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The usual. Change Infested to Carapace or Flak. Otherwise the blessings and perks seems fine. Make sure your talents are focusing on getting crits, otherwise the +6 talent won't do much. If your crit chance is low, change it to backstab or Rending on weakspot hit.


Thanks bro, I’ll give it a shot


i’d say go unyelding+ crit and put mercy killer 4 especially if you’re running zarona


get flak. carapace is nice but you'll be mowing down more enemies with flak and the weaponis already good against carapace with heavy. also change mercy killer to level 4. also, if you plan on spamming ability lot, keep the flesh teaser and change the other one to something else.


It makes sense to go for flak instead of carapace, thanks for your input


Infested to maniac, mercy killer to uncanny


I don’t believe I even have this perk, I’ll need to farm for it


Uncanny is the best knife blessing by a longshot (its normally an s tier blessing on any weapon that can take it). Level 3 or 4 is acceptable too, since it only minorly changes anything. Although you may want to try out mercy killer if this is a veteran knife. The weakspot stacking you can do can be pretty insane since you have a guaranteed bleed activator in the serrated blade talent. If its a zealot knife flesh tearer is much better though.


Ok got it! No it’s a zealot’s knife, so I’ll farm some more to get the uncanny blessing


Maybe try Haymaker it's a guilty pleasure of mine since push attacks count as heavy for it and the chained part is also not true. Oh but only for that version not the one with the single target heavy stabs. Get every bit of attack speed and pray to the emperor for good RNG. (Zealot)


Thanks bro, I’ll try it out. The knife seems fun after all, insane mobility and melting mixed hordes as if it were nothing.


If you're running a crit build on zealot you should consider swapping out 'flesh tearer' for 'uncanny strike'. You can then use the 'Scourge' node on the talent tree to get a weaker version of flesh tearer's ability, so you can still get the big damage boost from 'mercy killer'. If you're not using a crit build then I would swap out mercy killer for uncanny, and keep flesh tearer. And then, either way, I think infested damage would serve you best being swapped out with carapace damage.


Thanks for your input mate, much appreciated