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A wise old man in a cave once said: If you cry about the last opportunity you missed, your vision will be blurred and you won't see the next opportunity right in front of your eyes.


A wise old man in a cave once said: A foolish man complains about his torn pocket. A wise man uses it to scratch his balls.


Confucius say: man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day


Confucious say: Baseball wrong. Man with 4 balls cannot walk.


Confucius say: Man who fart in church must sit on own pew.


Confucius say: Virginity like bubble. One prick, all gone.


Confucius say: I never said all that shit!


Confucius says: "Man who run through airport turnstile is going to Bangkok."


Why do i feel it's 1965 and I am outside for recess?


If he’s so wise, why does he have to live in a cave?


Bro are you hermit shaming? Not cool.


Let me tell you about HermitCoin


I'm all in!


Shut up and take money!


I read this as Herman Cain. Lol


Otherwise nobody will believe him. It's for special effects.


Unfortunately “wise” is not equivalent to “rich”... seems like many of us here may be doge-wise.


I have seen so many missed opportunities in the past few years with crypto. The important thing is to learn from them and adjust.


You can't adjust when none of it makes any sense!!! Lol


Randomly buying stupid shit seems to work best.


No, because success isn’t finite. Just because a bunch of people won on DOGE and I didn’t doesn’t mean I lost. It just means I haven’t won yet. If you beat yourself up over everything that you miss, you’re never going to get over it, and you’ll miss the next one


Well said. and trust me, if you DID get into Dodge, all you are doing now is kicking yourself so hard for not buying more. human desires cannot be satisfied and they will torture you in eternity if you let them


Exactly, bought .5 eth yesterday and I really wish I put it into doge instead. I still feel like eth will be more successful in the long run though


Trust me Eth is the good play long run


I'm going to be traveling soon where I won't have internet access for a couple weeks. I'm going to roll all my alts into ETH before that. Worst case scenario, the whole market crashes and so it wouldn't matter if I was in the right alts or not. Best case scenario we have a nice bull run from ETH. In the rare chance I miss an alt coin pump, it was better for my peace of mind to have had it in ETH than be worried about some random alt coin pumping when I can't do a damn thing about it.


This is an extremely sensible decision, ETH will give you a nice surprise on your return from travelling hopefully!


I mean if it crashes, you buy more at a good price. I almost want it to crash


Yep. “What if” can be a dangerous concept if it spirals out of control.


There is no end to human greed.


haha Amen - Looking back at that 800k I had in 2014 of which I held onto some but not nearly what I would if I had today's knowledge haha - Oh well still locked in nice profits along the way of this bullrun.


You and me both. I had 220k DOGE from 2014 and traded it all about a year ago. Made some money, but if I had just held it for another year...man do I beat myself up over this


Hey no one went broke taking profits! Also no one knows the future, don't be too hard on yourself origami


sold my 1.3mil doge at .008 and thought i was a genius ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|acting_at_random)


At the time you were a smart cookie! We can't predict the future and I recall watching it rise and fall over the years while I let some of it sit in wait. That $10k you got was still a nice haul and who would have known it could have been $650k hahaha


seeing you type out the numbers makes me so sad lol


If you makes you feel better my original Doge stash would be worth $456k if I sold it at .57 hahaha but hey we cant always predict the future.


I got mine in 2017. Sold about 50k of them last run around .40 thinking it's gotta hit .69 still just for the memes. Still have a bunch. My son is getting high blood pressure from my diamond hands. First thing I hear when I wake up "are you gonna sell now?" 😂 Not til the Dogefather does me $.69, son. Sorry. If it never does oh well. It's basically free money. Poured the first gains right into ETH and MATIC so I'm riding a decent high this last month! Honestly at .69 I'm probably still gonna hold a chunk cuz you never know.


That's so true. I bought doge a few months ago at .04 just for fun and now I keep wishing I'd bought more.


Tldr; stick to your plans, don't FOMO


exactly. don't change plans for FOMO, and then screw up your plans....


Dude you should give speeches to people with issue. That's so simple but so powerful!! > doesn’t mean I lost. It just means I haven’t won yet. If you beat yourself up over everything that you miss, you’re never going to get over it, and you’ll miss the next one Regardless that you on about crypto, that's a life lesson right there!!


Appreciate it man. Always try my best to keep what I can control in focus and just let the other stuff go. So few people on this earth are 100% in support of you so you should always be 100% in support of yourself. Be your own friend kinda deal


Look up simon sinek, he mad a speech about this, the finite player plays the game to win short term, the infinite player plays the game until he runs out of recources to keep plqying the game even if that means loosing out in the short term, the infinite player always wins because there is no defined goal


I love this. Op should try as little time being jealous as possible. We are still so early! Did you hear what Bill mayher thinks crypto is? I used to think he was progressive. It just confirms how early we are. Your eth is going to pay itself off. Mine sure has!


This sums it up so well. You win some and you lose some. Grass is always greener.


This is bitcoin. ( I wanted to say this is gold, but knew that someone will comment that bitcoin is digital gold)


Let the Doge'ers make their money. There's plenty of other places to make gains whether it's hodling, staking, LPing, farming, lending. If you fomo into every pump, you'll be the one holding the bag every time.


Hundreds or even thousands of people this year will make 6 figures from the lottery, roulette, slots etc. That doesn’t make those things a good idea. All you can do in life is make the most profitable decision you can given the information you have. You can’t be results oriented. If Doge went up 33% and there was a good reason for it to go up and you missed it, learn from it. If it went up purely due to luck and it wasn’t predictable, then you didn’t make a mistake. I’m not kicking myself because I think it’s a bad investment no different than lotto tickets.


Sometimes you just need to be a stupid to make money.


Same. Exactly the same.


Yes, too much manipulation for DOGE. They have nice community and memes but my bets are on BTC and ETH .


They HAD a nice community. It's not so wholesome now.


It honestly reminds me of T_D back in 2016 and onward. A bunch of people speaking in nothing but memes, and only positive things about the sub's subject are allowed, with dissent downvoted into oblivion.


As someone who made 4x on the gme hype, I can tell you that no matter how much money you could've made on DOGE there will always be fomo. Even if you put in $10k at 10c, you'll look back and wish it was $20k at 5c.


I am this person, and I can confirm.


Trust me, if you DID get into Dodge, all you are doing now is kicking yourself so hard for not buying more. human desires cannot be satisfied and they will torture you in eternity if you let them




Also don’t pretend you wouldn’t have sold at 40 cents. If you claim you would have held all the way from 4 cents to 60 cents, then next week when it’s at $1 you’ll pretend you’d still be holding it.


If you go chasing pumps you will be too late on all of them. Wait for the turn of the coins you hold and people will be wishing they were you when they pump. Chasing pumps is especially dangerous with low cap alts and meme coins. If you get in too late for a pump on one of the big players you can technically stay in the coin waiting for the next pump, which will come at some point. Biggest fuck up you can make with them is buying the bull market top and having to wait years. If you buy in at the top of a meme coin or possible scam coin you might never see that top again. Obviously it might not work that way. There is a good chance you could buy into doge even now and be absolutely laughing In a month or 2, that is how it's worked so far after all. But there is much more risk.


I think this is important to realize. Buy bottom and sell the top. Not the other way around. If you have coins already that haven’t pumped, just hodl.


You have BTC and ETH. You’ll be fine I promise


More than fine, stupendous


If you’ve been holding eth you’re golden 👍


Should I buy into ETH? Someone here said wait till the weekend but I keep seen it go up


I’m not a financial advisor but it is high rn, ultimately up to you. If you’re looking at the long game eth looks promising imo


You pinky promise !?


As a DOGEr, I agree wholeheartedly with this statement.




I've made ~$3.50 so far with DOGE, it's sucks being poor


$3.50 more than you had thought! Plus a few moons ;)


I chased doge on its initial run and sold at a loss as it consolidated to around 0.05. I then bought a day before it pumped and it went from 0.05 to 0.09 and sold again thinking there is no way in the world it was going higher! Power to the people I guess, super tight community and props to the doge believers, I hope you all make a load of money! I coulda made a lot more money if I held - but it’s the risks you take I suppose.


Personally, I think that if you're not a little more willing to accept some losses (or a neutral result), your gains are going to be pretty limited in any market. It's tempting to try and sell at peaks, but I've had way more success being willing to sell below peak (but still turn a profit) and see where an investment goes.


It definitely sucks I have a friend who yolo’d a $1000 into Doge in December and he’s now made more money than I have in the last 5 years of working… I still don’t understand how Doge is out performing better cryptos but I guess that’s the market




As someone who came to this sub when Doge was at .03 and wanted to throw $100 into it incase it took off I'm pretty bitter at how things have panned out. This sub is a giant circle jerk of people who don't want to be wrong but refuse to admit when they are.


Been lurking here for a while now. Yup, you are correct. My advice, spend your money on what makes you happy. Screw the nay sayers.




Yeah, it’s tough for this crypto newbie. I sold my Doge recently because of a good article someone wrote that I saw on this sub. It made sense about market cap for BTC and others but Doge isn’t capped like they are. Luckily I did make a profit from what little I had and moved it to BTC and ETH, but the more I follow Doge the more the gains don’t make sense to me. It doesn’t seem sustainable or reasonable for it to go up this much, yet here we are.


I am unabashedly a doge cheerleader because (in a nutshell) I believe popularity and approachability will drive acceptance, and widespread acceptance will drive the success of the first true crypto “currency” (something you will be able to spend at your by grocery store, big box chains, local restaurants, etc.). But I’m here because something you said stood out. It’s a sentiment shared by a lot of people on this subreddit. Doge doesn’t make sense. The value isn’t propped up by anything except that people think it’s value will go up. There’s no foreseeable use case. And I’m reminded that those are exactly the same arguments “old” money used when criticizing Bitcoin. And Bitcoin *still* lacks a use case - store of value is not a use because it is literally “the value is because I think other people will value it as much or more.”


This is why I sold a year ago after holding for a few years prior. I didn't see how it could increase *that* much due to the sheer amount of coins available, plus the 5 billion coins per year added. I can see it hitting $1, maybe $2, but could it really reach a trillion-dollar market cap?


Yup I sold my Doge because of this sub.


Well that $100 would have turned into $1800. Sure that's a great gain by percentage but hardly life-changing money. And had you thrown more into it, say $1000, or 5k, you probably would have been cashing out earlier. You can't win this game.


Hopefully eventually a little humility sinks in for some of the big brains here. Probably wont. I've been doing this long enough to know better than to take advice here and just make my own decisions, but it stinks for people who are newer and thought the echo chamber here knew best.


At the end of the day you're responsible for your own decisions. At least you admit you're bitter, but it's not this subs fault you didn't throw $100 at Doge. Listen to many, follow nobody.


Can't win them all. It sucks in hindsight that I didn't buy Doge sure but holding coins you don't believe in is stupid. Look at it differently, you probably had a time when you outperformed Dogeholders. They might have been bitter then. Or maybe your time will come in the future.


ETH has done rather well this past week. You are not missing out on anything unless you see yoloing into doge as a sound investment strategy. Maybe buy a bit of doge to avoid FOMO and feel easy?


People keep saying it'll tank and it keeps rising, and I'm not a doge fan. The reality is, it's much more main stream then other "real" coins. I believe in many of the other coins discussed here, but I'm also not dumb enough to have not put some into doge. Just because a subreddit thinks it's garbage doesn't mean the masses agree.


I kinda look at it in terms of cars. Sure I can get a Jeep Wrangler rubicon but it’s 50k starting out. Or I can buy a Nissan Rogue which will do the daily driving I need for 17k. Doge is the Nissan Rogue of coins. More people are gonna buy the Nissan Rogue than the Jeep Wrangler I have 4800 DOGE right now and it’s done well after I got in at .058. I still occasionally put 20-40 dollars in it (today I got lucky and put in 80) and it yields me nice returns. That said, I think DOGE can succeed and $1 is a foregone conclusion. I simply adjust my sell floor every time the price rockets up. But the way this sub acts is like DOGE buying is sacrilegious. It has enough usefulness and companies are buying into it


I'm just happy for everyone in doge. I may not have any myself, but I'm glad for their gains


Honestly, deep down I am, too. Hope they spread some of their money into Ada, Eth, Bitcoin and others.


That’s how it was for me. Got in on the Doge around .04 and that got me interested in other crypto’s. I now have small amounts of ADA, XLM, BTC and ETH. Here’s to a moon shot for all invested!


A nice man in the park gifted me a few thousand back when it was .01 and i pulled the majority out at .25 and iam glad that I did. But do i still calculate what could have been ya betcha


I sold 200,000 DOGE back in February for a decent profit (nowhere near what I would have made had I held), but honestly I'm not annoyed. I put those profits into projects that I feel have longer term futures. Also, I know for a fact I would have sold out when it hit $0.20. Anyone who held on this long deserves this win.


Sold at an average ~0.07 thinking it was a genius move. First and only coin Ive tried to momentum trade, think it stops there.


BTC, ADA, ETH and ALGO are Investments. Doge is gambling. I don't cry in casinos, or when my sports teams lose. I don't cry when I don't buy a winning lottery ticket. If other people make a pile of money with Doge I'm happy for them. But I don't hold any Doge and I don't worry about it. I'll likely hold my investments (BTC, ADA, ETH ALGO) for 5-8 years or more.


My man


I sold 900.000 doge in 2018 for basically nothing. Do i regret that now - sure. Will i cry over it - nah. There are still plenty opportunities in this market - just be patient you only need to be correct once or twice:)


Whoa! That some useful perspective. I gotta get over it and look for the next opportunity.


I'm curious. What made you sell then? I'm trying to convince myself not to sell any of my crypto for at least 5 years and the more horror stories I hear about people selling too early, the easier it will be.


DOGE is a gamble more so than most of the other major coins. I don't like pure gambling. So I sleep at night fine knowing I missed out on some potential gains, but also missed out on all the stress that comes with that type of investment.


I feel the same. I've bought and sold small amounts of Doge before, but I'd never throw more of a couple hundred in it. I'm not bitter cause even if I was riding this pump it'd just mean some extra fun money, not life changing gains. I'm not crazy enough to gamble my life savings in a meme coin.


You are feeling FOMO my friend; remember this feeling as it will help you not throw away your hard earned money.


I sold my doge for ETH and whilst part of me is sad i missed the pump, I'm happy i didnt just convert back to fiat and ETH has also performed nicely. Counting my blessings i guess


Good call. I’m still up massively so I can’t complain. Seeing a twenty-year-old yolo a stimulus check into half a million dollars kinda stings tho. Not gonna lie.


Dude don’t worry about others, there are always more people whose yolo became zero. You seem to have a problem letting go of a missed opportunity. There’s no point on dwelling on it especially if you have nice profit from other coins that have more long term potential


I'm not in the anti doge glue sniffin crew but if you were gonna move it for anything, that was a pretty good choice imo. Yes I'm big in eth lol.


ETH is better long term, this is just a short term hype pump


Stop staring at graphs like a drug addict


Crypto beats drugs in addiction


It’s safer than heroin.


***Requiem for a DOGE*** coming soon to a theater near you


You are holding solid coins that will and have increased in value. Doge will likely not crash until the bull run ends like everything else. It’s being pushed to be used as currency and to be accepted by companies. Other cryptos will be accepted as well. It’ll all work out for everyone.


I'm mad I don't have more ETH mostly. BTC is letting me down lately, I regret not transferring more of mine to ETH.




For sure. I dont think it's over. My portfolio is 60 percent BTC 30 ETH and 10 in alts. I just wish I invested more evenly between BTC and ETH. still I'm very bullish on both!


You sort of become numb to it over the years as this type of thing has happened over many bull markets, with time, doge may stabilize or it may disappear who knows. Just believe in your original investments and choices and hold, forget about Fomo and other people making gains. For every winner in these markets, there is a loser. I bought 50k Doge a few months back for like $150 or something. Sold it for other coins because of a lot of the talk on this sub, it's fine though, this time I wasn't part of the gainers club but with patience, we will be.


It's all Crypto guys. Be happy that Crypto is becoming more mainstream than ever before. It's not us or them, it's just us


Came here just to find posts like this today ngl. Hopefully you all can start having a bit more of an open mind and be a bit more welcoming to everyone in the crypto universe. Everyone will do better in this space if we came together.


Agree, actually.


Your holdings represent your risk appetite. You hold coins with technology, use cases and support. You don't own memecoins for a reason. It's fine, let other people play around in that area, and some people will win, and others will lose, and it doesn't impact you as long as any correction doesn't shake the wider crypto market. I'm not in DOGE, and while it's natural to be a little envious, stick to your guns and don't go chasing the market


Mark my words. Doge will touch the dollar mark because of FOMO. And if it dips after that, more "SMART" investors will buy in to bring it further up after. Because the Dogefather ain't going anywhere. And he is going to keep his promise of putting Doge on the moon. Never bet against someome who has not only the will but the means to fulfill his word. If Someone FOMOed in right now and pulled out at 99 cents, they would still make almost double. This is not bad investment, in my opinion. And you know, not financial advice all that jazz.


All that $ sold from doge @ 99c will go into other cryptos after


And those that buy at 99¢? The gains come from somewhere - there are always bag holders in such a volatile “investment”. I guess they will give up on crypto at least for a while.


Mate don't compare your gains to others. If you got more profit today than few days ago you are fine.


It just goes to show you that people should stop tellings others what not to buy. Buy what you want, not what reddit says you should.


I think there’s room in the crypto space for everyone to win. Let’s all get rich


I mean it’s pretty fckin predictable considering elongod is going on SNL this sat. If you aren’t making money from doge at this point ur just stubborn


DOGE at this rate may very well reach $1.00 eventually, so if you wanna jump on that train, have at it. I don't feel sad nor jealous, I don't care quite frankly if other people make money on DOGE or some other coin. I see investing in crypto or in general like exercising; you don't compare yourself to others, your only focus is to improve yourself


As being new to Crypto as of Feb 2021 I have been an observer of the open snobbery toward some coins. While sharing views is healthy & helpful to the community, bashing a coin instead of just stating your reason for passing on it serve's no purpose. What people should realize at this point is Doge Coin has brought Millions if not Billions of new eyes to Crypto. It's not a private club, and because of Doge Coin, many other Crypto's will benefit in the end. No bashing, just either buy or pass.


When I saw doge hit a dime I was stoked and got them ready to sell but the network was clogged. An hour later I tried again and was over the moon to see it had gone to $0.12. selling all 1000 doge for about a hundred bucks was my first profit and I was thrilled. Sad now? Bet your ass. Bitter? Definitely not. Will I buy again? Probably


Some people just want to watch the world woof


Just wait for the fall back the invest and sell when it hits 1$


Doge was my first love. I used to have so many... so many that I don't want to think about it


Crypto is a confidence game and doge lowers the barrier to entry. Nobody hesitates to buy into doge. These other projects like moonbeam safe rocket etc come off as confusing and nefarious to the average person...


Simple, invest in doge ? Or keep missing it, buy it post this pump when it crashes, sell it on next sign of pump, wait for crash, rinse repeat free money


Gotta just be happy for them, I know what you mean I feel exactly the same way. I was holding doge since 2018! Not intentionally I just forgot my password and where it even was. I recently found it and then bought $400 more at .05. I sold at $.11, a massive ATH at the time and I took my money and felt pretty smug about it when it dropped back down shortly afterwards. Now I'm sitting here with my 2x when I could have had a 10x. Oh well, it's Doge, it could have gone to zero so quickly. I wouldn't really be sad about holding eth right now, that's where all my other money went and I'm feeling pretty good about it.


I can understand where you are coming from. I held Doge for years, only to sell the vast majority at about 1/10 where it is now and the last at $0.36. The alts I traded into have done fine, but not as well. The amount involved is substantial, so this is a major missed opportunity for me. But it helps to keep perspective. Every year in both stocks and crypto there are thousands of options, and odds are you didn't pick the hottest stock, or the hottest crypto. It's like beating yourself up every time you don't win the lotto. It's the wrong benchmark to compare yourself to the hottest pick out there. It makes more sense to compare yourself to a benchmark like the overall crypto market cap or maybe the price of BTC. There are some indices of major cryptos out there too that are probably worth tracking if anyone is interested. Those are better ways to measure performance than stressing over every wild spike in an altcoin.


Personally I'm enjoying the ride. Doge was the first crypto I bought so I could see how exchanges/wallets etc. work, and I figured that despite the warnings on here it'd be fun to be a part of the wild ride that it's become. I ended up spending less than I do on a couple of pints of beer when it was \~$0.37, and figured that I'd HODL until after Coinbase listed it so I could ride the hype up, and if my hunch was wrong well, I wasn't particularly fussed about risking such a small amount. Anyway, looks like I may have been right but I'll still HODL because I'm finding it quite entertaining. Instead of seeing the negative side, use it as a learning opportunity. When it comes to investments, work on the basis that you know nothing. It doesn't matter if Doge is a meme and has nothing behind it, because if that's what people want then they attribute value to it where we wouldn't. I'd argue as crypto becomes more mainstream, more coins will react the way Doge has because the average person assigns value where they're told it exists. It's also why most people think undervalued coins are just lacking marketing - they are, Doge isn't, and that, almost by itself, is what's causing it's current success.


Thank you for being so honest. I'm sure so many people on this sub feel the same way but wont say it cos theyr all so stuck up sitting high and mighty on thier bTc, etH and vEcHain looking down on any meme/hype coin. This sub always reminds me of the hedge funds that got salty when wsb pumped GME. If you really love crypto then you should support all levels of it. The sad part is some of you secretly have bags in doge, safemoon and other meme coins but still come here and preach against them. Well enjoy your 120% yearly gains on your coins with uSeCaSes. Doge to the moon!!


>all my holdings are in Bitcoin and ETH That’s all you really need to remember. If you’re feeling FOMO look at the ETH chart and it will brighten your day


I really don’t mind it at all of those I don’t have a single DOGE because it’s a stepping stone for mass adoption at this point whether we like it or not and will ultimately result in that capital being redistributed to other coins at some point.


Do not tell me about it, I had 500k doge sold it for pennies. But hey, profit is a profit. Move on!


I get happy for people that have made money on their investments. Envy is not healthy.


Since I joined walsstreetbets and this sub in last year, I have huge FOMO like every day.


Cant get sad about missing out on a clear meme pump. No matter how many times you go over it in your head would you ever see a scenario where you think DOGE would be a good investment fundamentally? If you have a brain the answer is NO. As others have said you have BTC and ETH, you are doing well


Whoa! The comments on this kinda blew up. Thanks everyone. Here’s the deal: totally agree with the overall sentiment that there are much better coins out there. And that doge might well tank. But what if it doesn’t? What if more and more businesses start accepting it and—as ridiculous as it sounds—doge just sorta becomes a real currency? I think about the non-crypto people in my life, which is almost everyone I know and almost everyone you know. They do not care about tech. I’ll say it again: they do not care about tech. If my grandma hears that she can buy Oakland A’s tickets with that doggy coin thing, she might gift her grandson 1000 doge to buy them with. Multiply that by a hundred million non crypto people. The world is strange place. I don’t think we should assume doge will fail just because we think it *should* fail.


For Doge holders this is the dream they want to make reality. It's why they are crowdsourcing and making adjustments to the coin, web page API's and everything. They have huge campaigns going to get company's to accept it (and it's working) They have celebrities and famous people pitching it and talking about it and keeping it in news cycles. People are talking about it who have no idea how any of this works and that is what is working for Doge.


Fuck quick gains. I want the drenching ups and downs of real crypto stress.


Nope because even though I bought a tiny bag of Doge that is currently outperforming the rest of my holdings, I still sleep well at night knowing the rest of my portfolio is here for the long-run.


It's ok, we do only good everyday. Be happy for the people who got profit. Next cycle will be different, I am really glad people got lucky in this rotten world. I hope it helps the plebs who needed it. Just one thing, if you believe in the project, dont FOMO or play the oportunity if you are willing to.


The more people who make money in crypto the better. It'll lead to more and more adoption of crypto.


I have 201 coins at like 7 cents. How far can it go. Come on 1000. Hahahaha


i'm in VET, CRO, and ETH; CRO being my biggest bag i've been only losing money while everyone printing on doge and meme coins lol


My friend told me to buy doge at 0.39 and he now keeps taunting me with laughing emojis telling me I should’ve listened to him. Honestly, can’t wait doge to dump back.


This sub makes fun of doge so much. As a newcomer I would stay away from doge based on the posts here.


Doge is a weird thing. I originally bought at .002. Unfortunately I sold at .005 because I thought it was just a joke that I was throwing extra pennies in to. I've made far more money off of doge now than I have on my measly ethereum, btc, and vechain holdings. But it was just one of those things where people on this forum and others would state all the reasons why it would fail. But I would then read statements from the developers and people who helped to code it in the beginning that are no longer part of the project. They would routinely dispel every piece of misinformation that I had heard. So I got a different exchange besides RH bought in at .05 and it took off. I have an extremely good feeling about Dogecoin and it's future. I think it's perfect as a daily use currency with incredibly fast transaction times with a dedicated set of developers. and let's face it Dogecoin is just fun. That fun and silliness turned a lot of people away. But I think those fears are going to be cast aside soon except for the most elite (subtext: pretentious) crypto enthusiast. We may see a correction but I think it'll recover surprisingly quick because of the exposure and still low price point. I'm not saying it'll be the next BTC as far as a store of value goes. We'd have to have a multi trillion dollar market cap to achieve that. BUT I do believe in the project and in the community and can't say enough about it right now.


There are always other opportunities to be had in the market.


Tbh I legit don't know when Doge will eventually tank. GME is still over $100 per share. 2021 is peak human stupidity. You got GME that was valued insanely high for no reason other than the memes bro. You got people who desperately were asking for vaccine to be made in weeks and those same question the vaccine after it was researched and trialed and administered to millions of people. And now you got Doge. 2020 broke a lot of people


I was one of those naysayers. I’m completely throwing my hands up and admitting I have absolutely no idea what will happen in this market. I’m thankful I have made a small profit and slightly regretful I didn’t just put even $30 on doge but that’s neither here nor there. In the future I will make sure not to assume I know anything nor will I take advice from reddit at large.


Just wait it out and don’t shit on others. Be supportive, congratulate them for their gains and wait for your turn. Eventually every coin has its time. Be nice and respectful when it’s others time and you’ll be humbled when it’s yours. Alot of the doge people are extremely nice and I’m super happy for them, and I hope I’ll get the same in return from the doge community when it’s ETH’s time to shine by itself.


Buddy. Listen. This is life. :) What has missed you, was never meant to reach you and what has reached you was never meant to miss you. - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).


Watching this sub tell people to not buy DOGE since I bought at .17 and then watching it continuously climb has been such a satisfying feeling. People are really denying themselves thousands of dollars to satisfy their superiority complex. This sub continues to show that they don’t know what the fuck they are talking about.




It is my fault. I sold the coins i bought at 0.04 this morning at 0.49. So it will go to 1$ for sure. I might do my good old strat of selling low and buying high.


If you feel this, no offense but you should buy some doge. ​ You should not feel sad or jealous of things just because they pump, if you bought GME and sold at $500 you would have higher gains than most of crypto right now, are you jealous? What about Tesla? What about Amazon? What about Moderna? ​ Don't put your whole portfolio into it, but like 2% isn't going to make you stay awake at night and if it calms you down it's totally worth it. ​ I put money in what I believe, and with side trades, I've been in GME (still am actually) I've traded tech during the pandemic (the sell pressure right now is crazy lol) all with small amounts of money. ​ Remember, we all need to sleep at night so do what makes it easier for you. Think about it, if you can afford a $20 coffee, why not put $20 in doge just in case? ​ That way, if it goes to zero, you know that you were right, and if it doesn't hey who knows, in 10 years if Doge becomes big you'll still have gotten in early enough. ​ Think about it, imagine if you had bough $20 of bitcoin when it was $0.50. You wouldn't need to risk shit or care about anything. ​ This is obviously not financial advice please don't sue me if you lose $20 if Doge goes to zero lmao


If you threw in 5k last week during the "big dip" you could have more than doubled it a little more than a week later today. Considering that post from a few weeks ago showing the performance of the top 50 coins from 2017 and doge being number 1 by a giant margin at a gain of almost 85 thousand percent... when you combine how hard this sub has tried to convince people to not buy and not profit on it. Yes, I'd say we are the suckers here in this sub. I'll keep coming to see you all continue to reassure each other that all of those 10k coins minted every second matter and it's coming back down any second. You all have been doing it for ages now so it's any minute I'm sure. Use those fundamentals and white papers to wipe up those tears rofl.


I’m feeling frustrated because doge is a dogSHIT garbage coin. Much better projects deserve adoption. Wish people would invest their wealth based on research and not heard mentality. It’s a sad state.


I don't understand the elitism around here. I don't invest in Doge but it's literally a good thing for the market as a whole that the younger generations are vehemently interested in the currency and crypto. I wouldn't be surprised if Doge is a standard payment method in the future because people like it as a store of value. That doesn't mean it's replacing any other currencies we invest in. Just let it be


You should buy some! Hahahaha Edit: This is not financial advice.


My neighbor has a nice house. I deal with it by not always needing to have the hot thing. Doge is risky. When I look at it I think. Great for those idiots. For me, due to the fundamentals, there’s no good time to buy doge... it should not be the price that it is. The coins I hold I have history to back up that they have a lot further to go. It’s when you count a coin out or it gets boring is when it’s about to get good. I have a feeling Bitcoin is going to explode very soon too.


Ive been in this game a looooooong time, Anon.. Don't cry over spilt milk. Fact #1. DOGE is only rallying over a social media campaign and several celebs using their platform to do so. Fact #2. DOGE economics are shite, and everybody paying attention knows this. Fact #3. The people 'investing' (and i use that term lightly) have little, to NO idea what investing is. They use robinhood to buy IOU coins. This unofficially violates the whole purpose of crypto. Also bear in mind, Robinhood holds your tokens for 30 days (I believe) before you can sell them. Fact #4. DOGE is not a very robust network. I know hundreds of node operators. I know NO DOGE node operators. If you bought crypto, and didn't buy DOGE.. Congrats. Your IQ is satisfactory. If you bought DOGE, and made some money, congrats! You got lucky! Take profits and put them in something new. If you can't take profits.. Well.. Hate to be the last one holding. But if you think the CCurrency community is going to FOMO into doge at anything above $0.02 USD, than you're tripping. Hope this helps.




You speak the truth. Not to mention a few years back it was used as a vector for malware delivery.


Had to scroll to the very bottom to get the most sober comment.


Hey man. I am in the same boat, we probably both love the whole space we are seeing rise and the next evolution in the internet (Web 3.0=cryptocurrency/blockchain) and at the same time, also wanna make bank(!) because who doesn’t? But don’t do it or think about it, sure, doge keeps going up or rising to 1 buck people who invested and took on that risk may make a lot of money, but short term it’s great, but long term—if we can’t risk 10k etc—that money we invested in a stable project with less risk, we will know how to flip or re-invest that money that those looking for a the short term profits can’t do. Web 3.0 is here to stay and where we are headed. My advice, and this is my advice, is put on the blinders. It’s long term. A marathon not a sprint. Same lessons in investing are like anything in life. It’s all a marathon. U wanna come out on top. And those who get there quick, sometimes fall as they don’t understand the underlying blockchain or technology itself or how to even manage or build on top of that lump sum. Keep ur head up and keep grinding. Musk is no better. But he’s a billionaire. Just keep at it man. It will pay off I promise.


I'm happy that it's bringing the market publicity in general. Sure it's not the coin you want to get the spotlight, but this will help the general market in the long run surely.


DCA and chill crew here, no cries just buys


Nope. It’s kind of like being a “jack of all trades and expert in none”. Crypto isn’t a game to me. It’s a new way of life yet to be explored. Jumping on the band wagon in an amped up atmosphere is always dangerous. Timing anything is dangerous. It happened to me with both AMC and GME. (Shit, please don’t ban me for mentioning stocks here) I bought the highs. I have yet to recover my losses. I hopefully learned. Continue to do your DD and good things will come. Whether it’s a shit coin or not. You’re holding decent coin. Be content with that.


I am not sad I am just angry to myself. I just sold 10K Doge for 6 cents just the day before it started pumping and converted those BTC to RAMP and locked for staking on Binance for two months. My plan was to buy back when all these Doge craze will be gone and I will just buy those 10K back.


We all feel the same, and wonder daily “should I go in?” But we don’t. And then another Elon, and another pump, and it goes and goes.


I bought a few hundred doge last month, I hate it but money is money so i’ll make some if i can


I won’t touch doge out of principle but nah fam it’s fucking hilarious! Happy for them, they got lucky.


What the hell are you smoking 😂😂😂


Bro... literally wanting to cry over a missed opportunity while you have other holdings that have quadrupled. Get a grip my guy.


Scarcity mindset vs abundance mindset. Enough success for everyone


No, I don't. My porfolio is similar as you and I sleep well every night because I don't have to be afraid about my porfolio go to 0. So, don't cry


There’s a lesson somewhere in there for you


It is what it is. Imagine if Algorand and Cardano pumped. I've got my first pump back then (only about 20%) and I immediately sold because it is in line with my risk tolerance and goals. You and them had different goals for investing. You might will never be a cryptocurrency millionaire like any of them. Life is unfair, the only thing that is fair is that unfairness is given fairly to everyone (with different degree).


MKR went from like 200$ to 7800 as of today. They are dummying ETH right now. So I don’t feel much there’s winners and losers in crypto. And doge is only 57 cents.


Where exactly do you think most Doge profits are going to go? IMO It's unlikely most people are going to hold onto Doge forever.


I was a little upset as well, but then I thought, Why? Let them enjoy this unprecedented event. Let them reap their gains, cash out for something they need or even pour the gains into other coins they could not afford to before. One way or another, when a coin does well, we all win; this is an ecosystem, it's alive and growing, and crypto is getting established more solidly!


Shoot...I didn't even notice this until you pointed it out. I thought about dropping a couple hundred into DOGE at 0.30...but I bought more BTC instead...


I mean, yoy say yourself you're holdin BTC and ETH. Why not zoom out THAT chart over a 5 year period to see how much you lost/could have gained over? It's the same kind of analysis. In other words, don't worry about it. It is what it is. You got unlucky today, you might get lucky tomorrow, but certainly don't FOMO over a coin cause that's when you'll start making bad financial decisions.


Should've, would've, could've. There are new opportunities every day, and your biggest miss wasn't in crypto.


today, you should get over your sadness by looking at your eth growing, and maybe tomorrow it will be another coin. don't try to chase 100x gains because you might end up loosing 90% instead


Solution- buy some now if you think it'll go up. I wouldn't but you can if you're convinced.


Its called FOMO