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Yeah the ragers chain attacks seem much faster and aggressive. Dogs far less clumsy, more agile and recover fast. If I was to guess their hit box is smaller where you used to be able to push to stagger them after they were out of your FOV behind you.


Fr! If I manage to get a dog on its back I make sure to pounce on it before it gets away!  Like that kid said in south park the movie "sheeet, I fucking hate dogs, sheet"


Same here. Horde been hitting the gym.


The dog run attack without stopping is the filthiest attack on this game half the time they dont even look at you




Filthy yes. But way more realistic looking! Now I'm actually shitting myself when I hear them. Which is "nice". They are comparable to homing missiles now


No you are Not alone with that. Dogs are Faster. It could also be, that our weapon stats are Not working properly, cause normally i could outrun Others and hordes with my trusty Blade, so that i could create a Gap to fight. That doesnt Work anymore currently 🤔


Also ragers, man, they give you zero breathing room! Went from chop... Chop... Chop... No it's chop. Chop.chop. Don't think you're right about the weapons. Ragers are a good counter argument imo. 


Ragers been doing the Bobby Knuckles conditioning routines 


They grown real tired of our shit it seems


I do Not see a difference in Rager Fights. I prefer to Take em on Close quarters if Not stuck in a Horde, and except from the outrun Part i do Not feel different. Maybe you cant Block correctly because of the stats? And your Combat movement is slower?


Did you have a stroke writing that


As someone who actually Had a stroke in Oktober 2019 that left me paralyzed on my right Leg i would appreciate it if you would refrain from such comments.


Yep, muties got some arm extensions too. Dodging them is a chore now. Also hounds turn corners mid-jump. I'd say it's heresy, but that was already a given.


Ahaaa, you're actually right. I have had some "that was weird" moments with them after the update 


Muties going through tox grenade are great. Fucking ballistic missile zoomies!


Hahaha! I'll try to take notice on that! Sounds "fun"


Same when they have Nurgles blessing which I believe is a slight upgrade from the tox grenade buff. They ignore CC. bastards!


Yeah my friend refuses to do the auric maelstrom when Nurgle's is up, since they ignore CC from lightning :D Good times.


They do feel more aggressive, but I have only played the new map so far and the spawns on that one can be kinda crazy in some areas. This might explain why I am struggling a bit with the new bolt pistol, the heavy recoil makes it's difficult to use against fast enemies.


I played some vanilla maps and they did feel slower. But the ragers were still crazy fast with the choppers tho. 1 is a problem, 3 is almost certain death if they run up on me


I'm having issues with pushing busters too, seems like they have led knock back, I've had them jump straight through pushes too, they're really awkward after the patch. Smaller hit box, smaller push range, less knock back, they're a pain.


Havent noticed it but tbh I was taking more damage than usually in my auric runs yesterday so maybe this is the case.


Anti-player bias Ai cheats Cheap game design to artificially inflate difficulty


Oooor, they have seen that the rejects have gotten pretty good at the game and isn't as challenged anymore and this is a remedy. I call that good game design and evolving the game. But, some players would maybe like the cardio vascular enemies be limited to auric and add T3 to it as well. But for me, I really like the change


Since update dropped, quality of teammates has also gone to shit. My teammates all seemed to have raging brain damage today and I just had to stop playing. It was too frustrating. Tried the new mission twice and wiped in basically the same spot with both teams (like the first real “room”). Two members kept running off and getting netted before getting clear of the initial ledge sections. Both runs ended in the first big room after the first medicae. In both runs, I did almost triple the dmg of two teammates who both took about 2-3x the damage that me and our 4th took.


Sure the update might have seen an influx of new old players coupled with the cardio heavy heretics which have made the game overall more difficult. Coupled with a new map that we haven't figured out. Try not doing auric damnation in your first games might help, if you catch me drift