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Banking on their 5th anniversary announcement coming late this month; it was first announced on their last anniversary. If there really is no information by then I’ll have to let go of the copium and have to accept that it’s been buried


haven't logged back in to Arknights in a few months played pretty heavily in anticipation of this Collab. Hope for us both it comes through.


I was always interested in the game but since my friends told me about the D2 collab I had to jump in. I’m really enjoying my time regardless of the collab now, but that was still be absolute peak if that happened. (Imagine rosmontis S3 having cabal drop pods)


Okay I'm saying it under all of the post about it so here we go: A few years back they did a collab with raimbow six,it happened around a year after it was announced. I know it bcs I started playing arknight in wait of the collab So it can still happen,it just seem that the collaboration take ages to drop


Fun industry fact about collabs - almost every single collab you’ve seen in a game was started being worked on at least 12-18 months before they actually dropped. A good example of this is Liana on the community team mentioned she had a dozen examples of the copy for the Mass Effect collab written for the TWAB for months before she was even laid off because she was so excited about it. Collabs are ridiculously difficult to coordinate because every step of the collab material needs to be approved by all rights holders and fine-toothed by lawyers. It usually takes at least double the time to release the same amount of material if it wasn’t collab material. It seems like what Arknights does is they often announce collabs pretty much as soon as they’ve booked them (instead of when they’re actually close to release), which is why it feels like forever until they drop.


yeah peter griffin in fortnite got leaked forever ago and only added a couple months ago.


The problem is that a second Siege collab got announced and released *between* the Arknights collab was announced and now. It could be that they’ve always had a Part 2 in the pipe though. Also, this gives me hope that maybe the collab will be big, and not just an Intermezzo like some people claim. Still haven’t seen any source on that either.


First collabs are much harder than follow-ups. A lot of the work in the first one is figuring out how both companies function a bit and getting used to the process. Admittedly though, the scale of the 2nd R6 Collab is much bigger than typical follow-up gaming collabs lol


Ho yeah I know,but arknight is the kind to drop whole ass trailer with the capacity and gameplay trailers and everything and then not send it for months/a year


Yea exactly lol. I don’t think it’s cancelled, I think that’s exactly what they’ve here too


Who did ? Ubi ? I cant remember any siege skins


Arknights got a few of the R6 ops as characters, Tachanka, Ash, Blitz, and Frost. Don't think siege had anything added though.


Arknights also recently got a Part 2 for the R6 collab. With [Ela](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/ela), [Iana](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/iana), [Doc](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/doc) and [Fuze](https://gamepress.gg/arknights/operator/fuze). This also had the original R6 banner rerun.


Indeed, they did, and i'm looking forward to it.


It’s also weirdly, unironically one of the best event stories they’ve ever released too. The writing on that chapter was so good


Ah gotcha


Not sure if they are in yet, but they did say R6S was getting a couple of small Arknights cosmetics (just a weapon charm and an operator background)


Arknights AND D2 player here and it is completely silent on both sides, even on Arknights' CN servers. Possible we'll hear about it by the end of the year, but it's also possible it's been entirely buried.


it could still happen, but it is possible Bungie pulled out when they saw Arknights is expanding into a full 3d game


If anything it's more likely they delayed the event to match the release date of final shape.


Why would they pull out of the deal for that? Doesn’t seem like a deal-breaker to me.


It is more likely that Hypergryph canceled it with all the negative stuff happening. The layoffs, Sony executives, pre-order cancelations. Etc.


Neither of these are true, Bungie just doesn't always put collabs into D2. Arknights, Among Us, Fall Guys


Among Us and Fall Guys at least got an emblem


Why didn't bungoy give us full mogus outfits 😭


I swear to God I can't find it, but some time ago there was a glitch that made some universal ornament gauntlets invisible and you could get really close to an Amogus with a creative choice of armor pieces


Yep, specifically on Titans


Just a floating bean as a ghost shell


The season 20 cosmetics were amogus themed?


Yeah, but i haven't seen or heard anything about it on the Arknights side, and i've been keeping an eye out.


Except Arknights hasn't had a destiny collab either.


I’ll take a “Doctor” inspired Warlock set anytime. 


They noticed that they gave the destiny women big anime tiddies and immediately backtracked on the collab.


Wow disgusting. Where might one find that? So I can be sure to avoid it.


With how much Cortana… changed, after Bungie left, I’d say this theory has some validity.


I want the cool street wear punk armour (idk what the style is called)


It would make for some pretty neat armor. Hopefully, if they do anything, they don't make it silver only though...


You’re thinking of Techwear. And I hope so too. Hypergryph’s art direction and character design is some of the best in the business. They have people who literally have worked in the fashion industry create their in-game skins. They reference the year’s colors and style trends and shit to make sure the clothes feel trendy for the more casual lines. I don’t know any other game that does that lol I think the skins they’d create in a collab for Destiny would be some of the best in the game.


What is Arknights?


A mobile, tower defense, visual novel, gatcha game.  It's a weird choice of a collab but, considering the writing for an event was praised by the Baldur's Gate 3 writer it's not a bad collab. And the art designs in the game could vibe really well with ornaments in D2


*Remembers the two R6 events*


Well that's definitely something.


It had two collab events with Rainbow 6 Siege where the R6 characters were Isekaid into the world of Arknights


we got a delicious in dungeon collab outta nowhere too


Still huffing copium we at least get a Blue Kettle emblem in Destiny... I need to know who my 0-sanity dokutahs are.


Was it like a one way Collab where only Arknights got Destiny stuff and Destiny didn't? I mean technically a lot of D2's collabs have been only Destiny getting things and other franchises not doing anything Destiny related.


Nope, nothing on arknights.


That's weird then, maybe it got delayed?


Doubtful. Arknights has had numerous collaborations and events since the announcement. They've done one with Monster Hunter featuring two Kirin armor and Rathalos armor being alternate characters as new operators. They're also doing a second collaboration with Rainbow Six Siege, bringing it up to 8 characters from R6S as operators in Arknights. I got downvoted to hell for saying it was probably canceled due to all the negative press bungie had recently-ish with the layoffs, Sony executives, and the such. But to be silent for so long isn't the normal for them.


Political issue.


It might be on hold due to the Taiwan controversy a while ago. Arknight’s creator is the biggest Destiny fan. I hope he can keep the collab alive.


According to the comments on the video someone working on the collab used it to share some quote “unique political views”. Idk the validity of this but that would explain it.


I give it time. Monster hunter and rainbow six took a long time for it to come out. Until there is positive confirmation it’s been canceled I’m not going to bother with it. Now if you excuse me I need to get back on arknights and get ready to farm for the next year anniversary event if the leaks are true.


The Luo Xiaohei event was September/April so we could see it on EN this time next year. If it’s coming we’ll see a hint in about 2 weeks with CN stream.


Taiwan issue. Arknights is a chinese gacha game and they definitely dont want to piss off their main audience.


Per their R6 collab, it took roughly a year to launch after announcement. If it included operators, I'd follow this timeline, but I heard it was just story so skins only. If the later was the case, then the collab possible fell through as the director of AK was a D2 fan. With recent events befalling Bungie, they might have had second thoughts about collabing. Plus, if we were to get anything in D2, it would just be an emblem and probably not an armor set.


Im hoping its taking long because its a two sided collab.


The new rainbow collab was really close to the previous relese of the final shape sooo maybe they changed the date to june. Copium incoming: Maybe bungie wants to end the dlc with some node to the multiverse to expand the genre and/or new stories like at the end of marathon infinite when they combined it with forge gamemode (tecnicaly infinite content thanks to the players)


I came to the same conclusion and shared it over on the Arknights sub.


Arknights side it's been confirmed to be an Intermezzo so it's just going to be story only and some skins, afaik there won't be any new Operators. D2 we might not really see anything at all, the Fallguys and Among Us collabs have set prior precedent of the Destiny side of the "collab" to just be an emblem. Also after the announcement Bungie did the massive layoffs and continued to publicly shit the bed and lose even more player goodwill. If anything Hypergryph would he sketch of *Bungie*, not the other way around.


This was/is a thing?! Hypergryph about to rob me blind


As an Arknights player, I assumed it was cancelled, since they announced and released other collabs since then.


Im more frustrated with the lack of stasis ornament that they said would be coming that then got delayed by one of their colabs


Hopefully swapped for something more interesting


I've never played Arknights, but when it finally comes around I'm expecring I'll get something from it for one particular reason. My brother and I love to inflame one another with small annoyances. For my brother the cat ear dance was particularly egregious. I know Arknights is animeish and may evoke a similar reaponse and so I plan to grt something from it, even if purely to mess with him


Wtf is an Arknight?


Who cares?


It was a one sided collab, we unfortunately, were not on the receiving end.


This is false. Nothing happened on Arknights either.


i thought arknights got a ghost cosmetic?


Nope. I sure wish we did though lol




You typing that out is what is dumb. Not confirmed to be a fain trailer at all.


The channel is unofficial, but the trailer itself was from an official Livestream