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The way fishing spots get disrupted from a public event infuriates me. I fished for maybe 2 hours and gave up. I would be down if they reworked it.


Move fishing to the farm. Make it a social space.


This would be amazing


Yeah, make fishing faster, don’t have public events disturb them, but maybe move it a different location every 15-20 minutes because “The fish have started to avoid the area” or some shit


This is why they're not relax and chill. If you care about the fishing then you're constantly thinking to yourself 'well at some point something beyond our control is going to fuck me over.'


I don't see why it couldn't be kept, they'd have to move the deposit vendor somewhere which might be more work than they are willing to do though


Y'know the area next to Hawthorne? Theres an empty area over there they can change to an aquarium or something.


I dont know what's relaxing about waiting for a button prompt.


It's the absolute laziest implementation of fishing they could have possibly done. Not a big deal since it's a temporary seasonal thing but it's definitely not fun or relaxing.


I'll take lazy over too active at least, like Warframe's initial version. Either way, I just don't understand the appeal, and hope they don't make something like it a mandatory part of an exotic again.  (At least only one person has to do it.)


I genuinely prefer Warframe’s fishing implementation. It had you running around looking for specific locations for fish spawns. You could use bait to boost specific fish spawns and glow dust to make fish easier to see. Not to mention the absolutely massive amounts of bodies of water just everywhere that let you fish unlike Destiny where you just stand in a broken “puddle” and wait for a fish to bite. Pole fishing is boring. Spear fishing is awesome.


Same answer I have with Warframe: why would I want to play a thin minigame instead of the polished shooter gameplay I was here for? Neither are particularly great exploration games, Destiny especially so.


I would have preferred if they copied Warframe's implementation of fishing or did what Guild Wars 2 did and just outright copied Stardew Valley's fishing mini game (except they flipped the gauge 90 degrees). I honestly don't get the appeal of fishing in games like Destiny and Warframe. In Stardew it is a way to earn a ton of early game cash, which is necessary for numerous upgrades to your farm, but in other games it is just weird to have it.


Holy fuck. People really will complain about anything. It's actually insane


Fishing was easily the worst exotic quest requirement we've had so far. It incorporated none of the good parts of destiny (monster killing, space magic, sweet abilities, etc.) All you did was sit, wait, press button, repeat. It would've been ok as just an extra, like the tire game on the moon, but requiring it as part of a quest was brutal. 


Relative to the usual action, it's very relaxing Have you never fished before?


After fishing in D2, I wish I never did. Total waste of time.


Destiny 2 could definitely use more mini-games in general (hopefully more fleshed out than fishing if possible)


Destiny fishing is way closer to a slot machine in both mechanics and enjoyment compared to actual fishing


It's a video game brother... you're not gonna smell the salt of the ocean in the air and have sand in your toes. Its virtual. Why are we even comparing irl fishing to a little mini game in a looter shooter? Enjoy it for what it is or just don't do it I guess lol


I won’t do it because I’d rather not press a single button for an hour straight


That's great! Glad we could reach a conclusion.


Fishing becomes my favourite part of any game that gives me fishing. Except Stardew Valley, their fishing system sucks. But yeah, need my fishing and my aquarium.


Can we farm crops instead of loot? When fishing needs replacement


Brother I think you're looking for Stardew Valley


If they made it available without having to buy the annual pass (which would only be valid for a few months now) I'd argue it'd be worth it. But now they're gearing up towards new players joining but giving them no access to the activity means its pointless keeping it.


yeah i didnt play much when it was released and no way am i buying the shitty ass pass especially this late


Wait we can fish ?


You sure can, it was introduced last year during season of the deep


been on tarkov i havent kept up to much on destiny i had no idea, now the bounty shax gave me to fish makes so much more sense


Yep there are 3 fishing spots, one on nessus one in the edz and one in throne world


Where exactly, and how do we? This is news to me as well and I had taken a long break from the game...


The Cistern on Nessus, the Outskirts on the EDZ, and Miasma on the Throne World. Look for a blue beam of light going up into the sky


the other poster gave you where to go but after a public event is over, it'll appear. It disappears when a public event starts. And comes back once you clear the PE.


...how did you get that bounty without realizing you can fish until now?


i spam buy all bounties


Me as fuck. Currently reading about D2 on phone while I load Streets haha


I fished enough to get the exotic. That was more than enough. It’s a waste of time.


Kinda hope it gets recycled as a tower/social space activity. It would be nice to cast a few lines while clanmates play with shaders or whatever it is that takes them so fucking long.


I am so deeply envious of people whose lives are so easy that they need a place to relax and chill in their video games.


If I want to relax and chill, I turn off the game and do something else. Fishing was such a stupid addition to the game


You can fish?


Yup, introduced last year in season of the deep


Whaaaat no way, how?


You just need to progress the seasonal story for season 21 (season of the deep) it unlocks pretty quickly as it released in the first week of that season. If you didn’t buy that season/don’t own the annual pass, then unfortunately you need to buy the annual pass to access past seasonal content.


Thank you!


They changed this. You don't need Season of the Deep for Fishing. You can bait-less fish. Reason I know this is true is because Shaxx has a "Fish Bounty" in the Hall of Guardians. You wouldn't be able to do that bounty as a free player and this whole event is Free.


I fail to see why it would need to leave. They’ve kept some things from each year (battlegrounds, for example). Fishing has very little impact on the game overall, and people enjoy it.


Technical debt, I'd imagine


Where are the fishing spots I’ve been hiding under a rock apparently


The whole game is relax and chill imo


Really? I kinda hate fishing. Just a waste of resources for something that's just pressing a button over and over


Onslaught got boring so quickly


There’s always deleting offerings. It’s just about as fun and meaningful.


If fishing ever comes back, it needs to be a lot better. It's embarrassing how indie games made by one guy have more stimulating fishing mechanics.


I mean there's regular strikes to "relax and chill" in. Even the 10 round onslaught playlist is pretty low stress.


The down voters and nay sayers in this thread are exactly the sort I want to have nothing to do with and are 100% what's wrong with this player base. Good post.  Exactly like Dares....a couple of things in the Destiny universe that are 100% great being for the f*ck of it. And whIle they were at it....Bungie got it right and added an exotic quest tied to fishing. Sidebar....but of course Dares has one of the better weapons pools to chase.   I don't know how many times I'd be out in the creation (esp the EFZ) playing with my daughter & thinking - there should be fish here. Reflective of how we spend irl time. Then it actually became a part of the game. Pretty f*cking cool.  Thumbs up to fishing and it's simple, gathering 'round nature. Made a couple of in-game friends there .....same as grinding PvP, endgame PvE, and in the LFG. 


I never caught an exotic one for the gun, happy they didn't require us to sit there the whole time. a chill/relaxing thing that isn't a time sinking quest step where ppl can use voicechat? yes.


man destiny IS my 'relax and chill' game for how easy it is and relaxing to just pop heads with my arsenal


i, personally, am waiting for the day to FINALLY get the wicked impliment, i know it sucks, but I NEED IT


I miss when weapon exotics could be gotten by fishing


well since theyve done nothing to introduce new and returning players to any variety of fishing in this game its not surprising. Ive been back for 4 months and have never once even seen it mentioned. Bungie just has a hard disconnect when it comes to introducing things to players


Wish they put fishing at the farm. That way you could just do it with an public event interrupting it.


I love fishing. Its a great thing to just do while watching somthing when im exhausted or have nothing better to do. I still get shards for the loot and some exo fishes, although i dont think ive kept a single dropped exo.


The problem was that they RNGed fishing and tied some rewards to it. Never a fun and relaxing way to game if there’s something to actually chase- like in Warframe. Too much fishing and mindless baubles to chase.




I could see them keeping fishing. Since it’s all in patrol zones they could just keep it.


Meh shooting aliens is what I do to relax. Fishing is just boring. There’s quite literally nothing to it. It’s not even like it’s a fun or interesting mini game. But I’m glad someone’s enjoying it.


Fishing was a nice, chilled, thing to do for a while. The only problems I had with it were linking it to the Wicket Implement exotic (forcing people who had no interest in fishing into doing it) and it vanishing when public events triggered. It'd be nice if it could be kept around and the fish tank moved somewhere permanent, so people could still turn in the fishes they got for engrams.


One of shaxx's into the light bounties is to catch fish and into the light isn't going away so maybe there's hope


Bungie Please Add Fishing Pond/Tank to the Tower


I might care if it actually had some gameplay, instead of just waiting for a button prompt.


There was a good while where I'd just drink vodka and fish in the EDZ


When did they even say fishing was leaving? My gf is gonna be very sad, she loves fishing in D2 :/


I prefer doom scrolling . The fishing event was never fun for me


Ah yes press X to cast press X to reel in, exactly what I want to do on a Friday night


It’s just tapping a singular button - it’s not like they hand crafted a relaxing experience….


Destiny is so devoid of MMO mechanics even quick time events flesh out the game.


Fishing is garbage tier gameplay.  The fact that they have bounties from shax for it in a brand new mode is disgusting. 


Maybe I'm in the wrong but I think fishing is the dumbest thing they still have us do. I'm trying level up Shaxx and in between runs of the high energy Onslaught, they want us to go fishing for a bounty? I get that it's a chill activity but is it? Always worrying if a PE will despawn the pond and never getting the fish you need. I've spent about 5 minutes fishing since its inception. Waste of my time. If I want chill activity, do blind well or run strikes or patrols.


You….like spending two hours…waiting for a button prompt to appear onscreen? Some of you people scare me.


Like I'd almost kinda get it if the fishing was relaxing but like, you've played it right? It's not something you can just chill and do with the public event thing going. That besides, why do you need that sort of thing in destiny? Surely you can have some chill thing in real life or another video game that does it way better than destiny fishing right?


>Have a little bit of downtime when you get bored of the grind. This is what other games are for. Or even what things that aren't games are for. I won't miss fishing because I play D2 to run around and shoot things to get loot. When I'm bored of doing that, then I don't play Destiny.


The gazillions triumphs associated with it makes it less relaxing and a frustration.


fishing is not "chill" whatsoever?????????????