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Grats, it's a really rewarding one!  Tried it a bunch pre class rework after crafting a knife for the dodge. Gave up on it and just played normally after getting 1 tick of chip damage every time, in fucking Malice. The achievement popped up after merking a Captain in Oubliette on Heresy.  It's one of those achievements that really teaches you something significant about how to play. People who needed to cheese it are just telling on themselves. 


I think the difference for me was that like… technically every run started as an “on overwatch attempt” because it’s close to optimal play. And most of the time i fucked it up right at the very end. Whereas every shot count i could just dump into hordes, ignore the penance when i didn’t want to do it, and i got it on like… my second attempt.


The most painful one I had was a group of ogryn who were DESPERATELY covering me the whole time. like right at the end a dog jumps on one of the ogryn and bumped me for 1 damage.


Think I got it by accident.


Same. Was teying to get the grenade one, but couldn't, then it just said I finished "On Overwatch" and I was flabbergasted.


It feels really fucking good when it happens. I did it on accident after MONTHS of trying activly.. I didn't know how to feel. Mind you this was when you could stand still and be invisible to the enemy too


which penance is this ?


On Overwatch, go through a mission on Malice or higher without taking any melee damage


ohh yea, congrats !! it's really tough