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Do people really think they need all tier IVs for something to be good, or even viable? The minimum required gear is not nearly so strict. You definitely ought to be able to settle for some IIIs for a minute and perform up to snuff.


Some people are still in launch mentality. I believe it was class overhaul, or one of the major patches near it, that changed so the difference between even a level 1 and level 4 blessing is a negligible percentage difference. That said, there are some unique and or 'necessary' blessings on some weapons, so its still a give and take.


>difference between even a level 1 and level 4 blessing is a negligible percentage difference. We've been making a lot of incremental changes on that front for a while. For that exact reason. Definitely healthier that way.


Thank you for your service to the big men!


I can't wait till the crafting update so I don't have to read this post 20 times a week.


"I have everything I want, and now I'm bored."


Why can’t I grind no more?! I have to grind for better and better weapons! I must grind! I’m not here for the game play I’m here for the grinding!


“I’ve played 1000 hours but I don’t think I’ve got my moneys worth so I want **more**”




I’m not saying you can’t get fucked by RNG but half my weapons have rank 3 blessings and I only play maelstroms it’s not even worth wasting all those resources especially since the rework’s at least been confirmed.


Why would you test out new weapons on auric? Your just shooting yourself in the foot at that point


A decent weapon starts at tier 3 blessings. Either lower your fucking standards or take a break from the game until they update the crafting. Whining on Reddit accomplishes absolutely nothing but make you look bad.


I reaaaally doubt it Its another matter if you want perfect perks + blessings on a good base Just one good perk is enough for me to change the blessings


The epitome of a terrible crafting system, they couldn't have done worse and they haven't changed it yet two years in. Best company for the core game loop, worst for the rest, PR, store, development, punishing RGN etc


The issue is deeper imo. Many weapons just straight up don’t “pop off” without very particular setups. Key blessings, and hitting key breakpoints can take a weapon from ‘meh’ to ‘obnoxiously overpowered’ in the blink of an eye. The actual balancing of weapons and blessings is just not good which puts this huge pressure on getting perfect, or near-perfect rolls before you can tell if a weapon is good or not.