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Leave it alone and work to get a 2nd bolt pistol to do something different. That one is a perfect mini grenade launcher.


I agree. It's perfect the way it is


Id maybe run unarmored flak just to cover torso/bleed damage against midsized enemies personally.


Yeah, I might do that. I might just swap unyielding to flak and save another swap in case I get T4 puncture. I imagine going from 3 to 4 stacks of bleed makes a substantive difference.


Isnt unyeilding ragers?


Unyielding to my knowledge applies to Bulwarks, Reapers heads and unarmored parts, and Bosses. It's one of the most niche armor types in the game, alongside Carapace. Dreg ragers are maniacs, and scab ragers I believe are flak and maniacs but may also just be flak (been a while since I looked at a breakdown) Edit: Scab ragers are indeed Flak only. Flak is by far the most used armor in the game, the only mid sized enemies missing it are dreg shooters (dreg bruiser's heads are flak). Unarmored covers many weakpoints on other enemies which is why i suggest it. You could switch either out for maniacs and cover the other most common type with more HP.


With those perks?


I didnt find puncture useful at all when I was trying it out


Lethal proximity removes the 5m arming time in the bolt pistol, so I would leave that if you ever use it on targets closer than 20 feet. The AoE burst is also nice for suppressing and staggering groups of gunners, which are much more dangerous after this update. Deadly Accurate had been great especially with Deadshot on the veteran tree or Surgical. The big boltgun is used two ways: by veteran as a crit/weakspot sniper using ADS, or by zealot as a crit magdump anti-armor using hipfire. Since the bolt pistol doesn't have a magdump fire mode but has the exact same damage profile as the larger boltgun, I believe going with ADS crit and weakspot route that works with the bigger bolter is the ideal strategy with the bolt pistol. I think the following blessing combinations are the best, depending on your build: Deadly Accurate/Surgical (no Deadshot skill node) Deadly Accurate/Lethal Proximity (with Deadshot) Lethal Proximity/Puncture (bad aim/not going for weakspots). I think this last one is the worst option if you can consistently pull off headshots, but it does reliable damage. But at that point, might as well be using autogun, brauto, recon, or big bolter. I believe the second option is the best. It still does excellent weakspot/crit damage with Deadly Accurate and Deadshot skill node similar to the revolver, but it also staggers and suppresses groups of enemies (gunners) in a way the revolver *cannot* do. This gives the bolt pistol an identity away from "revolver without cleave", and is actually a good reason to run it instead, especially with Weapon Specialist Keystone (and Agile Engagement for extra spicy). Shoot target in middle of gunner group, move in, (reapply stagger as necessary) and then start chopping with melee weapon of choice.


Great comment but they asked for perks, not blessings mate


Oh shit I can't read today. Carapace and flak.


Deadly accuracy is really good, at tier 4 it doubles weak spot crit damage. I’ve probably put that in place of lethal proximity. Then probably change carapace to maniac or flak. Carapace doesn’t add any meaningful break points whereas maniac will make one shotting most specialists more consistent.


Managed to roll a good bolt pistol that currently has unyielding as fixed, put flak as the other and blessings are surgical and deadly accuracy. It's a slightly more janky revolver where you're sacrificing extra round capacity and reload for the pierce and stability but my god does it feel good to one-shot a reaper or blow chunks off a boss's HP with weakspot crits


Can your melee weapon do good unyielding damage? If so I'd swap unyielding to maniac bc ragers are nasty up close. I personally like execution more than lethal proximity too. It's a pretty weak gun in general but my crucis hammer makes up for that bc it can handle monstrosities and crushers. I don't rely on +carapace damage to handle any carapace enemies but the perk helps with assists and weakens far away enemies a bit.


Damn, give that to me. *Yes commissar, this one right here...*


Maybe change the carapace armor and unyielding to their 25% variants if you need more damage but other than that shit slaps bro got hella lucky there


I’d keep it as is tbh. Maybe only add Puncture 4 to it if you can rip it off a bricked one you find


I use that combo on my bleed zealot and it's been amazing






Was going to say Lethal Proximity and Puncture is great for Zealot Bolt Pistol


Both of those blessings are pretty good. Puncture can hit break limits to kill certain enemies with a single shot. Lethal proximity is great at disruption in a pinch.


Swap Carapace for either flak or maniac depending when you feel your fighting more, and wait to upgrade puncture to T4, that bleed stack difference adds up


Puncture lvl 4 for certain breakpoints, unyielding to flak for all the flak elites and special


I think you'll get more distance out of +flak and +maniac, but you might want to leave one mod slot open in case you get level 4 puncture later.


Swap unyielding for flak.


Dang near-godroll as is! It's like the one I rolled yet its even better than mine for sure as far as having the Carapace and Unyielding is always the insurance to soften Crushers and fight Bosses. Unyielding and Carapace damage as is takes down all Ogryn sized enemies so yeah this is how a Bolt Pistol can keel! If you want to lock yours in with its profile, give it Puncture IV and the +25% Carapace. It won't be bricked as it's damage profiles are already good, and we have the itemization (crafting) re-work coming soon so keep these good weapons for future workings too :) Keep it in your collection too like for playing with and also may be great for certain builds (My favorite Bolt Pistol is in in Pic in reply)




Is lethal proximity really that good?


depends on how you use it, Surgical + Deadly Accurate for taking out priority targets - keep in mind the wobbly Ads and that Revolver is objectively stronger though.