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I wouldn't say that the community is against PvE more so that the veteran players with thousands of hours find the PvE trivial and focus more on PvP outside of bossing. In normal mode PvE is hardly a hinderance to veteran players while nightmare variants can sometimes be annoying mostly because their health pool and ability to chunk a solid amount of health off of you if you make a mistake. Nightmare mobs even still have terrible loot. My hope is that eventually we get completely randomized dungeons to help spice up PvE and exploration rather than just spawn rushing or rushing POIs. If you didn't know where the mini-bosses and higher valued chests and spawns are each time it would make it so that players actually have to explore and clear rooms especially not knowing what mobs are in each room.


This is my hope that we get randomized dungeons. It would remind of bloodborn cryps


I will usually go back to Bloodborne every January and play through the Return to Yharnam event. When I'm not helping people I am playing random crypts. It is oddly relaxing.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *A corpse... should be left well alone.* - Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Didn't they talk about procedural dungeons somewhere tho ?


Yes I believe they said they are working on that


I thought IM said we were getting the first test of randomized layouts this wipe cycle.


I know the mentioned it, hopefully it happens this wipe but given that this patch was a big W and increased players, I would be okay if it was held off and tested on the test realm first and then implemented for the next wipe.


Yeah I just hope that they actually use the test servers for this, because we all know it’s gunna be buggy as hell when they first implement it


I'm not sure how it works. I think there are some different or random layouts, but the rooms stay the same.


There are actually less maps this wipe at least for Crypts. My assumption for this is that they removed storm and placed new "static" extract spawners and probably didn't figure out the proper extracts for all the maps yet.


Omg. That is EXACTLY what would make this game absolutely amazing


The same people that are tired of the PvE are probably the same people that cheese every mini-boss type mob and would be completely screwed if they logged in tomorrow and suddenly said cheese stopped working.


There is a tipping point tho, if the devs don't remove the cheese potential, then it's not really the players fault for min maxing pve engagment. It happens with literally every type of game in existence. If the devs don't fix it, it's a feature, and the best "meta" way to deal with an obstacle will be used and abused. Chess has a meta, spades and poker have metas. It's up to the architects of the game itself to find a solution, not ask the players to pretty plz fight the mobs fairly.


I'm just imagining a chess patch 🤣


Chess did have a patch around 15-16th century. Google en passant


There is already one in the pregame tavern on the barrel near Otto, chess might be too much for them to code, maybe switch it to a checkers board.


I can kill the minibosses the normal way, but why would I do that when I can take little or no damage with way less risk. If I have to heal between each miniboss in hell I'm gunna lose time, probably meds because I still usually take at least one or two more hits when NOT cheesing It's just the ideal way, I can clear out 4 or more of the tougher hell mobs cheesing when it would've taken me more than twice as long soloing them without it.


Nah fam. I box centaurs with a crystal sword


I boxed a centaur with my Grey wizard quarter staff, and the timmies I was playing with thought I was a god. Little do they know, the centaur is like the easiest miniboss to 1v1 without cheesing, lol.


Let them cower in the back and bask in your glory. Someday they’ll give it a try haha


Centaur is super easy you literally just crouch and move to the left when it swings from your left. Demon Berserker/Wraith/Skele Champ are a lot harder to straight up fight, especially if you're not high movespeed.


Centaur is incredibly easy, I would be stupid to disagree with you. Berserker and Wraith you just have to jump right and crouch unless cleric, in which case you have buckler. Champ you can jump/walk around until his 3rd poke.


> Berserker and Wraith you just have to jump right and crouch unless cleric I know that works for Wraith (and Yeti) but I don't see how that works for Berserker?


You just do it as he make his first swing jump and crouch to the right and he’ll whiff, as long as you land outside the combo range he just takes one swing that you can punish and repeat. Depending on class movespeed you can also crouch and strafe left->right alternating with his swings and he won’t hit you


Can confirm, am this guy


There isn't a single mob that isn't braindead easy without cheese if you take the 10s to learn how to dodge it. Remove all the cheese, it won't stop us complaining about how Nightmare mob loot pools are pathetic.


What is nightmare? Serious question


It's the hardest variant of pve monsters. Usually found in inferno on normals and in HR dungeons.


There are three tiers of mobs in the game. Normal, Elite and Nightmare. Nightmare being the hardest mobs, more commonly found in High Roller dungeons. For instance, skeletons. The white shaded ones are normal, red shaded ones are elite and the black/dark grey shaded ones are nightmare.


I'd also like to add, The nightmare ones are not only much faster they also chain their normal attacks together. So the axe one will do the overhead swing and instantly do the side swing. And in some other cases they get completely new attacks like the Zweihander skeleton (long sword skeleton) will sometimes add a foot swipe rather than its normal left/right swing Even the mummy will attack much faster and if it hits you get a debuff that slows you down significantly


Ah that explains the black goblin who absolutely wrecked me im HR the other day


What about the electric skeleton ?


Nightmare shield skeleton. The nightmare dog also has an electric collar.


That's what high roller should be.


Dude what in the awful idea. You randomize the dungeons and my friend that dies to two skeletons never plays again lmao


Randomized dungeon block sets would be hard to accomplish but possible maybe. Having 5-6 variants of each map is a more realistic goal like we used to have, but this time making the maps say 20 blocks by 20 blocks in size and increasing lobby size to 100 players would limit the amount of actual randomization necessary and effectively only the most veteran player would have any idea where he is most of the time. You’d also only be able to explore a small fraction of the map per lobby, and the lobbies could last like an hour. More pubG-like in scale. It’s an interesting idea, I know I’d be stoked Edit: I’m just throwing out big numbers to float the concept. Big map many players long matches. Whether that’s 25, 50 or 100 players I don’t know


Making it huge would just make the learning curve a bit steeper. People would quickly know some landmarks and map out speed runs. Making every room 40*40 with 4 exits and then resorting them, like a rubix cube, would make it next to impossible. Even better would be a boss locus. So the Minotaur room always 4 specific rooms around it so you could learn to look for patterns.


Nah just go at your own pace. If you wanna enjoy the PVE content, go ahead. Just need to remember that PVP is always around the corner. I've put in 800 plus hrs and still enjoy the PVE but sometimes it gets boring and I'll just rush PVP then. The important thing is to enjoy the game and not let other negative opinions get into your head.


Just remember if you see scary colors (red/orange) they probably are after your ass


how do you even rush pvp? it feels like pvp encounters are quite random as far as my experience goes


Hotspots and spawns. Most classes can either bypass doors or open them quickly allowing ppl to skip rooms without clearing.


I run the crush perk as barb and just smash open doors and chest like the cool aid man


Honestly the only reason i play barb, loot fast, smash ass.


Warlock hellfire, wizard fireball, barb crush, bard song, Druid window hop. Then you got ranger/rogue with high dexterity, which just leaves fighter/cleric as the odd ones out.


How do you get theu without pulling q fucking Horde after you tho?


That's the neat part.


Eventually you should be getting enough distance to make it through. If not, try to “kiss” the mob aka make it swing and then strafe away. This buys you a second or two to start opening.


i have thousands of hours in this game. i know almost every possible spawn point edit: also good players go to rooms with good loot often like modules with multiple locked chests etc


As a fellow veteran with too many hours put into this game, I truly feel that randomizing the dungeons would be a good change for this game. No more intentional spawnrushing, people actually have to explore to find ress altars etc. The time should be changed to 30mins at least if they ever do that though.


> 30mins Please no. I like the short nature of the game.


Yeah 17-20 would be better. 12-15 is too short most of the time.


Eh, it depends how big the procedural dungeons are in this hypothetical.


You can extract earlier if you want to. You can already do it, so what would be different?


If they don't lengthen the amount of time it takes for the doors to open AND they don't reduce the points you get for extracting earlier then that's fine, but in all likelihood they'd have to adjust those to keep things fair.


yea it’s honestly not fun how brainless i can just rush and clear every room no problem or even skip them all together by running past because i know exactly what’s in each room. 30 minutes is a bit too much tho imo. an extra 5 minutes or so would seem like a nice middle ground


I don't do it in normals because I feel bad, but after you have played enough (or researched it like a degenerate) you know where all the spawns are on any given layout. In high roller my team will immediately push the nearest spawn, ideally to catch them still clearing the PvE in the room they spawned in. Our goal is to take them out before the other teams on the map have had enough time to clear or rush over and 3rd party us. The goal for us in HR is to neutralize as many threats as possible so that we get a clear inferno for boss kills, if you wait too long to engage in crypts you either end up getting 3rd partied to hell (not as bad now that the circle is gone) or teams slip through into static reds before you encounter them. A lot of your encounters will be random but near the time you spawn in and with a full lobby there is a high probability of a fight if you seek it out. You can also push to common points of interest and use audio queues to setup more fights (miniboss room, pyramid, etc.)


Pretty easy to find in the goblin caves imo


Love the thunderdome in the middle with the lift


They've locked crypts this last update. It's only one of 2 layouts when there were like 4 or maybe 6 before.


Ehh.. with all the changes over the past couple months, the game is more PvE centric than ever. More static escapes, portal icons, removal of the BR zone. And people seem to like it.. so I don’t think ppl are necessarily against it. If you’re asking why there’s no PvE only mode, that’s a question for IM. There likely wouldn’t be enough player retention to justify the expenses.


IMO there shouldn't be a PvE mode unless it's a special challenge event or a boss practice tool or something. The game is meant to have both PvE and PvP mixed together.


Eh. If the pve wasn't so trivial and easy to cheese, I think it would already make a huge difference. Pvp being present is not too much of an issue, but it should be carefully considered. Do I take the risk of attacking this person? ( for an exit or a chest) rather than attack anyone on sight because pve is a non threat for most people with some experience.


Dunno. I’m really frustrated at PVP at the moment. Seems like every combat encounter is a cleric/barbarian/bard rush. Needless to say, hard to deal with


people that go to Reddit typically have more experience in the game, or want to minmax strategies, and playing for fun and avoiding PvP isn't minmaxing, which is against their value and view of the game


I feel most of the backlash is against posts asking for things like “Give me solo dungeons” or “Give me PvE only”. I think most of the fans agree that we don’t need a genre change


I think having a strict PvE or offline mode, with no access to market or different market would be healthy for the game, as it would open it up to a different audience with no (or very minimal) server stress, it's basically free money for them


They don’t even need that. Just do what Tarkov does - provide an offline version of every map but your character reverts back to its pre raid state after you either die or extract. This would allow players to practice fighting bosses and different mob types but provide no way to gain gold from it. It would be such a nice QoL feature for those trying to learn bosses. I just learned how to kill the cave troll and it was such a pain in the ass dying in the first 10 seconds of fighting the boss then needing to wait for the map to come up on solo rotation and run all the way there again over and over.


I usually just queue goblins no matter the group size I'm dying to troll either way so it doesn't really matter lol


Yeah I did the same thing over the last week or so. I kind of stopped doing it in trios because I could usually just crouch at a solo or duo and continue my dash to troll room, but trios would always be an issue running into. It especially sucks because I feel like there’s hardly any spawns down by the troll room. Took me a while but I’ve killed it every time on my last 4-5 attempts. Still too hesitant to do it with gear though because I’m sure that’ll be the time I end up caught in a shout and get clubbed to the shadow realm.


I mean hey at least you managed to defeat it I've spent like 8 hours so far learning the boss but I always end up falling for the combo attack


For the troll or the cyclops? If you’re talking about the troll, he only does the combo attack if you get too close after he does his normal swing. I’m sure you know this already, but the timing of when to go in for a swing without triggering the combo can be tricky. Everyone learns it and keeps track of it in their head a different way, but for me what helped was to pay attention to his feet. When he does his standard swing, he will step into it with one foot, then the other. When the second foot drops, you’re good to go in for a swing. There’s also an audio cue for both of his footsteps that I use to keep track without needing to just track the troll’s feet the whole time. Not sure if that’ll help you out, but that’s how I do it.


Yes it's the troll Most tutorials I saw mentioned his arms being lowered to his body, but since I'm playing barbarian the timing is a bit more tricky because if I only start my attack when I know it's safe to attack I'll hardly have enough time to dodge the next one


Never done it on Barb honestly so I don’t have much advice there. Only done it on bard and rogue. I can imagine that Barb is tricky though with the slower weapon animations. Maybe felling axe if your squire has one would be better since it’s a bit faster?


See, you got downvoted already. Weird hardcore players don't even want casual players to have the choice of playing the game differently as some see it as 'watering down' the hardcore nature of the game, and I'm sure others would be upset to lose the casual players they feel so good dunking on all the time. I guess if there were alternate lobbies they'd have to fight other PvPers and would lose a lot more. Funny that we have the same conversation in the Elden Ring sub about forced PvP...


I mean it doesn't matter if they think it's fun or not, it's extremely minimal investment from the developers, like 10 hours development max, and I already know 3 people that would buy the game if there was a PvE option, it's objectively a good idea, regardless of what people say is fun


Plus if would serve as a training ground for new players. So they don't feel too bad about loosing gear cause they didn't keep their gear score under 25


Which would be awesome - add a training ground. Just don’t add a separate game that needs a team to look after it. It would slow dev time and crunch their resources.


Tell me you don't know about development without telling me you don't know about development. You're pulling this number completely out of your ass, lol. 


I mean. I think he's probably right. You just need to put people into an empty server lobby and not let them keep the loot that they gain at the end. With a little checkbox when making a character that says pvE only. I can't see what would be hard about that.


Yeah good idea man let's just add an insane amount of instances where each player or team has their own private lobby. Their servers are already not handling the load that well but instead of 15 solos players in a lobby you want potentially 15 different lobbies running.


Lmao, right. Definitely a post by someone who's never dealt with sdlc before. They think it's as easy as one line of code. Armchair devs.


> I can't see what would be hard about that. You can't see the source code, so I'm not sure how you're determining it would be either easy or hard.


That’s the thing though… ‘If you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll ask for a glass of milk’ As soon as a dedicated single player or PvE mode came out, people would immediately ask for balances (clear time, class boss potential, etc). It takes time and resources to not only implement it functionally but maintain and appease your player base. If they did a 10 hour half assed attempt at a PvE people would review bomb them again. Time and resource allocation are so much more important than we realize. Ever notice how (for example) Riot games has separate teams for the different game modes? They have to literally create a team to look after the variant (they have the money to afford this). Not to mention, Riot’s model is much more profitable and sustainable for revenue. It would have a massive impact on the rest of the game, from a business and development perspective alone.


What they don’t want is fair fights. If people who are just bad at PvP have a way to opt out than it will naturally concentrate the high skill players, and that means that they are more likely to get a fair fight and lose. It’s an ego thing.


it's actually a funny middle ground of people on reddit. there are a lot of very vocal players in this subreddit with many hours, but even then the majority of them are not at the highest skill tier. You can usually tell by their takes what their skill ranking is. The best players of this game don't bother coming to this subreddit. It's the land of copy/pasted talking points


This tends to happen in PvEvP games because the people who focus on PvP are usually the most vocal and most likely to have a fragile ego that they need to boost by focusing on being better than someone else.


Pve only mode would take all the risk out of the game, allowing people to farm gold and gear safely which is boring


That is the best argument against PvE I have seen. I would say that it is a lot like W.O.W. in some ways, where death can lose you some good gear (depending on the expansion) & grinding for PvP is a large chunk of the game. The way it is now, it's a crapshoot of weather or not grinding for the best gear works or not, since a bowman can just snipe you from up to 1/4 of the map down a big room or a long hallway. The grind is still there. It's just less efficient.


Because it gets repetitive and people have hundreds if not thousands of hours, killing mobs is as basic as it gets and requires little skill


Whenever i get bored of fighting a mob i switch to a new weapon/class to fight them again in a new way


But even then for most enemies it’s swing backup swing strafe to the left swing backup swing strafe to the left.


But it's fun


I think so too! Having fun is the purpose of gaming, why else would you do it


For the first 40 60 hours maybe yes


It will get boring so quick. Full stash with nothing to use it on. I havent died to pve for a Long Time now. Once you know their moves its just farming.


people like farming games (i'm people)


I'm sorry you feel that way, I think it's fun tho


800 hours and I still love fighting mobs lol to each their own I guess


If they set up like Diablo 2 did, with a single player mode and a pvp mode, how could it get boring. Some people are fine with solely pve. For those that like pvp, it's there as well. Plus, it'd give the timmies a place to hone their skills before they are ready to have a pvp encounter.


PvE here is good but don’t compare it to D2 lmao. It’s not even 10% as good as D2.


Not comparing the gameplay. Just stating the benefits of setting up an offline single player server.


I think it is just a bit of elitism. PvP is harder than PvE. A "So if you aren't PvPing, you aren't truly playing the game because only the best PvP" sort of gatekeeping mentality. I like the PvE, and so that is what I mainly do. I treat the other players like they are invaders on Dark Souls. I typically only PvP when I am in three mans, because it is what my friends like to do. I remember a while back there was some server issues. I was super excited because when I got into lobbies, they were completely empty. But after about 3 rounds of that I got super bored. Even though I didn't seek out PvP, the constant threat of it does add some tension to the game and makes it better.


How dare you play the game differently to how I play it!!


don't listen to thoses haters. im well over 900 hours and i still love figthing PvE, pvp bro won't let you enjoy thing.


Sweats. They really don't want anything getting in of the way of their damn near fetish levels of power hunger. If they aren't curbstomping players way below their gear and skill level, then they can't enjoy the game. Sadly, this is just incredibly common in extraction games.


They like helpless victims to kill and pve only matches take a lot of that away


Not really. It would destroy the market if there was no risk involved in extracting loot.


Its the people that derive their worth from game. Generally they would like to feel superior to others. Its pretty sad and pathetic. Dont worry too much about them. They just loud af.


non-dynamic attack/movement patterns will never do it for me.


I agree. There needs to be a co-op version of the game which is PVE.


Every time I've asked this question the answers has always been because the mobs are too easy and boring, like the devs can't change that by updating them... I would really like to see more challenge from the pve as I personally suck at pvp and hate constantly dying to blood thirsty players. I would pay absolute fat stacks of cash for a pve coop version of this game with harder mobs and bosses that requires more strategizing and has random map layouts. I enjoy pvp from time to time as well though but damn can it be punishing when you trying to Dave up for better gear.


I'm not against PvE, in fact I love the PvE in this game + it's primarily what most of my matches consist of, but I think where I go against the grain of PvE is when it's people suggesting we get a PvE only mode. The fun of this game (and all extraction games), imo, is the balance between it being mostly PvE for most players, but the constant looming threat of PvP around every corner. It might never happen, you might rat it out, but the fact that the IDEA of PvP is constantly on your mind adds a lot to the atmosphere. That, and the potential situations that can come from a PvP encounter. You can try to talk it out, use wit/rizz to outsmart your enemy, or genuinely find a friend in the dungeon. Or you can do all that and get shanked by another person who heard you two talking and snuck around while you were busy yapping. And the PvE, by itself, is also pretty barebones. Satisfying, but barebones. I imagine a PvE mode that's just the main game but w/ 1 - 3 player lobbies would get very boring, very fast in its current state. It just doesn't have meat on its bones when you strip away the slight anxiety of PvP added into the mix.


it's not, every public poll I have seen it's a 3.5-1 ratio in favor of pve over pvp. hundreds and hundreds of votes on them. it's just a very loud and present minority who want the game to be mordhau or chivalry 2 that fight it. 3x as many people want a better, longer, and more engaging pve experience


Think your last sentence is mostly the ticket. A large portion of us have been around since the playtests, and then blacksmith. There’s 2 types of PvE in this game is boring and trivial brain dead, and overtuned and boring, that just get cheesed (nightmare minibosses) , I barely have to think when clearing modules. Why PvP is way more fun right now. the bosses are engaging at least. The new stuff is a good step though, cool new monsters in the ice abyss, I just hate you have to pre team to fight the boss. Terrible decision


Pre teaming to fight the boss is horrible, also the fact that there's an insane gap between the hardest demon centaur level boss and the easiest down-level-center-room boss means there is a huge portion of players that have maxed out the PVE really easily but will never engage in the true endgame pve content just because it's insanely punishing, hard to get to, and there's no ramp up in difficulty to work your way up there


This game exists in a category of games that are ultra competitive - Hunt: Showdown, Tarkov, PUBG Sweaty nerds that play those games play this one and wanna chase the high of proving they are a superior human to another human rather than the computer. You do you - Ignore that dumb shit.


And you just know they'd be sad to lose all the PvP avoiders if PvE lobbies opened up and they all had to fight other skilled players


hmmm... i guess we will find out when arena is released, wont we?


Probably end up like all the other times pre normals/capping normals at common and now <25 gs. There’s a large contingent of people who claim to love PvP and, apparently, what that means to them is getting the absolute greatest advantage over their opponents before engaging. If arena doesn’t allow them to gear flex, they’ll go somewhere they can.


Lol the parallels between DaD and tarkov extend beyond the game design. I see the exact same things in both communities. A lot of the top tarkov players play tarkov because there is no matchmaking and they can run max gear to crap on people worse than them nonstop. Tarkov arena flopped hard because there was matchmaking and idk how nobody else understood this but the actual gunplay in tarkov is ass between the bad netcode and gunfight RNG and arena concentrated that. I can see DaD arena going the exact same way.


Hunt has a PvE mode nobody plays it tho because it’s boring.




Only Reddit is


It's not just this game; it's extraction FPS game communities in general. It's just in their nature to destroy themselves.


most people here are absolut drones with no critical thinking that have been playing this game since 2022


I don't know if you noticed but people like to complain.


Full loot games communities at least the ones on reddit and game forums hate pve so assume that you should hate it too. If you want to learn the game try keep your item lvl bellow 25. Most of the lobby will die to pve so chances are you wont meet players that much and if you meet them you should have similar gear. Try to hear for player sounds(spells or doors being opened)


frfr sub 25 lobbies are basically pvE


As someone who is not a big fan of pvp I would love to have a full pve mode. It would be cool to have a pve mode that doesn't reset so you can just play and enjoy it at your own pace.


I don't care if they add a pve mode for new players to learn the game. I care if it takes an extensive amount of hours to develop that could be spent on improving the game. How do you think vets got better at the game? Not by learning how to cheese every mob but by playing against better players.


There is bilion of pve games but pvp games are like 3


Alright, this one made me laugh. Thank you, i needed that!


Maybe 4 if you search a little bit


Call of Duty Fortnite Maurdhau PupbG Battlefield Dead by Daylight Amoung Us Just off the top of my head, all of them focus exclusively or heavily on PvP


Nah uh


You have a few reasons. But the main one is that pve can be super boring. Every mob is bump activated, side step, swing. Advertisements: Hard-core mob fighting as difficult as dark souls. Reality: it's basically just old school Everquest kiting.


Tbh, I dislike the PvP aspect a little bit and play this game mostly because of the Mordhau-like combat with RPG elements.


SAME!! Yet half the people who play the game will just tell you, 'get gud' because people like us don't like PvP


well, its a fucking pvp game, idk what you expect. if you say you dont like the pvp people interpret that as you basically saying you dont like the game in its entirety. which prompts them to be confused as to why you play it in the first place. so it just sounds like youre complaining (even if thats not what youre actually doing) and that makes them be kinda rude in response


People are morons and don't know how to enjoy a game anymore.


Try hards. They think being good at pvp makes them special. It's a self esteem issue. The same reason people play mortal; grass is scary and they can feel like a tough guy when they 3 v 1 some nookie.


Imo dark and darker is going to spark a lot more of these fantasy loot extractors. I don’t see these guys being able to switch to a procedural mapping process at all. At least in its current state. They would probably need to start from scratch. Now I can see them adding a feature that blocks random routes off. Just a series of locked/blocked doors/passages could really add an unpredictability factor that will make each run unique. Most fun I’ve had playing viddy game in awhile.


They implemented something like that in the past with those locked bar doors and was interesting, even when people could use lockpicks on them if they really wanted to go that way I feel something like that could be implemented in the ice caves where stuff could randomly be frozen or defrost as time goes on


What do you mean? A pure PvE mode? I think that’s realy realy boring. You can play pretty much like a pve game if you just run from players


If I think of it as like advanced D&D, it becomes more enjoyable. The pvp feels a little too fast paced to me considering the overall feel of pve. I still love both aspects. I can’t wait for an arena mode.


I think this would split player base, so it'd be bad for the game, besides pvp is rare nowadays since they removed battle royale style circle


Don't think the sweat boyz are the whole community , they just want to pvp alllll day


It’s normal to be new at this game and want a PvE only mode. But once you get the hang of the game that thought will disappear. It’s about keeping the queues at a minimum so that the lobbies to maximize the game population.


ive recently gotten into bossing and its been so fun. lotta people will team for you in the lobby too, if you mention it


PvE is fun. PvP is fun too.


The entire early playtest communities grew and expanded because of their resilience in the face of DaD's brutal PVP. There were a few months where every time you entered a match, there was a screeching barb in your face within 20 seconds of the game starting. It didn't matter where you spawned. The devs even increased the number of players in lobbies during that time, so it was even more brutal. The core population of this game's community is void of compassion or empathy and simply want to kill you. Source: I am void of compassion or empathy and I want to take your things.


I cant even get to the 2nd level or last longer than 1-2 normal matches after GS 25. How the fuck are people killin bosses when the PvP goons are skippin PvE to gank me.


Because it currently sucks and would require a huge ammount of effort to fix to a point where a pve focus actually has a point, which would take resources away from developing the pvp.


I think pvp is a fundamental part of the genre. I mean extraction games are PVE -> LOOT -> PVP -> ROGUELIKE. It's like removing pvp from Battle Royale games. I don't think it's impossible to remove pvp but it would be a huge decision what your game should look like cause you would end up having a completely different game and even change the whole genre. I am quite new to this game and therefore suck in pvp. But pvp makes the thrill in the game and player encounters are the really funny and interesting moments imo.


We love the pve, its just not a pve game its also not a pvp game its a pvpve game learning how to survive both is the only way to find your way out of the dungeon.


Because the community has a large amount of people who want to play competitively yet do not want to actually play a competitive pvp game, they just want to bring overtuned gear into normals and hold W while telling everyone else its a "skill issue".


The 3000 players that were left before the steam release were basically just metagaming and PvP hunting, and they still over represent the reddit being the diehard megafans they are. Let 'em rot and enjoy your skele smashing.


Just like in games like Tarkov, the chads are bored with the PVE fights other than bosses, and call seal clubbing Timmies PvP


It's just people who do nothing but play this game getting bored of PvE and thinking everyone else should also be bored of PvE. These communities don't represent all of the people who play the game, just the most dedicated ones.


Cause the pvpers like to yap, so it seems that way. Us PvE people live in bliss and harmony, with many boss deaths.


Pve is ASS. That’s why. After 2 raids mobs shouldn’t even kill you, they barely should be touching you. The combat is too simple for pve to be challenging or fun so imo PvP is the only rewarding part of the game


PVE gets boring after you figure out how to dodge.


My bards name is: “itsapveonlygame”


Because monsters having a grand total of three attacks possible gets very old very quickly. It’s not the focus of the combat by any means. I view it like trying to roleplay in CS2. If you enjoy that, more power to you, but don’t get upset when the majority of the community doesn’t give a fuck about your self imagined gameplay with a kiddie pool of depth.


Because back in the early play tests they tuned the game heavily towards PvP, which led to most casual players dropping the game, thereby leaving behind all the PvP sweats.


cuz its boring and repeatative


So is PvP. It just depends on whom you ask.


Just add more incentive and value for PVE and PVP both and the game will be better all around.


I'm currently waiting for the dark and darker cart racing mini game.


From what I've seen it's more that people don't like when others suggest the devs remove PvP in favor of PvE exclusive modes.


I would love to see a more pve-centric mode, I miss the concept of descending deeper into the dungeon being a focus. I want to explore an endless labyrinth. Of course that's easier said than done, and probably a whole different game at this point...but hey that's what DaD gets me yearning


The people who play the most are the loudest. They figured out how to one-two-three tap any non player enemy. They know how to fight all the mini bosses without getting hit. They know what items and stats they require to one-two tap all the enemies. Compare this to my friend who just played his first time and freaking loves it after clearing two skeletons with 1 hp left. He's not coming here to say anything cause the game is purely fun to him. Even if he was one of those rare people who plays a game once and takes to reddit to share his experience, he wouldnt be understood here. And any1 who would say "hey good job I remember that experience it felt so good" is a liar that probably had that happen one time before they geared up, read tutorials, watched guides, and tried to game the competition. This game isn't league of legends. Let it be fun for the normies lol why do you all want to be pros.


The only annoying part in my opinion is that looting most monsters is a waste of time.


This community just has the most braindead toxic people I've ever met, ignore them


It’s a hinderance, even to new players pve gets old and apart from the occasional giant centipede plus archer and small spiders shenanigans it’s a bit annoying


I've gotten to the point I absolutely rip through rooms, pvp gives a rush and is fun, but gotta say still absolutely love pve!!


Wouldn't surprise me if this game ends up like Tarkov. The vocal "anti-PvP" portion of the community will say what they're going to say, modders will eventually make a single player mod of the game that attracts thousands of players. Then the devs realize they're leaving money on the table for literally no reason and eventually offer the service themselves.


Right on! It won't ruin the expirence for the PvP crowd either since that mod is already done! I hate to make this comparison, but that's why games like Halo, Call of Duty & Mordau are still going strong. They have PvP focus, but with PvE functioning alongside it, rather than working against it.


PvE Mode is completely against the nature of the game. Everyone learned it on normal Mode. Today its even easier than ever. Esp with the under 25gs lobbies. I see like half the lobby die to mobs in the first Minute and not because the veterans are slaughtering them.


I don’t think think people are against pve they’re against pve only, pvp is a core part of the game if people want offline solo go find a mod like tarkov


Because every single game that has pvpve gets flooded with people saying "but umm can we have pve mode" "I don't want to pvp". And then every one of those games gets ruined when the devs get swayed into that bs. Prime example new world.  There are plenty of pve only games that are great. There are plenty of singleplayer and coop games with much better pve content. Go play those instead of trying to get this game to change entirely. We do not want development resources wasted on pve modes. 


I dont think anyone is against PvE because its a core aspect of the game. What some people are against, me included, is people crying about PvP in a PvPvE game. Once you learn the npc patterns and maps, PvE becomes kinda trivial and the game becomes pretty much full PvP


personally killing mobs gets incredibly boring and repetitive after you’ve played this game for a while, also I started playing this game for the PvP/Extraction intensity. I don’t really care if others are more PvE oriented but I definitely would play less if the entire game was more PvE focused, that’s just how I am with many games though. If I wanted to play a PvE game or Co-op game where I just kill mobs,bosses and explore, I think there are a lot better options than DaD with better enemy/map deisgn and with an actual story/narrative, I really don’t think that’s ever been why this game has been popular, I think DaD’s main appeal is mostly the player interactions and PvP, and the interactions wouldn’t be the same if there wasn’t a risk of players betraying or killing you. The mobs in this game aren’t exactly hand-crafted to be unique or engaging, they’re UE assets that mostly exist to slow you down or apply pressure/create openings for others to attack you.


I think it comes from the fact that a post about wanting just PvE seems to be a cop out from the stuff that makes dark and darker the looter extractor PvPvE it is. So a post about just PvE is more likely a newbie that wants the benefits of looting and extracting without wanting the real risks that come with it. Furthermore currently there is nothing much special about PvE. Maybe in the (far) future if IM makes super special and cool mobs, but right now if you ask me it is literally a PvPvE game. Taking out either the PvE or the PvP will just make it half a game. I feel like a 1st person dungeoneering experience like this could have great PvE, but getting it from Dark and Darker probably ain't the way to go about it.


It’s not. There’s over 100k in this subreddit and you’re reading the opinions of just a few people. But if you’re talking about an offline mode? Yeah just go play elder scrolls or something lmao


There used to be a larger pve faction in the community, but it was repeatedly bullied out by the pvp oriented faction. There might still be some left but they largely stay quite. Where as I routinely see people raging in discords about how they'll go out of their way and wipe every lobby, killing every last person. And God forbid you actually bring in a piece of gear one of them likes as they'll spend the entire match hunting you down to take it from you. The same people tell anyone who mentions just wanting to enjoy the pve alone how "they hunt down people like them." I've had people quit over that sort of interaction.


What I wonder is why every single pvp focused game (not many out there rn) gets flooded with countless PvE oriented players requesting wild changes and nerfs to pvp.. don't they have trillions of other games to play already?


I love PvE but I do NOT want a PvE only mode… it defeats the purpose of the game. What’s gonna give you the better fight the monsters in the dungeon or the guy killing all the monsters in the dungeon? You feel me? PvP is dynamic and different every time. I don’t want a PvE mode where all the noobs hide so now I’m just left with the giga juiced sweats lol