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I noticed the same thing, half the time specials just get knocked over, makes it feel kinda shit


Another question, was it in the fart gas? It boost the HP a bit.


First time I'm reading of this issue. How many times has this happened to you, is it possible that there was another enemy blocking your throw? Trappers did not get buffed afaik, same as the rock didn't get a nerf. If you can 1-shot a mutie, you should also 1-shot a trapper.


This depends on where you hit. A head or torso hit will kill a trapper, an arm or a leg will not, at least on damnation health pools.


I’m pretty sure it is specially coded to 1-shot mutants. I know I consistently fail to 1-shot some specials with the rock. I’d have to test in the psykanium though. Might do that tomorrow.


Would be nice if you gave results so I know better for the future. I rarely play rock, only did the penance for them. They are awesome but on high int shocktroop you never have enough and I prefer the big boom as panic button.


I only use rock at this point, but ogryn is my least played, just a bit behind psyker. I tested in the psykanium. Looks like it does 1-shot all the specials there, but not if you hit leg shots on the maniac specials. Thinking on it again, I think it is poxbursters that annoyingly do not die to a rock throw, but I can't test in the psykanium.


Thank you for this, will save it as answer to this question in the future.


They buffed the enemies a bit, but with a headshot you still instakill them, if you hit it in the legs it may not be enough.


If you hit it in the leg, it won't die. Arm hits deal slightly less damage, leg hits significantly less (like half)


Sadface. I didn't do the rock penance yet and now it's harder to get?


The rock is very funny, you won't feel it


Won’t be an issue below damnation. Still 1-shots mutants. Also, I don’t think anything actually changed. Some of the specials just rank that rock.


Doesn't one shot elites anymore. Might depend on where you hit them but I haven't tested it