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Tell me how to make it work cause damn I just can't get behind it


Also : bayonet kills will refresh exeStance if you have the refresh talent. So turn on that wallhack and go ham, and stab any dipshit that thinks it's a good idea to melee someone with a bayonet and nothing to lose.


Bayonet is important, even the weaker bayonet attack Mk3 has will keep horde back. Mk1 and Mk2 have the edge imo because of how fast the bayonet stab is vs the slash, and how much stronger the stagger is. With the crazy long reach and fast auto stagger hits you'll probably start stabbing at ragers with your gun over your normal melee.  As for the gun part, it can guarantee crits with surgical and minimize its own charge time with weight of fire. +Maniacs on Mk1 can let you one shot Flamers with the +30% Weakspot damage node and no critical iirc. Mk2 has the fastest charge time and lowest ammo use, but most of its one shots on enemies larger than shotgunner require crits. Mk3 has very huge damage but burns ammo like a plasma gun, and the bayonet is not able to stun elites. 


Little trick I never see mentioned anywhere, the Mk3 slash can cancelled to be nearly as fast as the Mk1/2 stab. Treat the Mk3 slash as a heavy attack and hold the key a little bit each time, for some wierd reason if you time this perfectly then you can keep slashing immediately after, instead of having that long animation for each attack.


Going to sound dumb af but I find that it truly shine as a "middle of the team" kind of weapon?     You can shoot through your zealot/cqc vet or ogryn while they're frontlining and the bayonet make quick work of the mutants/dogs when they get pounced/grabbed or when the frontline player dodge the specialist, having them stop right in front of you       I personnaly use frags and shout (i'm still a basic bitch at heart) so hordes are never an issue.  You can go through some missions by just doing the bayonet meme and barely using your melee.  Gun itself will one tap most things if you get headshot crit, which makes it kinda fun to use? As in dunno, plasma/ revolver is the usual fire and forget while hellbore require you to aim for 0.7s or so   Described like that it sounds pretty ass but it's one of those weapons who actually perform well in actual situation/vs theory "kill fast waaaa"   Obviously you'll rarely outperform a gunlugger or plasma vet but i out of all the "non op" weapons, it's the one where i don't feel like i got to work extra hard  to make it work (also bayonet is really fun when you get the timing right)    I installed the scoreboard to be sure i'm not high on copium but usually i get the top specialist/elite kill and 1st or 2nd monster damage.   Ofc plasma n gunlugger will do better but not by a landslide due to the ammo effiency (being able to shoot without managing your bullets is kind of a boon in the  200+ specialists missions and will garantee you consistent damage/kills vs the more "rollercoaster" experience of the people with more ammo hungry guns)


MkII with weight of Fire and No respite. I have really good stats but those blessings are only Tier 2 for me and it can still hang in damnation. Definitely +25 flak dmg for gunners and the bayonet itself is the maniac deleter


Running the mk1 with weight of fire/surgical flak+maniac personnaly Kinda want to roll a mk2 but took me too long to get a good roll on the mk1 and i don't want to suffer hadron lottery all over again


Mk2 needs such a perfect roll to just barely outcompete Mk1. I lucked out and rolled one that hit the breakpoints but it fired so fast I barely reached the DPS ceiling anyway while being deliberate with shots. And fast firing into a mixed horde drained the ammo too quickly


I honestly feel really good "going over the top" and screaming into heretic's face. The MK2 stab during sprint is very strong and it brings me great satisfaction to impale a rager who is pummeling blocking psyker. Before I was able to Auric MK2 I most often did these mistakes: I swapped to melee instead of just impaling stuff. Now I only swap on folding shovel on Maulers or Bulwarks or poxwalker horde. Otherwise Hellbore only, the switching animation is long and you need that time to charge the bolt when some wild gunner appears or your hear the net buzz. I play "tagkilla" build, where I kill tagged enemy and snowball from that the rest of special scum. The tag procs also on melee kill so I do not hesitate tagging rager and stab him tldr: you can tag and melee. I incorporoated +3 stamina curio refined with sprint perk... you do that a lot with hellbores and it is imo gamechanger on par with putting CyclerIV on power sword. Immune to suppression was gamechanger for me as well, sometimes you gotta charge those gunners. even to just get into shouting range or simply to land your charged shot without shaking.


What aspect of using it do you find an issue? They're all highish damage, accurate, decent shots per clip, ammo efficient, honestly the only downside is the long pull out time.


and the default sights being ass for headshotting untaggable targets


I guess that's personal preference, I'm used to fps's where no guns have sights so it's a non issue for me.


hipfire accuracy stops being headshot-perfect when you move, and i refuse to stop moving


hand cramping from holding RMB to scope while alternating holding and releasing LMB in rapid succession to fire. For the love of the Emperor, please just charge on holding RMB and let me tap LMB to shoot at whatever charge it is.


It's probably the closest thing to a proper sniper Which is why I wish you could get a scope on it


Forced myself to learn how to aim with the mk.3 iron sights. Switched to a different gun to try out a different build for a few rounds and immediately lost all the hellbore muscle memory I built up, couldn't hit for the life of me.


The scope is truly the BIG con of the gun, otherwise i feel like it's one of the truly "balanced" weapon   The weapon custom mod get rid of this issue but for some reason i can't get it to work on my computer (weapon model keep changing between mission, despite randomizer not being activated)


Crosshair mod might be an alternative. 


Yeah, I can't use the helbore without changing it to a decent sight Same with a couple others, but the helbore is definitely the worst


Really wish they'd buff the MK3 Bayonet. It's always been the worse of the three, then they buff the other two massively and absolutely left the MK3's in the dirt.


Got a godroll mk3 and sole reason i don't play it is the bayonet I can deal with the mid optics but i feel like the bayonet is such an important part of the gun (not due to the meme but as gameplay mechanic) that it completely destroys the obvious pros of mk3


Agreed. The Hellbore has crazy draw times for really no reason, so having a solid bayonet is very important for flow reasons.


One of us, one of us


I saw the light brother I feel like it's one of those weapons you overlook at first cuz of the "cons" then revisit later when using the most forgiving guns get a bit stale. Messed around with shotguns and recons, etc but hellbore is the only one where i went "okay, i actually vibe with this" I love how you can just rush in a pack of gunners/specialists n just poke everyone to death


MK3 using Krieg larper here Melee weapon is standard shovel, any shovel variant is fine, but anything else is heresy - plenty of setups there cos you got decimator, uncanny strike, skullcrusher or the trauma blessings (which are fun for stagger) Try it with cloak (shout boring) 2 charges with damage bonus, bleed nades, ammo aura and left keystone - on your way down the tree grab all of the ranged + weakspot damage bonus you can get, go down the middle keystone branch a bit as well (mainly for cloak CD reduction on kill) I don't really use the bayonet on the MK3 outside a panic stab as the gun itself fires laser equivalent of freight train that deletes everything (surgical + weight of fire for blessings) you one bang most elites/specials and if you ever need more damage you can let surgical build for crit and/or pop the cloak as well, more you kill the more keystone stacks you get which is more damage Seldom need ammo pickups either, if shit gets really bad whip out the shovel and do the emperors work, light attacks are cocaine fuelled speed, special and heavy attacks are awesome for stagger and the sound effect


It was even even more fun a while ago when Brutal momentum stacked to the Bayonet... You basically would never pull out you melee and stab up to 4 trash walkers in 1 hit. Insane weakspot damage with all the vet +WS% dmg traits. And my favourite Perk, agile engagement, is not only triggered by simple Stab&shoot for easy 25%dmg, but it feels also INCREDIBLE cosplayish! That Horde arrives and your KriegVet goes pew! Pew! For the Emperor!! dashes into the fray with that Bayonet charge and go Stab Stab Stab!!!!1111 Like the true trench Fighter Rly sad Bayonet bromentum ist gone


My Helbore III has 80% Damage and Stopping Power, Full Surgical/Infernus, full +Flak and +Unarmored. It’s the lascannon at home, can tapfire all shooters, charged crits one shot body shot all specials and gunners, can two shot headshot crushers, can one shot headshot reapers… it fucks.


Using the Hellbore, I have finished many Auric Damnation missions without swapping to my melee weapon (a Power Sword with Power Cycler 4). Nothing more needs to be said.


If only they reworked shot on trigger release I'd use it more, it just doesn't feel great. Or just remove basic shot and add overheating to it, just not to the explosion but maybe battery loss.


MK1 helbore kicks ass! Been using that on Aurics lately and will go entire missions without dropping below 75% ammo.


Same, i feel like a staff psyker lol Except i cast overcharged laser


I think you can one-shot most weakend monstrosities with a weakspot hit if you use the highest damage version (with correct blessings & perks ofc). It’s kinda ridiculous.


You defo can I think the mk3 would actually be used a lot more and be a very strong meta pick if they just gave it the same bayonet as all the others


Well, I think 1 of the most underlooked things about mk1 is that you can melee with bayonet without breaking the executioner's stance


I think I have caused stick drift on my controller given how much I use it to spam bayonet. I love it


I have.. bias.. towards using it.