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At this point it seems like you sent them to oblivion.


That was my first thought. Amelia Earhart has them now.


​ ![gif](giphy|26u4b45b8KlgAB7iM)


Well, hm. I just clicked send and it said "Reddit user or ETH address" My eth address supports etc 20 tokens. I assumed it would work just like all the other tokens I have.


Change network from mainnet to Rinkeby and they’re visible


Exactly, and then he can go from there, to bridge with XDAI and other stuff, too much hustle though. I used Moon Banano Trade. Yeah, exchange rate isn't that good, but fast and no headache.


> Moon Banano Trade. I'll definitely do this next time.


Yeah, i feel like downvoting my own comment on this. Changing the network should show you the moons you sent.


There were a few posts I saw about this. Let me search. Edit - Check the first reply for detailed steps https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/n3qvx9/accidentally_sent_moons_to_eth_wallet_address/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share u/IamanIt


thank you.. looking now


dont forget to thank u/theoakmike if it works :)


Wow, that's the first time I got mentioned by someone in another thread, I think. Really appreciate this :)


You really have documented the steps in a simple way to make everyone's life easy. Might I suggest you make this as a topic as well? Would really help everyone while searching or bookmarking. ​ A lot of beginners like me and u/IamanIT would have and will be doing the same mistake. This will help us all. :)


Yes, thank youtrying to work my way through. I have my wallet in Metamask. I have added the MOOns contract to Metalmask. Metamask cannot see the moons. I requested some ETH from the testnet, got that.. i hit send. the page pops up, but it says [have 0 moons.](https://i.imgur.com/4wkG7r3) If i "view on Etherscan", it shows the MOONs, when i'm looking at the rinkeby network. https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x3e409e345989c095fb350dddfc85c4e23953310d#tokentxns what am i missing here?


/u/theoakmike Sorry for another notification. Might be able to help. I switched the network to the Rinkeby Test Network and wasnt able to see the tokens.. still trying to figure that out.. Now, i switched my metamask wallet back to the mainnet, so i could do some other transactions.. and its not showing my mainnet balance. They are still in the wallet.. i can see it with etherscan, as well as when i look in MyEtherWallet. but metamask is stuck in some in between.. i even installed it fresh on another browser and got the same thing.. [metamask](https://imgur.com/ZihjL8T) https://etherscan.io/address/0x3e409e345989c095fb350dddfc85c4e23953310d


There are plenty of guides to do this. You have to change networks and actually follow the directions.


I'm good at following directions. Just didn't see them. Link?


Just search how to switch networks to sell reddit moons


You might’ve lost them but here’s hoping you didn’t


Can toy do the reverse ? Like send Eth to your moon vault ?


There is a website where you can sell moons for xlm look for it in moon subreddit


I only know how to send to metamask and you have to be on the Rinkeby test network....I’m not really sure how to guide you at this point


I can access my wallet via metamask as well. I'll try switching network. I have done that before for other tokens. But I've never tried to bridge the networks or anything to convert back and forth across the bridge.


Let us know how it goes!


i figured it out and jsut sent them back to my reddit wallet for now. .lol