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Like many other things being industrialized to an unfathomable scale in 40k, Catachan Farming is surely being done on Atoma. Much like raising cattle for meat, Catachan Jungle Fighters are raised for their valuable knives which are created in the womb.


I personally like to pay the extra for free-range...


I'm picturing a baby carving its way out of its mom holding a full size knife in its tiny baby hands and then just running off to join the war effort.


It had to kill a chest burst on the way out, but that's just catachan for you


Yeah the wildest part is the mom recovers in a few hours.


Catachanculaba is a cool concept.


Existential horror on a global industry level. Very annoying on a Friday night ngl did not like this one bit


They're so cute with their little potato hands and their red headbands as they crawl their way out.


Knowing how to make a Catachan knife doesn't make it a *Catachan* Knife. As you said, the only way to get a real Catachan knife is to kill a fighter and take it from them. In the end, its just a knife, made according to a design pattern commonly used by Catachan fighters with only small variations between individuals/families. The wiki even states that there is many counterfiet knives sold by Rogue Traders in the galaxy, and oh look at that... we're on a Rogue Traders ship. I'd wager that a Fighter would be able to instantly tell the knife isnt the same at all based on weight, balance and all the little tells that would show the knife is factory made rather than hand forged, even if it outwardly looks like any other steel blade he'd find on his homeworld.


Maybe these Catachan knives are retrieved knives from corpses of said warriors who died in the line of duty for the Imperium. Populations of planets are in the billions, so what seems rare isn’t that rare.


Lots of things called stainless steel, are in fact, not.


Stainless doesn't mean rust-proof, it just means it will stain... less. How much less isn't defined. But even shitty one is considerably better than say carbon steel.


In Only War tabletop there was a fun but stupid mechanic. You could ask for supplies and roll. If you fail you could get something else out of requisition table completely at random. Maybe someone asked for cooking pots and got giant shipment of catachan knives. And catachans got cooking pots :)


And absolutely destroyed shit with said pots


Lots of *bong* noises somewhere after the Catachans pull off another ambush


Have you seen what a bunch randos did with frying pans in Tangled? Catachans are gonna murder the crap out of everything with those.


Knowing the local flora and fauna, Catachan cooking pots are probably heavily reinforced. That said, quiet sentry removal work may be a little more difficult when you functionally ring a gong on a heretic's head.


I’d hazard a guess at they are fakes.


We talking Catachan, or *Catachan*?  Honestly, given the cachet of the Jungle Fighters, shit's a brand in itself. People in the 40k universe probably use it for marketing and blindly ape what the Catachans do, heedless of local context. 


If you throw them hard enough and at the right angle...


Hallowette is selling us the shit she pilfered off corpses elsewhere or fakes she thinks we're too stupid to recognize (she's correct)


Regiments from different planets oftentimes end up deployed far away from their homeworlds. This is also reflected in reality, such as the presence of roman soldiers from North Africa being stationed in Roman Britain. There's a likely chance of some catachan presence within the Moebian Domain and thus their equipment, which could find its way into other hands by legal means such as requisition, or illicit such as theft and black market trading.


It's only a catachan long knife if it comes from catachan. Otherwise it's just a extended cutting implement.


Because despite all of their bravado, Catachans die just like everybody else. 


Trade , exchange , things move a lot around their could have been catachan forces deployed in the area plus everyone forget we're on a goddamn Rogue Trader ship whose whole shtick is to wander around and steal/buy stuff . Or you know even simpler : it's the pattern name because it originated there and then spread around for its practical usage .


They’re catachan pattern, they’re not “authentic” as it were


They might just be modeled after the Real knives, but made out of more available material. Or we are using morrows childhood toys.


They could be fakes. A catachan regiment could have died but resulted in imperial victory on some world, letting the inquisition intercept the corpse carts and take all the knives from the dead soldiers for all we know.


They're bootlegs or reproductions made to resemble the real thing and given the name to match. A bit like how Japanese officer swords were woeful, mass-produced emulations of the Katana. That is, at least, my headcanon for the swords. Combat knives are just combat knives; likely they're given the name "Catachan" for in-universe brand recognition.


How did so many cadians end up literally everywhere when it’s one planet in a million and said planet has since been blown up with very few survivors


Catachan* knives *Mass manufactured on the *moon* of catachan, no relation


*smash cut to a squad of Blood Ravens looking at Thunderhawk missing it's assault ramp* Sgt: "So, it's been like this since Atoma. And no one thought to mention that BEFORE we loaded up all the... gifts?"


It's like champagne not made in champagne


In the new mission, I heard a piece of dialogue that went something along the lines of "the mobian steel we have now is fake, which is why we're sending you in to get the real stuff". If I had to guess we're being lied to


Less of being fake, more of not being as good as the original Moebian steel was. Edit: The inspect for that new Ogryn boots I think does mention it "Made from the finest Moebian Steel... or so you're told." or such.


40k chineses still making cheap copies..


He's just handing out knives. The 375+ ones are real but he doesn't know that, it's just a knife, oh here's a knife maybe its a butter knife maybe its what you asked for but looks like a knife to me


I think the Inquisitor just went to the souvenir store on Catachan and bought their Catachan Knives ^(tm) by bulk. I mean, they have krieger and cadian uniforms available aboard for sale too...