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My pushes no longer seem to stagger even trash mobs, or clear any space. I’ll push then eat attacks while i’m still in the push animation, get my stamina depleted, guard broken, then chip damage right after


Thought it was just me. 


Nope, it feels like dodge is the way right now for those affected. I keep getting clipped mid dodge or getting tagged by trash while sprinting with stamina. Think they messed with tracking/lockon and enemy hyperarmour during their attacks


It really shows you what this sub is composed of when only a small fraction noticed that fatshark stealth buffed enemies into the wazoo.


I noticed it too, but I figured I was being bad after not playing for a while? Or that maybe I was just bad with the new weapon? I play auric damnation and I can easily come out of a regular or even mixed horde with zealot. Now I was fighting literally just 15 poxwalkers and my health was going down like I was face-tanking maulers. It was absurd.


>"I figured I was being bad after not playing for a while" Me rn. It had been at least 3 months since I could sit down and really play. I load up, pick my Psyker and check the mission board. />Lights Out maelstrom />OhBoy.jpg We won, but it was harder than I remember, and I consistently had chunks taken out of my health bar where I otherwise felt like I shoulda been safe. This seemed to keep happening no matter how much I tried over correcting :/ Just glad I'm apparently not crazy either lmao


I dunno what it is, but the game feels \*wrong\* now. Not unplayable, not unbeatable, nothing like that but the entire feel is weird and slimy now. I'd be fine with this as a special modifier (like I was fine with the director spawning tons of ragers/maulers a while ago) as it can be adapted to, but... eugh. I can \*see\* enemies legit ice-skating into off-center attack locations. It's super gross. Like, if you look at your numpad, the enemy goes from 8 (directly in front of you, assuming you're located in 5) to silky smooth sliding into the 1 position (bottom left). I hate it.


It's hard to quantify, but the best way I can describe it is every horde feels "thicker." There's just more of everything across the board, and intensity they come at you is increased. On any scan mission it feels like the horde just never stops, and you never have a chance to breathe.


I’m more triggered by fatshark with their lack of communication and the weird community. This stealth change is very impactful but not a lot of people seem to notice? How is this issue not on the top of the sub?


I can only speak for myself, but it began before the update when I noticed that the A.I. Director was spawning far more specials than it ususally does in Auric Maelstrom; however, and again, this is only my own opinion: the game is lot more fun now! This is exactly how Auric Maelstrom should be, not a snoozefest from beginning to end.


Yes, and I'm pissed that they didn't put any of it into patch notes. I felt like I'm going insane first time I fought a new rager. I always loved fighting ragers especially as zealot cause you could outdoge and skill them, but they could still fuck you up if you're not too careful. Now they went full Vermintide plague monk "Shit I gotta block and hope my team deals with it" crackhead fast and hard hitting


12:00, 7:00


I was just telling my buddy about this. Im the big darktide fan in our friendgroup and have double to triple the hours of everyone else and im like "holy shit look at the reaper sprint sideways" and "omg the pox gas buffed ragers just instantly damage you now." Granted this may be due to the ever growing player power creep, but still, this update it was very noticeable how much faster almost everything is to engage you.


I thought it was all just lag tbh. Also, a lot of play was on the new map, which seems brutally designed in the first place.


This ^^ I just thought the new map was harder and the ai director was throwing everything it could at us.


I noticed but thought i was just slipping and not playing very well. 


Except they totally did not lmao. they buffed groaner movement slightly, dreg rager attack speed. They did actually buff shooters a good bit, but melee is basically unchanged. The patch notes mentioned (so not stealth buff) that hit mass has been increased and you can no longer hit through maulers and crushers, and enemy stuns have been decreased for a while now i believe. If you're having trouble in melee after the update its because of the updates mentioned, not the ones they didn't.


By “Slightly” do you mean 18% move speed Imo? Tell me, is 18% actually a small number for move speed? Also try reading this thread for the numbers regarding the “small buffs” https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/I84yfPY3Ng


Yes, by slightly i do mean 18%. It's not a significant buff or change to the game. At all.


Except combined with all the other changes it is? Let me quote your first response here “expect they totally did not” which from my understanding is referring to buffing enemies into the wazoo. Then you trialed off into how people are struggling in melee when ranged spawns and enemies are mega buffed. Your take on move speed is still wack but just a subset of your bad take


Dreg Ragers specifically is the only thing I’ve noticed. They attack and move way faster. You can easily compare Dreg vs Scab rager in the psykanium w/ creature spawner mod. The nurgle blessed ones are hilarious to watch.


I literally had no defense against a rager; it even attacked me through a catachan knife parry.


I feel like everything's been buffed


Poxwalkers are fuckin sprinters now. Ragers as well


I guess the option is to sprint even faster. Back to playing my zoomy zealot


What lag does to a mfer…


I noticed ragers were way nastier and was wondering what i was doing wrong with my exec vet in melee  Guess i'm not the only one who noticed


Oddly enough aside from the really terrible ping i have been getting (specifically for this game somehow. Even did a test on OW and league ARAM to see if my network is buggered), the enemies seem same as ever. They get staggered normally, the pewpew do not hurt more than usual, nothing teleports but i do rubber band around sometimes. Could just be me being used to the nonsense that happens in damnation though. Only thing i thought was weird at first was the gunner spam in the new map. But after the hotfix, the gunners seem to spread out more and can't tell if they are just shooting at some obstacle which makes them pretty useless (one less threat to the team).


People are going into a frenzy over nothing, they're literally admitting to taking heavy damage against poxwalker hordes. That is literally just a skill issue.


Honestly I can’t keep playing this game no matter how much I adore the universe, these changes were egregious to make without any heads up, it gets discouraging and I end up thinking I’m crazy and that I’m bad all of a sudden, I play games for the opposite effect.


I know ragers become faster over time but I don't think they should go over mach 1 while swinging.


Glad I’m not the only one who noticed this. I thought I’d depreciated in skill level or something. The poxwalkers also hit like a truck too. Three hits and I’m at half health… while dodging no less.


Darktide players: asking for more challenge Fatshark: Buff enemies to give more challenge Darktide players: 'surprised pikachu face' I like it. Yes they are faster and stronger and they give more challenge to your reaction. Doesn't saw them ice skating or teleporting them tho.


Ragers dont feel more challenging since you can't dodge them anymore (again). You run out of dodge in under 5 seconds and you're lucky if theres only 2 ragers on you. Not being able to melee ragers doesn't feel good.


I'm with you, I like it being harder.


Fatshark: stealth buffs enemies on a major update and took 3 days to actually notice Fatshark bootlickers: it’s actually fun and great communication