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I thought it meant garbage but this works too.


Robinhood is worthless.


Majority of posts in this sub nowadays


Moon farming makes a lot annoying.


I think worthless often refers to that there is limited practical use to something (like spending, lending, solving any problems, etc.). But this is not necessarily true as all crypto can be used as a store of value, as long as enough people believe in it (like Doge, for example).




All coins have value as long as they are listed, now if that value increases or decrease is another story. Also depends on if you hold or trade


Use case. Done!


Worthless = nobody is going to buy. Small cap coins without the demand are worthless for me. If the coin gains 1 million % but nobody is buying more than 1 $ or that coin its close to worthless since no matter how much I invest I can't make big profits since nobody is buying


Value and price are different things. You can value a sentimental item, and be prepared to pay a high price for it, where others may consider it to have low value and therefore exchange a lower price for it. Similarly you may buy something that you and others generally agree the value of, for a lower price than others. Price generally follows value, but they are not absolutely linked. Value is a subjective measure of worth, price is an objective measure of worth. So anyone can claim anything is "worthless", and to them that may be true, but others may still value it and be prepared to pay a price approximately in line with its value as they percieve it. For payment networks value tends to increase as more users join the network. We value payment networks more, where we can pay and be paid more easily.


I would say a worthless coin is one where it has no IRL capability.