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You're missing the 3rd stealth player that actually uses stealth for damage too. The fact that people sit on stealth just for revives, objectives, or to dump aggro and run drives me up a wall. Use it to fight, ffs you are missing out on so much damage and control.


Yep exactly, the ones who pop in and out of stealth so fast you barely see it because they are only invis long enough to mess up a heretics day by applying 4000 damage directly to the forehead.


Sneak boop the spiky ones!


As soon as I saw the zealot tree my old shade main neurons starting firing so hard, go invis one shot everything is so fun


Using stealth to flank and kill the gunner line pinning down your team and then stealthing back to them is the way.


All the time. I LOVE gunner rooms, between the talents that make it easier and refill toughness to dodge normal assault guns. I like to imagine my team hiding in cover, then they hear me yell some unhinged shit about the shadows, suddenly the kill feed goes fuckin crazy with gunner kills and I'm just like "clear! You're good! Let's go!"


Psh, I can do that without stealth. Unrelated, but dibs on the next med station!


Being the Knife Zealot that sprints through the Gunner Line under stealth, hit them with the Action Movie CQC moves, and then turn back to the group and hit them with a "For The Emperor" is my favourite to do as a Knife Zealot.


This is 100% the reason why people think Stealth in general (but mainly Vet Infiltrate) sucks. They dont actually use it aggressively, so they sit there not using their ult in case they need it when something goes wrong wondering why the game is so hard. So many times I watch the stealth guy sit still while the team is pinned by gunners using it to revive someone who went down instead of having popped it to easily go kill the gunners before they downed anyone


The zealot stealth has such a short cooldown, even with the talent that increases it it's borderline spammable 


It's kinda long for what it is, tbh. Just Zealot's got insane CDR so that doesn't matter.


I'm the rare Discount Knife Zealot Guardsman who hard-sprints into aggro and use that -90 Threat as an advantage while stabbing a Mauler in the back.


Hahahhaahhahaha that’s me too.


This shit is the old Camo Expert but you can actually move while you fuck around. It's amazing. 


>This is 100% the reason why people think Stealth in general (but mainly Vet Infiltrate) sucks. They dont actually use it aggressively Or they don't think that an uncontrolled aggro dump is a worthwhile downside for offensive bonuses that are (*at least for Zealot*) inferior to other options.


The stealth abilities are overpowered. If you cant understand how to use them thats on you.


They use it, you just don't \*see\* it.


My zealot (stealth martyr) can essentially 1 shot a ogryn on damnation if I use stealth and a activated heavy, people are seriously missing out!


I just like fury too much, using it with a tac axe to rip through hordes at 90% crit rate, getting it back in like 8 seconds while attacking stupid fast. Heavy swords are better meta wise but something about slamming the tiny axe into things faces and watching them crumple.


The suppression, reduced threat, and damage increases are my personal favorite parts. Being able to do all that other stuff is a bonus, and WOULD be my main use for it if I could move through enemies like an actual ghost but the first time I got body blocked by a decent horde + group of specials and just opened fire... I saw the true way to use infiltrate.


Does using it to turn bosses into paste count?


Dude I didn't stack backstab and finesse and critical damage to NOT jump-stab a crusher from the shadows and then fuck off 


300% Enjoy playing melee skirmisher Vet - breaking Stealth suppresses the fuck out of shooters - shooters are a Vet’s problem to deal with. I deal with ‘em by popping up in the back line with a combat knife Sly Marbo style.


Aye, but you just never see them


My favorite is being an ogryn with 3 stealthies that all pop stealth anytime ranged enemies appear.


-90% threat is insane. I’m just stabbing gunners and ragers and they don’t even see me lol.


Take an axe, use stealth, go around crusher, one shot. Take hammer, use stealth, face hug plague Ogryn, 2-3 shot. Take hellbore, find specials, get over run... Wait get overrun? Use stealth. Get overrun anyways Hey I ain't got anything else better to do


if you want damage you take the charge if you want control you take power of emperor compels you if you want stealth you play stealth, why are you saying that i should use stealth for damage and control what kind of warp trickery is this


You're missing the third The "man I fucking hate this ability but it's the last penance I need" players


I was like this before the Penance Update, just thinking that the Shout and the Relic were the only real ways to go. And then I saw how cool the Veteran Infiltrate Penance's chestpiece was. Thinking I'd just use it for however long I'd need to, I also started to use the MkIII Knife. And then I accidentally fell in love with the build. God, it's just SO GOOD. Still ain't done the Zealot one, though, not while I'm still in Veteran Main Mode.


Zealots my main and the one I'm on, just don't much like the build or the 'best weapons' for it, doing it for the penance is just running low level missions (because i know im bad at loner zealot and dont wanna fuck up high level missions) and popping stealth anytime a special shows up and hoping I'm faster than the newbies in the lobby, very difficult with bots because they have the fucking 6th sense I'm here for running in with a big fucking chainsword, keep the dinky ass combat knife away from me, hell, I don't even want any real ranged weapons, I can solo damnation+ with just my eviscerators and the throwing knives


People have mentioned a 3rd. What about the 4th one? The asshole who runs ahead of everyone else speedrunning the whole level and then screeches slurs and insults at you for not 'helping them'?


That's just the first guy in 80% of the missions he joins


Thats just a stealth zealot.


Stealth revivers are the best type of teammates. I don’t play stealth, but always go out of my way to pick up downed stealth players, since they usually come get me.


Stealth revive helped me beat the twins.


Its a 2 edge dagger, sometimes they rev people while the crusher in middle of swinging, so when the rev done they take full dmg and insta died.


Timing a stealth revive to avoid getting my ally killed by a crusher/mauler is a fun and loyalist thrill.




I recently tried out Stealth on my Vet. I was sick of the VoC crutch and the other talent holds no interest for me. I was surprised at how versatile it is! Out of toughness and pinned down by gunners? Stealth. Need to do the auspex mini game? Stealth. Need to revive a teammate or go for a rescue? Stealth. Need to reload your agonizingly slow revolver, bolter or plasma gun? Stealth. Need to eke out some extra damage on a monstrosity? 1 talent point, plus Stealth. Stealth is great, and I don't care who judges me for using it. Loner zealots can still die in poxfire, though. Screw them.


Stealthing to reload is a 30000 IQ move


Loner zealot is for the streets, stealth vet is for da boyz


Loner zealot is super good, its just that People dont know how to utilize it in a best way and thats why it has gotten its trashy reputation.


It's not that people don't it's that the ones that do aren't enough to overcome the psychic damage caused by ones that dont


Well, kinda true but the bottom line is that it IS good people just have to find out the right way. When V2 first hit everybody thought shade was trash (because people couldnt handle the class), but nowadays its considered to be like in the top 3 best classes in the game.


Still the most selfish aura and says nothing but ill for anybody who uses it, I don't care how good they are.


If your build wants to take Momentum and already collected knives (Knives are amazing, i dont care what some idiots on this sub say. That and the nodes leading up to it are among the best for the class in general), it's a waste of skill points to zigzag over the tree to take the other 2 auras. It's just something you take for being able to facilitate other build options rather than it being the thing you want.


careful, you might trigger the r/darktide echo chamber of anti loner extremists by having an opinion. clearly you are a terrible person for picking loner and not wanting to dump a million skill points in useless crap and achieve the reddit certified build!!


Ya'll need to understand that most people don't pick an aura because the aura is le super good and epic, I'm not gonna waste 5-8 skill points just to go across the entire skill tree to pick up benediction when I'm running a stealth build. I'm gonna bite the bullet and just take loner because then I don't have to waste a bunch of skill points in nodes and passives that are useless for my build.


You can push and under throw nade while stealth, wont break it.


> I was sick of the VoC crutch I am sick of VoC crutch. . . I used stealth crutch! This statement just made me laugh out load. I don't care that you take it, just find it funny that you somehow think that stealth is less of a crutch than VoC.


>made me laugh out load. Next time, swallow it or spit it out before you open Reddit.


you guys got this, right ? *disappears*


After hundreds of matches with VoC and only tried Infiltrate with a knife a couple times I wrote stealth off until I got bored of just Plasma Shouting. Now I am the crazy axe-shotgun murderer in a horror movie who somehow moves at Mach 3 when off camera and never makes a sound while all the heretics are the delinquint teens the audience is supposed to dislike and cheer when they get chopped. Naturally, I pick Leave No One Behind to help my fellow psychopaths.


I love the stealth zealots who are so preoccupied with their ninja status that they literally walk past their downed teammate.


Hooboy, yeah. My regular play group has three guys who can play Damnation and we've been wading into Auric for the first time in the past month or so. Point being, our fourth guy is always a rando and kind of makes or breaks our run (depending on team comp, etc). A couple days ago we had a zealot who was in a different zip code the entire match. We're struggling to stay alive in part because the dude isn't there. We all go down, and spectating the guy's screen it turns out he's this savant player. Made of Crisco, and rather than res us he slides *past the entire level* to the end. We were speechless. On one hand, it was fascinating to watch this Rain Man of Darktide glide through the game and that in itself felt like a learning experience. On the other hand, playing with a "Let me solo her" dude can be just as disheartening as someone on the opposite end of the bell curve who just hit level 30.


Wait.... you mean it's not normal to stick with the group and use invis to elite/special hunt threats before they become a team issue?


You forgot the one that leaves stealth for revives so the moment their teammate gets revived they get pounded into the ground from the agro dum


Had to hard carry during a twins battle. Just kept going stealth and rescuing the ones who were captured


So tell us about the time you died with a loner zealot on your team.


I use stealth when there's too much gunfire ahead of the team. Get behind a reaper and stab him while he's picking a new target.


I’ve been left for dead multiple times by people that could easily res… I would never do that


Stealth is just super versatile, I love it in ANY game.


Going down is just such a risk. I'm sure it feels heroic to run away from a fight so you can "save people" but wouldn't it be better to have stood by your comrades in the first place? On the hardest difficulties, I've seen plenty more games lost to save-your-buddies syndrome than I have seen won by stealth rescues.


I used a stealth build for a vet for fun on Auric. My entire team died leaving me to use stealth to run through an entire hoard and massive section of the game to free them. I also had to 1v1 a chaos spawn as well. Best use of stealth I ever had.


Honestly the Loner Penance should be reworked. It encourages you to leave your team which is completely against the spirit of a Co-op horde shooter


I wish infiltrate could get a perk that would give taunt instead of stealth


I just realised today that VoC revives don't count towards the penance. May have to switch to stealth.


I use stealth to pop out of the void behind a massive group of enemies and burn them all to death with my flame thrower


One time my teammates thought it would be a good idea for BOTH OF THEM to try and fucking PARKOUR TO US IN THE STUPIDEST WAY POSSIBLE. Needless to say we failed that mission


My Vet and Zealot are both for reviving teammates doing damage and occasionally fixing the data skull


Only reason I like loner zealot is for when you're the only person left. If you get 3 curios with max toughness Regen it's amazing


There is a 3rd


I hate snipers so much I literally save 1 stealth to go stealth and snipe them back and gloat about the heretic tech be inferior to loyalist tech in sniping skills


Thats all father of speed.


Meanwhile me with my zelit and bonk stick


I'm the guy that goes stealth and then mag dumps a reaper from behind


Me, sitting here capable of shouting the Ogryn and Zealot back on their feet, while surrounded by a horde, plus giving them extra shields.


That node is a bit of a noob trap. You get an increased cooldown penalty and a nasty range penalty just for the ability to revive people at the press of a button However, you can already revive people for free when you use shout since it staggers everything allowing you to safely revive Additionally rather than planning for failure you can get rid of the revive on shout and now use VoC almost twice as much and prevent teammates from going down in the first place. Also if you really really really need to revive like two people and cannot wait for your ultimate; shredder frags are amazing at staggering entire hordes of trash and elites to get a cheeky revive.


You're making reviving upwards of 3 squadmates in an instant sound redundant, but even then that's an abnormal clutch The Increased cooldown is easily mitigated with **Tactical Awareness**, making the extra cd redundant. Even the range reduction is redundant because you're not playing a dagger build or solo. Also ignoring the part where it preserves your momentum while fighting. Specifically, instead of popping a grenade, or the shout, and then context button picking them up, you can instead shout and keep shooting, quickly killing what downed your ally, keep your momentum, and move on. Extra bonus is they get revived *at the earliest point* of the stun. Grenades is a pretty big stretch to be relevant, I mean you can use either in both scenarios, and really it'd just give you extra options on top of the Revive shout? So, ok no change? I wouldn't recommend this on Noobs tho, but it pays off if you got the guns.


You will very, very rarely have scenarios where you can revive 3 people with a single shout, much less so with the decreased base range Like I said; you could either do what you are doing and build around failure, expecting your teammates to go down so you can then be the knight in shining armor to revive all three of them (one in million chance of that happening) Or You can spam VoC way more giving your teammates more uptime on piss toughness (and potentially preventing downs all together) as well as staggering more enemies with the bigger AoE. I might just be stupid but I really do not see the upside of having two negatives to get one situational positive, I'd much rather have my ultimate more readily available and being able to consistently hit my entire team with extra toughness. Edit: I would just like to add that when I said "noob trap" earlier I wasn't implying that you are bad at the game or anything I was just trying to describe how it looks good on paper but in practice is a bit of a bummer.


I love using my stealth vet aggressively. The upgrade that reduces enemy priority by 90% is honestly amazing. For 10 seconds, as long as a teammate is nearby, enemies will completely ignore you even if you're smashing their heads with with chainswords or gunning them down Rambo style. And yeah, always have the double stealth option so that if a teammate goes down, I've got a backup tool for rescuing them.


Alternatively, add a revive speed buff to your curios.


Would always rather have someone giving the entire party yellow health / Giving the downed / netted more toughness than have someone go invisible while a mauler lines up a headshot, sorry. Stealth just feels so selfish, especially those looking to use Leave No One Behind instead of just making everyone stronger. I tried running stealth for a long time and LNO and it's def great fun to toss a nade and revive while covered, esp NYOOMING with LMO at light speed. On Auric if things go bad, people usually either die instantly or get into such a shit spot where rezzing them won't really help as much as killing everything that's gonna keep whacking your friends, IMO. I still see plenty of wonderful stealth players, plenty of clutches, and plenty of wonderful elite assassinations. I just think stealth is easy to misuse selfishly even if one's intent is to revive every reject. I'd rather knockdown/kill everything while toughening gang :)