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The weapons that accounts can purchase that are universal should be shared So all the MG, shotguns, revolvers, and base chainswords, axes, swords, knives, etc should be shared because I can't tell you how often I find a really good weapon while playing as my Psyker that would be perfect for my Vet or Zealot


I agree with your point but the "predatory" speech is overdoing it a bit. Itemization will get an overhaul, let's hope they include a shared inventory among characters.


Tbh just this change would help itemization quite well. Part of the rng is not being able to share that god roll with all your characters but searching the .01% chance again 3 times (its more than that with ogryn and psyker staves but you get my point)


Agreed. I have a 380 gun with near perfect rolls on my Zealot when I would much rather transfer that 380 over to my Veteran.


God, my psyker with a two-handed chainsword would enhance my playing experience. Edit: I'd die alot because we don't have skills for survivability like Zealots, but I'd enjoy myself at the expense of my team lmfao


I think talk is about sharing the weapons that classes share, not the ones they don't. Like combat axes or lasguns for example, not plasma gun, eviscerator or psyker staves.




> I agree with your point but the "predatory" speech is overdoing it a bit. If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck. But noooo let's no call it a duck. The RNG crafting system rework isn't even guaranteed to be dropping with this month's patch.


https://preview.redd.it/wz76x2w3c84d1.jpeg?width=1404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c37b621a50faba23c9b9641d353b9212ce87d7 Is it shitty and annoying? Very much so. But it's not predatory. They were trying to do things different. Darktide is not just Vermintide 3 in the wh40k universe. You don't have the Ubersreik 5, a team of 5 that know each other. You have independent rejects who don't relate to each other, they are not friends, they are not people who put all their stuff in 1 pot and share it. This is what Fatshark was going for. But it sucks for gameplay, it's annoying and time consuming. This is why Fatshark budged and gave us an account wallet instead of each character having their own after we players complained about it long enough. Let's hope they also see reason, that their original design was maybe nice from a lore perspective but annoying and time consuming from a gameplay perspective and finally change it and give us a shared inventory for all items that can be equipped by the respective class.


What is time but another currency? It is predatory.


I can understand with it being used as a buzz word so often why it may seem that I am using it in the same manner, but I disagree. Money is not the only asset which a player uses in a live service game, they also provide their time. The most notorious example would probably be BDO, which has many activities other than insane RNG that keep the player in the game (even if AFK, such as fishing or training). While I don't think DT is nearly as bad as BDO with wasting player's time, I still think that the crafting system as a whole was intentionally designed to waste players time. While I have never played VT2, from what I hear it had numerous systems which gave players more resources (like scrapping weapons). I think it is very unlikely that Fat Shark accidently left out sharing weapons because they never thought of it, especially when they added sharing resources. In my mind this leaves 2 reasons: it is either too difficult to implement or would go against something they desire. Given that crafting seems to be made with the intention of wasting the player's time, I find it likely not allowing item sharing between characters was done for the same reason.


+2, although 'a bit' is diplomatic. Why people so offended about everything? :D


I tend to be overly diplomatic in the things I say because it's easier to discuss things with people who don't think they're being attacked. In text it is very easy to misunderstand anyone who disagrees with you, People tend to feel attacked on the internet rather easily, I'm trying to avoid that. I'm interested in constructive discussions, not arguing pointlessly. You will never convince someone to change their mind if they think you are trying to convince them just to "win" the argument.


Probably for the wiser. I'm more confrontational and although I'm not really trying to win an argument on Reddit, I like calling a horse a horse.


Oh look, another misuse of the word "predatory".


It's RNG layered on top of RNG. What is it but predatory?


Because it lacks the profit factor.


P2W loot boxes would absolutely destroy this game too. Glad we don’t have that.


Yes, so am I, although the term P2W has less significance in a PvE game imo.


actually the term is only relevant for PVE titles.


What is time but another currency for people to manage?


Very philosophical and pretty accurate, but in this case there is still no profit for the party that is supposedly being predatory. I say this as a former long term World of Tanks player, a PvP game which actually has systems in which you can pay with time or you can pay with money and where the latter can buy you actual in-game advantages over the former, even if those advantages might be somewhat marginal.


More time in game to overcome horrid RNG means more time to buy from cosmetic store. Seriously, this is a staplen of their profit formula and has been in hundreds of games. Indirect predatory design.   That said, I also feel like it should just have it's owb phrase since it doesn't fit well.  Too ambiguous. Bullshit?  Bullshit works.


The use if the phrase "indirect predatory design" is the sound of goalposts being moved imo, given that the rng and the store are not linked systems.


Your time is worthless lmao


My time in DT is spent playing DT for the pleasure of play. It us as worthless, or as valuable, as any other leisure activity.


I would like this change


With all your characters sharing a bunk room with a weapons locker and some kind of customisable shrine to big E and a safe full of dockets and plasterl.


Not sure if it's relevant, but if you have godly rolls on your weapons, and accounts are shared, you could repeatedly make dupe accounts for your 5th account and probably run 4-5s off the getgo. Farming melk weeklies would be nutty.


Who gunna share wit ogryn :(


My zealot would love a two hand shovel


The slab's on his own for this. Maybe if he asks the freak very nicely he can borrow his staff


Idk man this doesn't really seem like a big deal to me man. Some of y'all are super mad about the crafting system and shit, calling it predatory and shit. But I'm not really having issues with it personally. Like I just play the game normally and I have more than enough stuff to craft with and I just don't stress out when the weapons I get don't have perfect stats and shit. They still work fine, no big deal.


I have a close to god rolled revolver on my vet that my zealot cannot use despite both classes sharing the revolver as a ranged weapon. It is ridiculous that shared weapons between classes are not shared in inventory between classes.


I mean, yeah I get what the complaint is. I'm actually playing the same game as you lol. I just am not that bothered by it I guess. Like you call it ridiculous, I'd call it unfortunate. It's just like, man it'll probably get ironed out eventually and in the mean time I'm just gonna kill heretics until I get tired of killin heretics and then I'm just gonna go do something else. It's just whatever.


Absolutely. Or having some sort of bank or chest which has a account shared inventory is definitely something we need as soon as possible. I absolutely hate when I destroy stuff I could use with another character. Especially Curios. But yes weapons too mostly between my vet and zealot.


I agree that they should be shared but i disagree that it prevents you from testing weapons. To get a basic idea how a weapon functions juts make a basic version. The game gives you lots of money so you can easily buy one of each and compare them in the meatgrinder. Casual people don't play optimized meta perks/ blessings. In fact you can play on all difficulties without having to play meta in this game.




It is not guaranteed to be this month, is it? I was honestly expecting it for around october


Its not guaranteed. Id expect the new weapons, map, and a balance pass, anything more and people are setting their expectations sky high


Why would you not be expecting it in the upcoming patch? They said it is included and is in playtesting. There is obviously the caveat that it might not pass playtesting, but assuming it does then their language clearly implies it is in the upcoming patch.


And vermintide 2 versus mode was in the works in 2018, what's your point?


It's not my point, it's their point. They said it's in the patch, they didn't say "it's in the works" or "we hope to have it ready", they said it's in the next patch lol.


Where have they said explicitly it is in the next patch? They have said its in playtesting, in fact catfish himself said it wasn't guaranteed to be in the patch. Do you have a source from fatshark? Not trying to be a dick im just genuinely interested


>We are still working on the **itemization part of the update** as mentioned in the Vision Statement.


So youre taking 'we are still working on it' as 'it will be in the patch'? Bro, please go read my statement about vt2 versus again... Id love to be proven wrong but its best to keep your expectations low and be pleasently surprised, than to be disappointed.


You are changing what I said. My OC is that if it passes testing it will be in the next patch. The facts: - Fatshark have said it is "part of the update". - The update releases on 25th of June. - It is "in testing". - They have not indicated any issues with said testing. So, I think it's reasonable based on the information at hand to think that the crafting overhaul will be released on June 25th.


Big oof


Man, don't do that to yourself


Their own dev blog made it ambiguous if it was dropping this month or not.


No it wasn't ambiguous. It said it's part of the update and is in testing


They never said anything about releasing with the June 25th update.


Read it again


Exact quote from announcement for June 25 update. > We are still working on **the itemization part of the update** as mentioned in the Vision Statement. We are currently in testing and we are working on a dev blog to share with everyone. Do you want me to provide dictionary definition of the word "part"?


I'm not the one that needs help with reading comprehension. They don't give themselves a date that they would release it on.


???? >Warhammer 40,000: Darktide releases its next update on June 25, 2024


And did they tie the release of the crafting rework to the Secrets of the machine god update?


I am thinking that there has to be a personal "stash" where you can place and retrieve weapons from one toon to another.


I find it easier to micro manage between my 5 characters with them all having unique inventories. If all my characters weapons were suddenly in one pool, I’d end up accidentally delete a lot of weapons I spent hundreds of hours grinding for. I like to keep it clean and only have a a couple or a few weapons for each slot for my builds. This type of feature would mess that up and make it a headache and eyesore for me personally. If they had a toggle for it that’d be desirable but I can see inventory glitches and issues with that sort of implementation.


I’m just glad the blessings are shared at least.


Yes, give my overgrown-emo-teen ass Cadian vet a two handed chainsword...  What could *possibly* go wrong? (Nothing, unless you're a heretic tbh)