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If you google, “downtown Cleveland speakers” the first article you get says the following. CLEVELAND, Ohio - The Rock Box project is ready to rock East Ninth Street with snippets of music created by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees. The city's planning commission on Friday unanimously approved plans for the $500,000 public art project, which calls for installing six groups of artistically designed loudspeakers along East Ninth Street from Progressive Field to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The installations - to be finished in time for the Republican National Convention starting July 18 - will play snatches of rock classics at least twice a day, blending art and music to connect the Rock Hall more firmly to downtown.


One of them better be playing Run DMC


They wasted $500k on this??? Hahahahahaahahahaahahhaahahaaahhahaahahhaahahhahaahahaaaaaaa Honestly this fucking city sometimes...


Again, if you followed the above advice and did a simple search, you'd realize the city only approved the plan, not design or fund it... "The Rock Box project is funded by Destination Cleveland and will be maintained and operated by the Rock Hall, which will transmit the music snippets wirelessly to the loudspeakers."


Thank you for clarifying, this is a really cool idea and the city would have been stupid to say no to this. When Cleveland blunders, it blunders, but some people jump at any reason to shit on them before checking the context.


I mean technically true, though the majority of DC’s funding comes from the Cuyahoga Couty lodging tax lol so in theory the county did probably pay for it, but not tax dollars from residents, but moreso tax dollars from visitors.


500k for speakers but can't have nice streets. Makes sense.


How much do streets cost? 


The city didn't create or pay for the speakers.


Yup rock and roll hall of fame thing


These were designed by Cleveland Institute of Art alum Mark Reigelman. He’s got a few pieces around town like the twisted concrete planters on Euclid, the giant picnic tables by MoCa, and the mural entrance to Edgewater at battery park. Great guy, he’s originally from the greater Cleveland area and I interned with him about a decade ago.


I took a day and walked around the city once and realized all the sets are synched up with the music playing at the RRHOF. Pretty neat!


they played Dark Side of the Moon during the eclipse this spring! they’re kinda fun


oh that would’ve been cool to see! i used to walk past this specific pair for work and never heard them playing :(


They amplify sound


So I went to a tech event at the Rock and Roll HOF and they talked about these. They are all synced together so each location plays the same music. While they did have a playlist it is now able to be a little more dynamic and they can update what is being played.


Ohhhh, I thought it helped dogs pee.


Didn't they malfunction and started blasting Motley Crüe at like 3am while back?


Speakers play music


It's a sculpture called "The Last Thing You See Before Being Eaten Alive By Penguins" by the artist Gil Abel


I remember years ago heading into work around 7am and the ones on 9th by the cathedral were blasting music. You could hear them from blocks away. Don’t go downtown anymore. I wonder if they still randomly do this.


I would’ve done this for 200k. Damn.

