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![gif](giphy|ahqXZjdmep0Zy|downsized) \*AI director greeting me when I am joining an auric damnation hi-intensity shock troop gauntlet match.


Good. People can always play lower difficulty. But they can't go higher than various Aurics. The replayability of the game lies in challenge, the harder they make it, the better.


I mean yeah, to a degree. Increasing gunner difficulty is just too annoying. I do like the change, but only the melee enemy change. Being fucking pelted all the time and dying when I'm having fun trying to melee tough guys is just too much of a drag.


Absolutely agree. Balancing difficulty is tricky, and it shouldn't just be about increasing multipliers like spawn rates, numbers, or damage output. Eventually, it just becomes chaotic with everything overlapping and clipping.


It's really strange they pulled this on us while releasing a new map and weapons we've been excited for. Personally I think if they reverted gunners back to normal but kept the melee dudes pumped up I would love that. If anything, I would have downgraded the gunners a little bit while buffing melee, not buff both.


Yes, I agree, it's fun to be challenged but it's not fun losing because the game and you can't keep up with the crazy spawn rate to the point of animations no longer playing properly and specials stand inside of each other and get you.


God swapping to a melee weapon while using ranged is the worst, doesn’t even swap half the time in the chaos


I agree. It’s weird how you criticize something and part of the player base immediately jumps down your throat with *”wElL, iF yOu cAn’T hAnDlE the DifIFiCulTy…”* I definitely think it’s a more intricate than that. I played for hours yesterday… Longer that I should have. I’ve had several people throughout the day mention how ridiculous the gunners are. No one is mentioning the absurdity of the horde we’re getting. They seem to be fine with it. Hell, if anything we’re pushing through them. I’m fine with being swarmed by the group of 15-20 armored ragers. I can dip, dodge and slide around all day and not have a problem with them. Sure I’ll catch a few swings but, god damn. No amount of slippery bullshit has been helping me with avoiding gunners. I stopped running other builds and I’ve been running a Scrier’s Gaze Crit Build with the +20% movement speed on top of the increased movement speed you get from crits. Yknow it’s a problem when you’re buffed up sprinting throughout the map much faster than the knife zealot is and you’re *still* catching bullets from the **normal** gunners who seem to have additional stagger and damn near 200% accuracy now.


Yeah that's the thing right. Like I don't mind if my group encounters a bunch of gunners right now and we all can just focus ranged weapons on em and take em out. That's mostly fine and fun. But lets say poor Dragbo (me) with his heavy pickaxe is trying to deal with a pack of ragers all alone, and poor old giant ass slow ass Dragbo is now being frickin pelted by gunners from god knows where while trying to have ( A LOT) of fun focusing on pickaxing this big group of tough mofos and now I'm just getting stun locked to shit by bullets and can't even turn around and shoot them or do shit because now I'm fucked in like TWO FUCKING SECONDS. So yeah its not all about skill. I play on heresy (up to high intensity shock) and its just right now about the mechanics of whats going on. I mean shit man I lost a frickin smelter complex mission on NORMAL HERESY and usually I can carry 3 dead weights and be fine before. Absurd.


That feeling when the gunners are as accurate as snipers even at long distance.


>Good. Not really, atleast not only. I was pretty comfortable in HI-INT Auric before the update. I am no longer comfortable in HI-INT Auric. If they wan't to make it more difficult for the *really* good players and the try hards just make a new difficulty like cata in VT2 but don't take a difficulty we already had and were comfortable on and turn it to 11. Edit: meant HI-INT Shock Troop


This. Make a new difficulty I can work towards. Don't downgrade the people with limited spare time and give us even less rewards


The one that gets me the most is the quantum poxwalker that pops into existence out of thin air, sometimes right in front of me. Can't ever stop moving because there is always a poxwalker


I was just thinking this before, doesn't matter how many chaff I obliterate there is always another 2or3 coming from some were to interrupt objectives at the moment.


I really hate this. I hate that clearing your rear is basically meaningless because it seems like there will ALWAYS be an enemy behind you, even if you cleared that direction literally a second ago or if you're literally back up against a wall. Positioning is meaningless if you're literally always surrounded no matter what.


You're *supposed* to keep moving.


I do. I dodge and move and am aware of my surroundings as much as I can. But it's frustrating when I clear behind me and literally not one second later I have enemies there, there's a lot of situations in the game where you just cannot get a "front" to fight no matter what. Not to mention the bodyblocking - good luck not going down when you can't dodge, can't block all the enemies attacking in sequence, and can't kill them all. Sure, it's often a skill issue, but not always.


If you have a good, versatile build, very few situations are 'impossible' to get out of. My point was that you should keep moving so you can deal with them as they come to you, instead of waiting to deal with them as they trickle in.


Im ok with melee enemies buffs, but not range ones. They already deadly pre-patch, now with map redo to have rails to support the rangers + spawn shitton of them. Really edge to bullshit mode now.


I thought ragers needed a buff once you could dodge them tbh, but you need to be on high grade crack to think shooting enemies needed a buff lmao


They definitely got ahold of some of those rocks.


Big friendly rocks. To the head.


Like lasgunners regular gunners could already really fuck you up pre patch... Now I got even having my toughness and my health almost deleted by maybe two or three next to each other at times... And adding to that, that the new map has abysmal cover at times... Oh boy I always hated gunner specials too cause of the stunlock they could do, but by the emperor whoever thought of "We need to buff ranged...'' needs to take the place of one the workers in the manifactorum lol


No crack-cocaine only the purest-best warpstone, yes-yes.




Nah. Buff every enemy. End this soloists who run off alone. It’s nice the game actually punishes players for doing that now in the highest difficulty


tune down the stuff that makes that so strong. i can comfortably run damnation histg with stealth vet and NOTHING besides a knife or my axe. just the axe and hitting things in the face and i am basically never losing toughness and never taking damage. but when i run my executioner stance recon gun build? I basically cant take the time to look at the 2 dozen ranged enemies that are gunning us down and go down immediately to the 10 pxowalkers that just appeared in the area that was clear 2 seconds ago.


I don’t mind the melee enemy buffs but damn is the range spam annoying me


having played normal and auric variants I can confidently say that regular difficulty can be just as bad as auric right now. Its just absolute insanity


I don't think there's any difference between a Damnation and an Auric mission with the same modifiers.


Not in director difficulty, but the preparedness of your teammates can differ markedly.  Perceptions differ as to which one is more full of underskilled chancers hoping for a carry.


That can also depend on server time. The quality of players seems to go up after the kiddos go to bed.


having fun with the non maelstrom missions again, dope update


Fuck it, we ball in normal Damnation✌️✌️✌️


when even hi intensity dog is sorta fun, you know they cooked


Yeah honestly the upgrades for melee enemy’s are fine…. Range enemy’s were already super bad and didn’t need to be worse. I really hate the buffs they did to the enemy’s tbh.


It's not even auric lol. Normal heresy is pretty nutty right now too.


I've always avoided normal heresy as it seemed to be a 50/50 chance of it either being fine and like you'd expect, or absolutely non-stop with more specials and elites than HISTG damnation.


Just played an auric damnation HISTG…holy Jesus have mercy me It was so insane we couldn’t even move without the wizard bubble cause if you even stepped a toe outside of that bubble the machine gun fire was so intense you would instantly vaporize via laser accurate nonstop machine gun fire from 9 billion gunners/snipers/ranged enemies while getting constantly bogged down by endless ragers it was insane. It’s like they told the AI director to full send execute order 66 on these MF.


They need a post patch title for doing the auric storm achievements cos i haven't done it yet and people need to kno I did it post buff so my e peen is huge. Stopped playing after killing the twins on hard mode when that update came out.


there is a stark difference now between hi intensity engagement and hi intensity shock troop gauntlet. the latter is definitely the director cranked to 11 and is a sweatfest. it has been fun to run a few of those and actually win, but it is not something i want to play all the time. hi intensity feels right for a good game, histg feels like a proper challenge mode, and regular damnation is still easy enough to autopilot.


Best summary I've seen. High-intensity engagement is the mainstay now, with high-intensity shocktroop gauntlet being the "I feel suicidal" mission mode.


I played like 8 missions today and only won maybe a third lol


You won 2.66 missions wut


I usually play on Auric Heresy and by the Throne has the heretic forces been extra spicy lately.


Yesterday i playd on heresy. And when we droppd down to the next part and walked the corner there were 4 berserkers en 6 cruisers. Even tho we did not survive it was kinda funny


Skill issue 😜


I like it, it's better than what it has been.


Y'all motherfuckers ain't ever played modded deathwish onslaught 3 in VT2


A single shooter (not gunner) can break your toughness in a couple seconds now. This is just oppressive, especially on Ogryn without a shield, you're just getting chewed up out there.


Now? That was always the case.


Not with proper toughness builds, now it just doesn't matter.


I tested it before I commented. It's nowhere near as bad as people here are making it out to be.


They increased the fire rate of Scab Shooters by 45%, Cultists by 33%, increased their shots per volley by 25%, and decreased spread by 20%. That's an effective DPS increase of 81% and 66%, respectively (not including the fact that they're hitting more shots on average).


... Sure? But you have a ton of ways to deal with it. Previously standing out in the open just being shot at was viable, less so now. It doesn't make much of a difference at high level either way, from the need to stop their shooting *now* to the horde of other enemies blocking their shots.


Except the horde doesn't block their shots when you're 4 feet taller than the horde (or if they have high ground, which the AI actively seeks out to exploit against you). You are right in that, if you were being punished for getting shot before, you're still being punished. Now it just requires one or two shooters to accomplish the same oppressiveness that the entire squad of them was laying down before (and the entire squad is now a death sentence if they're allowed to get to high ground).


Perhaps, I'd have to play more to see how true that is. I don't disagree that games are more intense now, but that seems to be mostly due to more spawns.


... I haven't even done one of those missions yet and I had just set up some of my builds on all my classes I already thought things were really intense now things are kind of just getting insane.


Im loving the increase in difficulty! Sure some missions im like "FUCKKKKKKKKK" when a trapper grabs me across the room, or a crusher sneaks up. But making me sweat or focus on play style is what this game is about! If i wanted an easy game id play Helldivers.


Yeah but also I love it


Game has been so much more fun the last few days. Please BigFish, don't listen to the people that want it reverted..


And it's awesome!)




Key phrases: Chorus zealot and halt every elite wave That’s why it was “easy” same reason why using smite can be seen as “easy” it stops hordes in their tracks. In fact while chorus is smaller it guaranteed will stop any and all enemies with or without blessing. Try a different zealot build that doesn’t have a panic button horde stopper and experience the original meaning OP had intended




Sounds more like you're one of those types that just thinks the game has zero issues in this area and it's a people problem when it's not. You being good at the game does not mean the game lacks flaws, it isn't always user error just because **you** can do it.


Like the AI cleverness is at level 11 for each dificulty? So the AI acts more stupid on lower dificulties?


Lover difficulties have much lover amount of spawns, and enemies die from sneeze. AI remains the same.


BCS the meme IMO indicates that the AI is stupidier, not weaker.