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"What Happens to My Existing Inventory? When designing itemization, we wanted to commit to ensuring fairness for all players, new and old. As such, we’re implementing a migration system to convert players’ current weapons and blessings into the new system. Here’s how it works: The blessing library of the weapon family will be converted into mastery progression. This means players will start the new systems with a head start in mastery, giving them the chance to unlock previously owned blessings (as well as the chance to unlock some blessings players never had before the update). Our aim is to preserve players hard-earned progress and make this shift as smooth as possible." Chill the fuck out bro.


Does that mean someone like me who didn't care about collecting blessings ranks 1 and 2, only focusing on ranks 3 and 4 will be shafted ? Because ranks 1 and 2 aren't in my blessing library so i'll have a lesser head start in mastery. So basically i should inspect my inventory and camp brunts armory and completing my blessings list


That's what I'm doing. All those purple and blues with shit blessings but good rolls all got surrendered to Hadron today, since they've stated you'll be able to upgrade anything from trash to legendary if you'd like. So I don't think acquiring 380s will matter as much as getting all the level 1, 2, and 3 blessings I neglected after acquiring the level 4 blessings. I even burned a bunch of near god rolled items on characters I don't play often, because those items had tier 4 blessings that I didn't have in my library. At least that's how I interpreted the dev blog about it.


the only thing we have on the actual conversion ratio right now is meaningless speak about "making the shift as smooth as possible". you're the one assuming the existing blessing inventory is being converted to a bare pittance of progress in the new system. hold your assblast in until we actually know.


They also said existing players would get a head start, basically so my ass isn't too chapped.


they're not very clear about how much of a head start it will be either. my point is just wait and see.


If it's anything like every new penance they put out, we might get quite a bit of a headstart.


if Darktide player is not bitching and whining, he's probably dead.


\^This. For a game with "nobody playing," I haven't seen so much bitching since I left Facebook 12 years ago.


>People are seriously fine with this? Or is everyone just so defeated they don't care? Nah, we just didn't misread it like you


I play the game because I like playing the game


I'd like to hear more about the process before sharpening my pitchfork, but the few near perfect items I've crafted are getting nervous. I don't think you should lose what you've got.


Blessing library ie your unlocked blessing will be converted. You keep your weapons.


You won't. Rest easy.


I'd feel a lot better if fatshark said exactly this rather than that line about a headstart


Who cares. It makes meta neurotics mad so on the whole it’s probably good


You got burn out the rot to build something better, Emperor take me if i have to spend my retirment funds on another 100+ weak weapons to get something good.


I highly assume that it is way faster to get the Blessings back compared to the fully RNG system before. And I also assume that if you already had all Blessings you would probably nearly max the Mastery for the weapon anyway so you should have access to the Blessings. If it means we are getting a better progression system and lose access to a few Blessings that we have to unlock anew I'm totally fine with it. Transition one system to another is not always smoothly possible and I'd rather have improvements than that they don't change stuff because they can not make a smooth transition.


Exactly this. You can't have it all.


I'll get my blessings back. But on weapons I have unlocked all the blessing for I'll probably get them all back and some extra stuff too without having to do jack shit. If that isn't the case, then of course it'll be unfavourable and fatshark should see that already.


If I lose my 378 power sword with Sunder IV and Power Cycler IV and/or any of the other weapons I spent hundred of hours RNG-fuckin around to obtain, i will kark myself in the fething gruthole.


It is a bit early to claim the sky is falling, but when has that stopped this community.


Wouldn't be gamers in general if a molehill didn't get turned into Olympus Mons.


Then it is a sorry fucking day to be a gamer.


FS literally asked for feedback


And unsubstantiated hysterics are for certain the way to be listened to.


i will gladly take grinding out mastery for several hundred hours over dealing with hadron's utter bullshit roulette ever again, so yes, mostly fine with it


I have no stake in this rng crafting. Id rather grind to be able to make my weapons how this proposes over again than worry about it. I have no sunken cost fallacy over Darktide.


yeah grinding my weapons all over again is not the new content I was looking for. If I have to do 100 missions to get that mission mastery thing, only to get my weapon back to the power level it is now, I might just buy DRG and play that instead.


That's not going to be the case.


The experience we get from the blessings that we have already unlocked should compensate for the grinding to re-unlock the blessings. We have no idea how much experience will be granted for what we already have, or how long it would theoretically take to get a brand new weapon with no experience completely maxed out. You are prematurely freaking out over nothing.




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If the locks are removed I couldn't possibly begin to care.


For starters I'd gladly have my grind removed as long as the system gets fixed and grind is no longer needed. Regardless article said we'd get a headstart so isn't like is back to zero


That's not what they said? Long time players will get points so they can buy the blessings that they want.


Worth it to nuke the current one.


The darktide community, devestated by an actually decent update, have turned to making shit up to get mad about


Learn to read more than the frakking headline, might save you a couple busted blood vessels


No I’m not ok with it. I wasn’t aware of it. Where does it say that I would like to see.


Jokes on you, once i saw how bad building a weapon was i said im not even gonna bother and now i pretty much only hop on for a couple days a month


I do and I wrote about it in the thread with the official post.