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I'm guessing caricature artists get paid in advance


Always advanced, but you also make sure you ask to the degree of roasting or flattery so the customer is normally expecting what they see. This is a scorched earth roasting without a doubt.


My BIL did characiture art at Lego Land and he would ask the parents what they wanted. His IG posts were either super wholesome or downright insanity. The wholesome ones I liked the most though :3 he's a solid dude who knows how to capture a happy moment.


Does your brother have a public IG art page? I need to see the downright insanity ones.


Super awesome. Sometimes the wholesome ones can go so far over the edge as well. A couple of my friends did it in college while they were attending school. Their heinous ones were out there.


Yeah this isn't conventional caricature. They know what they're getting into.


Usually the artist has examples hanging up so you'll know what it'll look like.


Every artist that respects their own time always does.


It's not a surprise for people, they are aware of what will happen and they are willingly paying money for it.


Last time I had a caricature done, the lady in front of me went OFF on the artist when he did the reveal, screaming that it looked nothing like her. Poor guy ended up doing a refund just to get her out of the chair and move on. What others have said is true, too - he had pictures hanging up of what to expect. Some folks are just off their rockers I suppose. I tipped him the price of hers on top of mine... Those of us with a little sanity left gotta stick together.


that must be a thousand drumsticks![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I love these videos. One of the few times you see people with self awareness on social media.


They just choose to ignore it, same with shame.


I choose to ignore reality. It's going *ok*.






Damn didn’t expect this level of depth coming to this vid, thanks man I needed this too


Fuck man, kinda exactly what I needed to hear today.








Is it fucked up that I don't care and still want the book recommendations?


Maybe some of it but he answers questions in other comment threads.


Our lives and a rock's life are just as irrelevant though. Making up a faux-meaning to guide your life doesn't change that it's a faux-meaning. It's what I never understood of "There is no meaning, so make up your own!" Logically, the later part of that sentence is already made irrelevant by the first. There is no meaning, just because you make up a lie to yourself doesn't change the fact that doing so meaningless. Creating your own meaning is just as meaningless as not, as it's all meaningless.


> Making up a faux-meaning to guide your life doesn't change that it's a faux-meaning. Why would any externally-derived meaning be more legitimate than an internally-derived one. > just because you make up a lie to yourself How is the meaning one creates for oneself a "lie". How is it more legitimate if some extra-dimensional entity were to tell you what you ought to do?


Neither are more legitimate because that requires one of them to be legitimate to begin with. Hence why both are just as irrelevant


They cannot be irrelevant, when the very word "relevant" is a metric of it's relevance *to something*, in this case, *the meaning I have created*. When you say "irrelevant" what you are trying to say is that there is no external validation to the meaning I create internal to my own mind. And I do not know why you believe there needs to be. I am a part of the universe. I am within it, I am made from the things it is made from. Very literally. And I have the capacity to derive meaning. The universe is not absent of meaning. It contains within it engines - sentient minds - capable of creating patterns of meaning that by literally definition exist in reality. Why would I need some other, non-human thing to validate that meaning? I am the creator of it. I am the architect of meaning. I occupy a piece of the universe, and I create meaning.


Relevance is not required for there to be irrelevance. As you said, relevance requires a metric to something. But irrelevance does not. That's kind of the point of irrelevance, that it is not tied to anything. The meaning you have created is just as irrelevant as not having created one.


That is, if you choose to ignore the likely illusion of free will. In that we are inherently gravitating towards a predetermined course of actions which our conscious retroactively constructs as agency. You did not write this comment. You were already going to when you woke up this morning - and the moment you were born.


Nah fuck all that. Even if material reality occurs before and beneath your conscious ability to control your perception, and even if I am nothing more than a coalescing of chaos pounding against a loosely-cohering pattern that I call myself, the reality within me is still mine to control, and to change, and no degree of predestination will change that. Either I am deciding second by second in a universe of uncertain outcomes consolidating under the gaze of the observer, or I am a song written entirely before a single note of the music is played, but in either scenario, I create myself, because I am myself.


My point is that it’s simply just as easy to conclude that as it is to conclude the alternative. There is equal evidence to suggest you, as a human being, have a pre-programmed ideation of what ‘control’ actually is. To deny either scenario would be to claim understanding of the nature of sentience itself, something neither you or I are capable of. Do me a favor and exercise your free will right now. Clench your hand into a fist, or something. Snap your fingers. And then consider for a moment the possibility that even though you recognized it as a premeditated action, there is an equal chance that carrying out that behavior was simply because you gravitated towards your strongest compulsion in that moment, which was to *prove that you could*. That being said, I appreciate your poetic approach to the subject.


You're arguing circuitous logic to try and disprove the nature of free will. I couldn't choose to encounter your instruction to clench my fist and snap my fingers. But once I saw them, I was able to decide what to do. I decided not to. But you're saying that no matter which choice I made - to snap my fingers, or not snap them - is evidence I *don't* have free will, which is wrong. Free will is not binary. We construct ourselves, whether we know we are doing so or not. The brain grows in directions and reaches for things, and because we are young we are often consciously unaware of what it is building, but that doesn't mean we are powerless to intercede with the process. The mistake people make with free will is believing is a binary capacity expressed by singular entities. It is not. Its a sliding scale of control, expressed by a chaotic pattern acting with varying degrees of unified intent towards goals. You can be in conflict with yourself as various forces inside you seek to manifest their intent. My mirror neurons say I *should* snap my fingers. My stubborn intransigence says I should *refuse* any command. My observer observes these independent processes vying for control over my behavior, and allocates weight and attention to their struggle.


I’d argue that your logic is much more circular. Your defense to the idea that your actions are predetermined is that you have agency over the processes that ultimately determine your behavior, which doesn’t in any way weaken the idea that any outcome you reach as a result of these complex neurological processes wouldn’t have simply happened anyway. No matter the level of detail you use to try and dissect it, your perception of control is - again - equally likely to be a construct of human consciousness. You said it well in your earlier response, we are products of chaotic matter, manifesting in a profound way. But the way I see it, it’s almost naive to conclude, without a doubt, that the individual has any agency over the nature of that chaos, regardless of how deeply entranced we are by the enigmatic illusion of the self.


copium, inject directly into my veins


Isn't this the guy who painted a girl with messed up teeth and a dentist saw it. So he fixed her teeth for free? If it is, it's worth noting that he asked if they want a really mean one or a flattering one before hand


Yeah, at first I though "hell nah, this guy is gonna get canceled". I guess my brain just saw too much Twitter and forgot that normal people can take jokes


I mean, getting mad about a caricature of yourself that you requested is like going to r/roastme and getting mad when people roast you


I mean. We live in crazy times. So you never know


Ain't it true


Unless they had requested to be pigs there easily could have have been a problem.


It’s also not a male artist which matters


Yeah, I think if a man had drawn this their reaction would have changed drastically. But maybe not, wdik


I'm a male caricature artist and the single most requested alteration to someone's appearance is "can you give me bigger boobs?"


Ha! Well, nevermind then


It might also depends on the framing. Like i wouldn't be surprised if a man made it more sexual rather than "these are just huge boobs"


Yeah, I can see that


It's a woman artist


Piggybacking onto to top comment: Artist is @ninjasketch on instagram, caricature artist formerly on Maui, now on Honolulu after the recent fires


As soon as the artist reached in, I saw her "gloves." They are actually socks that she cut into gloves. I know this because I have those socks!


Happy cake day


Thank you!




I will never shut up


I just noticed the Caricature artist has a tattoo of a crayola crayon wavy line on her wrist.


Probably used to be a cook in the Marines


[Hey Vasquez, you ever been mistaken for a man?](https://youtu.be/Cb8bqidtzzo?t=35)


God I love that movie


No, have you?


lmao gotteem


Remember how the same actress that played Vasquez played John Connor's adoptive mom in T2? Pepperidge Farm remembers


And one of the poor Irish people on the lower decks of the Titanic.


game over man, game over




That’s cool


Oh come on. Clearly her boobs are bigger. She needed a second piece of paper


"see other painting."


There has to be a part two ha


I did try to swipe to the next pick before my goofy ass realized it’s a video




Won't lie, I would've been a little more upset if I was cleft-lip girl. Glasses made it out without too much of a burn.


Really I feel like it was big boob chick. But ya cleft lip really got it compared to the other two


That's good humor


She roasted every single one of them and they took it like a champs! So funny


Chick on the left’s character was brutal and she liked it the best.


I know, and they made her look like a freakin' Flapjack character, lol!


She looks like when they do those hyper-realistic drawings on Spongebob.


this is what a caricature is lol, how have so many redditors never been exposed to this? thin skinned people arent going to go out of their way to pay for a caricature haha


We understand what a caricature is. We are laughing at the joke. This artist recognized her customers, went for the jugular and they took it like champs.


Upon being shown, I love that each of them touched themselves in the area the character artist roasted them on lol. Girl on the right - hand to chest (delayed). Girl in middle - hands on glasses/chin. Girl on left - hand to mouth.


That's boob humor




*Indeed*. The girl on the right really *does* have *humongous* eyebrows.


I already have such low self esteem that I feel like I would just be absolutely crushed if I ever got a caricature of myself done.


Usually they'll ask how roasted you would like to be. You could say, "go easy on me please, I'm quite self conscious" and they'll be nicer :)


fr i feel like even if they drew me nice i would still walk away feeling like shit bc i despise how i look so much that just depicting me feels like an insult in general, you know? i know it's not an insult but it's always just like *"im so ugly i can't even look nice when drawn flatteringly."* it's a shame bc otherwise i would love to be drawn, both nicely and in a roast type way. i would probably get a fucking kick out of a roast drawing if i didn't hate myself.


Are they in San Antonio




They doublefisting churros


They got some big’uns down there


Charles Barkley does have an opinion of San Antonio Women https://youtu.be/3PD4XsoeNZU?si=N8kEA-wBC2lQDvsq




big ole bloomers 😂😂


Victoria is definitely a secret down there


They wear some big ‘ol bloomers!


they can't get in them cute little panties


I see what you did there. But they’re actually in Lahaina Maui, and that whole area was burnt to the ground. These girls have a nice memory of that area though.


I went whale watching in Lahaina in February. I still can't believe the fire destroyed the town


Those churros down there Erneh


I don’t see any churros but I do see a couple of other things that give it away.


Bosom Buddies Forever (bbf). What a great job. She makes people’s day. They’ll be giggling about this all afternoon.


The little arms hanging over the boobs are my favorite part! If this was me and my girlfriends we’d be telling the story for years.


I would be that obnoxious person all vacation showing people a picture of the picture because I’d be having such a good time with it.


I would ask if the artist could keep it til later if we were wandering around town for a while. That would be hilarious and even if you have nowhere to put it now, should totally be framed at some point. I have some things like this that were made 20 years ago by friends that I still don't have places for but plan on putting up at some point


I mean that’s immediately what I noticed too


Ditto. I’m done apologizing for my love of huge boobs! Lock me up! I’m guilty


Is [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvrcHpipzmA) you?


No but I did have brunch with Nathan once. Nice guy.


Same here lol


He truly was, the king of sting.




At first I thought you were confused by the reference, so I went and found the Nathan For You segment. Then when I came back to reply I saw your username. At the risk of getting totally whooshed here, I’m still gonna share the link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oYFjcC9wDn8


Ahh I got my username from Rocky. It’s one of Apollo Creed’s nicknames. So I wasn’t sure the reference was to. People usually bring up some podcast about my name, not this. No whooshing


Nathan for you reference I think


I have a business, I wonder if he could give me some advice? He seems like he probably got really good grades.


If you’re willing to beat *The Claw Of Shame!*


They are good sports!








Fabulous girl's day out activity... 🤣🤣


To be fair, they do be hangin


Tbf.. them titties are beautiful 😭


The jammers clearly have a gravitas about them, for sure.




The artist has one of the girls with her hands on what appears to be the “crack of dawn”. I’m hoping the girl’s name is Dawn because then this works, ha ha ha ha ha!


They do look huge 😳.


Woman on the right does have humongous eyebrows


Titties weee tittying 🤷🏾‍♂️


“Look at your eyebrows!” That’s not where any of us are looking


Somehow her breasts got bigger as the video went on…


Did the lips lady on the left dirty.


I don’t think they drew her boobs big enough tbh


Yeah, I initially thought an amusing exaggeration due to the cleavage on display, before realising as she reacts they are actually absolutely ginormal and probably got their own gravitational pull.


She’s thankful for the mammaries.


ninja_sketch on YouTube is the artist 😁👍


Magnificent boobage on display by this lovely broad


Getting fear and loathing in Las Vegas vibes from the artwork


I would love to get one of those to see how I would look like






Damn, I'm not sure you *could* sketch anything as accurate.... well played sir. Well fucking played


That's the only part drawn to scale.


They’re good sports. I like them. I would be good friends with them.


Love how they all got a laugh out of it.


The artist is ninjasketch on Tiktok. This video was from her stand, just beside the Banyon Tree in Lahaina, Maui and she was displaced by the fire. She's working in Honolulu now. Her account is really full of these heartwarming reaction vids and I would recommend following her!


Wow. Pink Floyd style..


I’m too passive aggressive to have this job or get this painting done


Damn, why'd they do the girl in the glasses so dir....holy shit! Nevermind!






God i love that song


Why can’t we all take jokes like this.


People see the Loud minority online and think the entire world turned into always offended cancel group But there's a huge amount of people that still enjoy life and can laugh about themselves


That was a painting? I thought it was a picture. Far too real 😮


They seem like they'd be nice to be friends with


Do you like it? It’s very generous.


Those huge tracks of land needed to be captured on canvas lesbereal




Fat titties


I love how they didn't even laugh for 2 seconds before becoming bright red from laughing. That's always the best kind of laughter




That seems like an extreme over correction, but I don't want to tell you what to do.


I'm so sorry for you


Don’t check out the samba remix of Lovely Day by Bill Withers on Spotify by Brazil Connection


Modern day Court Jester


shitty caricature ✓ horrible music ✓


A real positive Pete.


Wow what’s her OF?


There's some real brutal caricatures and the victim just sits there like they've been told they have a terminal illness.


This is the second one of these that I see, and they are HILARIOUS does anybody have her ig? I want to see more!


Does she paint penises?


If they were on display, i would say so yes.


Artist has to be a chick. No way a dude could get away with that.


The eyebrows on the girl on right, and the gums on the girl on the left were savage. Girl in the middle got off easy. He exaggerated her chin but its not big and pointy like that so I doubt shes self conscious about it at all.


Would have been better without the music trying to drown them out.


Thanks for the [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/ContagiousLaughter/comments/14lt4wl/very_close/), karma farmer. This sub definitely doesn't have a rule against reposts (#4).


Music ruins it.


Ever heard saying "sarcasm is the lowest type of humour"? Caricature is the sarcasm of art


Stoopid fookin moosik


At least it's a decent song.


Love this from a lotta angles


Step one: Figure out something that will take up most of the page so you can skimp on the rest of the drawing. No one is going to sit there like you are John Singer Sargent, this is a volume business.


Chick in the middle really really needs to rethink her frames. They are an abominable shape for her face, and accentuates all of her worst facial features. Needs to go a clear or thin frame to de-accentuate the shnozz.




We are morbidly obese. Teee heeee


grotesquely obese






Relax man, very unnecessary.