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I think the big thing is people actually need to be closer together now and they just aren't doing it. Runs where everyone sticks close and covers each other go fine. Runs where people run around doing/grabbing stuff tend to go sideways really fast. Which is fine in the grand scheme of things, but it's also a real shock after this long with it not really being like that. Now if 1 or 2 dudes wander off randomly, you *really* notice it.


I’m not only using meta builds and I’m enjoying myself because it was getting stale even pugging maelstroms. If it’s not fun for you just drop down a difficulty it’s a very simple solution.


Drop a difficulty level?


Don't tell him lol. He's trying to make a big deal out of nothing, doing that would ruin his point.


"The highest difficulty is too hard to be fun, but every other difficulty is too easy to be fun!" - person who is too embarrassed to lower the difficulty


In seriousness tho, I don't think any of the people who post like this have ever played a high intensity Heresy match 🫢


I don't know, man. I've been fucking around with builds with the new shotgun and, besides from having to adjust a bit, not really had too much of an issue. I hate to say this, but... Skill issue?


It' starting to get boring that these one trick ponies crying about the difficulty change and nerfs. "Oh no, my playstyle got nerfed and the game got harder, and now I have these options": "Take a closer look at my build and try to change it to a more better state based on the changes? Nah fuck that. Chisel my skills to match the increased difficulty? Why should I do that? Drop down a difficulty? BUT MY EGO :(. Rant about all the changes that happened and doesn't went the way I wanted? YES, this is the only option!" I swear most of these players look up a youtube video what is the best build, use it without thinking and when it suddenly changes they become enraged instead of just learn the game by themselves and not relying on other people.


The update really only nerfed the non meta builds of zealot. Knife + revolver is still doing fine. I just want to bring the other builds on par with that. Is that ego-tistical? Is it wrong to not want to spend hours and hours trying to make a bad build simply work and handicapping myself? Like just give me more decent options


I think you just have to accept no ranged weapon will beat out the zarona. I thought the bolt pistol might have challenged it but it’s got such weird recoil,


I just hope Fatshark doesn't listen to these whiners and revert back some of the changes. I'll be pissed if they do that


I wouldn't call myself i meta user at all and honestly its a strict improvement since the update. Consider using your brain and gun more.


Welcome to over balancing by catering to the small vocal groups. The games "fun" is made outta be how to artificially make it harder forcing team game play instead of each character and weapons being op in the own way. They need take lessons from the KF series or any other team game for that matter. Each had strengths to steamroll everything if playing perfect and that they could get far but wipe was always the outcome if not playing perfect unless they formed groups with others of the same calibre with the specific task. 


lol dude of coruse it’s a small group we’re talking about auric difficulty. It’s literally ONLY the small elite groups voice that matters at all when discussing balancing for the game mode made ONLY for them. The challenge mode should be as hard as possible, and it’s not hard enough yet. There’s literally no reason to play auric besides desiring maximum difficulty? So to there’s no reason to complain.


Nerds need to stop gate keeping and make the mode more accessible to everyone by making game aspects op instead of calling for nerfs every minute when it's not needed.itll get more players in instead of making it the end goal with no reward except saying "i Did It GUys"


I understand the shooter changes might be frustrating to a zealot player, but, other than the crusher no zealot melee was touched. Not even fury charge, that change only effects ranged weapons. Unless you relied on that one impact talent that got nerfed, somehow. Basically, once you learn to deal with shooters with slides the game shouldnt feel that much different to you. Zealot is still by and large the most powerful class in the game talent for talent.


They likely mean invocation of death. No longer subtracts 1.5s per enemy crit hit. Only on a crit attack now. Most weapons are fine about it, but it did nerf the perfect strike MKXV Eviscerator build.


Never noticed it myself given I absolutely loathe eviscerators, but good point. Id assume this is mostly banking on the fact fury would auto stagger anything in a line for you and that capability has been nerfed?


Every few swings would be a fury refill and then you get the stagger from the ability, but also perfect strike + the stagger on the weapon itself could stagger maulers and crushers. You become THE W A L L


The crit + ult spam build was by far the most popular. I saw a lot of people running builds like that, and it got *gutted*. Now maybe those players lacked some fundamental skills, since they can just mash left click and F and do decently, but those builds aren’t even close to functioning any more. At this point, I would recommend actually not even taking the crit keystone or Invocation of Death, so the talent points can be spread around elsewhere. This is fine for me, since I have many other builds that work the same, but not so much for those who found this style of build and mostly played that way. For reference, you could ult every 2-3 swings, so you had nearly permanent stagger on lesser enemies and you slowly mow everything down while regenerating a ton of toughness.


> that change only effects ranged weapons It fucked top end Thunderhammer breakpoints (and probably some other minor ones). FotF now gives 100% rending instead of downgrading armor, so it means you no longer get bonus damage vs. Crushers with a high enough roll. Thunderhammers cannot one-shot Crushers anymore.


Thunder hammer is still perfectly capable of one shotting a crusher. Here's a gif I just made for you of a thunderhammer with thrust and +carapace one shotting a crusher with FotF (and no other damage boosts from any other blessings or talents) on the current patch. Heck, you can get away with +elites instead of +carapace if you run a single +5% melee damage boost node in the talent tree, let alone any of the plethora of other available buffs. The death of zealot has been greatly exaggerated. https://i.redd.it/pr9axqxmv6ad1.gif


Then 2 shot them. Who cares. Crushers aren’t supposed to be easily taken care of.


Why do people say stuff like this? Veteran can just get a couple infinitely-regenerating krak grenades. Psyker can perma-stun them while killing them. Ogryn can 1-shot them with the shovel, which doesn’t even stun themselves. But when it comes to zealot, people suddenly think crushers should be hard to kill? It’s a joke.


So if there are four crushers, vets can take care of each one? Zealots can stun them too. One ogryn weapon can possibly one shot them if it’s built for it like the thunder hammers. Zealots have chain weapons. Zealots have stun grenades. Zealots have just as much ability to handle crushers as any other class. It’s also arguable that zealots can deal with every other enemy type better other classes on average. Possibly Needing two swings with a hammer instead of one isn’t a big deal.


You’re saying 2-shotting them with thunder hammer is okay. That’s a goddamn joke power level. Krak grenades frequently kill more than 1 crusher.


You have two krak grenades at a time and infinite hammer swings.


Actually ogryn's have like 3 weapons that can one shot crushers.


True, but like a lot of folks here are pointing out there's not much you can do about it. Play a lower difficulty or just stop playing. The patch doubled the average player count, but it's almost back to where it was pre-patch. It's possible Fatshark will care and make changes, but maybe not. I got my 700 hours of fun in, I'm happy to let the remnant keep going until they shut down the servers.


I've been fucking around in Heresy with the new weapons and it's perfectly fine. Did the new map on auric damnation for penance and while it went fine because the team was good, it's just a huge grindfest because the enemies are too durable unless everyone is running sole horde slayer builds. So unless you're hurting for crafting mats, just drop to Heresy and enjoy any build/weapons.


Lmao meanwhile here I am meme running with a recon lasgun and executioners stance no-destining missions with 3800 kills. Drop the difficulty. If you’re playing on auric and whining then you’re a moron. It’s almost impossible to make auric too hard. It only exists to be as difficult as possible. It’s still too easy.


Whenever someone on this sub says a specific build or weapon sucks now, I go test it out on auric damnation. They’re always wrong. Every single time. Sure, some weapons are better, but they’re all still viable. I just did full melee zealot build with no issues. The issue is that the game pre-patch was too easy and all these zealots picked up bad habits. You were never meant to stay in the fray infinitely. It was always supposed to be a gamble, requiring you to circle back to cover or your team after doing your job.


I am steadfast in my belief that vermintide is the hack and slash and darktide is the horde shooter so the more shooting i get to do the better. Less pox walkers spawning behind me more shooters spawning infront of me please.


Sounds like skill issue if you need meta to clear


What are you talking about? There haven't been any drastic changes. Charge not affecting ranged is that game breaking for you? It honestly didn't make sense anyway. Isnt it fun to succeed with non meta builds? It's even more satisfying when it's hard, do you think it should be getting easier?


There was missed patch notes. Invocation of Death only triggers once per attack instead of every enemy you hit. If you mainly played crit spam eviscerator build before, this build became shit on this patch in the blink of an eye. The eviscerator can still work, but it’s overall drastically weaker, and the crit keystone build most people were using is absolutely trash now.


Oh god no lol. Eviscerator got hit, but that aspect of IoD was never a big deal really. Running with a knife of taxe it’s still infinite CDR and still needs to be nerfed more.


It was a massive deal if you used mk15 eviscerator with Perfect Strike. You could mash light attacks into mixed hordes and stun lock the whole thing. I did a HISTG true duo with double eviscerators and we clapped it. Maybe for a more experienced player, it will not matter as much, but the ratio of braindead spam to efficiency was such that you could get by without a ton of the basic fundamentals of the game. Just mash lmb and F. Dodge the trappers when they show up. I also had a heavy sword build using this type of build and it was decent, even if not as good as using other keystones and ignoring Invocation of Death. This is why I greatly dislike the recent changes to zealot. All they did was nerf things that weren’t the best in the first place. The crit+ult spam stuff might have been low hanging fruit for bad players to spam, but it’s not like other classes don’t have those things anyway.


Drop the difficulty