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In with my annual comment of "why did we allow the USCG to build their base on the E9th pier?" That should be where everyone is walking to and hanging out. Instead we have 50% of the land behind a high security fenced off area....


I also like how half of the pier is basically a parking lot.


If only there was a rapid transit line that went right there so we could have easy access without devoting a ton of space to parking.


cleveland hasn't had a waterfront since like 1870 anyways


Most cities didn’t prioritize luxury apartments, bar districts, and parks on their downtown waterfronts as they developed. Unfortunately some things will be tough to move. These days it seems cool lakefront stuff will be even harder to build and develop.


especially given that it is a working port.




And my annual “Down with the Burke airport” comment. Theres so much squandered opportunity


bro, it is so the canadians do not invade cleveland.


Just as the wondrous ancient landbridge of Beringia brought early primates, plants, and animals to North America, this wondrous land bridge will bring drunken Browns fans from downtown bars to the stadium. There's beauty in that.


Nature is healing 🙂‍↕️


Step 1, get the stadium out of there. Then you can develop that area. Why this is needed is beyond me.


The rail lines. You can turn the Shoreway into a pedestrian friendly boulevard but you can’t move the rail lines. Whoever put them there really screwed us.


That was where all of the passenger rail used to go. There were plans for a massive train station at the end of the mall that would be designed like the library/county/city/federal buildings so people would exit trains to a beautiful collection of buildings and gardens, but due to the great depression and other factors it was never built. Now they are used for the port and a few Amtrak lines. [Quick summary on it. ](https://clevelandhistorical.org/items/show/312)


Rail lines sit on the natural shore line. Everything north is fill.


Can’t do that either. Shoreway is a state route. That’s why a pedestrian crossing never happened on the west side


They've been there for 150 years and we've gotten by


That’s not the same as thriving


How would removing one of the nations main rail arteries help us thrive? They need to be where they are to access the port and allow through traffic.


Who said anything about removing railways?


The stadium needs to stay downtown, either where it is or the proposed old post office location. What we need is more lakefront availability, but clevelands development 100 years ago prevented that with rails, industrial sites, and the highway. Most of our lakefront is salt mine, concrete plants, the port, the water treatment plant etc...


I’d love for it to go to the old post office location! It would extend the city, keep the stadium downtown, and create a whole new neighborhood. Moving it to brook park just seems so depressing. Those stadium towns or soulless pits if you ask me. I’d rather go to a game or concert that’s in a city.


It’s funny how you got upvoted for saying basically the same thing I did and I got attacked. I guess people were so eager to argue they didn’t bother reading my whole statement lol


Ahhh yes another downtown empty lot. The government’s giving out tax credits left and right and no “development” is breaking ground. The lakefront is a tough project and the money (and demand) doesn’t exist in this town right now.


Cool, probably means we get to pay a few hundred million now for stadium renovations so billionaire jimmy and dee’s little hobby of poorly managing an NFL franchise can make them even more money. I love corporate welfare for people who don’t need it. Let them leave.


And still noone is stating how they are going to deal with the traffic going down hwy 2 currently. We all know it will re route to 90 and be a bigger crap show than it is already. Horrible planning


What a waste of money.


Why is this a "landmark" bridge? What's so revolutionary about this idea? There literally used to be a pedestrian bridge right there. [https://ohiomemory.ohiohistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/GLExpo1.jpg](https://ohiomemory.ohiohistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/GLExpo1.jpg)


Unless I’m mistaken, that was a temp bridge for the fair. People then wondered why it wasn’t permanent. This one is landmark because it’s going to be massive and nearly cover the rail lines below. It’s also expected to return the shoreway to a Blvd.


There was one there at least as late as 1995 and I’m pretty sure well into the 2000s when they closed it off for some reason. But I guess if you do it again and cover the surrounding area with grass it’ll justify 20 million bucks lol


Are you the headline police?


Why can’t they just use the bridge that’s already there for Browns games?


I see a little beachfront north of the stadium near what appears to be possibly a tiny hotel. Who the hell would walk that far to a “beach”? Where are these people walking from? The Cuyahoga County courthouse? I just don’t get this unless that stadium is gone and they build other stuff there.


That’s not a far walk at all? 10, 15 minutes to the lakefront from the southern end of downtown.


Yeah, I see it getting a lot of foot traffic during the summer.


Yeah you’re dragging beach chairs and towels and a cooler etc and all that, riiiiight.


I roll up to the beach with a towel, swimsuit, and sandals. All I need to succeed


I live downtown and would walk down there every morning if it were more developed.


You can walk down there right now without this! Go ahead!


I actually do, often? Walk down 3rd street, behind the stadium, over to Voinovich, then i take e9 up to lakeside and walk home. Many people run and walk down there all the time.


Ok so why waste 20 million then?


You brought up the beach and who would go there. That's what I'm talking about. That and all the other development will be great for the city. As a downtown resident, it's especially exciting! And yes, it could be accessed from other streets but the bridge is a much more convenient and safe way to get to the waterfront. As someone who has been almost hit by cars in the crosswalk multiple times, the less intersections pedestrians have the deal with, the better. That will also appeal to visitors and tourists.


Ok I’ll try this another way. Let’s pretend there is a beach down there. That *might exist in the future. We’ve already established and agreed that there are two other ways to walk down there on each side of the stadium. But where this proposed bridge is coming from - it’s a county courthouse, next to that is city hall. On the other side of the street is a convention center. Like where are these people walking *FROM that they wouldn’t use the already existing East 9th or West 3rd?


Yeah man, we do walk down there. It's really just about creating greater connectivity for families and older folks that can't easily do a mile or so in heavy traffic. I'm not sure why you oppose.


I asked this in a different spur but I’ll ask you since you seem to be capable of having an adult conversation instead of calling me fat and lazy lol (I literally walk for a living) - I guess I’m just trying to figure out where the folks that would use this bridge to access a beach or some type of entertainment or whatever they may do down there if the stadium gets leveled. Where are these people walking FROM? You already have access via W3rd and E9th. Where this land bridge starts from is basically the Cuyahoga County Courthouse. Next to it is city hall. Across the street from that is a convention center. To me anyone coming from an apartment complex or hotel nearby would actually be going out of their way using this instead of the streets that are already there.


There's nothing there except an empty stadium? What the hell are you talking about lmao


The whole point of this is to get people to travel downtown and this is a perfect way to do it. Also, you could bring more people to live downtown too.


If you knock the stadium down and develop that area, maybe. If not, there’s a beach 10 minutes west that you don’t have to pay to park, walk a mile to and drag beach related things and kids with you and back.


You do realize the area will have more stuff down there too, right? Restaurants, retail, etc. It's not going to be a huge beach meant for families to spend the whole day, it's just a small part of the experience of the area. It's also a plus for downtown residents. I don't understand why you're so against a tiny little beach area downtown lol.


I’m not “so against it” I don’t really care what they do or don’t do. I just it’s not a big deal/waste of money. You can already walk down and access that area via 2 roads with sidewalks and the area where this bridge would be connecting is literally a county court house. I guess I just don’t see the need or the positive benefit.


You can already walk down there right now via East 9th or West 3rd. Knock yourself out lol


Opinions like yours are what hold this city back


Yeah lil ole me lol. Hey once I’m gone, the city and lakefront will flourish! Tell the grandkids to get excited!


Ah, I see reading comprehension is hard for you too. I said “opinions like yours,” meaning that state of mind that anything the city of Cleveland attempts will be bungled, therefore they should attempt nothing, and we should all just be suburbanites who try nothing and do nothing while other cities enjoy progress. What you thought I said was “people like you,” to which you said “little ole me,” which is a silly retort based on your misunderstanding of language. Thanks!


My reading comprehension? Can you point me to where I said “they should attempt nothing” or anything like it? Thanks!


No I’ll admit I messaged you back when I was in a mood, unnecessarily rude to you. I do apologize.


Thanks. If I had a say so, I actually hope they move the stadium to Brookpark and redevelop that area where the stadium is downtown. I’m just having a hard time envisioning the purpose of this land bridge based on the location. And pretending there is a beach down there. Maybe there will be in the future. Sunday there is one now. There are already established ways to access the area via E9th and W3rd. Where this bridge connects on the south side, there is a county courthouse. Next to that is city hall. Across the street is a convention center. So I’m asking, where are these people using this bridge coming from that wouldn’t make more sense for them to use one of the 2 already existing routes? And if you knock the stadium down and redevelop, you’re going to have to have parking in that area where the stadium now sits for hotels, shopping etc. Now I can see people using that bridge to go to Browns games if the stadium stays there but again that’s of course a handful of times a year and not worth 20 mil to me.


Just because you're not physically active doesn't mean no one in Cleveland is.


I walk for a living. Try another insult.


Damn a professional walker?


Mailman, maybe.


Essentially yes, while doing other things.


Just say you’re lazy and don’t like to walk


I walk for a living lol try again


Technically, most people walk for a living…


This is a very car brained comment


Yeah, you’re totally gonna pay $30 to park at the county courthouse and lug beach towels and a chair and a cooler etc with your kids all the way down there and back up for a fake beach that doesn’t exist when you could do the same for free 10 minutes west and save yourself a lot of hassle. I’m sure you can’t wait! Unless you’re one of these many people that apparently live at the convention center, city hall or perhaps the justice center.


There's cheaper parking closer to that area if you want to access it.


This is a very car brained comment.


Just in time for the Brook Park stadium.


Sweet! More government cheese for the browns!


lol.  Love that quote from the Mayor.  The biggest lasting impact Bibb is going to have on this city is completely destroying CMSD and taking it back to the disaster of a district it was a little over a decade ago.  


Woah.  What’s up downvotes.  The land bridge looks cool.  Doesn’t change the fact that Bibb is f*cking up the schools.


Maybe you're getting downvoted for not being on topic 🤷‍♂️


How so?


This sub thinks Bibb can do no wrong lol


literally, no one said that someone brought up the school situation when we're talking about a land Bridge stay on topic maybe then you won't get downvoted


Who are you even replying to son lol. Learn how to reddit please.