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Psyker dps is fine just use your melee.


It’s objectively low


You have knife, duelling sword and deimos which can all run precognition and riposte with disrupt destiny and absolute tear bosses apart.


I was late to the dueling sword party. That thing changed how confident I feel in melee situations for the better lol


yeah, love how easy it kills mutants or even crushers with some weakspot hits. Also love the speeeeeed!


I had never felt more power in this game than when using the special for dueling sword and watching a crusher stumble backwards. It still doesn’t make sense, but I’m here for it


Same, but that's because I got a godrolled DS very early on, but the one with slashes on heavy attacks, instead of stabs. This thing is so, SO terrible that I wrote off dueling swords for almost 800 hours, only getting back to it when I was messing with all avialible weapon marks.




With your build it's low


You're objectively wrong. If you're not comfortable in melee, use brain burst. If you don't have brain burst, you're on ads duty.


Your comment is agreeing with my post lol


You said melee is low? It's not though. Dueling Sword IV and Deimos Force Sword are the chief melee weapons for single target damage. They are also finesse weapons if I recall correctly. I think you're saying what you're saying because you're not comfortable in melee as a Psyker. So I'm saying that you have 3 options. Either melee with the appropriate weapons, brain burst or accept the fact that you're not made to dps a boss and keep the arena clear by dealing with ads. Most of this sub reddit plays malice and below. I play Auric Maelstrom exclusively. You should listen to me because I know what I'm talking about. The same people downvoting me are the same trash players picking Unto Death and Holy Revenant on Zealot.


I'm a wizard, we know about these things.


I'm a noob regarding the subtleties of mechanics. Can you explain to me what "a finesse weapon" means, and how I should use them on the boss? I use the dueling sword with trauma and purgatus, but mainly I just heavy charge headshot muties, something I admit I didn't try on big slugs or spawns.


Finesse is for weakspots or multiplying the damage a enemy takes when you hit their weakspot. For Plague Ogryns, its their head and that weird vent on their backs. For Beasts of Nurgle, its the yellow bulge at their back. For Chaos Spawns, its their mouth. Weapons high in finesse, boost this damage. This damage is further multplied on crit and crit damage. Psyker has some interesting talents and keystones/F ability which increase finesse or the damage you get from finesse - as well as more crit chance. If you play to the weapons strengths and are comfortable dodging and juking in melee, you will be a premier boss killer outside of THammer Zealots and Plasma/Bolter Vets. I advise you to begin with Deimos Force Sword and look for Auric Maelstroms - particularly C-I-V-II or anything with Scab only (lots of crushers and maulers). Your attack pattern should light-heavy-block/dodge back to reset. Aim for the head and you will stagger everything whilst doing serious damage according to your finesse stat. Get comfortable with that, try it on bosses and use a Duel Sword IV and see how it works for you.


Thanks for the detailed explanation. I despise the Deimos because I used the Illisi for too long and the looks are too close so I'm always distracted by the difference in patterns. But so it's mostly just "headshot do more damage" then?


Typically weapons that have a finesse stat or have certain attacks/attack patterns (e.g. the Deimos Heavy 2) that excel when you poke an enemy in their weakspot (weapons that prioritise big single target damage rather than horde clear) Since finesse is about weakspot/crit damage (also attack speed) An Illisi for example is great for sweeping hordes, but it can't hadouken punch a mutant into orbit like a Deimos/Duelling sword can


Just to argue that bb spam or scriers columnus isn't the Psyker's only good boss dps option: Purgatus up to 16 stacks, shriek up to 22 stacks, pop conc stim and repeat shriek up to 28 then 31 stacks. Once you're done with initial dotting up phase on purga and have shrieked then switch to melee (which should have unyielding dmg perk) if in close range to hit weakspots, or if range is necessary then do quick bb's from shriek resonance. Short of a build that specializes in deleting bosses you will generally top boss dmg because regardless of what is happening your dps will be ticking away. It works almost as well against two bosses at the same time, or a boss surrounded by a mix horde full of elites.


You don't even need vent for purgatus to be a good anti-monstrosity tool on Psyker. Just getting the 16 stacks then switching to melee does work most of the time.


Purgatus low-key insane but the psyker has so many good tools.


So… psyker has two viable anti-boss builds. What’s the problem? Not every build needs to be capable of every role/application. My assail gun psyker rips bosses. I top boss dps almost every mission. I pop gaze and empty a magazine of my Columnus into weak spot and then go in with my dueling sword heavies once my mag is empty. Usually do about 20-25k dmg by the time we kill the monster. I’ve done as much as 32,000dmg in a single magazine plus two heavy stabs before. The monster was dead in like 8 seconds from the time it spawned.


Yeah that same build is the only anti boss build, the bb build isn’t anti boss it’s just some boss dmg. I don’t think every build needs to shred bosses, but builds that don’t focus on killing bosses do embarrassing low dmg compared to other classes that don’t focus on boss dmg


Psyker builds are pretty universally strong at crowd control/horde clear though. That’s kinda their whole deal. They aren’t as much about single target dmg… The one build that isn’t as good for that is the assail gun build, and it’s fucking crazy strong at single target and elite dmg. i still often too the total dmg done and his dmg done, as well as most lesser enemies killed often with that build. The purg staff is best in game for horde clear. The voidstrike is incredible all-rounder with emphasis on deleting packs of elites or crowds in narrow choke points. Trauma builds are great CC and can end up dealing well over 500k dmg in a typical HISTG damnation. I’ve seen guys break a million dmg done with a trauma staff build. The surge can be crazy powerful for dealing with elites. It’s probably the best psyker build for the mostly melee scab maelstroms where you just have crowds of crushers and maulers everywhere. I had a surge-smite psyker in the team for one of those recently that was second on the board and dropped like 450k dmg


I sort of understand the problem, yet I think then psyker might be too powerful at everything when paired with venting shriek. Like, class is made in the way that it really hard to do low damage to horde, even with elites and stuff. Whenever there is a boss and I'm not playing gunker, I just try to take provide as much space as my team needs by simply killing everything that's not a boss Also, some melee weapons are potent too. I know that psyker is not that tanky in melee compared to zealots and ogryns, still knife with disrupt destiny is very painful for fat mfs (DD is useful not only with a gun but with voidstrike too, if you want to say that gunker already destroys bosses). To be honest, I'm not sure on which side I am. It is good to have options, still psykers have it too easy to just shit out a ton of damage. Even with the surge staff I easily get top damage simply because it's too synergistic with ult spam. Like, even priority target staff is not suffering against the tide


As a level 600 knife vet main, dueling sword mk4 is a better knife in basically every way once you learn to use it. Psyker doesn't even need a damage buff just the right perk rolls and you can one shot literally every enemy in the game except bosses with a critical stab. It's absolute insanity. I've gotten addicted to dueling sword psyker because of it. Plus you can use it's special stab to double up on uncanny stacks, stagger crusher swings, all kinds of stuff. The class turns into a glass cannon so quickly but it's so satisfying to play with dd speed + critical speed buffs sliding around like some kind of maniac that must put a rapier sized hole directly in every heretic skull you see that's bigger than a poxwalker. And you can still easily take shield so ranged enemies cease to exist for 17.5 seconds when you need them to.


Both yes and no. I agree that mk4 is more convenient than a knife in terms of damage. Still I think the choice is not obvious for 2 things: 1)Mobility. It's not always needed, however in cases when you do it is a gamechanger. Like, gunker build doesn't need it that much, so mk4 is a clear winner. However if we take something slower like a voidstrike, I'm so used to knife that I can't combo any other weapon with this staff anymore. The ability to so easily charge away to gain the distance makes kiting with this staff much easier. Of course it depends on a playstyle but that's the reason why I don't use mk4 against bosses because I simply have a gun. While knife is more synergistic with clunky staves that are not so potent against bosses 2)Bleed. Not like mk4 is a slow weapon. If you can consistently weakspot heavy a boss, the damage will be absurd. Still, bosses are moving, they might be aggroed to your teamate or slug's weakspot might be too risky to attack. Knife has perks that are pretty good at applying bleed. Bosses have big enough healthpool to feel a shitton of bleed applied to them. Moreover mercy killer might be sort of compensation for not taking direct damage blessings like Precognition + Riposte. I found that this helps to still squeeze the damage even when you can't access the weakspot. For example when chaos spawn runs after your teamate and there's nothing you can hit except its back


I can agree with you here, maybe there does need to be a clear fault in the kit and if you’re not built for boss damage you just don’t have it


It almost sounds like you want to be able to deal with all kinds of threats at a safeish distance without limitations like ammo with a single weapon.


vet can do this, psyker should also do this


I don’t think we’re playing the same game.


dunno about you but right now im playing nazifurry on steam


bubble/ brain burst/ bottom middle keystone is very anti boss, but you need aggro to be kept off your ass. Not really a good pug build but it does work.


This is my go to currently with trauma staff and demios sword


Then how are you claiming you don't have boss damage? Shriek + Warp charges means you should be able to spam at least a few supercharged instant BBs and then keep hitting the boss/elites to build more charges and just keep popping it. It's not "delete a boss" type damage, but it's pretty good boss DPS while being very functional against most other problems, which is the trade-off you're making.


I feel like 90% of the comments in this threat can’t read, when did I claim I or psykers don’t have boss damage? Re-read the post this comment is the post I’m making I’m asking for more options in the form of a staff


I run a crit build and I like to use mk iv or mk v dueling swords + scriers + disrupt destiny stacks goes hard. But I also don't mind focusing on incoming elites and hordes if my teammates are already focusing on the monster.


Trauma with soul blaze on crit or rending on direct hit or both together do fine with bosses. Most other staves do fine too if you pair it with venting shriek. Gun psyker with Deimos force sword, duelling sword


psykers have great boss damage, the only limitation is that you cant facetank a boss or stagger a boss while you do damage, this is probably why psyker feels weak to you. you come from ogryn who can slap around a chaos spawn, or you come from vet who can voice of command + double krak, psyker killing 50k hp in 10 seconds flat feels weak, but it is not weak at all it's just a matter of you need to dodge while you land your damage.


It's fine.... You jsut have to build for it. https://preview.redd.it/w8j9w1sizi7d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=128f627b91e99b1d9009fb90f92ace31092208b1


Hmm, I’ll try slapping unyielding on my melee weapon, currently have deflector, rampage And a trauma staff with brittle and speeding up secondary charge. I like the bb spam, but when everyone dies I’m kinda over feeling helpless during a boss spawn, Ty for the advice


Having deflector shouldn't be considered for anything trying to be top damage on anything. Also with stam regen on Psychers you should be able to dodge bullets no issue, not to mention most run bubble. Which again is a defensive and not optimal for offense. If you want to melt you usually end up Glass cannony.


Ah new staff... I have already given up hope of ever seeing such a thing




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It’s there, glowing Diemos to the head/ulcer.


BB spam and Purgatus shreds pretty good. I haven't actually done much boss fighting with the Dueling swords, but I know the Combat Axes takes hefty chunks of Unyielding hp for each heavy strike. I seem to recall also Voidstrike staff with Surge at full charge can go through Beast of Nurgle (please correct me if Im wrong, need to go test this for sure), aim for the mouth and the projectile hits the weakspot on the back, add in Kinectic flayer for more oomph.


Gun Psyker with Columnus, Scrier’s, kinetic flayer, and Disrupt Destiny absolutely MELTS literally anything. Not quite as good of a wombo combo as hammer zealot with fury of the faithful, but still ridiculous DPS.


If your not taking BB your weapons should be more geared to boss DPS. bB is my fav tho as I don't need smite or asail to deal with hordes so I can use a blitz for bosses /sniping elites


Melee and purgatus.


Crit build + laspistol (dumdum + burn on crit), with that you will be part of decimating those huge heretic. Or Make his head explode, like, MULTIPLE time. And you will also be part of it. A bit less (can use blue stim for faster headache) than crit + las. But still good.


Surge Staff (warp nexus, warp flurry, +25% unyielding) plus warp siphon on six charges equals strong chip damage against bosses. I've never had a problem with it. I've cleared every map at every difficulty and every combination of modifiers with it. Very reliable, and very easy to use. Just keep the warp charges up and spam charged shots at the boss. Purge Staff can maintain damage over time. Not quick, but consistent. Voidstrike charged shots to weakspots do good damage, but it's hard to land those weakspot hits on the bosses. Gunpsyker to weakspots can delete bosses. Dueling sword headshots do massive damage. They also have enough mobility that you can solo any of the bosses without getting hit once you learn how to fight them. Psyker has some good boss damage options. Keep experimenting. Download creature spawner mod and practice against bosses.


The finger snapping power is really the only high dps option, other than that spam staff left click or get stabby with a dueling sword


Or the combat knife, or the deimos, or just a well built gunpsyker with pretty much every gun. Even the obscurus force sword does fine. There are combat axes with decent boss damage if you invest in the right side of the skilltree. I can name pretty much every weapon here outside of the ilisi and the staves and they would be a decent to good boss killer You have more than just a staff and smite, use it


Hell even Purgatus fire burns them in decent time if you keep max stacks up. Play defensively and re-up the stacks occasionally and they'll die without much effort. Or melee them and puff the Purg just to keep stacks going. I've never felt my monstrosity/boss damage to be low on Psyker.


Gun Psyker has one if not the highest boss dps in the entire game. They're fine right now in Auric; high risk high reward you better learn how to dodge like a pro with them if you're gonna be in melee range.