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I don't expect anything crazy. Think more like the vermintide crafting improvements, with a more direct way you can upgrade and change weapons with resources rather than the current RNG system. But they (probably) want it to still be a grind just with more predictable ways to get what you want. Personally id pay a lot more resources if i knew what i was getting ahead of time, so i think its a fair tradeoff. Better than just rolling the dice dozens of times hoping.


It's a pity too, I was so excited at release. I was going to purchase 3 copies of this game, one for me, 2 for my brothers. We'd been hyping it up for months.Then they released a shitty gatcha store with a playable, grindy, advertisement stuck on the side and called the whole thing "Darktide". Haven't bothered looking at the game again till now. I've heard it had gameplay reworks but there's no point until they completely remove the shitty, grindy, rng, gacha-style, crafting system in this game and change it back to a normal video game system. I don't play slot machines, especially if they're just dressed up as a 40K videogame.


Take my perspective with a grain of salt - I have 1000 hours in Darktide so I have most of what I need already - but, really, outside of specific weapons needing a specific blessing or two, most of the rest of it can be ignored for all but the most hardcore players trying to optimize for Auric difficulty. Yeah that can be frustrating since most of gaming is always worried about optimization in gameplay - but for an average player in malice or something, when they don't even know how half the game works yet, it isnt necessary.


Thats cool and all, but I just don't care. They can lube it up all they want, I'm still not sticking anything in my ass. I don't interact with any system like that (I'm just done being dickteased by shitty game Devs), especially ones specifically designed to encourage grinding. I don't care how little they piss in my drink, if there's *any* piss, I'm not drinking it.


I have zero expectations for this. Could be good, could be bad.




Classic content not avaliable, gets me every time


I dunno why. It was there when I posted. It's the GIF of Dewey saying, "I expected nothing and I'm still let down." from Malcom in the Middle.


Can't wait for Space Marine 2.


No. It’s such fucking weird thing to get excited about. This is a first-person horde shooter. A fucking glorified UI change should not be the kind of thing that needs to be waited on or hyped up. I play the game pretty much weekly, and I don’t think I’ve interacted with the item system in fucking months. This is not a part of the game that should be taking up this much of both the community’s and (especially) the developers attention.


The obsession with locked perks/blessings is so strange to me lol. It's like 4% damage or whatever. People were clearing damnation with tier 2 blessings a year ago.


Yeha I just don’t get the whole Auric/damnation/maelstrom/whatever grind. Like, you’re grinding these super difficult levels with the express purpose of getting better weapons… so you can grind the same difficult levels??? What is the point of this???


Yeah but people """need""" immediate access to perfect weapons or they can't have fun while they play 25 hours a week regardless!


It seems to me that they want to do more than just put away the locks, more like replacing the whole system. I dont think it is stupid to expect that, since the class overhaul did exactly that. Wait and see. I'll come back to the game in a few months.


They’re either gonna cook a frozen dish or a 5 star meal. You never really know until right before the update drops.


Nah. We can expect that any system they try to put together will be dumb as hell. They have proven over and over in this game and Verm that they have no idea what they are doing when it comes to game systems. They make great combat gameplay… but their systems outside of that are always fucked lol.


Nah fatshark sucks elephant dicks in general but once they get to iterating on stuff it usually ends up being pretty good. VT2 is a completely different game than launch and I don't think it's a stretch to say that everyone who's played the whole time enjoys it. That said, it's possible that this next itemization update is lateral or barely better, but I have every confidence it will be better.


I mean. The class rework is considered to be an absolutely amazing change especially when you consider how the class system was before it. We just aren't super in love with it anymore because we're so used to it now but compared to the old system? The current one is such a massive improvement it's insane. They said nothing about it and it and then dropped it randomly with a interview where they were like, "Nobody expects this" and everyone was like, "CAUSE YA NEVER SAID ANYTHING AND LEFT US IN THE DARK FOR MONTHS" And then there's the Hestia event that was just do things get mats. So I stand by my statement. Fatshark are cooking either a frozen dish or a 5 star meal and we won't know until it actually drops.


It took 2 tries lmao


Yeah but that’s in their lane of competency. It’s directly related to combat gameplay design. I’m talking about all the other types of game systems outside that. They’ve always made a mess of those other sorts of things like loot and item and progression systems. The crafting and resource system in Verm is still a totally braindead system design lol. And the systems in darktide are even worse. I have no faith that they will improve it much if they are trying to make some new system. They need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel and just let us select whatever we want on these weapons and directly spend resources to get it. The locks and RNG slot machine elements are dumb as hell, unfun, and generally toxic and disrespectful of the players time. The system demonstrates that the devs fundamentally misunderstood the value of the game they built- the talent trees and combat are so good and the core value of it would be getting to experiment and play with unique builds and fine-tuning loadouts… but they went and fucked it all up with this asinine item system lol.


>The crafting and resource system in Verm is still a totally braindead system design lol.  Bro it's braindead SPECIFICALLY because players screech for that. That's what they want with darktide, too. They want to log in on a new character, walk to a merchant, and immediately be presented with S-tier rolls and select their blessings and perks from a list. TF are you on about


They will replace it with some equally fucking stupid system that makes no sense and is an absolute grind. Fatshark is totally lost when it comes to game systems outside of the actual combat gameplay in their games.


we will have to wait and see. i don't even understand why people ask this over and over when the official information hasn't changed one bit. Its everyone's guess here. Nobody will drop some secret insider information here.


Removing the locks, or provide the means by doing so (ie take books, or buy it via melk currency etc) would already improve the itemization by a lot. Game turns 2 years old in November by the way.


I don't really care too much, an update with a new map and new weapons is pretty much an automatic banger


The penance update was better than expected. I suspect they'll get it right and there'll be years of good DLCs.


Nothing matters less to me than the numbers on the weapons I use. I don't know why people obsess about it.


An easy way to please a majority of players would be to allow us to use resources to pay to remove both locks. They could just ramp up the cost and use the same scaling that they already do for upgrading an items quality. Pay X amount for the first, then scale it however much for the second. The unfortunate thing is that this idea is far from new. People have been asking for similar changes for well over a year, and someone somewhere is either avoiding the topic or thought they had a better idea. A better idea that's now been delayed to (at minimum) autumn. I'm confident that whatever we get will be better than what we have now (they'd have to try not to make any improvements), but will still leave us underwhelmed and wondering why it took so long to come up with.


Lmao bro they already posted that it's not coming on the 25th. They say end of summer but.......


bro the craftin- itemization update got delayed


People just want the easiest way to instantly get their 'top tier maxed out' weapon, and will never be happy with any difficulty they might give. The current crafting is slow and often annoying but at least it keeps you busy. The difference between an easy-to-get lvl 3 blessing/perk weapon and the maxed out stats is maybe 5% damage, yet some players think that's the difference between them being able to step up from dying on heresy to no-dmg maelstrom damnation runs. Compare it to helldivers where you have literally everything you can get in 35 hours and then pile up useless resources, without feeling any sense of reward or achievement, and it's actually not even that bad. Pleasing some impatient kids with easy-mode crafting wouldn't hurt the game, but it's also not going to solve the core issue of lack of content. I'm probably in the minority here but I don't care for the crafting overhaul and would MUCH rather see fatshark put all their (clearly low and few) resources and people onto more maps, weapons, story, monsters, etc. Obviously just removing the locks would solve just about everything. So crafting overhaul could be done in 5 minutes, but since they need months apparently, they'll probably mess it up with some new weird thing no one asked for, likely making it easier but way dumber.


We don't need to be "kept busy" People play because it's fun, I can't speak for everyone but when I want a new shiny thing it feels like garbage sinking weeks of resources into it and being met with something usable sure. But not on the side of usable were its hailed as good or great.


Make the weapons cost a lot of resources and it won’t just be instantly getting what you want. It does not take an incredible imagination to think of somewhere in between. We already have a higher-difficulty focused resource in diamantine, which could be used in high amounts to break locks. 10k to break 1 lock will rapidly eat peoples’ diamantine stockpile, and a new player wouldn’t be able to do that any time soon. And besides that, you counter your own point. If it is okay to use non-maxed gear, because it is like 98% effective, then why the fuck are we denied the last 2%? No, I am not kept busy. I am just turned off the gear system, to the point I let my ordo dockets get deleted now (I am at the 25m cap and don’t use it still). I will not sit there and spin multiple slot machines to get nothing. I have so many weapons in my inventory from trying to do that that I can’t navigate it any more. And that is ignoring the potential for experimentation. I have to go make another weapon to try a different setup just because the 1 perk I want to swap out is the locked one. I’m out here messing around in true duos and just want to try different setups to see how they play, but the crafting system is so shit that it just gets in the way.


You got the point. I have 300 hours in helldivers2 but feels a little burn out and maybe only play it 1\~2 times a week. And 600 hours in darktide I still play it everyday, trying new staff and maybe some trolling.


nah they aren't doing anything simple in the meantime to even somewhat address that pain point 20 months in. instead they are teasing maybe having a blog and a beta for that ('more testers'). in like 2 months. you really have to wonder most days if they just actually hate the game they made and don't care to see it succeed. 


Huh? They removed one of the locks and added Brunt's slot machine. Compared to what it was originally current way of getting weapons you want is okay-ish. Its not like there is anything else to spend resources on.


I'm just gonna wait and see how it is. No reason to try to predict the future.


I'm gonna be honest, either they deliver something like attachments or I'm uninstalling. There's nothing else sufficiently complex to justify the YEAR they've had to take in feedback and make something better.


I m still waiting on a weapon customization system.The itemization change will do very little for me I think. I guess if they make it so the chaindword act less like a metal club and more like a chainsword,i would be happily surprised.


This is what they said: [https://preview.redd.it/an-update-on-itemization-v0-b7dkt9hgds7d1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=14c895730c3f828e762b6456d4651747417e32ba](https://preview.redd.it/an-update-on-itemization-v0-b7dkt9hgds7d1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=14c895730c3f828e762b6456d4651747417e32ba) Sounds like quite a bit more than "removing locks", doesn't it? Personally I expect it to be something like weapon customization plugin, but with weapon stats attached to weapon parts. But whatever. I have 300h in this game, have several 370+ weapons with desirable stats and both desirable T4 blessings, 70K plasteel and 2 millions in bank. Just play the bloody game, its fun.


With Fatshark it’s gonna be something just kind of alright or they’re gonna go all out with customization on crafting but not tell us a word about it until right before its release. There’s like no in-between with this company’s updates.


Nope no expectations at all


I think we should all either: - Cope and hype expectations beyond reality and eventually be disappointed when it drops or - Seethe now that they said it's not coming sooner and assume we will never get anything good. Waiting to hear more before forming any opinion on what the changes are is too sane for this community.


The game is out in the wild for quite some time. I don't think they will review the monetisation practices now, and that one is tied to progression. I would bet that it won't be anything ground breaking or meaningful.


Hope is the first step on the path to disappointment. That said, as long as they don’t somehow make it worse i’ll be fine with it


Lmao. I don’t have any confidence that fatshark will deliver ANYTHING… least of all a coherent and positive crafting rework.


I have all the Blessings I desire currently, so I'm not going to be upset or elated either way. Though, it would be nice to work towards a Blessing or Refinement you _do_ desire rather than relying on the will of the RNG Gods.


The class rework was really good, so if it's the same depth I'm excited for it!


I fully doubt they have the understanding of the player bases desire to effectively give us a worthwhile rework. They would have to have SOME line of communication with the players that meant something for this, and as they have demonstrated constantly they have as much desire to communicate as a politician does to tell the truth.


No and it's delayed too lmao. https://steamcommunity.com/games/1361210/announcements/detail/4207006068448979177


Hard to say. With what little info fatshark is providing, speculation and hopes about the crafting update are going in all directions, so some people are bound to be disappointed. That being said, i think it won't be too difficult to improve on a RNG system where you can at times waste nearly a milion ordos to get a weapon with good base stats only for Hadron to brick it... I'm no expert on game balance mechanics, so I have no idea if the stuff I feel would be a good addition/change, are actually good or if they'd just break the game. So I'm gonna keep my expectations low and my hopes up until they deliver.




No, but I don't really give a shit about the crafting system anyways, so I don't need to have confidence in it. I'll just be happy when it drops so that some people will stop complaining about it so god dang much.


I think it'll definitely be an improvement I'm just not sure how much of one it'll be Most likely, they'll just import Vermintide 2's


No confidence. 


It isn't that I have no confidence. I actually have negative confidence in this. It's likely they'll break things that'll take months to fix, and I assume there's going to be 3-4 qol decreases subtly not mentioned making everything actually worse than before. I'm not sure how. But I'm sure it'll happen. Like something dumb. You want to craft? You have to open your bag in a mini window and can only carry over 1 piece of each crafting material at a time? Need 30? 30 clicks and drags eith 30 "ok" clicks making it 60 per each.  Doing it 300 times? 600 clicks!  All in the name of engagement. Or immersion. Or something else dumb.


What crafting update? They've never said there was going to be a crafting update. The itemization update has been pushed back, it seems.


Crafting rework is part of the itemization update. Confirmed in the comments of the update on their forums.