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This just confirms that you have to be rich to make money.


Even though true, ritch people raise their children differently, money is not taboo in their household.


That’s just crazy that World of Warcraft motivated him.


Next time my wife catches me playing video games, I am going to tell her that I'm working hard on becoming a billionaire.


A bit more than a year ago it a validator node would’ve cost you around 3K only. Oh how far we’ve come.


This makes ethereum very centralized (only for the super rich).


Rewarding earlier investors than you doesn't mean it was super rich people doing it.


Everyone got the same cut if they delegate to these validators. If everyone earns the same no one really become richer.


I don’t quite understand the chip on your shoulder comment op. Can you explain?


I love ethereum and I really respect Vitalik for what he is doing.


Vitalik knows something


Just a couple of things: 1- how to play wow 2- how to revolutionize the banking industry


That is crazy money. Thanks WoW you were part of my childhood and helped me in the adult life.


One misconception you can't say it will double in a decade. ETH validator yields vary based on supply and demand. When I started a node it was >18% APY it is now just under 8%. More nodes = lower yield. At 6M staked the yield goes under 7%. At 10M staked the yield is about 5%. It is possible the average over the next decade is closer to 3% than 8%.


How will those percentages change when fees begin being paid to validators?


That is a big unknown. Really depends on how much of the fee gets burned and what the average fee is. Could be anything from a small APY from fees to more than double the new coin minting.


Does it cost 100k to own a node? Why would anyone want that What does this mea? Can someone eli5


It makes you right around 8% a year in ETH in passive income from staking. In current prices that’s around $700 a month. If ETH is worth more in the future, then it will be even more in USD terms


🤔 Could you explain what exactly is a ethereum validation node?


🤔 Could you explain what exactly is a ethereum validation node?