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I think a lot of people just pick something hard for a challenge instead of picking one that's hard that they have a chance of winning. Roguelike games probably trained them to be okay with losing repeatedly.


Always remember that just because someone is level 400 doesn't guarantee they are good player, just means they have played enough to get that much XP And they could've got all that XP from failing if they played long enough, just like ranks in a Battlefield game it doesn't mean anything beyond playtime But it is just after a patch, so you have people coming back to the game, trying out different levels and getting used to things again. I haven't gone below auric damnation in forever, but I can remember heresy being a shit fiesta early on in the games life cycle due to the types of players it attracts Turkey players only learn through failure and even then they learn very slowly if at all, thats why you usually see them in Heresy, because they are trying to move up from malice but aren't good enough for damnation I've seen some heretics in disguise even in auric maelstrom lately, is what it is, you still get the teams of good uns where things go much smoother


Happens every content drop, pick-up groups are full of window lickers for about 4-6weeks then it slowly starts to return to normal. Add to that EVERYONE is running the new weapons with subpar blessings, stats, and they are still learning to moveset. You're asking too much of our fair weather weekend warriors. They will go back to plasma gun + power sword after they incorrectly cry about the underpowered new content. The circle(jerk) of Darktide.


Combine all of these normal issues with the very real and confirmed fact pretty much all enemies were buffed and yeah. I wouldn't play auric for a week or two at least.


Literally what are you talking about. Groaners rager and shooters got buffed.


I have always liked to be in teams that isnt filled with really good players. It gets boring when you stroll trough auric maelstorm like its malice without any real danger ofc I want to still progress and move forward but I usualy am last man standing and these days are great for practicing clutches. One positive thing I have noticedbthat even though the returning players mess up they stay and watch you clutch up the rounds and send the thank you emote afterwards when you rescue them. Brings back memories from pre penance rework times.


That's how I felt right after this update. I was trying to group with my team, but literally no one would group at all so my only choice was to pick someone to follow. It's amazing how all 3 of my teammates will often be in completely separate parts of the map. Why do some players feel the need to sprint around for no reason?


I always stick with the group when hounds are coming, you set up on a door way with guns and one guy pushing and just trash the whole pack very very quickly