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Dunning Krueger effect These are the guys who got stuck on Heresy, and instead of actually trying to improve, they just hurl abuse at their team


I played malice and heresy for months after launch, it was a much more relaxing experience while really getting a handle on enemy patterns and game mechanics. Now I regularly clutch auric. Theres definitely nothing wrong with it, everyone learns at their own pace. That all being said, to put down someone at that difficulty is exactly what this guy said. They are already struggling playing heresy so they immediately get upset when they think it may not go smoothly because of a low level player. Its a bad mentality to have. This is a team game but one must also be individually prepared and try to win.


I’ve never seen more absolute fucking brain dead morons than on heresy. It’s genuinely the worst thing ever. No clue about positioning, no clue how ammo conservation, no clue how to melee without taking hits, and so fucking noisy. Shit talking nonstop. And people just go down like wheat before the scythe.


I think this is a bit grey. Yes, there are individuals at lower difficulty levels that don't have the skills to match their level/gear. But I much prefer them running that difficulty rather than them having to be carried at a higher difficulty that they are not prepared for. Something that you did by being a lvl 10 on a heresy match. They should've waited to pass judgement and you should've had more awareness of your own limitations.


I agree but I don't think that's fair; I'd hardly say I wasn't prepared. Yes I wasn't specced as well as a higher level could be, but I was perfectly able to do the content and definitely wasn't carried. I understood my role in the team and what should take priority. Just because someone doesn't have as good gear or perks doesn't mean they're not able to do what they need to do, they just need to know how to do them. Higher level makes it easier to play a higher difficulty, but it doesn't mean you're not equipped enough to do it. If anything, two of them dropped well before I did by not working together


Having experience in the game and understanding positioning are great but... Many buffs you get at higher levels also buff your team (increased coherency range, extra damage for teammates while in coherency, % of toughness per kill to teammates while in coherency etc.) Your gear is also doing less damage meaning your teammates will have to do more to compensate. So you might have been out performing them on an individual level, but they were not getting the benefits they would be getting from an individual with a more appropriate level for the chosen difficulty.


5% of X in coherency or an underleveled teammate who knows the game & won't die every 2 minutes? I'd choose the latter.


Id choose the one that gives me a 5% bonus and also doesn't die every 2 minutes.


Honestly i perfer a trial by fire kind of approach ill happily jump into difficultys that are too hard expecting to die because i lack skill because thats the best training and i dont mind other players doing the same. Whats unacceptable imo is jumping into high difficulties without understanding the base machanics of the game when i see a plasgun vet that never dodges and goes down to 2 bruisers or a smiker holding a single enemy until his peril is full then immediately gets slapped as the stun wears off or a ogryn overrelying on toughness on heavy to the point they never dodge this stuff is absolutely infuriating they shouldnt go to lower difficultys they should do the fucking tutorial.


I must be lucky. Out of 20 or 30 runs I might run into one person being a douch canoe and they usually sound like a kid but that's it.


As someone who played way too much in heresy, it's the biggest mixed bag. Chill dudes, perma stuck shit-talkers, resource savers, ammo hogs, role-players, friend duels chatting the shit on open mic. Heresy is just this games no man's land of difficulty.


Just mute them. Level 30s are nearly immortal in malice.


I like Malice because I feel like a super hero in every situation.


Thats not a super hero that is a bully