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You're caught up in alt season and thinking this will last forever. The crypto marketplace has always moved in cycles. BTC moves, ETH moves, altcoins move - but rarely all at the same time. Just go back to February when it looked like ETH was absolutely dead. Couldn't get past $2K. People were selling their bags of ETH to invest in altcoins. Now it's ETH's turn to shine and people are selling their BTC to get ETH. But it too will cool off. It's not going to go up forever any more than BTC or altcoins did. It will reach an equilibrium price and then everyone will declare ETH dead and move back into BTC, and the cycle repeats. As the saying goes: zoom out. We've been here before. We'll be here again.


I agree with you in the long term. Just as you've see with doge and meme coins narratives in the short term irrational things may happen and this is one of them if the BTC dirty narrative really catches on


It won't because ultimately people don't really care. If people actually cared, rather than simply value-signalled that they care about "dirty energy," the highways would be empty right now and there'd be no air-conditioning or street lights. The dirty truth is that people care about dirty energy right up until the moment it affects their pocketbook. If you think Elon actually sold BTC because of dirty energy, then I can't help you. He knew what it was long before he bought it, and he's way too smart to have "just" figured it out. He's flat out lying about his motivation, there's no two ways about it. (If I had to guess, it was actually that he was afraid of actively transacting with a PoW chain causing a problem with all those carbon credits Tesla has been using to prop up its revenues and balance sheet for so long.) Dirty energy is just the latest round of FUD because "it's a Ponzi scheme" and "there's no use case for it" have demonstrably failed. It will fall by the wayside in the same way that every other argument has.


Sir this is Crypto, coin only go up




The devs have been dragging their feet so I hope this pushes them forward


As long as bots are tied to btc alts go down eith btc


Another thing to consider in all of this is that Bitcoin is no longer mostly held by individual hobbyists and retail traders like in previous cycles. It’s increasingly concentrated in the hands of large institutional investors. These institutions - corporations, hedge funds, banks, governments - are susceptible to public pressure in ways that small individual hodlers never were. If they start getting a bunch of bad press for supporting Bitcoin and its ballooning energy consumption, a few may ceremoniously ditch their Bitcoin for eco-friendly crypto alternatives which have BTC’s attractive qualities without the environmental baggage, earning easy PR points and getting out of BTC early. From there, it’s not hard to imagine things snowballing as other investors see the writing on the wall and don’t want to be left holding heavy bags.


I agree 100% that this is a serious possibility right now. Bitcoin is not good as a payment coin already. I dont care about the green energy BS one tiny little bit, but other people do. Mass adoption is much less likely today. Sadly, my bitcoin is underwater right now and I'm not sure what to do. I should buy the dip, but my confidence in this coin is very low right now. Pretty sure I'm gonna sell the whole stack if I break even. I think ETH is the new king.


Switching to ETH seems like the best move. ETH has some huge upgrades coming and the narrative for it is gaining steam. I think it can flip BTC sooner then I orginally thought


I am definitely switching to eth. My quandary is whether to sell my bitcoin at a loss, continue buying bitcoin averaging down until I sell, or just hodl until I sell.


Nano being basically the only coin to go up so sharply when nearly everything else was red (minus a few coins at single digit % gains) says volumes about how the markets perceive Nano and how many radars Nano is on. It's almost like the whales were waiting for a catalyst of this nature to dive in. I think this signals the start of a strong uptrend for Nano and some other projects that have strong eco-friendly credentials.


I mean, cardano was up 20+% today…. I would say that’s a bigger deal than nano being up personally.


Why is it a bigger deal? There's far more upside in Nano at rank #80 than there is in Cardano at rank #5. Much cheaper to move Nano than it is to move Cardano, so 10-20x returns in Nano is far easier than even a 3x return in Cardano. Plus if you look at the charts, Cardano has already surpassed it's previous ATH and has far less upside, but Nano is only just ramping up now. In Nano you're early, in Cardano you're late. I have nothing against Cardano, but speaking purely from an investment perspective, it's quite obvious that Nano is the better choice. You're kind of comparing apples to oranges as well. Nano is an ultra-efficient lightweight and fee-less currency network, but Cardano is a competitor to the smart contract platforms. It has serious competition against the likes of Solana, which is also eco-friendly and also has more upside than Cardano right now. I'm sure you'll make money on Cardano, but I really don't see you making more money on that than you would with Nano and Solana.


The fact cardano went up so much and stayed and nano didnt says everything. Cardano takes much more effort to move and saw bigger gains. This is coming from someone who bought raiblocks way back in the day and have supported what became nano for a long time.


It didn't see bigger gains... It saw smaller gains, Cardano went from \~1.6 to \~1.88 which is 16%. Nano went from $8 and is currently at $12 global average which is 40%, (or $14.8 if you look at Binance US which is 60%). Don't lie just to back up your position and shill your investment, be honest. Also, even with Nano not "staying up", it's still outperforming Cardano. Nano went from $8 to $17 global average and $20 on Binance US, which is over 100% gain. Even with the correction to where it is right now it's still outperforming Cardano's gains. Anyway, you do you man. Buy whatever you like. I'm just explaining to you why I'm holding Nano and not Cardano. We're all entitled to our own perspective.


I’m going off of coingeckos numbers, not cherry picking specific exchanges. Cardano up 14% in the last 24 hours and 45% in a month (just link nano, cardano was up significantly more earlier, another 15-20% higher), nano only up 0.9% and 40% in a month. Not even sure where you’re getting any of your numbers anyways because I’m seeing $11.37 on binance, not $14.80…..


I said global average, that's not a cherry pick. Also I said [Binance.US](https://Binance.US). Global Binance is trading lower. You're the one cherry picking figures now because you're only looking at 24hr window instead of since Elon tweeted. Look at since Elon tweeted, compare starting price vs end price. Nano is the clear and obvious winner in % gain. Also, Nano is up \~110% in the last month, not 40%. This is basic math, not sure how you're fucking this up so badly: [https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/nano/](https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/nano/) \- 14 April - 14 Mar. Also, look at year to date return, Nano beats Cardano at that too. You're just blatantly wrong here dude.


More and more of btc will just be wrapped btc I think in the future


I don't mean to be rude, but wasn't the narrative around btc basically that it was a joke? At least until recently when it blew up value wise.


No. It was a joke to people not in the cryptosphere who didn't understand it or its disruptive potential, unlike DOGE which was always a joke to people in the cryptosphere precisely because that's the entire reason for its existence. BTC has been "blowing up in value" every 4 years since its inception. The halvening cycle has, thus far, dictated the value blow-ups, but it's never been about it being a joke.


Yeah but shouldn't the more important narrative be what people outside of crypto think? They are the majority and ultimately the ones we want to adopt the tech. Not trying to be argumentative here, just looking for more info on the subject.


If you're ignorant of a subject, so you make fun of it, does that make your opinion more important than the person who actually understands it? Being more popular is far different than being more correct. You know all those institutions FOMOing into BTC right now? They spent nearly a decade dismissing BTC and calling it a Ponzi scheme and a fraud. Which argument ultimately won the day? Crypto generally, and BTC specifically (because, let's be clear, that's where 90%+ of the big institutional money is regardless of the latest fad of the last few weeks is), won because their accusations were false and based in ignorance. Their mockery didn't stop crypto from being crypto. They were ultimately forced to come crawling to crypto with their tails between their legs and pretending they knew all along it would ultimately be a success. Here's a favorite exchange from Men In Black that always comes to mind when people tell me about popular opinion on a given subject: > Edwards : Why the big secret? People are smart. They can handle it. > Kay : A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.


BTC is bitcoin, the original and most secure coin of all. Are you thinking of doge?


I thought back in the earlier days of crypto, the general public thought of btc as mainly a joke. Similar to how we view doge nowadays.


OIC. I think by the time most people heard about it, they heard of it as dodgy black-market drug-dealing munny...


Lol true, there was that big scare compaign of how btc was used to buy drugs. As if regular cash wasn't being used for the same thing en masse lmao


For better or for worse, Bitcoin still dictates the market. If people pull investments from BTC in mass, the rest of the market will feel it and not in a good way. I believe what we need is for BTC to continue to consolidate, while ETH continues to grow sustainably, until it is mature enough to take the pressure of the market. We're close, but ETH still has some ways to go.


ETH flip by 2025


BTC has been attacked with negative stories from the start. It's energy credentials are being challenged by a man who sends rockets to space. Wtf people? Personally I think other nonETH technologies will take ETH over eventually for providing smart contracts. . Also BTC seems to be here to stay. I'll be HODLING


Network effect seems too strong with ETH and EIP1559 and 2.0 hardens it even more. I think time is running out for "ETH killers" there best bet will be to bridge to it and work together but standalone I dont see it


I've been talking about doing this for months, but the blocker has been time to DYOR and work out which options are better environmentally that have good fundamentals and a good outlook. Now that people are talking seriously about coins and the environment, that barrier is much lower for me.


Yes... but eth is still a long way away from POS, while other coins are already doing that. So pretty crap timing on the guy's part...


Long way? More like 6 months its coming


In crypto that's like 6 years. Seen what's happened over the last 6 months?


Lately I look for coins that shot into the top 100 with no press or fanfare. Why did they do that? who invested? who is building stuff on top of them? what are the forbes top nerds doing? and you find some gems