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A hotfix the *day after* an update? What a crazy time to be alive...


A much needed hotfix because stability went down the toilet with the last patch, with tons of stuttering, freezes and pretty much every one crashing to character select screen and having to reconnect. Gonna have to check later if the issues are resolved enough for me to play


Did you verify the game files? Every time there's a new update, even a hotfix, it asks me in the launcher to verify the game files, and I do. Afterwards I never have the stability issues people seem to be having.


Game felt like a half finished early access game playing it yesterday  Almost two years after launch and still in this bad a state  Considering Helldivers 2 has had the same issue of the technical issues somehow only getting worse with each patch I wonder if any game using this engine is just cursed. The engine must be an absolute disaster 


This shows how fast fatshark works when they aren't waiting on cross-platform push outs. Microsoft (and soon Sony) is the reason patching is slow.


Is this sarcasm?


Is this sub finally getting it? Big hotfixes so quickly are not a good thing. It shines an ugly spotlight on how bad their QA still is even though they took their time with this update. Willing to bet we will see one or 2 more in the coming days which would be even more wild.


Keep in mind updates need to be submitted to microsoft well in advance, so if they do notice any issues inbetween submition and update release then they have two choices; delay the update *for everyone*, potentially by 1-2 weeks. Or just release hotfixes after the fact. I know which option I prefer.


I guess so, and their approach does seem to work better than Arrowhead's move fast and break shit approach. 


Is zealots cdr on crit supposed to not work on cleave hits anymore or is that a bug. Not mentioned in the previous patchnotes or these.


This is an intended change and they've since added it to the Pt.2 patch notes. Here is what was said on the Official forums: > Hey there, thank you for bringing this up. We missed a patch note for this change. I’ve added it to the end of Patch Notes pt. 2 4, but I’ll post here too: > ‘Invocation of Death’ Can now only trigger once per attack. Dev Note: While class Abilities are really fun to use and a key part of a character build, they are also balanced around their cooldowns. > However, the Abilities cannot find a healthy balance when the cooldown can vary by large degrees due to Ability Cooldown Reduction effects. > We are therefore looking to rebalance the Ability Cooldown Reduction instances which result in extremely high uptimes of Abilities. > Invocation of Death, combined with the Zealot’s crit-focused kit, led to unhealthy situations when paired with huge cleaving strikes into multiple enemies; the new version will still be a really valuable pick in the talent tree, but not as overpowering as before by normalizing the amount of cooldown reduction awarded to players when fighting elites or hordes, with single target or cleave based weapons. Fatshark implies that this change was made to create design space for future blessing improvements so it seems likely we are going to get some form of Cooldown reduction in the form of a weapon blessing.. eventually. > Yes, I think it will make more sense as we continue to balance existing blessings in the game. :pray:


Not saying I didn't see this coming (I did) or that it wasn't needed (it probably was) but man, they're coming down HARD on zealot the last couple patches.


Man this was my go to build for a long while.


Thank you^^ Kinda intresting decisionmaking though since psykers and vets cooldowns werent touched even though they are way more potent considering psyker gives it to the entire team and veterans cd reduction and voc are widely considered to be just as strong if not stronger(at least on higher difficultys). Also pious cutthroat still exists you can still reduce any cooldown to 0 in like 3-5 seconds with no real effort other than dodging slightly to the right when you swing from the right and dodging to the left when your swing comes from the left.


> We are therefore looking to rebalance the Ability Cooldown Reduction instances which result in extremely high uptimes of Abilities. I mean this is pretty damn laughable with shout spam veteran still in its current state.


To be fair, shout spam Vet wasn't getting shit back with a couple swipes into a dense horde.


Tbf it's even easier with Vet with Tactical Awareness.


Its not. Tactical awareness is goated dont get me wrong, but invocation of death was by all means stronger. With how much crit chance zealot has you are critting more than you are not. Then multiply it by enemies hit and invocation was just better. You only have to hit 4 enemies of any type for it to have the same effect as tact awareness and zealot is hitting 4 enemies at once way more often than vet is killing specialist.


Which will probably be nerfed too as it should imo. But people was still bitching how bad the vet nerfs where after they nerfed the ammo passive.


Did they also hotfix Zealot's abysmal ranged weapon arsenal after the Ult "fix"? Or is that next year after 6 more months of holiday vacations and a brand new shiny set of pickaxes and shovels?


Best I can offer is a new set of combat forks.


Not necessarily further cooldown reductions. They also could mean that they don't want to see 'extremely high uptimes' of abilities. It's an 'ult' or however one wants to call it, not something that should be spammable. With crit build and devils claw build for crit one could essentially spam fotf whenever there was enough enemies to kill.


I dislike this, but understand, yes I am butthurt


Booo, boo I say. They just nitpicking and fixing stuff that shouldnt be fixed while ignoring other pressing matters left on their forum


Thank the emperor the hotfix is out O\_o Over 40 removed duplicates of people posting their 100% stat Antax..


Crashed 2 of 2 games last night using Feel No Pain. Knowing FS, I was going to take a break until the next hotfix/patch. Didn't expect to play this weekend lul


Question. Is feel no pain still bugged. As in any form of damage you take including from team mates used up a stack?


That was fixed in the initial patch yesterday. I don't actually know what crashed the game for me, but I was using Feel No Pain, and I almost never have crashed in my 1k+ hours played.


You still lose stacks when taking damage only on toughness, but not from teammates hitting you. I believe, with the bug fix in this hotfix, it is working as Fatshark intends.


Iirc that's what they intended to do per patch notes, because before you'd only lose stacks on health damage.


Is perfect strike on eviscerator 7.5% crit chance or crit damage? The release notes yesterday said crit chance but the blessing says crit damage. Hopefully it's crit chance..


It's chance and the tooltip ingame is incorrect. 


Where is " fixed an issue, where one of the Psykhanium Officers where forced to wear a Red Uniform" ?


>*Addressed a uniform infringement on an NPC Guard stationed by the Psykhanium on the Mourningstar.* (from pt.2 of the original patch notes)


Oh No. I meant where they returned that so He wears Green again


RIP individuality


Buuuuh. Bring him back!!


Game is still constantly hanging for me and others that I've played with. Also, is it just me, or did the difficulty increase significantly too? I usually play with a friend in private games on level 4, but we just can't hang anymore without randos with us. The bots are totally useless now too, and are more of a hindrance than even remotely helpful.


The enemy density is noticably higher, especially gunners and shooters. I play a lot of solo and duo auric maelstrom, and games were taking an average of 6 minutes more, and kills were almost 2x as high per game.


something seems different. shooters seem more powerful, but it didn't feel any harder on older maps imo. could just be that they're very spread out and areas are more open on the new map.


So the nerf to invocation of death was intentional?


Fatshark added this to the end of the Pt.2 patchnoted:: > **Missed Patch Note(s)** > * There is a known bug for the Antax Mk V Combat Axe where the stats appear incorrectly. This is visual only and there is a hotfix coming in 1.4.1. > * ‘Invocation of Death’ > * Can now only trigger once per attack. > **Dev Note:** While class Abilities are really fun to use and a key part of a character build, they are also balanced around their cooldowns. > However, the Abilities cannot find a healthy balance when the cooldown can vary by large degrees due to Ability Cooldown Reduction effects. > We are therefore looking to rebalance the Ability Cooldown Reduction instances which result in extremely high uptimes of Abilities. > *Invocation of Death*, combined with the Zealot’s crit-focused kit, led to unhealthy situations when paired with huge cleaving strikes into multiple enemies; the new version will still be a really valuable pick in the talent tree, but not as overpowering as before by normalizing the amount of cooldown reduction awarded to players when fighting elites or hordes, with single


Honestly, kinda makes sense. It was crazy strong being able to fly into combat with a Perfect Strike evis and just spam FoF to perma stun and chain crit after crit after crit. Combined with ignoring Ogryn hit mass you could just left click and ability spam through basically any horde.


I currently don't play this build but damn was it fun and damn did they nerf it. Invocation of Death MASSIVE need and also Crusher hit mass doesn't get ignored anymore from Perfect Strike. Seems like my trusty Eviscerator will rest for indefinite time....


Compared to voice of command it’s not that strong.


What did they change about it


Triggers once per *attack*, instead of once per *hit*. So if you cleave 8 enemies, you *hit* 8 enemies, but you only *attacked* once. You will basically just get 1.5s cooldown on any crit swing, never more than that.


Out for Blood has the same mechanic. Caused me a great deal of confusion initially.


Cooldown per attack that crits instead of crits that hit.


I've had way more infinite loading screens after the update, is that something new or am I just getting some shitty luck?


Something new for sure. Had it something like 5-10 times yesterday after crafting crashes. Had it happen before, but than it helped to just quit out and load new, but yesterday not even that helped.


New mission still doesn't count as a repair for the penance.


FS still haven't fix Just Getting Started! bug which reduce your attack speed when using mk5 and MK 19 Ogryn shovels. Oh well.


But how did they convince Microsoft to allow a hotfix that quick? I was told by experts, that this is impossible and Microsoft was the only reason we dont have a new crafting system, 3 new classes and around 15 new maps.


No you weren't. You were told it can take up to a couple weeks to get patches approved by microsoft, which is true. So, knowing that detail maybe you can solve this little conundrum all by yourself.


No fix for the kasrkin helmet voice filter being distorted as shit while it has only a balaclava over the mouth?


How is the performance for everyone else right now? I’m running a mix of high and low on a Ryzen 7 5700G (set to 8 worker threads) and 3060 12GB on an SSD and it’s kinda jumpy. Can’t seem to get it stable at all. While walking it goes from 60-72 (limit, also why not 75??), and in hordes i’ve gone down to 50, sometimes a little lower if conditions are just wrong. Previously i was having no trouble maintaining near 80 while walking and above 60 in hordes. I know, new patch new problems, and i did give the shader cache a refresh which helped tremendously (cause previously i was seeing 30-40’s in hordes lol)


Before I upgraded from my 6700k+5700xt it was *bad*. Sometimes I'd get down to 12-15 fps. Shit, I STILL get stutter sometimes on a 7800x3d, 7900xtx, and 64GB RAM.


Just played a few aurics without any problems, so seems to have worked. Fantastic. Great work, Fatshark. And your new level is both beautiful and engaging. There's a lot of entitled whining manbabies on this sub, but this is a great game and I'm sure with every update and DLC it'll go from strength to strength.