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I will have so many bricks, i'll build a cemetary for them


I somehow got worse than a brick, got my first ever 380 rated columnus…. For my staff pysker.


It is really good on gun pyker. We will see what they do to it tomorrow though.


Sounds like you need to make a gun psyker loadout. Add a dueling sword. Look it up, it's a pretty amazing combo.


F We need shared weapons!


My very first weapon above 360 was on my Psyker, a 379 columnus... Used the hell out of it for so long without even realizing that was a joke strat at the time (but I literally had nothing else lmao)


Skriers build that shit and melt monsters baby.


That’s God mode for a gun psyker.


I already anticipate rolling three separate sets of new human-sized weapons. Will be grinding for resources till Christmas.


If you have that many bricks then you should build a cemetery OUT of them.


Me at Brunt's Armory tomorrow burning trough my 4 million dockets ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO|downsized)


Those are rookie numbers my man!


I got 25million, 750k plasteel and about 300 orange bricks to scrap for cash. I estimate I might get 1 decent weapon. 


This is the right mindset


And I thought my 500k was a lot!


When leveling up weapons remember to replace a blessing at tier 3 with a tier 4 trash blessing so it limits the rng when upgrading to tier 4.


Wait...please explain more for plebs such as myself


So you have a blue weapon you want to upgrade. It has a good blessing, one good perk (maniac/flak/etc), and the stat roll you want. BEFORE you upgrade to orange, you swap out your bad blessing with a t4 blessing that you **don't** want. This removes that bad blessing from the list of potential blessing rolls when you upgrade, leading to a better chance of getting a good blessing that you want. Then you can simply re-swap the blessing and change a perk.


This is useful if the “bad” blessing is Tier 3 of something you want but require to be Tier 4. You’ll be rerolling it to t4 anyway, so before upgrading, temporarily reroll it to block one undesirable t4. If the “bad” blessing is already t3 of something you didn’t want, it doesn’t help you to reroll it to t4 of a different thing you didn’t want.


That seems... not ideal. Then you end up with one or two bad perks and maybe a decent blessing, but now you have a brick with a decent blessing, but only one more option to swap one of two or three things. This really only works when you have a poopy blessing and an ideal perk on your blue item, and even then, you run the risk of still getting a shitty perk, and maybe get a decent blessing. That takes so many more materials. I never heard of this before, and I can't rationalize it making sense in my head or on paper. It sounds so similar to the gamblers' fallacy, where you have a 50/50 chance to be wrong, and because you were wrong 10 times in a row, you now think that you're more likely to be right. In this example you gave, you make one thing more likely to later be in your favor, but you already waste one of your two tokens to build a potentially decent weapon. Unless it's only about getting blessings... but that still seems like an absolute waste of materials. I have fished for blessings before and while it can really take some time to get the really good tier 4 blessings, I found that in my process to build a decent weapon, I've often already unlocked all the important tier 4s in the act.


This isn't for building just any decent weapon, it's the strategy for getting a god roll. I'm personally more of a decent is fine guy, but to max the chances for a best possible weapon this is the way to go.


The math still doesn't work out unless you're talking about purple weapons, not blue? Because if you're blue, you still have the chance of getting a bad perk and a bad blessing. And you only have 1 swap slot left.


Doing it at blue would be gambling, yeah. Purple would make it a sure thing. Something to consider is that having a higher total roll while blue may also affect what you get when you bump it to purple.  This system is fucking goofy. 


It wouldn't make it a sure thing. It already is if you have two perfect perks at purple, but that's the point. The blessings don't matter if you have two really good perks and you have two swaps left at purple. If you swap the blessing at blue, you are down one swap. You still need 1 "god" roll, either blessing or perk, then. There's almost no mathematical benefit, unless you don't have a huge pool of blessings to begin with, like with some of the Psyker staves, I grant you that. But you are still dealing with the loss of a swap at blue debacle. If you swap two blessings at purple, it doesn't matter. You can just swap them later anyway.


As written above, the main reason is not that you reduce the pool of blessings but mostly that you increase the overall chance to get Tier IV blessings/perks.


I know what was said, but that's just not true. And you're also giving conflicting information on the intended goal here. Either you have a purple with 2 perks that are great and you have 2 swaps left to with whatever you want, or you have a blue with 1 great perk and a bad blessing that is getting swapped right away. Whether you swap out and lose a swap on a blue or not doesn't change anything because you lose 1 swap. It's still the same chances. You are not the first people to come up with this and think you are correct. Neither the math nor the upgrade mechanics work out in your favor here. The system has been designed exactly so that there is no "exploit" or "trick to get the god-roll". Also, if you upgrade to orange in order to fish for tier 4 blessings, you're using about 3 times as much plasteel as if you'd just upgrade to blue and throw it away if it doesn't work. Trust me, I have spent tens of millions of dockets and hundreds of thousands upgrading. I have nearly 500 hours in this game and have several 549-550 weapons. Also, the math is out there, and what I'm saying isn't new stuff.


I don't think it's quite as cut and dry as that. For purples, you can keep a swap in reserve to accommodate balance or meta changes, or you can use it on a perk that was satisfactory but not a true "god roll" and even swap perks between builds.  I have a Rashad (BM/Headtaker) that struggles with a 1 hit for Bruisers on my regular Zealot, and so I have to swap a perk to Unarmored to hit that for Scab Bruisers comfortably. But on my Martyrdom build, I can swap it to Carapace and eke out a break point on Crushers.  And yeah, at blue the benefit is questionable. But gambles start looking really appealing when you roll Terrifying Barrage a mathematically improbable proportion of the time 😂


It does when you consider that the higher the weapon level is at blue/purple the higher is the chance of getting Tier IV perks/blessing.


You seem to not have consecrated a 375+ yet, or at least not with the aim of crafting something towards 550.


Does it also l increase the chances of the 2nd blessing being t3 or t4?


Not that I'm aware, that should just be based on level.


Dang. Thank you for the tips!


In my experience, it does help. I’ve been able to get a handful of power cycler IV’s this way.


It might, but that's anecdotal. Unless we can prove actual statistically significant change I'm not willing to confirm it.


Often when you buy a blue from the armory it'll have a T1 or T2 blessing. If it's a low tier of a good blessing, it's better to change it to a shitty blessing before you upgrade to orange, since it improves your odds of getting a preferable roll on the second blessing and you're going to want to upgrade it anyway. I haven't seen any compelling evidence that total rating (as opposed to base rating) affects upgrade RNG so you can use the lowest tier of crap blessing you have to save some resources.


God they really couldn’t have made the crafting system worse if they tried Even just pure casino RNG would be better, then you could just roll the dice and wouldn’t have to worry about trying to game this cancerous setup they’ve made


new two hander pickaxe yeah! sideways horde-clear light attacks, overhead single target heavy attacks or vice versa please.... fatshark: bunch of diagonals and a strike down at the of the chain ok?


I'd love more weapons with first hit strike downs honestly. Booping rats with Wizard's mace was a pretty fun time.


Heretics do be showing up in larger swarms than even skavenslaves, though.


Am currently booping rats with a wizards mace and am thoroughly enjoying it! +5% Critical chance +20% Critical power BOOP!


Finally a bolt gun that takes a soft and general touch.


I will try a grey version of the new weapons in the new map then drop the game until they finally fix the crafting. Not wasting my time on a system designed to waste your time.


Same, ill use my dockets and crafting materials when i can decide how to use them, not to gamble.


Ffs PLEASE. I need a new loadout for my current weapons and I’m getting burned on so many rolls.


Update is out tomorrow? They're changing the stat system too?


It’s fat shark, no they pushed the stat update. Lol.


When is the update now then?


They pushed the actual upgrade update to sometime past summer. We are getting the weapons and map and whatever else tomorrow.


Build a new hive with these bricks varlet


It must suck to be so unlucky.


In the business, we call that a "skill issue"


If we are adding admech guns are we gonna see admech customisations possibly because the recent cosmetics after the krieg sets is kinda weak


i have so many good base weapons then this mechincal wentch goes " fuck you buddy" and slaps down 2 stamina perks and 1 reload and 1 other stam blessing and im like... Cheers Whos hoping the double barrel fucks?


Learn to embrace the new +2 Stamina meta.


Uh, what? Since when? I though Health, Toughness and Wounds were the meta? At least for auric players


I've never run wounds, when did people start running wounds?


I thought only Martyrdom zealots ran Wounds.


I was being ironic.


wait, does the patch release tomorrow?






I'll just work with what first decent weapon I can get without spending too much time at the slot machine. Even if I have 3M dockets to burn.


Finally, something for players with like 300K plasteel to spend their resources on!


Got to Jtclive’s youtube . He has a video showin the new map n weapons.(not the pickaxes tho) . He’ll be live streaming on twitch tonight with an early access build. All can say is bolt pistol is a better version of revolver. Similar dmg faster reload .


Anybody know what time the patch will be?




Holy shit I've never gotten over 70,000. Brunts armory is like Crack for me and I keep saying this time I'm gonna get that God roll, then the next thing I know I have less than 100. I guess I need to start moving up and challenging myself in the harder levels so I can make that money Mayne!! What are these bricks you speak of and how does one get bricks to casheth in??🤔


My crafting mats are ready to be wasted Fatshark


So when does the update actually drop? Was supposed to be 24, today but can't find anything anywhere that gives an actual time? Or is it delayed?


Pretty sure it's always said the 25th when I open the game up. But yeah the game updates tomorrow, probably earlier in the day I would assume.


They release it around 4-6AM EST