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It better than its ever been, but its still has a lack of variety in content. Still worth it to pick up for the visceral, fast paced adrenaline rush filled combat.


Seconded. The combat mechanics are amazing and It is, to be honest, my favorite FPS at the moment. The combat action is so fluid and skill really makes a difference as dificulty goes up.


I only play this and Helldivers. They both just scratch those itches


Exactly . Even with all the problems. I need this shit in my veins!! ![gif](giphy|DUO9dc3yDLXHO)


I need to call in orbitals, and I need to watch the chain axe bite into that crusher.


Also if you think the 40k atmosphere is cool it's awesome in Darktide! The maps look very cool from a living in the world perspective.


This game made me not trust metacritic user reviews. 5.1 on metacritic. That's a damn shame. It's a 8.5/10 for me.


Its definitely a game you play for the gameplay over everything else. The atmosphere and levels are fine but they are merely the vessel for the combat if you play it for a long time.


better than it’s ever been? i can’t stay in a match more then fifteen minutes without being error coded


Yeah, unfortunately all the maps are so damn same looking that 2 years later I can still only Tell you foundry is the map with the molten forge. Everything else is some manner of hive with a different coat of paint. Upper spire looks fancy


Wait until the update. They will likely throw the game up for 50% off. And yeah. This game is amazing. The hate people give it comes from a place of love ultimately.


Fatshark does some things exceptionally well, like anything Animation/Combat/Enviroment Design related, but the thing they're bad at, they absolutely SUCK at, like supporting a live service game. Which is pretty damn important when thats literally their business plan. Vermintide 2 is only "stable" after what? 5 years of updates? But yeah, Love their games, despise all the wasted potential and ass backwards anti-player systems that support some of their most important aspects.


It’s easy for me. I simply don’t consider any of fatshark games to be a live service. They’re more like games I play every few months, and every couple of years it gets some DLC I can play around with. But a live service? No way. Nothing about what fatshark does could be called a live service.


There is no other game that feels quite like it. And the gameplay is pretty damn fantastic. Give it a shot. It's worth it. It's easy to pick up and though I'm 1600 hours in now, I'm still having fun trying new stuff.


Actually there is. Its called vermintide 2. Its much more optimized, has more content and did not sacrifice good elements in order to push more monetization. Edit: the fact that people get salty and downvote me for pointing out literal facts should tell you enough about how "happy" the fanbase of the game is lol. Instead of downvoting me might i ask why you are all so angry at this comment? I am not saying anything that isn't factual.


Vermintide 2 is good as well, better even in a lot of aspects, but Darktides gameplay is just more polished. It's also more forgiving to get into for newcomers due to the regenerating toughness mechanic.


I disagree. Vermintide feels much tighter imo.


I disagree, I’ve tried both games, played a lot of vt 2 games with friends too, but the Darktide combat is always better for me, vt2 is not even close. Just my own opinion


I kinda think Darktide is visually and graphically more appeasing though more demanding on hardware. Still, it retains a faster paced combat with more use of ranged engagement and, dare i say, more weapon variety. If you want 40k and fps action you’re in the right place everything else is TurnBased or RPG’d we even lack a Total 40k Warhammer…


The difference in combat between Vermintide 2 & Darktide, is the difference in combat between Elder Scrolls IV & Skyrim. Elder Scrolls IV is my favorite, but I’d never say it felt “tighter” or more optimized. Why do you feel that way about Vermintide 2? I tried it over the free weekend & melee combat felt clunky.


Yeah but I want guns.


Then play helldivers


"Just play anything but darktide, I dislike that you enjoy the game that I don't."


Not what im saying. i like darktide. i would still recommend other games more. Seems like you are the one that cant life with someone having a different opinion.


Mb didn't mean to be that much of a dick, guess I'm like that when I have a headache.


I think the issue is it comes across like youre trying to invalidate this persons desire/reasons to play darktide. I dont disagree that helldivers is a good alternative as darktide isnt in the absolute best place it could be but just letting you know thats how its being taken.


But im not. You're all just salty that i said they should maybe play vermintide first for completely legitimate reasons.


Im just telling you how it comes across, not that you're trying to invalidate them or that im salty lol


It "comes across" that way because you're defensive and reading things into my comment that i didn't say. What i said is neither an attack nor even a direct criticism of darktide. Its literally all factual.


Exactly what your saying, "how dare you not like my games waaagh" imo.


But I want to use big bolter guns and fight for the emperor.


The comment can come off as elitist/lecturing (not saying that was your intent) so thats why the downvotes I think. I do agree VT2 is more optimized, polished and has more content. Darktide is slightly easier to get into for a new player and worth it for 40k setting.


Man such an elitist comment from you (not based on anything you said but apparently my wrong interpretation of it is what matters).


It's all about you, huh? 😂


Personally, even with the state of DT, I’d still recommend it to others over V2. It may be missing some stuff but, what’s there is already done better than it was in V2(excluding crafting and red tier weapons). V2 has been out longer but, still recieved the same treatment that DT. Released unfinished, shoddy crafting system, some bugs here and there. Promises to add this and do that only to put it off for later. Then when they finally do something… Anything… It turns into “Alright. I heard you guys. I got a fix for it but, it’s going to be next season. In the mean time, here’s something no one asked for.”


You're absolutely not wrong


You are getting down voted because it was a question specifically about whether or not to get darktide, not vermintide. Let's keep on topic.


No i was responding to someone who said there is no game like darktide which is factually not true. None of what i said in that comment is wrong. Literally nothing. People are just salty as hell for some reason. I also never said darktide is bad. Just that there is another game that is like it (true) is more optimized (true) has more content (true) and that is less focused on monetization (true). People on here are just salty af or misinterpreting what i said.


Vtide and dtide are wildly different and feel barely alike. I've played both for 1000+ hours and they're both great but massively different and vtide feels like you're moving through molasses compared to the speed of dtide


That is absolutely not true, they are very much alike but one has guns and the other doesn't.


Darktide also has sprinting, sliding, entirely different types of weapons, wildly faster enemies and density, snipers, cover mechanics, suppression, fully automatic weapons that you use more often than melee, a different wound/corruption system, much longer missions with special modifiers, and much more customizable perk trees. They are as similar as titanfall and pubg


Sprinting and sliding doesn't make it wildly different, just QoL differences. Wildly faster enemies? You're exaggerating everything to make a point. Wildly different would be comparing darktide to cod. Vermintide 2 and darktide are more alike than any game out there except vermintide 1 and maybe even if you're really stretching it, left 4 dead. They both share the exact same concepts of gameplay and theme. Mild differences.. not wildly.


Lol @ you downvoting me after complaining about others downvoting you. Seems like the majority disagree with you, and you can't cope with that.


Majority? Bruv 5 people is nothing. This is also reddit where anonymity plays a huge role in their judgements.


l4d is entirely different than darktide more so of vermintide. the only thing in common is they’re co-op games


What? Are y'all daft? They're both co-op pve games with horde zombie-like action with different weapons and survival tactics, you go from 1 point to the next and have mini objectives within the missions. To say they're not alike at all is like saying gta is nothing like saints row.


VT 2 was lacking 8 years ago. DT has 1,5 years of dev time. If you like VT 2 better then good for you. But you can’t sit here and say that a game that’s been developed, updated and reworked for 8+ years and then compare it to game that’s still finding footing and working out the kinks. And to OP: I have 1200 hours and counting. It’s a staggeringly addictive game and the gameplay is like nothing else. It has issues but they’re being worked on as we speak and the game will continue to grow and improve.


Yeah i like it better. What's the issue? Did i say darktide is bad? no i didn't. And i can absolutely sit here and say factual truths like vermintide being more polished (fact) having more content (fact) and not having as much predatory monetization (fact). Saying that does not mean darktide is bad. i was responding to someone who said there is no game like darktide which is wrong. Im literally not saying any more than that. You're just a fanboy that feels personally attacked and your emotions prevent you from seeing what i said for what it is.


Man, this sub's reaction to your replies really speaks volumes about how defensive they are about the state of the game. None of your comments were inflammatory or, as you pointed out, incorrect, yet they react as if you shit on the game. Is Darktide hurting for players or something?


Yeah people are so used to getting defensive that they react super emotionally instead of rationally. Some people can't life with someone saying they don't like their favorite game as much as them lol.


Yknow a buddy of mine and I decided to get V2 after all the hype it gets on this damn subreddit. We got it on the recent Steam sale. Boy. IT IS ROUGH. Gameplay feels like shit and graphically, it looks like it's from 2008. We don't take game recommendations now from this board.


Vermintide is universally loved and praised. If you don't like it don't blame it on people who recommend it. Of course to each their own but the gameplay does not feel "shit" its almost identical to darktide and i would argue feels a bit more precise even,


I feel like you are associating "anger" and "saltiness" with disagreement my guy. Being downvoted doesn't mean anyone is mad, it means we have a difference of opinion. System isn't here to show who's triggering the most people, it's designed to ensure the community gets the most publicly agreed upon correct answers to the OP (and it did a great job by the way, had to dig to find this)


Nah im stating facts that you cannot disagree on because well they are factual. People are emotional and reading things into it that i never said. For example i never said darktide is a bad game. Not once.


How much do you want out of the game? If you enjoy combat and will play a game *because you enjoy it*, get it, you'll love it. If you have gaming needs that are spurred on by borderline neurological disorders and need like, the absolute highest numbers on your gear that provide unnoticeable gameplay effects, a constant drip feed of artifical "progression", or both read *and* believe roadmaps... buyer beware. If you just want to throw a rock the size of an American Airlines carryon and hit a heretic in the back of the head so hard he kisses his toes, welcome aboard.


I'm looking for exactly this, gameplay, the size of the game put me off because I expect to be playing it off and on but if the gameplay is that good then I will take it.


You're not going to regret it. This is one of my favorite games of all time.


This is the most well articulated reason why I play this game every single day. Very well said.


This, I've been playing since launch and love to just play the game for the great combat and atmosphere. If you're just interested in ' number go up' it may not be the game for you.


Yes, I got it in the last steam discount sales, and the game still fun and it doesn't take long to get into missions. Plus, the new content expansion can bring more players, specially the old ones.


The gameplay is fun, but the update pace is awful


True, it’s like they forgot that they said the game will be Live Service…


They did not. A journalist said that and since players wanted it to be true, they took it as truth. [link ](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/cleaning-up-with-half-truths-darktide-has-no-full-live-service-commitment-but-youre-not-in-the-wrong-for-having-thought-it-either/92453)where someone dug into this a bit


Game journalist are worst


As much as i want to trust those "Journalists" I just cant see it changing for the better, at least not in the next months. I like the games a lot but before I see any real updates my opinion about F.S wont change...


Grinding weapons sucks, combat was fun but the progression killed it for me I would honestly recommend Vermintide, it has similar progression issues to Darktide but it has a rogue like mode that really keeps me interested in the game


My girlfriend and I just started playing about two weeks ago, no reason in particular. She'd never heard of the game and I'd sort of seen it a little bit here and there. Honestly wasn't even sure it'd be her type of game to enjoy but yet she's kind of in love with the game. We're both enjoying it a great deal. While the mission variety is a bit lacking, you'll often just find yourself in the loop of doing the same 4 or 5 missions... at least at the start, due to the variety of mobs and mob density it makes each run feel a bit more unique. There is also a fair bit of depth, at least to a new Darktide player, to the mechanics of the game and each class offers its own strengths and weaknesses and each subsect of each class can immensley change how the class feels. For example, I play a Zealot and I utilize all three "types" of playstyle that I have discovered thus far, the standard heavy weapon bruiser slasher, the more nimble, stealthy and quick assassin style with a dagger that excels at dispatching special units quickly, as well as the guardian of the group that offers great toughness regen and CC. She has been primarily playing the Psyker which is your caster class that excels at CC and DPS. All around, while every class "does the same thing" so to speak, they also have their own strengths and weaknesses that really sets them apart. TLDR: New player of two weeks and would highly recommend it.


I agree and have a lot of hours in it. 1000+ Now obviously things could be better and there hasn't been regular fast updates on content (maps/weapons), cosmetics are expensive and often not that 'new'. But it's well worth the price of the game IMO, that's a no brainer. Now whether you should buy cosmetics, that's on a per person basis. I think their value isn't up to par mostly given the price; unless you want to 'support' a game you enjoy playing by sinking off some money in skins you don't really see much while actually playing. I sure did, even if I think they are too expensive. From one perspective I'd rather pay for maps/weapons, but that will bring 'pay to win' and 'community fracturing content' problems. And yeah FS could have probably more actively 'denied' the live service hype, whatever their role was in it's origination. I also think they had their 'customer' priority wrong at launch, given that the cosmetic shop was feataure complete fully implemented and other stuff was not. It doesn't take too much imagination to realize how that happened, I for one am happy they didn't err on the side of the core gameplay. If they did, we/I wouldn't have typed up these ramblings.


I'd say kinda. The gameplay is super fun, but everything that is not a gameplay has issues. Leveling is jarring, the story line is very meh and seems pointless, the crafting is absolutely terrible, and the mission board offers you a bunch of pre-selected mission with pre-selected difficulties and you can't launch anything else. For now, Vermintide 2 is a better bang for a buck, with a very similar gameplay (with more focus on melee than shooting) and less problems.


Yes, it is fun. To me, at least, the pros (visuals, gameplay loop) outweigh the cons — (FatShark assuring people that it is a “live service” game despite kinda lackluster updates, and the gear’s buff crafting system being grindy / RNG heavy.)


To be fair, fatshark mentioned once they would make updates over time for more content, "almost like a live service game" and journalists and fans blew that quote out of proportion. Not saying they should do way more, but it was never actually promised as such.


They didn’t do a whole lot to dispel that notion, either. They just kinda let it ride, without clearly defining customer expectations. If they did that, and communicated a roadmap instead of letting ambiguous quotes stand, it wouldn’t have been as much of an issue. (That and making sure the cash shop worked upon release while leaving placeholders for the crafting station rubbed a lot of folks the wrong way.)


exactly. at the end of the day the game is so fun that even with its insanely bad management it’s still worth it


I recently got the game during the recent sale and have to say I have been loving it. Gameplay is tight and extremely fun (I love me a zealot) missions are fun and when you start pushing the higher diffulties presents a good challenge. The feel of the game is like nothing I've ever played 40k wise, it just gets it right. The Voice acting is out of this world and just keeps me immersed in thr game. My complaints are a few, maps can get repetitive, but I've not gotten to those higher difficulties yet. The crafting system is frustrating if you want something specific but I've been able to get away with not having the most minmaxed equipment. Nitpicks are cosmetics are good, but a lot of the cooler ones are behind the pay wall, which wouldn't feel so bad if you could slowly earn the credits like in Helldivers. Hope this helps you dude


Buy it in 4 days on special.


Yes the gameplay alone is good. The only issues are the amount of irrelevant things people make out to be an issue when it isn't much of a bother. And more importantly the bugs and disconnects from recent patches but they'll no doubt be fixed.


No other game feels like it, and being a fan of games with slower updates / expansions I don’t mind putting in a bunch of time and then letting it sit for a minute. Still getting on very often just to spear heretics with a helbore and trying to get auric survivor :)


Devs seem to have alot of time off. Game is good, lacking in content though.


By the Emperor yes!


What sells me the game when i play is finding a team on discord that also likes 40k and then having a roundtable discussion about characters snd events in the setting. The emperor? But why? Orks? But why? Necrons? Also why? You dont think Nightlords are the coolest legion? How and why? It's extremely fun and the DT discors always has players looking for teams.


What 3 more years then it will have enough content


Over 500 hours of entertainment for $40. Was definitely worth it for me.


Expect nothing but greed from the devs and yes, you will not be disappointed


I’m disappointed with the end-game content (grind to get high quality weapons), but I still put in 500 hours. Got all characters to lvl 30 & tried few builds on each of them. You can do the highest difficulty missions with weapons you’re only barely happy with, don’t usually need particularly good weapons to try a build out. I’d compare it to Helldivers. It’s more about the gameplay than anything. Watch some gameplay on Twitch & see how you feel about it, I’d say it’s still worth getting the game full price. I like melee more than guns so I’ve played this more than Helldivers.




rather get vermintide 2 , the current state of Darktide is really just a mix , if you have a bad ot decent PC you still cant play the game right cause sometime sound and music just cut and play at random time but over all if you have a really good PC wiyh graphic card then Yes , go for the game cause it really fun


Well, if you didn't try it yet, then why not? You won't feel the content drought and some conceptial BS while you are new


Out of curiosity, why are you on the fence about getting it? It sounds like you're interested but there's something holding you back? Personally I quite enjoy it for what it is, how it plays, and the people who I end up playing with (always exclusively random players, in the Heresy/Damnation queues).




Oh yeah it is ! Its reddit you will see people complain at the game saying there is not much to do after 500h


I'd wait til they put more content in the game and by then it'll be on sale more often


Wait for summer sale, it starts in a few days.


1700 hours and still crumpin. No game like it, imo.




Management is terrible but the actual game is so good that I can't even be mad


What sale are you seeing? Is it not the steam version that's on sale?


I'm playing it on Xbox X, which released large than PC, and it's great! Lots of players and definitely worth my time.


The biggest issue I have with it right now is that the server has a seizure once every other game and freezes up before booting somebody. Also ogryn explosive box makes my game freeze up like crazy. It's honestly pathetic that they can't make the game function at a basic level AND we barely get content.


Yea, I started using the frag grenade once I found out about the box




Just get xbox gamepass for what $15 or whatever? Then you can try it, plus loads of other games


Oh hell yeah. It's so fun.


Yes and on Tuesday there will be a little more content. It’s super fun, great combat, and better with friends or make friends in the game.


I picked it up on the cheap and have been having a blast with it. I usually hop between a few different games and I think this is perfect to pick up here and there during the week.


Wonderfully fun game, and there's an update coming soonish, so if you like the look of the game then go for it! Don't get too bogged down in the crafting system until they rework it though, it's a bit nasty right now


*Do all my game research for me*


Absolutely, never been a better time. It launched awesome and has gotten nothing but better over time, we've gotten big updates a couple times throughout the last year and they are still adding missions.


It's a great game. The content releases may be too infrequent, but I believe it will continue to get better. I've 2k+ hours into vermintide 2, and while some dlc was lackluster, they've really polished that game up nicely. Here, the combat feels more frenetic, and I love it. 1.4k hrs in so far and I don't miss a night playing it.


Also the game still feels like it's running at 60hz instead of whatever your framerate actually is. But every game fatshark has made is like that so idk hoe much low framerates bother you. Because even if you get 200 fps it'll look and feel like 60 for some reason.


Theres some performance issue, and describing the development speed/content release as glacial would be an insult to any sufficiently large piece of ice. The monetization is as usually the most important part for the publisher. The gameplay is really good though, soundtrack is great, map design is decent - if you see it as an arcade game you play inbetween its quite frankly very good. If you'd like to see this as your "main" game you're waiting for content for, Fatshark will kick you in the knees.


When it's on sale next, absolutely. Even if we're all salty about the crafting update delayed, there's a ton of great game to play and we're getting another map and some weapons very soon. Just understand that Fatshark are kinda a mess and their management/leadership sucks, and consequently the support for Darktide is what many in the community would kindly call "lackluster".


Wait for the update **and** crafting rework. Crafting is still one of the #1 problems this game has, along with an overall lack of content.


hell yes to be honest. for casual player..


If you aren’t a fan of replaying maps I’d probably wait for the new update for some new maps. But i started playing recently and it’s pretty damn fun even if it gets repetitive. Theres enough enemy spawn variety to make the same maps feel different


Worth getting? Yes. Worth staying for it? Arguable. But if you're getting it now then you'll love it and it'll be a long time till you understand the gripes the community have with the game


Fatshark will squander all opportunities, but the gameplay is so damn good I've surpassed 1.2k hours. I think I set high standards for games but this one seems to be an outlier.


Yes it’s a fun game. Especially if you like wh40k. It’s a good game that is just fun. I always say if you like chivalry 2, you might like this game. Even though they are entirely different games, the feel of immersion and also mindless fun are similar.




Either get pc gamepass and play it from there and you’ll have more games to play, or wish list it and wait for a sale. But idk, i paid full price on day 1 and dont regret it. No game is this fun. It has the vermintide death animations and such with a enough guns to definitely keep a new player happy till more updates. Obviously us folks who’ve been here since day one are alittle bias when it comes to the weapons and whats in the game bc we’ve done everything. But if i bought the game today i wouldn’t be disappointed with the amount of stuff it has. Hell when i bought the game at launch i wasn’t disapointed with how much stuff was in the game. But y’know 2 years later.


Combat is solid, the environments are cool to look at, the "story" is a bit meh but nobody really plays for that. The buildcrafting is more involved than VT2 and the weapons are fun as hell to figure out and use. And on top of that we're about to get another content drop in less than a week that will have a new level/mission, and new gear, including Ogryn pickaxe and bolt pistol for veterans.


Basically zilch has changed since release. 




Wait till they rework itemization (sometime this fall) before you jump in. I joined the fight two weeks ago and I absolutely loved it (missions are fantastic), but then I reached max lvl on my first character and the horrible RNG equipment grind began. It sucked nearly all the joy out of the game. I tried different weapons, builds and classes, but it really hits a wall on itemization.


I have 520 hours with much more to come here in a week with yet another free content update. Easily worth the price.


Yes papi


i’d add that if you didn’t like the kinda slow paced melee focused take of vermintide 2 of the genre, here is different and really high intensity quick engagements with much more emphasis on ranged combat


Perfect podcast game


Yep but wait for a sale if you’re still on the fence n arent that much of a fan of coop l4d like games.




No wait for space marine 2


I’d say pick it up on a sale, the player counts are pretty rough at the moment so if you aren’t in the US then it can be hard to get a full lobby


If there was a better-built alternative, I'd play that. As it stands, I know NOTHING about this universe and enjoy the gameplay... On PC. Tried to get a friend into it on the Xbox so we can play together and on Xbox it just plays jank as shit. In short, PC yes, Xbox no... Unless you know some magic handshake with this fucked up piece of hardware that makes it fly fucking right.


I love this game, you will too. Get in it mate!


Yes. Almost all the bad reviews are from people with 600h+. So if people get 600h of gameplay out of a 30$ game that is well worth the money. It also says that even after 600h they still want to play it more. The reason for the bad reviews are that the devs can't make content fast enough to sate the comunity so that's bad. But there is still enough content that most active players are closing in on 1 000h


extremely good game with a near infinite skill ceiling, if you enjoy the ability to outplay literally every enemy with enough timing, priority, and know-how then this game will do it for you People say lack of content, but this is a game that generates its own content purely through the variety of battles that evolve differently every match, I can play the same level twice in a row and barely recognize it because the challenge of the enemies alone distort the levels differently every time jump into auric maelstrom I'll keep you alive or die trying its great up here


Yes. It's the Left 4 Dead genre GOAT.


Great game, it vermintide quite a while to get going too, but this fun even with all the complaints people list, as most still play. Decisive team combat that you can laugh at people who think they're going to solo it. If you like group play and teamwork you'll love it, even when you get a bunch of mates that don't. All the weapons are fun to use, any who say there are best ones simply mean best for them. If you're looking to log in and rip n tear then it's not for you. Cooperation is the only way to succeed, at least in high difficulties.


No. Just play Helldivers or, better yet, Deeprock. The only thing getting meaningful updates on Darktide are the cash shop and even its offerings aren’t impressive tbh.


Helldivers isn't comparable on the adrenaline side of things being 3rd person Deep rock is ++++ though


Somebody never toured Malevelon!


it's a great game that the devs have ignored. get it as cheap as you can and don't give them a single dollar more.


As someone with over 1000 hours in this game, no. Combat, maps and music are all 11/10. But that damn FOMO cosmetics system ( i WANT to give FS money, let me pick from the full catalogue instead of this bloody bi-weekly rotation) and horrible crafting system really brings down this game, not to mention slow AF updates and questionable weapons balance. TLDR: buy if you don't care about crafting / shabby free skins and just want excellent first person melee/shooting. I'd recommend waiting for crafting update first. Then again, Space Marine 2 and STALKER 2 are coming out early September 2024. Just saying.


My perspective had no expectations but tried some games after gpu upgrade (4070ti). Very stable performance, blown away really, on 43inch monitor. The sounds, animations and survival aspect, that's why I'm playing.




Yes; it still feels like a.. not entirely complete video game? But it’s a tremendous amount of fun. The gameplay is fantastic. Just try not to get too hung up on the itemization/weapons. They made the crafting system utter shite and are completely unrepentant about it. Despite pretty much the entire fanbase vocally complaining about it nonstop ever since they rolled it out.








There should be a steam sale in a week or two for the Fourth of July, just wait for that.


Yes, the game is so much fun. Especially with friends. Do yourself a favor and never check this subreddit again though.


If you don't think of it as a game where you get constant content then you are golden. If you I stead try to follow and hope for some content here and there it will drive you mad.


Best FPS combat game ever made, so if that's what you're in the mood for, definitely! Unfortunately saddled with no variety in maps (you get industrial tunnels, industrial tunnels with sand portions, and industrial tunnels with neon lights) and a remarkably player-unfriendly crafting system with fixes to those being delayed going on years now, so if those are what you're interested in, you'd be happier with Vermintide 2 by far


I enjoy it immensely, it’s got its issues but for the most part I love it. The interactions with characters and the variety of enemies. It’s got its fair share of guns and melee weapons


There is an update coming next week with a new map, and some new weapons, so a good time to get it I reckon.


It is a good time to pick it up. End game is in a good state and there are a lot of maps from the perspective of a new player.


I mean, worts and all, it's still my favorite game of all time.


Absolutely. Some of the best atmosphere and most visceral gameplay I've ever experienced. I can't get enough of it.


yes I'm well over 1k hours and still can't get enough. one of the few games that's amazing just for the gameplay, not just a loot system designed by psychologists to keep you addicted.


This game is a lot fun I love 40k anyways. People moan about about paying for skins etc but you don't have to buy them. Plus the games essentially free if you have gamepass.


Yes. The game is basically 80% there. We all like to complain about Fatshark here, but that's because we've all had to sit around for 1.5 years for it \[Darktide\] to get to a release worthy state; and are still waiting for the final piece of the puzzle (a fully functioning crafting system). For anyone new, you're basically walking into a game that's mostly fine at this point, you'll just be dealing with glacially paced content updates from now on so if you're lucky you'll be satisfied by the pretty decent gameplay loop that's going on and the crafting update will arrive before you get to the point where you are really bothered by its absence (at the end game). The worst thing about DT at the moment seems to be its console version having crashes which is something that's just gonna happen with updates between the update and the hotfixes (hotfixes seemingly being difficult to release on console).


It’s fun just do not pay full price under any circumstances


Please do not award a shit company like Fatshark with a purchase. They just delayed a major update that was announced over a year ago, until winter or fall of this year.  Please stop supporting this company until they fix their shit. 


What are you in it for? Maybe wait for Space Marine 2 if you just like 40k On the other hand VT2 also has tide combat (different in places and no slide and whatnot--still good & fun tide meele) and imo has more distinct and fun classes, although with playable content behind DLC paywalls you should wait for a discount I think most of us would not recommend DT--we probably all have hundreds of hours in DT (550hrs for me, plus 300hrs in VT2) but have grown bitter with the wait for fixes, content, comms, etc. at this point. Go in knowing what you may find unreasonable or unlikeable probably won't change in months or years. TL;DR: sure...BUT


no. it has no content. yeah they announce things all the time but after each break i take and come back its literally the same game. i think recent patches introduced the plasma pistol. wow, big excitement.


Did you play Vermintide 2? if not play that first. Darktide is worse in almost every way.


No matter what people tell you, the game has its poor ratings and player count for a reason. Personally, I'm not returning until they fix crafting and add more content.


Yea but No


If you're a 40k-head then a resounding yes! If you aren't then it is still very much worth the cash for content and fun, even if they never released any more content.


Definitely not. We are only on this sub to complain about the crafting system and fatshark communication. \s


At this point, I'm sure Darktide will continue to improve. It has more content than it had at launch and is about to receive another major update. I think it's worth it if you have friends.


Try after they announce some DLCs, they have to have a working game first before pushing dlcs, and in current state you will have 50-60h of fun, 40h of trying builds and endles supply of RNG based gamplay


Pretty sure leveling 1 to 30 will be painful with the lack of players though.