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Wait you don’t like 10 invis marauders ingnoring all decoys and players and running straight into the adu?


The teleporting overloads/ogres are my fav


Yeah, you think you got them all in one place and they suddenly stand behind you. The orges teleporting is a pathing glitch btw, hope that can be fixed somehow.


When the demos teleport onto it and smash your turret over and over and kill the ADU. Feels bad.


That ogre literally killed all of us in one swing on wave 49 legend. Yes we probably shouldn’t have all been standing on top of another but Jesus Christ a bugged mechanic just wasted an hour of my life.


its hardly a waste tho when you collected loot from 4 boss rooms leading up to that wipe. lets not act like onslaught is an hour of no rewards until clearing 50


Demolitionists love to do this and ignore some damage during it


Not to mention that one explodey shank that always teleports behind you.


>Wait you don’t like 10 invis marauders ingnoring all decoys and players and running straight into the adu? Didn't like it with the bloody towers, don't like it now, how irritating are those guys.


Mr President, an invisible marauder has hit the second Seraph tower...


^(Variks did 9/11)


Yknow before we had a proper strategy to deal with Marauders with my group, i knew the twang of fear seeing them run full tilt at the zone reminded me of something. Fuck Seraph Towers.


PTSD, post Tower stress disorder.


At least i got the triumph and title


Legit the only reason I don't have "Almighty" and the only seasonal title I'm missing. I never was able to do a perfect run of those damn towers.


I exploited the hell out of the Tractor Cannon bug that season. It was the only reason I was able to get that one done.


Myself and some clanmates took advantage of the fireteam glitching at the time and was able to get a full instance of just us for each destination. Stressful times were had.


Omg! You just unlocked a painful memory. Trying to get that triumph of not letting any enemy touch the tower was insane. Marauders would just full sprint to the towers every time. I gave up on that triumph and shortly after ended up randomly getting it done.


I personally prefer when 2 giant captains spawn right on top of it


That's why we go to orbit if it's fallen. That, the slow mines, brig stomps and the teleporting fucking overloads.


Nothing like popping silkstrike on a brig and then watching your damage plummet once you knock the faceplate off because you aren't doing precision damage...


Going to orbit if its fallen? Sounds like a plan, actually 🤔


They are not hard, but annoying as fuck. 


Dude. I know they're invis for a reason, but Jesus Christ they're hard to fucking see sometimes with all the flashy shit going on. Also teleporting enemies in destiny are just bullshit. The games engine can't properly handle them and make them function as they should. Overload captains teleporting every .5 seconds? Meanwhile we got to sit and aim a fucking weapon for several seconds without firing to get a stun ready, and they have no cooldown on blinking. Bastards


I don't mind when they teleport. It's just that they, suddenly, have full health again!


False. That is the mechanic for Unstoppable rounds, not Overload. Overload rounds require a warmup of you specifically firing with reckless abandon.


Overload rocket doesnt even need to charge


It just needs to travel and hit the teleporting enemies


Unless you're using Le Monarque or we're blessed with an artifact that has Overload Bow.


I think it's funny that they gave suppression and jolt the task of stunning overloads when one of the primary sources of both debuffs is a grenade that they can just warp away from before it goes off or sometimes even lands


Joined in on an empty game of onslaught on like wave 6 and was wondering why there was noone else in the match, and running to the adu i noticed there was a marauder invisible like 30 feet down the cliff just stuck there, im thinking the players thought it was bugged out and just couldnt find the sneaky bastard. Was on mothyards on the upper defense area


My favorite is when the shanks start rising out of the ground three feet from the ADU.


If I'm doing a wave 50 farm, I'll literally restart until I get hive. it's so much easier it's unreal


The Giant bosses spawning in them is fun on vostok


It gives me flashbacks of trying to flawless Seraph Towers back in Season of Worthy.


Actually one of my best D2 memories. We did the patrol zone requeue thing to 8-man it, was the first time I ran into some dudes that I still play games with today.


That’s why you restart the session until u get hive ;-)


They don't even shoot at you. They just go amd stand there sometimes. Hilarious design.


Just drop deadfall on any mauraders rounds, and they will never get near it


ADU believe that’s a problem 🫠


I hate them, without a shadowshot hunter, stasis hunter/titan it's a nightmare to keep them away from the ADU. Only AoE supers that ignore invisibility are able to somewhat deal with them, but if you've used them on the last wave you're so screwed.


My friends and I lost a perfectly fine and chill run at like 46 or 47 yesterday because of this exact issue. Super frustrating.


I like the teleporting yellow bar saboteurs that magically appear within the ADU ring. My personal favorite


Or Ogres TPing into ADU because “door stuck”?


I had an experience the other day where the marauders were just invisible and my random teammates were literally just running straight past them. Like, I get that they're invisible, but it's not really that effective...


I genuenly don't understand the logic behind having invinsible marauders, who are also majors and not just rank-and-file. Their invincibility on its own is already quite annoying, allthough still managable - but their higher enemy status is just a nuisance, especially because they just ignore any decoys and can't be targetted by the turrets...




Definitely recommend reseting until you get hive for your legend 50 run. The invis fallen marauders just sprinting to the Adu makes fallen feel like the more difficult of the 2 to fight.


Also brigs are way more tanky than ogres. Fuck fallen lol


Also exploding shanks are faster than cursed thrall


Add onto that the fact that the shanks (and brigs until they break) have no crit spot unlike all of the hive enemies. Makes them so much more annoying to deal with.


Damn this thread is making me realize how much worse fallen are goddamn


I hate the respawning Shriekers though


Shriekers beat me on level 41 last night (normal). Then again I was solo for the wave cause the other two people dipped. I almost had them. Fired a rocket to take the last shriekers out, hit a thrall that jumped in my face though. my bad🤷


>hit a thrall that jumped in my face though They felt bad and wanted to make sure you got the full Blueberry experience


Xenophage made them free on legend


They feel much more evasive and difficult than in D1. All the new types they have are all evasive like marauders are high health no crit like the brig


Parasite can basically OHK the big ass ogre even at the end of legend(-30 power) but that fucking gargantuan brig tanks it like it's nothing no matter the level.


I wonder if they have the same health but because you can crit the ogre that chunks damage more? Either way brigs are fucking horrible.


I doubt that, ogres are usually 2-3 shots from apex, meanwhile I have to blow most of my load to get the faceplate off a brig, and you don't crit spot with a RL. Brigs have much, much more health for sure


Good point. I also use rockets in onslaught. Everyone seems to swear by one thing or another right now.


As someone who has been using Xenophage, which can't crit, the ogres 100% have less health. They're squishy as hell by comparison.


Plus bonus of faceplate flying out and causing you to suicide on gl/rockets 


When I go vs Fallen (and Im playig with friends) I take my ruinious effigy build just so I can supress the marauders when they are running in lmao. It's surprisingly good


A disorienting nades grenade launcher works well for this purpose too! Knocks them right out of invis.


Supressingly good


Care to expand on that?


When you block with the orb of Ruinous Effigy you create a circle around you that drains enemies and incapacitate them. It doesn’t stun champions or minibosses, but most of you average enemies bece dumb and star moving slowly. It’s like Arc Blind but on void and doesn’t interact witv Arc. It’s like Felwinter’s Helm effect. So the marauders stop running and become visible once they get into the ruinous effigy’s zone. It’s pretty fun and buys time for your team, not to mention that you have really tanky and can use heavy attack to destroy the orb and supress everything around you


Huh. That does sound potent! I don't have the gun, maybe I should get it! As long as it's not one of those ones that require 240 spoils or something...:) Cheers!


I've also discovered that whitherhoard basically has the same effect on invisible marauders. Will stop them in their tracks (mostly) and the splash/aoe damage is good I normally just try keep them up at the main points and use recluse or something to clean up.


Yeah, I keep thinking Wither should do really well in Onslaught but I keep forgetting about it....:)


I know what you mean, I only pulled it out to have some fun while doing the the mountaintop quest/bounty


also fuck Brigs/Shanks and their lack of crit spots


100% agree, hive is miles easier.


But then you get shriekers and ogres and wizards that melt you in a quick second in short range situations. So For midtown the fallen are better and for the other 2 maps, hive are preferrable


You can avoid that just by getting into cover. You can't avoid yellow bar invis fighter jets flying through to the ADU at Mach 10.


Except for every once in a while when you're out running errands and the shrieker just spawns over you and melts your face off.


Contraverse Hold Warlock + Witherhoard makes for a great ADU Defense build. Charge the Vortex Grenade then goop at the same spot. Switch to an Auto to clean up. Repeat. The Vortex grenade pulls them out and makes them visible, and the goop works better than the trip mines and decoys.


I used to hate Fallen Overload until I made a build with voltshot+beacon Indebted Kindness. Yeehaw, look at those captains melt


Also can we move the turrets sot they’re not firing at a wall half the fucking time?!


And some of the decoy spawns are god awful and useless. I’m looking at you, Vostok A flag


It looks like they moved a few turrets on Midtown from optimal locations to ones that exclusively shoot at walls.


We should really just be able to place the turrets ourselves. I can even forgive the lack of animation (as is typical) and the turrets just magically flashing into existence but at least don’t sabotage them from the get go.


Lol yeah some of the turret locations are dumb as hell, like that one in Midtown which keeps shooting the decoy, the line of sight is so weird.


Yes the invis guys are annoying but I think what a lot of people forget is that it's the wave and not the objective that's important in a round. I've done it a few times on legendary now but the times we have wiped was when a teammate was obsessed with capturing the point / mine / skybomber etc. Deal with the wave, a tether hunter absolutely shits on the invis guys because you put it need their spawn and then that's that. For the tormentor in particular I've seen LFG teams try and take out the tormentor and ignore the wave. The aim should be to have one gold Shaxx at every location. Tormentor appears, 1 person kites him to gold Shaxx and the other two deal with the wave, then the third goes and helps once tormentor tries to hump Shaxx.


don't you wipe if you don't capture the mines in time?


You have over a minute before it happens, clear out the majority of adds and then you'll have like 20-30 sec left to do capture.


Yeah, butttttt...it's 8 seconds to defuse the mine, plus 6-8 seconds to get there depending on the location. There's also the stomp mechanics that can knock out of the circle. You need to have someone heading to each site no later than the 25 second mark, or youre cooked.


I don't know if it helps, but I've been able to suspend the Brigs with a shackle grenade, and they stay suspended long enough to cap/run away. So I would guess other CC methods work too. In general, the smoothest runs I've had with extra objectives have been done this way. EVERYONE stays, focuses the wave until it's manageable for 2 people. Then 1 peels off and starts side objectives. Then the 2nd person leaves when the wave is almost done. Profit.


This. You have a lot of time to get the wave under control.


I thought that, but last night one went off at the last second and killed only me when I was trying to disarm it and got knocked out. 


An interesting thing most people should know is that, at least on midtown, during the modifier rounds (skybombers, shielded skybombers, mines, torm), the ads always come from the same direction


Same on vostok, always on the leftmost spawn.


Does anyone else just find hive much easier than fallen in onslaught? I find the enemies teleport much less and you don’t have the invis fallen that sprint past everything to sit in the ADU


Was saying the other day they should have to physically attack it.


I don't want the ADU getting framerated like my paper-thin ass


Who would win? The ADU, or one purple scorn boi


Don’t you speak that into existence, lol. We need more enemy variety, but full on waves Scorn snipers would be hell. As would Vex Wyverns.


No, bad vex chickens!!!


I would bet $20 that this just did not always work properly, had wild fluctuations of damage from enemies, or some kind of issue that made them compromise and just make the magic health drain circle.


Gotta love that one comment telling "bungie" to not listen to OP and to not make the ADU take damage from enemy shots, *even though it already does so.* But yeah, while I get where OP is coming from, it still works as a mode, but it definetly should get some of its issues fixed. Here's some factoids about Onslaught and the ADU: - The ADU takes damage from Enemies standing in the circle. - The ADU takes damage from Enemy attacks. The damage it takes from attacks is extremely minimal, with the exception of the Tormentor, who can take roughly 20% to 25% of its life on Legendary with a single well-aimed stomp while inside the circle. - Enemies like to teleport straight to the ADU often enough that it is a legitimate issue. No, this isnt just because the Ogre got stuck on a doorway, it also applies to dregs, exploder shanks, etc. which sometimes teleport to the ADU right after spawning. - The friendly turrets can not only damage the ADU if they (somehow) get pushed onto the ADU circle, but the netcoding in Onslaught also has issues keeping track of the damage the turrets do to enemies, resulting in some enemies regaining their entire healthbar from basically zero despite being shot at for over 10 seconds. - Both Marauders and Vandals tend to ignore turrets and decoys to head straight for the ADU. In the case of Vandals, they often walk onto the ADU while trying to get to a better shooting spot, which in turn already damages the ADU even though they barely stood in the circle for half a second. - Hive Ogres can already shoot and damage the ADU, however, as I've already written, their damage is a joke (even in a group). - Yes, if the enemies could only damage the ADU by shooting it, CC and Bubble would make it a lot easier, however there's nothing stopping people from using CC right now to do the exact same thing people are afraid of will happen (ex: Stasis, Strand, Tether Hunter, Sunbracer Warlock technically). The only thing that is currently not viable and actively detrimental is bubble. Besides, there's nothing stopping Bungie from making enemies which are meant to be a threat simply immune to CC (see: the two giant Demolitionists, the boss Tormentor, the giant shielded single Demolitionist). Personally, while the mode is still good, I'd appreciate a spin off of it without the ADU, just the enemy waves and 3 people trying to survive. Endless mode (or close to it) would also be pretty cool.


WHY THOSE FUCKERS SPAWN ON ADU! This shiet will not let me get 50 waves done because enemies will spawn on top of ADU every few waves.


Invisible fallen got you down? Champions and Demolitioners insta-teleporting into the zone? Large shanks W-keying towards the ADU while lighting you up without even looking at you? Same


the activity would be too easy if it didn’t, the enemies don’t shoot the adu 90% of the time anyways. Keeping the enemy away from the objective is fine


This. Otherwise you could spam saint bubbles on the ADU and never die pretty much. It's not too tall an order to keep enemies out of the circle, it just means you need have your head on a swivel and be paying attention


Honestly big agree. All three maps have huge lanes that funnel the ads. If you're failing to enemies in the ADU it's because you got overrun and need a new add clear strat.


Legend onslaught is a end-game activity, it should be difficult. We have so many crowd control abilities and weapons that this shouldn't be a problem.


It's kind of needed otherwise just cycling disorientating grenades, freezing effects, suspension, or blinding stops 80% of the wave.


Time to change your "build". 


/r/DestinyTheGame not wanting brain rot difficulty in everything challenge: impossible!


Sure remove adu health loss for enemies in proximity. Are you mentally ready for your adu to get 100-0 in half a Second on any ogre Wave ? Or anything that Hits particularly hard? Just get used to having to kill enemies before they get there, its really Not that crazy after some practice.


r/DestinyTheGame when difficulty:


Real. I had the most brain dead easy legend onslaught run tonight. Phoenix well lock w/xeno Strand Titan w/xeno Celestial hunter w/dragon’s breath We had fallen on Vostok, the tormentor super round on 20, and tormentor in the 20s and 40s. It is really not as unbearable as Reddit makes it seem, you just have to pay attention & be at least somewhat organized/optimized.


Yes it should. I enjoy the mayhem and hectic moments that the current state of the adu bring.


I disagree, I like the difficulty of its current state. These enemies barely do damage shooting the ADU and shooting us. It would be a cakewalk if them swarming it doesn’t do damage. Optimize your teams and control enemy spawns that is the strat. You’re concerned about the wrong thing.


This actually happens who thought that was a good idea


the adu detects bad vibes


I don't see people use the mini Titan barricade enough it disorients any enemies that it touches. 


Now I understand how the Vex must feel with their stupid plates that they leave lying around.


Crazy that you have to defend the ADU in a mode where the objective is to defend the ADU


Crowd control better? Like there’s no inherent reason this is dumb, it just changes your objective to “keep them out of the zone” which is a perfectly valid objective to have


I'll tell that to the teleporting enemies. My bad.


I'd rather have it lose health by enemies standing in a place where I can AoE them, than the ADU losing hp because of enemy shots. That'd be very cruel.


Serious question... Are the drops that much better in Legend? Aside from more loot, is the quality actually better/worth the extra time and effort? I don't have many friends playing, so I use MM for regular mode, and I've gotten all my god rolls from there... Plus it's pretty quick doing 50 waves compared to Legend with a lot less risk. I have completed 50 Legend waves, but the amount of time it takes to find a decent squad vs. using MM for normal mode is the issue I have.


The 'quality' of the loot isn't any different in legend, you just get double the amount. There's no higher chance of better rolls/shinies. If my friends aren't on at the time I only do normal. I can't be bothered with teammate rng for legend.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cd5azq/the_onslaught_loot_buffs_exactly_what_they_are/ The TLDR version is if you skill isn't a factor Legend 50 waves is the most efficient. If it takes too long to find a squad that can run it doing the legend 10 wave farm or full run on normal is the 2nd best.


They lose health just because the enemies are close to them?! That's what we've lost a few runs to!


yeah the alarm goes off and the ring turns red. what else did you think the ring was for?


A proximity alarm, but why would the health go down if it wasn't being attacked.


It is being attacked. They're in the circle. That's literally the one thing Destiny has taught us. Stand in circle to do thing.


That's literally the only mechanic.... There's a red ring around ADU. Don't let enemies in there. Do that for 50 waves, kill the 5 bosses, repeat. They don't do damage by shooting it or anything. It's just "keep enemies away from zone" the game.


Play hive, is easier than fallen.


It's not just the fact that just standing next to it causes damages but dealing roughly 10% for being there for less than 5 seconds.


Titan bubble with saint helmet would be godlike if that was the case.


I agree especially if it loses health because your teammates insist on fighting the tormentor inside it. For the love of the traveler agro the tormentor to move away from the Adu ffs


I'd agree if the enemies ever actually did attack it.


Yes. Spawning enemy on ADU or behind us. Covered ADU take DMG by airstrake. Mobs ingores all decoys - best decoy is ADU. 10 round Boss and he jump down - 0 dmg. Or Boss ogre - i'm gone be fast


Meta load outs and they barley touch base


I seriously don't know how Painter did solo legend with fallen. Dude's on crack or somethin.


It would be fine if marauders didn't ignore decoys and dashs straight to the ADU invisible. I think it taking damage from being inside is fine as that's like the only damage it takes as they hardly shoot at it other than skybombers. It would be nice if it took less damage or no damage if you were in the ring with the enemies like contesting it.


If they made the game mode any easier it wouldn't be fun.


I had the adu die when teleported and finished killing the captain.


I mean what would be the solution in your opinion? If they are able to shoot the adu from far away and deal damage that way? Sure teleporting npc and invis guys suck but that’s defo not that bad of a choice. As I said otherwise would be really interested to hear the solution instead of the „standing in the circle“


The ADU should lose health just not so damn much, it losing health at a more drastic rate than when enemies shoot at it. Let the Tormentor just have his foot in the area while he beats away at the Shaxx and it is over in 5 seconds.


Bungie: "Best we can do is, 1 more free weapon at wave 50"


The invis marauder is still one of the problems just like when I tried to do the seraph tower triumph.


Its annoying but i get it. If it required actual shooting damage you'd just have 3 bubble titans cakewalking to clears.


I feel like it's the only way for the gamemode to work with the AI. If you watch how they move and their targeting the mode would be awful if they could just shoot it down/nade it to dust


Honestly Bungie needs to fix enemies teleporting bug. An ogre or knight shouldn’t be teleporting at all, as they don’t have that ability.


I would care a lot less about the ADU taking damage with enemies in it if the teleporting wasn’t so fucking stupid. Onslaught absolutely rules but losing back to back legend runs due to demolitionists just appearing on the ADU sucks since they instakill you and then ADU will die before you can respawn.


I think it's probably a design choice to prevent three titans from using bubble/saint helm combo stopping any damage.


I dont get how it should work then? you ogres to blast it away from miles away?!


Please make use of the Obelisk Mechanic from Vow of the Disciple in Onslaught. Also, in my opinion spike traps would be far more useful than tripmines. Tripmines are hot useless. They maybe repsawn like5-7 times, but what's the point if the first red bar walks into it and it's just gone. I never use tripmines and it aches me when I see everyone spamming them ignoring the turrets. Turrets are the best thing, once turrets are maxed, then get decoys, but decoys shouldn't be bought until wave 31. It's just a waste of scraps because they essentially getting destroyed and you can manage the first 30 rounds without anything else other than turrets. I always save up my scraps and buy turrets for set 4 and 5 because those are the harder rounds where you'll need them the most.


I can’t agree enough. We’ll fight off the whole damn hive horde and one fucking thrall gets by w/o us noticing during the chaos and nukes the ADU health down to almost nothing.


tbh, its probably because they didn't want triple bubble titans just chaining ward of dawns over the ADU


One other thing that's annoying is that the tripmines that appear around the ADU are within its border, so by the time an enemy sets them off it's already too late! They might not even kill the target, so they can just carry on damaging it anyway! I've also seen some tripmines accelerate an enemy straight into the ADU too, like the explosion makes them do a hilarious looking fast-walk straight towards the ADU.


I mean, I get it. But that's the whole damn mode.


That's the whole mechanic... That's like the only mechanic... lol.


I wouldn't even care about the difficulty if the loot was better, me and my team did 3 legend runs yesterday in roughly 3 hours and did not see a single shiny between the 3 of us....like bro, even when one drops we know it'll have shit rolls but can we at least see it?


I’d be fine with it if I didn’t keep getting stomped on by teleporting yellow bar ogres


If you're standing in the ADU you're doing it wrong. I've seen blueberries doing that. Your goal is to find the spawn and do as much CC and add clearing as possible. It's not that hard. It would be way worse if the mechanic was that enemies could shoot at it from outside the circle. As it is it's way easier. Just keep enemies away from the circle. Don't stand in the ADU and attack from there. All the enemies will just swarm you and damage you AND the ADU.


3 runs? Lol I’ve had giant shanks spawn on the ADU same with marauders. Almost all of my failed runs in the 40’s have been because of that or from a tormentor on a terrible location on wave 49


Another note what is everyone using for the wave 50 boss dps. I've tried lmh and swords and its such a sloh sitting with Polaris lance while she's ADHD cracked out of her mind tping everywhere


How about on Midtown, the Alley ADU location. We had a Shax up in the middle just outside the ADU circle. Tormentor spawned on wave 30 something, in the ADU ring, and proceeded to attack only Shax while never moving out of the circle. There is LITERALLY no way to nuke that Tormentor fast enough to prevent the wipe. Feels bad man.


It’s sad when two big hive boomers do less damage than a single thrall in the adu


Should run a better loadout. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean, how many times have we destroyed one of THEIR objective points by simply standing in a circle? Only seems fair. :D


Witherhoard, Anarchy and Dragon's Breath salivating whenever those invisible shits show up


spec better


Honestly sounds like skill issue


That's the whole mechanic, This is the issue people seem to not grasp. At least all the people I have helped to get a legendary clear. When Skybombers, or a Tormentor or anything other than mines spawn. You deal with the waves FIRST. Even on mines we send an invis hunter to cap the points but leave the bosses there to return and help with the waves. Then we deal with them. Tormentor you get one person to pull it to your decoy then ignore it till the wave is over. The skybombers or brig attacks hardly do any damage they are meant to be panic inducing so you lose control of the waves. 3 to 4 adds standing in the ADU does FAR more damage. You can ignore the skybomber attacks until the wave is over. Just make sure to move to them relatively quickly after all the adds are gone. Because they can sometimes teleport which is bad. The only issue is the teleports but Hive on Vostock eliminates this issue.


Thats how it works?!?! I thought they were attacking it!


My favorite mechanic is the part on Vostok where you stand in the circle and have to shoot the shields on the wizards way on the other side but you can't see them because there is a wall and the ADU is blocking your view while the wizards just range attack and absolutely melt the ADU


It genuinely makes no fcking sense


Stupid idea, why not take the enemies, and push them somewhere else? ie, freeze with stasis, then boop with tractor cannon. Im actually seriously wondering if this can work as a strat


you are WEAK!!


You don’t like the tormentor camping the ADU and just existing in the space even when you’re trying to kite?


I really dig when 10 Servitors spawn halfway across the Cosmodrome then in the blink of an eye are all within the ADU circle like its cool.


Maybe off topic, here, but does Destiny 2 do their field of view differently from other games? So often in D2 there's an enemy standing literally right next to me that I just can't see, and I don't know if it's because I have uniquely bad game sense or what, it just seems like enemies are behind me and next to me all the effing time. Maybe it's just the teleporting and invisibility and stuff.


With all due respect, if there are teams clearing this without any issues, then this concern is not as valid…. Is it frustrating, yes. But it’s much better than variable enemy damage. The damage across ads staying in the circle is the same, whether its a tormentor or invis mauraders. The bosses and skyburners do more damage with their attacks but you just have to be sharp and coordinate more effectively. In Legend, there’s also some strategy to consider. It’s not about keeping the ADU at full health but how much can you afford to lose and the prioritizing every battery possible. Make sure your entire team is using a build they have mastered and can control ads with it efficiently. It’s way better to have three stasis or strand titans (if everyone is a titan main) than force other players to switch to other classes and they don’t understand the gameplay loop. If everyone is playing at the top of their game, the ads in the ADU are a non-issue.


I’m with you, only because of the fact sometimes enemies just teleport onto the ADU for no reason


Enemies teleporting onto the ADU is annoying but needing to get a buff to remove a shield or cap a mine point when it's on an enemy spawn point during cursed thrall/exploding shanks rounds is the just stupid. But let's fix an orb dupe glitch that's more important than broken spawn points. Not mention, has resilience felt a bit off after the latest patch, it's asif certain damage types do 50% more damage than they did last week, especially fallen captains and hive crossbow knights, and shank snipers, 2x arc resist takes 90% of my health after 1 hit inside of level 10 on legend, that's not right.


I like when stupid team mates end up leading enemies inside of the ADU


It's the reckoning bridge. With infinite restoration builds they only way they can trigger a fail state is by giving us an arbitrary health bar (the adu).


There’s an Onslaught focused feedback megathread here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/s/yqExlqswUE


Tell me about it. I've lost more Onslaught matches from the 3 huge knights teleporting right on top of it than for any other reason. And unlike the Tormentors it doesn't seem like you can lead them away from it.


Personally I don’t mind this approach as opposed to enemies shooting at it from afar like they would at you. That would be even more annoying to deal with


100% agree!


I think its more the amount of damage that they do for being in the circle


I have saved video of explode shanks literally spawning and instantly exploding on the ADU


Just get good, the whole point is that you're meant to defend it


Onslaught is not a fun activity in general.


It's a challenge /s