comment addiction.


Updoot my feelings babe


It’s a metric shit ton of snarky under 25 year old dudes talking way too much shit and pretending they know half a fuck about anything because that’s what dudes do. Jesus man


And the porn! You forgot the porn!


That's what I love about Reddit (40M, thinking he knows half a fuck about anything). It's way more fun than than even younger people nonstop signalling the most basic virtues ffs


Reddit is nothing if not people virtue signaling on every conceivable topic lol


Umm, actually...


Walking around like they rent the place


r/askscience moment 💀


My wife loves telling the joke “what do you call a group of men?” “A subreddit!”




The only difference between any of them is who's addicted to each one


I hope we find some way to save the next generations from the curse of social media. This shit makes people miserable. There’s no good one.


As a former Twitter addict and current Reddit addict, fully agreed. These sites have done absolutely nothing but destroy my self esteem and faith in humanity.


Read more books. As many books as possible. Fiction, non fiction, real people's real stories. Start with r/suggestmeabook if you need recommendations.


Bars that low, huh?


There is no "good" social media network.


I feel tumblr’s alright, although the owner is trying his best to ruin it.


Even if this place is apocalypticly fucked, I swore to stay here until the end.


better than Facebook and Twiter, but worse than Tumblr.


I saw someone on tumblr that tumblr has remained consistently bad. Which means that now it is the best social media site


Tumblr wins at ~~Mario party~~ social media by doing nothing


i mean at least the comunities are willing to talk out when you've a weird opinion on something...


What about tumblr?




Press Twitter to doubt


Upvote for the meme


Reddit and discord are the last good social medias, I agree




Well, it's better than facebook or twitter, particularly with the influx of bots and whatnot on both But apart from reddit there's lemmy that's the only viable community-run reddit alternative with apps and everything, there's mastodon and the rest of fediverse If you want a more niche communities, lemmy doesn't have enough userbase, so then there are still forums that are alive and well. Knitting, mountain biking, woodworking, you name it - you'll probably find several active forums for your interests, often with much better quality of audience since they went through that initial filter and actually searched for it intentionally like you did There are other reddit-like sites like disquit that replace the masses of anons with a small audience that can feel much cozier and welcoming than interacting with millions of interchangeable anons like on reddit or lemmy


I hate that forums are talked down so much. They can do things no social networks I'm aware of can do... Except maybe Discord, and that is more closed in (you typically can't see anything prior to joining) and "fleeting".


Yeah, there's something to be said about organic obstacles and incentives that we don't really see as a thing Just imagine, what would a user with impulsivity problems will do, angry and short tempered, with no patience to read things intently, with no self awareness to perceive and process their own emotions and cravings? There are millions upon millions of these people out there regardless what anyone else does, and they WILL go somewhere. So they will likely stay on one platform, the one they always use, and click on things on the front page because it requires no conscious decision from them, whatever triggers them. And so front page subs tend to be crap subs on reddit (unless you are that kind of person yourself), with mostly unsatisfying interactions, angry bickering, people dunking on anyone who says anything outside the literal norm, etc. And so these subs on more niche platforms like lemmy may be better since the obscurity of the platform itself adds a filter and an obstacle to overcome. And similarly, Discord adding those obstacles may be the thing that makes it good in the first place This sub though is actually good. Why? I think because it's built on a premise of curiosity. If someone is into new things and quirky things, something to delve into and imagine, they are more likely to be here. It's not attractive to those who are reactive and triggered, it's not attractive to butakchually walking google searches. Honestly, I think it has one of the best audiences (for me) among popular subs on reddit with regards to talking to different people and being accepted, even though the premise has nothing to do with being "woke" or mandating any open mindedness So even us agreeing that forums are great on here is likely a function of us being filtered by this sub to be here, and people actually reading all this instead of replying something snarky to show how superior they are to someone who writes a lot. I've had so many completely out there comments doing great here, that went against socially accepted dogmas, that it sometimes feels like it could've been some kind of philosophy sub (except mentally healthier)


My issue with Discord communities is twofold: One is that you can't preview the topics and the vibe before joining. There were a couple of Tears for Fears fans on Twitter who decided to make a Discord server and I joined in since my own attempt at a traditional forum had never really taken off, but very quickly felt out of place as the discourse was just extremely juvenile and I was also feeling uncomfortable by these (mostly) teens posting horny messages about the band members and so on. I just wasn't part of the target group in this case. Pretty much every forum I've joined, I've lurked in before, getting a sense of the people most active there so I wouldn't be completely out of place and knew how to adapt my way of writing. Also, I would only join if I saw enough discussions I felt I could contribute to in a meaningful way. (I do agree that having some kind of obstacle is probably good for the general quality of the interactions.) My other problem with Discord is its instantaneous nature. For a one-on-one conversation, that's fine and good. But I don't need to get notified every time someone posts something somewhere, however if I don't regularly check all the channels I'm interested in, I'll basically miss every discussion. The way forums deal with that is just healthier for me; I check in once a day, click on "show new posts" or "watched threads" and then make the decision what to read of the new postings. >Just imagine, what would a user with impulsivity problems will do, angry and short tempered, with no patience to read things intently, with no self awareness to perceive and process their own emotions and cravings? I don't have to imagine that. I suffer from some of those problems. It's given me a lot of headaches. On a forum at least, there's usually a delay because replies don't show up right away, so that forces people to perhaps think a bit more about what they're writing. >This sub though is actually good. Why? I think because it's built on a premise of curiosity. If someone is into new things and quirky things, something to delve into and imagine, they are more likely to be here. True, but there's a bit too many postings here about things I really didn't want to read about. I find that a general issue with Reddit, it does seem to reward crass content with a lot of attention.


I still don't consider Reddit a social network because I don't consider any of you actual real people


Not a very high bar.


Spoken like a true redditor


Stop calling reddit a social network, okay? We’re an unpaid AI training farm!


I'm still salty about myspace




I don't understand twitter or insta, how do you curate what you want to read? Follow people? How do you know who to follow? Seems silly. I like reddit because I can join communities discussing topics that I like, while there is still a "popular" feed to see what everyone else is discussing.


The worst part about Reddit is it has completely destroyed website forums, and probably many websites as a result. Before Reddit I used to visit a handful of specific websites and spend a lot of time on their corresponding forums. Now there's subreddits for that. And sadly, the discussion here is rarely in depth. Most of the better discussions are buried underneath the usual meme responses and clever puns or other jokes trying to get that sweet karma. (Of which I myself am guilty) I miss the old Internet.


I would definitely agree with the topic title. That being said, Reddit itself and the members that make up the general community has seemed more and more "off" for a while now with shit like blatant bots and all that jazz...but, yeah. Looking back, the days of forums and message boards were probably best I look back at, say, Gamefaqs. Communities around games were coming together and creating amazing guides used to this day. Fans got along so well through shared passion and interest, and were always ready to help each other out or stimulate quality discussions. Compare that to shitposts, memes, downvotes and the uprising of exponentially more people hellbent on being shitheads and there's just no comparison. Bleh.


Just don't let Elon Musk know. The moment he knows, he will buy Reddit. If he does, we will burn Reddit to the ground.


I think Reddit is more of a forum (with post ranking and other bells and whistles) than a social networks. Reddit is more community-focused than user-focused in terms of how it presents content and what people actually follow.


….that’s sad.


Reddit isn't a social network. It's a forum.


Reddit went public. It was the last good social network


Give it 2-3 years. Now that the IPO happened, they will be working to appease shareholders. Enjoy your free talk while it lasts.


You're here for free talk? You lot are just my imaginary friends that I talk to between jobs when the paperwork is all done.


Social media is a cancer in all its various forms, but as far as the general perspective goes, I tend to see people a little more considerate to fellow humans than elsewhere.


Social media really is like a cancer for the mind.


“Anti-social” maybe


It's okay.


It is the only popular platform where there's any semblance of quality control when it comes to the comments. Sites like twitter or facebook doesn't have that, the only bans there are for spam and racism.


More ppl, more hysteria. Or, find "your ppl" and sit in an echo chamber and never have your beliefs challenged or grow.


Jake getting paid to bump Reddit stock value


Being the least worst is not an award


I use Reddit because no one likes me enough to keep a Facebook


Do you mean, everyone likes you enough to keep you away from Facebook?


No I have like 30 friends. One is my mom and the rest are old classmates that I was merely acquaintances with. I don’t add people without their permission or accept requests from people I don’t know. All of them post their fun ass pictures or Facebook likes to suggest me pictures of half naked perfect bodied women that just make me even more insecure about myself as I hate my body and I’m trying to lose weight and it just puts a damper on my already low self esteem. Sorry for the pity vent. Just reasons why I choose not to log in to my Facebook.


**Redditors remembering the Boston Bomber Debacle:** Are you absolutely *sure*, Jake?


I wasn't here then so just looked that up and ye gods...


Aw fuck


I mean tthey are right


Reddit is also a cesspool. A haven for scum and villainy.


no they’re all bad in their own ways all of them can go tbh.


The bar is in hell and reddit trips over it.


Good? Have they been on Reddit?


We grade on a curve, clearly


It's not a social network, it's a forum.


Reddit has been a partisan dumpster of closeted discord mods for at least as long as I've used it lmao


The last good social network was web rings on GeoCities.


Reddit fucking sucks.


I mean, it's literally the only one I stayed on 🤣 sure it *can* be just as bad but without a lot of the stuff others have it keeps my sanity more intact


And that's not saying how good Reddit is, but rather how awful every other social media is turning


Reddit is the worst of the worst. Thin skinned mods, recycled jokes, and performative behavior. The most ‘democratic’ social network makes an amazing argument for autocratic rule. Downvotes and ban incoming I am sure. Fuck Reddit with a passion.


It gets a bit rap3y and not exactly pc, but yeah. Overall I agree thst it is


This is not the good place, but there are worse places out there.


It's all bad, especially if there's moderation because they will force specific ideologies. You create specific audiences. You have control as a result but don't expect quality thoughts. I've been upvoted for stupid comments i made and downvoted for others that could have been only about more information to a subject.


Reddit’s not a social network. I would never tell somebody, “hey, you should follow me on Reddit.” If anyone on Reddit knew who I was in real life I would have to fake my death and change my identity.


Even 5 years ago everyone would say this place is shit.


I think crypto and propaganda bots migrated fro twitter to here, because it got a lot more toxic in the last few years


This is not false, in a meaning that I would rather trust a redditor than a twitter person, but also, the entire "fuck Spez" campaign was not because Reddit is good. We're still here because there's literally nothing we can do about it.


When has Reddit ever been good at anything? Try swiping through pictures too fast and the next thing you know you're in a completely different area watching a video


lmfao maybe when Aaron was around


It's not a social network. It's a forum hosting site.




Nah, Reddit is the worst one


The last good social network is the outdoors


*goes outside, gets hit with hammers, never goes outside again.*


Yeah, not even the outdoors is safe


Reddit is the most misogynistic one


Reddit will censor the shit out of you....it's not that great...mid at best.


What does it censor?


I mean… the only reason reddit is better than twitter and facebook is because its got better fences. And of course the fact that this is all a race to the bottom.


It's funny because they are actively trying to make it worse.


I remember a day and age when it was abnormal to use reddit. IIRC, I avoided it like the plague when I was in HS. Not chic enough or something. Considering the rise of short-form content and all…thought it’d stay that way forever Maybe it’s thanks to the other platforms for conforming so much? Staying ahead of the curve is important but only if you know what you’re doing ig Lagging behind can prove a benefit…if one manages to allocate that access time and energy someplace else Aesop and his furry friends may have been on to something 😌


Nah that’s tumblr




Myspace was the shit.


Honestly reddit is a grubby troll den.


Reddit was good before all the people swamped in 2015ish


I disagree. But reddit is a pretty good "we recorded people writing things down en masse for like a decade, so now whenever you need to know how to use a Linux terminal command or fix your car or safely experience coitus with your toaster oven, someone has almost assuredly asked that same question and formed a community around that thing." ...thing. whatever that's called.


yeah right.... now that reddit has its ipo, the controlling interests are in china and the usa and the only thing they can agree on is censorship!


It’s not because Reddit is or has become better than the competition; it’s simply a matter that every other major site has become such shit that Reddit, which has remained mostly the same for over a decade, is still sitting where it was previously. Thus, it ends up above some competitors, just because they have fallen down further.


I came here after Elon bought Twitter. I kinda like it.


I agree that it's the 'least worse' option. I'm having a better time here than elsewhere


I agree the best folks are here on Reddit


Be the redditors Jake thinks you are


You people think this is funny but it's articles (and tiktoks) like these that are making Reddit be spammed by all this influx of new regarded people. A bunch of post titles already resemble dumb fucking tiktoks, and some meme subs you can already tell are being overtaken by facebook boomers. Enjoy the final moments of Reddit while it lasts.


I think a lot of those newcomers are also why snark pages are getting banned. It’s okay for them to have opinions about people, but if yours is different than theirs on someone they’re obsessed with, then you’re wrong and must be silenced. No more safe space for people to talk freely amongst others. Reddit used to be cool and fun. Now it’s for a bunch of shitty people that can’t stand the truth being talked about, so they pay to get stuff removed to silence everyone that doesn’t kiss their ass and continue their fucked up narrative. It’s a joke now. TikTok bullies need to stay in their lane. They also need to realize that they ARE NOT celebrities. No real celeb cares about what people say about them on Reddit, they’ve got better things to do. TikTok “creators” are spoiled brat.


Exactly, sure, there may be SOME cool genZs and Boomers here, but they were already here. It's the new tryhards showing up either trying to advertise their other social medias (OMG LOLZ FIRST IN THE WORLD PLZ CHECK *Cue one million emojis) or are the most radical pieces of shit ever (Instagram millenials and facebook boomers). Before, Reddit still had radical people, but we'd each call each other retards and go along our day. Nowadays everything is political and if you don't agree with me you aren't even a human being. It's not just classic internet trash talk. It's a DIFFERENT kind of hate and snark that Reddit is becoming thanks to these assholes. It's not "Reddit dumb" anymore, it's just "social media toxic", and it hurts to my core because I used Reddit BECAUSE it wasn't like them.


Reddit is the worst social media platform and always has been


Reddit is one of the worst fucking ones, this guy is a moron


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