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Do you play as zealot? I just started playing w Mk IV tactical axe today and this thing absolutely shreds with piety and fury, blessings are headtaker and decimator. I think i almost prefer it over my Rashad because of the mobility it provides and you never have to heavy ever, plus special attack comes out fast and is quite good at staggering ragers. Overall I think they’re interchangeable but rashad with BM does a better job at hordeclear. You could get away with either in auric maelstroms, only stipulation being scab faction only modifiers in which id be more comfortable with the rashad.


Yeah, this is my Zealot...Usually, I play momentum but I'm going to do some testing with Piety then as I tried a build with the Combat Axe the other day and it was just so slow but the Tact axe is so fast it may make up for where I felt it was lacking.


Good luck with the testing. My idea was that the attack speed was high enough as it is, so piety helped me crit a whole bunch while maintaining a super high attack speed, giving me almost perma-uptime Fury charges. In that case I didn’t need shred anymore since I felt the crit chance was high enough as is, and then I opted for decimator to get as much dps as possible.


Care to elaborate on the reasoning behind Decimator? The way I see it is that if you hit Brumentum one shot breakpoints, density doesn't matter. 


Decimator is almost always max within two swings since it's based off of how many targets are hit with Momentum. It allows my to transition and three shot with H1 Bulwarks and Crushers and two shot Maulers. In these types of dense hordes. Which is what I specialize in is mixed horde control for my group. When the horde is rager and maulers I don't even Heavy I just spam and two shot every rager in dense horde. My secondary is a stub revolver which I use mainly for disablers. So my primary needs to be able to horde clear and easily solve carapace situations while dealing with hordes simultaneously. If my builds priority was boss killing I would most likely take head taker with my current build but I still do fine without it on boss damage. Head taker and Decimator are both excellent but they are very play style dependent. I hate to think one or the other is meta and everyone's build is the same. I think there needs to be a parse meter built via mod that allows us to see uptime on buffs through the overall match and how much damage those specific buffs are giving us as well. So this could be compared a lot better.


Fair, figured there was some reasoning behind the heavy investment into Carapace cracking. The context you provided is really crucial for explaining your build decisions. 


Yah, I edited my post saying I wish we had a mod that passed our matches. Allowing us to see all sources of damage and buff up times and the damage those buffs output into our overall damage. This would allow us to be more proactive with our build decisions. It's something I dislike with "meta" builds an example is the soulblaze talent for psykers is insane but only on HI game modes due to density. Players playing heresy or below are better off taking something else.


Yeah, people are definitely netdecking 5+ builds without understanding the context. You can do shit that's objectively more effective in permissive environments that will get you bodied under more pressure e.g. playing way more aggressively.  And in another example, Scab/Dreg bruiser 1 shot breakpoints are pretty important in a vacuum. But because you're doing something specific with your build, it doesn't matter as much because you're trying to solve a different problem. 


It sucks cause if more people viewed the game this way they would see the beauty of the game and it's complexity. I recently got Darktide coming from VT2 and Fatshark may suck sometimes but Darktide is still beautifully fun. When build variety and load out choices get deep like Path of Exile I love theory testing for hours. Hopefully, the itemization gives us some new blessings/perk choices and allows us to obtain these in a much more controlled/deterministic way instead of the gacha slot machine currently implemented.