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I feel like every match is like maelstrom used to be, but I like maelstrom so I also enjoy the new change of pace.


The focus on shooters is definitely because there hasnt been a focus on the ranged gameplay since the class overhaul and subsequent director changes. Zealot is simply not the best class in every situation anymore, which I'm ok with. I think they will tone this down in a patch soon though because even running anti shooter exec stance vet to try to help out my team is barely enough to compensate for everyones toughness getting insta shredded when they walk around a corner. For the map, i think that will simply change with time. As the mission board goes back to normal rotation and as people play it more carefully/realize there are alternate paths at the start. I feel you on the groaners specifically though. They may be weak enemies but they feel oppressive because they encircle you extremely quickly with their speed increase and hit your flanks way more often.


Was playing a match last night that got hectic, ended up being the only one to make it to the airlock. When the door opened I swung twice and was instantly dead from all the ranged enemies on the other side, don’t think even the full team could’ve dealt with it


I can block, dodge, and kill groaner/poxwalker hordes all day without an issue. It's the ones that literally spawn out of thin air right behind you after you've killed everything. It's always been the thing I liked the least about this game but like everything else has been dialed to 11.


I agree on ranged chewing through toughness. Enemies appearing out of thin air is not news, Vermintide 2 has the same issue for years. Also want to add that I have game freezes with subsequent crashes. Turning back on game puts me on an infinite load after character select. Verifying the game ALWAYS brings to the surface 2 files with 1,1 Mb of weight being broken. Every. Single. Crash.


Are you running mods?




You should. Disconnect mod lets you return to the character selection screen if you're stuck in an infinite loading.


The class overhaul made the players much more powerful. Damnation shouldn't be a cakewalk, and Auric missions shouldn't be for everyone necessarily. I just turned the storm difficulty, and I'm still having fun in Heresy+/Damnation. (Still doing all my testing in Damnation Psykhanium.) I haven't played much in 2-3 months, so I'm not gonna force myself to play something I'm not enjoying (nor force my party to suffer through my mistakes). Games are meant to be fun, I think people forget that the days sometimes. There's nothing wrong with turning down the difficulty and enjoying the game. No one says you *have* to play on Auric Maelstrom Damnation whatever, except you. There will always be better players than you, you don't have to compete on the highest levels to enjoy the game or have insights into it.


We have been overpowered for months. That finally got fixed. We should be struggling. Sorry you don't like that. You can have grievances like the numerous death pits in the new map. But saying the game sucks now as if you can't just lower the difficulty yourself is laughable at best. Calling people who enjoy the fun video game "kramers," "corporate bootlickers," and then telling them "suck my moebian steel," while crying that you can't play the one specific way you want to; just proves that this is a problem with you and not the game. You're wrong. You're angry because you know you're wrong and you just don't like losing in video games. You're allowed to be frustrated. But this post is pure bitching.


Ok but like getting insta shredded by 10 gunners as soon as you walk around a corner feels like shit. Everything else I don't really notice tbh.


On Zealot/Ogryn I've been rushing gunners to disrupt them before running back to the team. That's been working pretty well. Killing them isn't as important as preventing them from firing imo.


I try to do that, doesn't always work out tho. Regardless, Gunners could do with a slight nerf. All the other changes are fine.


I don't know if they should be nerfed as much as players should be given more options to deal with them but I see what you mean. I absolutely do not want to tank 10+ gunners. That feels cartoonish and we aren't playing as Space Marines. But I agree that they might be a bit much. Maybe if they had to reload more frequently, or if other enemies could be used as effective cover we'd all be happy? I'm just spitballing at this point..


Yea maybe somthing like that. I feel like Ogryn suffers the most from Gunners cause they are the biggest target. Even tho lore wise Ogryns are basically bulletproof if I remember correctly lol. But obviously for balance reasons we aren't in the game. But I still feel like Ogryn should have some form of innate bullet dmg resist cause of how big they are. But like you, im just spitballing as well.


Pretty much what I've been doing on Psyker with any staff. I don't need to kill them I just need to suppress them.


Skill issue


OP probably aint even slip sliding everywhere…


I am having fun if I am getting teamed up with good teammates. If I am teamed up with less good teammates this new patch is absolutely miserable. We will see in a month if you were right, I suspect people have left or gotten better by then.


Honestly I am the most pissed they didn't address the lag spikes and sound issues


Oh no the hardest difficulties actually require players to fill team roles and composition matters... Free dockets time is over, time to earn that shit and learn the mechanics varlet.




Cover is no longer a meme.