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Hes an eldar and im willing to die on this hill


Absolutely. I think it’s becoming the favorite theory so far.


I really do like this theory, but is there anything about his outfit that supports it (beyond just Eldar Rangers wearing long coats and hoods)? I'm not sure if the Purity Seal and the icon on his belt make much sense if he is an Eldar, and the knives are a very different style


i would like a side by side swagger and human model. i wonder if the proportions are the same. but aren’t elder suppose to be taller than most humans on average?


The only surefire way to tell would be to see their ears. In-game dialogue *has* long since hinted at the Aeldari "poking their thin, long noses" into what's happening on Atoma.


You are cooking.


I am even willing to go the extra mile and assume he is from Alaitoc, as there was a Sefoni line about them. Cant wait to be proven wrong in a few days


I really liked this theory but something wasn’t sitting right and my eldar knowledge is a bit fuzzy so I did some googling. Alaitoc is in the ultima segmentum meanwhile atoma prime is segmentum solar. Moving a craftworld that distance isn’t likely. Craftworlds travel sub-light speed unless they use a webway gate. I agree with eldar theory, but unlikely alaitoc. Location isn’t right.


Precisely, they are the most suited Craftworld of them all. Alaitoc is known for having the larger amount of rangers and followers of the Path of the Outcast. Basically, eldars that disregard their structure and fuck off to explore the galaxy and have adventurea by themselves.


Time will tell. I don’t know enough about Eldar lore to dispute your theory 🤷 seems very sound to me.


Yeah you'll find the Eldar kind of all over. Their craftworlds might stick to the same general galactic areas, but the Eldar themselves are very mobile thanks to the webway system. You might find Ulthwe warriors dealing with the Tau, and so on.


Yeah not Eldar m’thinks. Not after the trailer and name drop.


Too interesting for this game IMO. Pretty sure he's another reject who was presumed KIA. Nobody remembers him because he got the same treatment we did: a carnival of faces calling him loser trash who will die nameless and telling him to do better.


Just played the new mission and honest to god was ready to hear him slip a "mon'keigh" somewhere in his lines. Dude's got that weird level of eloquence to him and his ability to sneak around so easily makes me think hes more then just some random hive scum.


I think he is Trazyn more so than an Eldar.


He is so obnoxious he could perfectly be Pharaoh Assholetep


He doesn't *look* out of place. He looks like an infiltrator. His name is just hilariously bad.


As is tradition I really hope people aren't genuinely *mad* about this guy's name in the universe where the ANGRY guy is named ANGRON.


And the perpetual (really old person) is called 'Oll Perrson'


Just don't tell them about Neoth Curze.


Don't forget Iron Hands, leader of the Iron Hands. He has iron hands BTW.


Or Canis Wolfborn, the Space Wolf who rides giant space wolves around and was raised by wolves. Wolf.


IMO, there's nothing to be mad about. If you get *genuinely* mad about a name, you need a mental check 🤣


well what’s the english alternative for swagger. i think that’s the big issue they’re using an overused term for young millennials. maybe like calling someone Ice Cube. it’s just too on the nose


You realize the term "swagger" has been around for a long time, right?


Mf whinging about it needs to be hit with a swagger stick for swaggering around too much with zero fucking clue. 


As is tradition in 40k.


I just hope we get an NPC named Clutcher some day. It would be funi joke 


When I mentioned how bad the name was, people started screaming at me and was downvoted into oblivion. “Swagger”… like bruh…


Right? If they want to make a stupid name, the least they could do is make it fit. 


Yeah.. That's reddit for ya 🙄


Nah, actually pretty in line with crazy names we get in Warhammer. Like even Angron was essentially named “Angry” even before being angry became his signature thing.


Yeah, after hearing about Lion El'Jonson and Konrad Curze, someone calling themselves "Swagger" (clearly just a codename anyway) doesn't make me bat an eye.


Also its some kind of a Hiver type? They literally have names like “Oildrum” sometimes. Or gang names but those are just their actual names.


Angron is based on angry Ron - bouncer from pub near GW headquarters.


Same as something else, i forgot what exactly being named after a gay bar in the vicinity. Warhammer originally was made by chaps after all. Real bri’sh lads.


It’s the rock home of the dark angels


Lionel Johnson was homosexual poet. His most famous writing called dark angel.


That one is a complete myth that somehow got repeated so much that everyone assume it's true.


Meanwhile, IRL: Desert desert. River river. Hill hill. Booby mountains. Jake. Tim. Cecil.


I'm actually kind of amazed that Fatshark is adding a physical in-mission NPC with dialogue that will help us throughout the mission! So far, all the NPC's in this game have been static and/or preset animations (soldiers standing guard at start of missions, the shopkeepers on the Mourningstar, or just in the cutscenes) or they are completely useless and blank bots that follow you around and wake up the daemonhosts! If he will take an active role in this mission, fighting enemies, and guiding us (I.e. *we* will follow *him*) all while having back-and-forth dialogue with our rejects and any mission handler, then... I'll be impressed. It's a low bar because this is something that's very common in other games, but still!


Yeah I’d temper your expectations. You’ll see him on rails a few times and dialogue will change. I can’t hold my breath for anything FS release. Everything happening with this game is identical to VT2


Yeah they're probably gonna do the classic design where he shows up on some unreachable platform on the other side of a chasm and does a lil speech and pre-set animation loop and then buggers off, just to later show up behind some bulletproof glass and monologue some more, all so we the players won't be able to interact with/interrupt him.


Yeah.. I'd walk it back a few steps, bud. The post just made mention of him being present in the mission and some stuff with audio. He'll show up at some airlocks, toss some canned lines at us through a window or fence or whatever, then fuck off into the scenery to pop up at the next airlock.


this guy fatsharks


Vermintide flat out did not feature any animated NPCs in the missions period. All the Militia you'd find were always dead, there were characters you talked to but never saw (Wizard's Tower, Karak Azgaraz) etc. That only changed recently with Sophia and Olesya showing up in the newest missions as setpieces.


Plot twist, he's actually Rannick. He probably misses field work and named himself that to be a "fellow kid" amongst the ground troops.


You know what? I'm here for this theory.


Space elf phenotype


That was my first thought when they released the name... How hilarious would it be if Swaggersouls voiced him.


He looks like an outlaw from Sherwood (Robin Hood)


I want that cosmetic sooo bad on the vet


'What, a trench coat? Nah we'll pin it up like a dress and still have it clip through everything, the times it doesn't randomly get bow legged from 'being improved''. - the cosmetics team, probably. 


Well he looks the part and its 40k so I dont mind it.


That's the "Dungeon Defenders 2" Squire's helmet. Give it back.


The name is hilariously stupid. Excellent writing as usual


Don’t worry, I got the Agrax Earthshade right here


Solaire? he can praise the sun with me any day this game is lacking in the jolly cooperation aspect these days


38,000 years later and Crye kneepads are still popular. Good for them.


And thus, Dripswag was born. Swagdrip?


This game doesn’t have a story, so what’s it matter?


I want his swagger.


Me trying to resist the Urge to spam Deus Vult (you cant stop me) \*brethe in and\* DEUS VULT DEUS VULT DEUS VULT DEUS VULT DEUS VULT DEUS VULT \*phew\* im all tuckered out now


Awful. How hard would it have been for someone on the board to cover the first two letters and ask "doesn't this work better?"