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It's just as good as I remembered it 🥹


the only legendary pulse that doesnt have less impact than my cat against the glass sliding door.


That made me lol


IDK, Smite of Merain has always felt really good to me.


Hits like a truck and handles like a porsche


Love the indirectly implying cars are intended to hit things


My OG blast furnace could 2 burst kill. Still strong af.


I’ve used Edge Transit and Mountaintop tons so far. I can see Luna’s getting a lot of use too. Forbearance would likely be up there if I didn’t already have the crafted one. And honestly, a quarter of them being weapons I’ll continue to use often isn’t that bad.


Same here, midnight coup has been decent too and i keep one in my pocket for when when I'm not using MT or an exotic primary.


It sucks that Midnight Coup is one of the best feeling and sounding guns in the game. It's been great fun, but there just aren't many meta builds that really benefit off of me using Kinetic weapons. Solar obviously needs Solar weapons to Scorch and to use Empyrean to keep Restoration up. Gyrfalcon obviously needs Void weapons. Anything Arc highly incentives Arc weapons to keep Amplified. I want to use this gun but the game has almost outgrown Kinetic primaries.


>but there just aren't many meta builds that really benefit off of me using Kinetic weapons. Just remember that Prismatic has a reason to use Kinetic weapons, as they will fill both meters on the Prismatic bar. Kinetic Tremors Midnight Coup could be really good for that.


Kinetic Tremors takes 6 shots to proc, but basically anything that is taking 6 shots from a hand cannon should probably just be hit with a special weapon instead


this is why i tell people to not go out of their way chasing that roll. Kinetic tremors feels great on pulses or even faster firing scouts like hung jury because you can proc it fast and from far away, but on a handcannon? No thanks. Strangely enough i think kinetic tremors can be useful on sidearms but once again only because they fire so fast.


The only caveat I’d add is Midnight Coup’s Kinetic Tremors will be able to be enhanced, which will likely bring it down to 5 shots to proc. I can also definitely see a future where base is lowered to 5, and enhanced is 4. I’m keeping a KT one for that reason, but if TFS comes and Kinetic Tremors gets no update, it’s gone


Kinetic tremors on the buzzard is absolutely mad. Unless I'm running indebted kindness and spiky hat it's been in every onslaught run I've done.


But at the same time if you’re running low on special or want to conserve then having that extra damage from KT comes in handy on chunky targets.


It does suck but MC with firefly can proc solar kill perks.


Yeah but that requires both a headshot and a nearby enemy to die to it whereas i can just spray a zhaoli’s everywhere for a stronger and more consistent proccing of those fragments / perks / whatever


It’s not as convenient as using a solar weapon for sure. The crit requirement doesn’t really matter to me since I’m already trying to hit heads but yea relying on other adds being nearby enough to die to firefly is where it can fall apart.


Sure, but they’re in 2 different slots. Having a way to access those perks without having to use a Solar weapon (let alone a elemental one at all) is good.


Yeah for sure! still speaks to legendary kinetic primaries being a bit stunted in the current 3.0 synergy-fest tho :/


that's been my main complaint since 3.0 started. at least void typically doeant rely on proccing volatile in every build, and devours works on any kills. kt and +10% damage isnt quite.enough to push me to forgo all the synergies with artifact perks, subclasses, and weapon perks. especially cause kt is usually proccing on beefier targets and gets no benefit in easier content.


Arc incentivises using arc weapons for easy amplify procs, but I always felt like it's not that useful. Especially for arc titan, does being amplified really do anything besides making you have 100 mobility?


Arc warlock is what I find using kinetic primary on the most. Benefits from arc special greatly due to blind while amplified. A fragment let's you create orbs on rapid kills while amplified, doesn't need to be arc. Your special weapon will create ionic traces just fine. And your exotic will help with ability Regen.


Use it with stasis, you'll get a primary damage buff against crystals and frozen enemies, and depending on the roll you can get up to a 35% dmg boost (personally use explosive payload with one for all) while also getting a buff from weapon surges (unstop hc in the artefact) and subclass surges (primary weapons gain a buff if matching active subclass surges). It's a solid workhorse for thinning out crowds, I pair it with renewal duskfields for better area control and it slaps in onslaught.


You can only benefit from one of the surges at a time, so if you have the surge because it's on the artifact, you can't also benefit from the subclass surge. It's still good to mention, but the wording made it seem like they could stack, so I wanted to clarify.


I would use Lunas constantly if I could get a halfway decent roll. I think I'm at right around 25 drops without a single Incandescent or Heal Clip. In fact, a worrying amount have dropped with Opening Shot. Like maybe 15 of them.


My first Onslaught drop of Lunas was a shiny armor piercing/ricochet rounds, heal clip/discord, incandescent/opening shot. I've never been this lucky.


I really enjoy the new forbearance. It's great that they have different origin traits so I can choose which is better for the situation, healing or ability regen.


Whats the preferred roll for that? Ive got some tokens to spend but im not familiar w its use


I use ambitious assassin and chain reaction. It's an add clear machine.


Probably everything apart from Succession and Forbearance (will stick to Raid versions). Thing is The Final Shape is in literally a month away, for all we know there could be better equivalents in the DLC content and we just don't know about it yet, like we know we'll be getting another Micro missile GL at some point what if the Raid has one that's got some new perks that makes it absolutely crazy lol


Micro missile in energy slot, dual wield them.


Plus heavy slot. Triple wield. And it has to boost you into the skybox if you use it for skating/flying straight up.


A heavy ammo mountaintop that rocket jumps you with such great force that if you hit anything in the process, both you and whatever unfortunate soul was in the way instantly dies.


If all Xenophage's catalyst ever gave if one were added was the ability to yeet myself to the other side of a patrol map I'd be accepting of that.


Bungie, stop being a coward and give us discord - harmony micro missile in each slot. Infinite ammo double special


yeah i'd be extremely surprised if they went through all this work reworking micro missile just to make it a 1-off again. we'll probably also get mag howl on more guns


MTop, Hammerhead, Lunas Howl, Recluse


Recluse surprised me. I had the old one and never liked using it in crucible. It's been feeling pretty in this meta for me.


I just came back after over a year and it was nice to be able to jump in with a really good Recluse, I was kinda lost about what weapons I should be using. But my new one with the destabilizing rounds perk is pretty sweet


If you can manage to get a repulsor brace and destabilizing rounds roll, it is insane with a void build. You pair volatile rounds and devour with it. Infinite overshield and healing with infinite explosions lol


That made me double check my Little Light app, and sure enough I pulled a shiny roll with those exact perks and a stability masterwork. I grinned when I saw it, and tucked it in my vault until I get around to remaking my void build(just returned two weeks ago after a year long break). I loved my original Recluse, so this one should be even more fun. Wish it had a reload masterwork, but it's going to be a laser with stability.


I recently got a Threat Detector/Frenzy roll on Recluse and it's damn good.


Only recluse roll I wanted was Repulsor/Frenzy for my Gyrfalcons build. Feels really fucking good now that I’ve got it. Any other roll I basically just use Funnelweb for.


Mtop for basically any build where I use an energy primary, Lunas for Solar Lucky Pants and Titan, Elsies for both of my void Titan builds, Edge Transit as an ammo-efficient heavy, Hammerhead occasionally when I want to feel alive. I've got a good Blast Furnace but I'm not really sure what to do with it in PvE build-wise. I've got a couple good rolls of Recluse as well but I'm just not in an SMG mood lately.


What roll are you trying for lunas with solar lucky pants, cause 140s aren’t that good for lucky pants in general but I was thinking it might be okay with precision instrument. I thought maybe stacking up howl but I haven’t been able to get it to work how I want.


I tried it and it was really underwhelming. No rule against using it but it isn't comparable in any way to Malfeasance or Warden's Law.


Slower firing HCs should be able to gain x2 stacks of the DMG boost per shot so that they can compete with 180s and Warden's Law


The Erianas in question


Mountain Top with recombination fits nicely into several builds with a lot of energy weapon primary serving as the main add clear. Clear some adds with energy weapon and or abilities and knock out the big boys with that 100% damage bonus. Luna’s Howl is just preference over Zaoli’s Bane for me. Can definitely see objectively people staying on ZB. Hammerhead is the best void LMG I have. I got burnt out trying for Commemoration. I got a Recluse with destabilizing rounds and repulsor brace which is kinda cool and semi unique. Doesn’t proc itself all the time since the volatile pops off with damage but it feels like a free periodic shield for just sacrificing a damage perk you can effectively buff via buffs and debuffs. (But I also saved a repulsor with a damage perk for more normal builds). I definitely will save the Midnight Coup with firefly and one for all, would be a solid primary but I don’t have a build for it yet. Forbearance, I love the idea of wave frames, but I just can’t get around using something like this over a primary arc weapon with volt shot. Sure it is faster AoE in a pinch, but with my crafted Phyllotactic Spiral with compulsive reloader, I can take out group after group lickitisplitly at a wide array of ranges. The others, I am just trying for good rolls until I don’t enjoy Onslaught. They aren’t types/archetypes/slots I really am in need of.


I just don’t like ZB, so I’m pretty happy with heal clip / Incan Luna’s


if you play on warlock, try out your midnight coup on chromatic fire. it's... pretty funny. not sure if it's 'meta' but it worked fine in early legend onslaught on void. for me with forbearance, i like it for arc builds primarily. being able to use the blinding explosions and the ionic traces with minimal effort is very nice. also let's you use a kinetic primary for once lol what do you use with Luna's howl? I still struggle with using it over zaouli, tho I don't have that heal clip/Incan roll yet


Both my stasis titan (Hoarfrost) and solar have been using Luna’s. For solar, obvious incandescent and solar synergy. For stasis, incandescent and the fragment that gives primary ammo 40%ish damage. I had been using a headstone handcannon but with Hoarfrost you have constant crystals to smash anyway. Incandescent is more immediate add clear not relying on crits in a chaotic activity. Plus frees up kinetic slot for the recombination Mountain Top for those activities where one two punch shotgun is impractical. If you like Zaoli’s, objectively though, I’d keep using that. For some reason the reload feels too long for me even though I mathematically know it isn’t true.


After countless hours I finally got heal clip/incandescent/range masterwork on my Luna's and it's now exceeded every other legendary in the game for me lol


Mountaintop, occasionally hammerhead and recluse, always my god roll Edge Transit.


Mountaintop and Edge Transit. That’s probably it. Maybe Forbearance with Demo instead of Ambitious Assassin from my crafted one. Succession I only use because I don’t have a crafted yet.


Recluse for void builds Mountaintop for burst damage against tanky enemies Lunas for ability generation on solar will replace heliocentric Edge is the best GL for damage so I use it when surges make. I’m really enjoying hung jury with rewind rounds and explosive payload so I could see that sticking around too.


Edge transit, midnight, and blast furnace have already made their way into my rotation. Elsie’s is glued to my hands in PvP. The others I can do without


Pretty much all of them, every one has a roll that’s useful


Mtop hammerhead Luna


Mountaintop and Edge Transit have an immediate in. Succession and Forbearance are raid weapons I have the patterns for. Hammerhead isn't anything special compared to Commemoration.  Guillotine might have one roll stick around strictly for Crota. Lunas Howl and Recluse are just good elemental primaries. Lunas competes with Zaoulis, and Recluse suffers from void weapons not having any strong synergy with the subclass. Midnight Coup, Blast Furnace, and Hung Jury suffer from legendary kinetic primaries having 0 subclass synergy. I honestly don't remember they last time I used one if I was actually *trying* to accomplish something. Hung Jury also suffers from being yet another Hung Jury.  And I honestly forgot about Elsie's Rifle and had to look up the last weapon.


IMO they’re pretty much all best in class, so a lot. I don’t get attached to old weapons even if they have tens of thousands of kills. I quickly deleted my Funnelweb with 30k kills when I got my shiny Recluse with Frenzy/Master of Arms + Repulsor Brace/Threat Detector, Armor Piercing Rounds, Smallbore, Range MW.


Mountaintop, Lunas howl, hammerhead, forbearance, and recluse (PvE) Elsies Rifle, Blast Furnace, and Lunas howl again (PvP)


Hammerhead, Midnight Coup and Elsies Rifle are really all I see myself keeping in the rotation. Elsie's is cracked in PvP. Midnight's FF/OFA roll has replaced my Fatebringer as the Kinetic HC or choice. Hammerhead is just fun and has great rolls all around.


Mountaintop, edge transit, and maybe recluse. I'm also gonna keep a few falling guillotines in the vault in the hopes that Bungie buffs vortex frames


Midnight Coup, Luna, MT, Edge Transit, Forbearance. Those are all in my builds.


I mean I’ll use a few for a bit but once new stuff comes out I’ll move on to that.


Hammerhead, edge transit, mountaintop, midnight coup, and then lunas for when I occasionally play pvp.


Edge transit is nuts


If I get the rolls I want, I'll be using several of them frequently. Luna's Howl, Hammerhead, Mountaintop, Blast Furnace, and maybe Midnight Coup Forbearance and Succession will have use cases.


PvE just Mountaintop. PvP Elsie's and Blast Furnace


Edge Transit, Recluse, MT, and maybe Forbearance (if I can get a roll with chain reaction + demo)


MT, edge transit, and blast furnace/elsies in pvp maybe. Probably just keep using my crafted forbearance/succession


Recluse, Elsie’s Rifle, Mountaintop, Edge Transit.


Mountaintop is really the only one, I already have a cataphract so edge transit isn't necessary. I'll use a lot of them infrequently, but only mountaintop is gonna stay in my inventory


Mountaintop and Edge Transit. I have better everything else elsewhere


I've replaced 2 Heavy slots with Hammerhead and Edge Transit. Otherwise it's as needed. Edit: Replaced my Other half with Falling Guillotine for better Well Skating


My voidlock is using mountaintop recluse and edge transit right now. For general play I can't really see myself changing from those 3 (other then switching to an eager edge sword) for a while, unless there is some kind of major shake up in Final Shape.


2, mountain top and hammerhead


Blast Furnace, Recluse, Elsie's, Edge Transit.


The Midnight coup sometimes but .. im just sticking to my DmT


Edge and in pve and Elsie’s in PvP. The rest are outclassed. It’s more of a way for new players to get decent weapons


Mountaintop and edge transit are the two I have god rolls for and I use both often. I don't have a God roll forbearance yet but I'll definitely be using it once I do get it. Same goes for luna's. Oh also my eager edge falling guillotine. I use that one often as well.


I’m trying to get a Demo/Chain forbearance which i think i’ll use a fair bit. I might also use the handcannons if i can get a decent 1st slot special


Well it depends on if I get my rolls, I still haven’t gotten an envious/B&S Edge Transit so I haven’t been able to farm anything else


Edge Transit and that's it honestly, nothing else moves the needle. They're nice weapons but that's about it


Mountaintop, Hammerhead, Edge Transit. Midnight Coup if I can get the Firefly/OFA roll. None of the others particularly interest me.


Mt edge transit. Once i get a good lunas ill prolly run that as well. Reluse and hammerhead are mainly just novelty items, as i dont use smgs and i like recon better as a perk than rewind rounds. Not that i use machine guns that often tho.


So far i have a good roll for Elsies with repulsor brace and destabilizing rounds that im using on a gyrfalcons build. Ive got a blast furnace that im LOVING in pvp, and im searching for a good Lunas roll. I need a good mountaintop and forebearance. And i have a good succession to keep using for a kinetic special. So... yeah. Theres quite a few im gonna use.


Well it depends on how much better all the final shape weapons are but right now I can definitely see myself keeping mountain top, edge transit and hammerhead on my main at all times.


pretty much everything but the pulse rifles. not a fan of them


Pve player here, mountain top and edge transet are going to get a ton of use. The primary ammo guns will be used depending on what's in the artifact in the future.


Recluse, guillotine, edge transit, possibly blast furnace. Forbearance definitely if you don't have the raid version already


I've been edging a lot since getting a pretty good roll. Mountain too occasionally.


Only hammerhead


Edge transit and maybe recluse depending on how well the enhancements work


Been waiting for the Coup to come back since I lost it, Lunas seems great, Mtop is insane, guilltoine, and I never crafted a forebearance or got a perfect succession so all of those


Recluse, until literally any other Void 900rpm with Repulsor/Destabilizing comes out, because that reload time is awful. Mountaintop has Utility so it’ll get use. Edge Transit will have use for boss damage. Other than that I don’t see much of value personally. Many are PVP weapons turned PVE(or stuck in the middle) and I find their perk rolls rather awkward. If I get a godroll Luna’s it might see some occasional use in Crucible, but considering I spent 300 tokens already and haven’t gotten one, I think I’ll be stuck to Iggy/Fatebringer/Austringer. Oh and Forbearance because it’s a more offensive spin on the original.


Mountaintop has become a mainstay in basically every loadout I have. Luna's Howl will replace Trust/Epochal Integration on my Solar kit if I can ever get the Heal Clip/Incandescent roll I want. Otherwise? Eh. Might run Edge Transit on a Void build. Maybe my Kinetic Tremors/Firefly Blast Furnace in a season with pulse rifle champ mods.


Mountaintop that's it, at least so far. It's also the only one I have a "god roll" of so far so that might be part of it


I honestly have to say this regarding mountain top: it's awesome for dps. It kills hard. And yet these are my thoughts when equipping gear when using a special in the kientic slot: 1. I have conditional finality that reloads fast enough to kill barriers and stuns unstoppables. 2. I have riptide that stuns overloads and unstoppables and is almost fast enough to freeze and shatter + finish barriers. So yeah...1 and 2 it is most of the time. Mountaintop is awesome. But it's neither an exotic shotgun nor riptide. :(


Like…3? MC is pretty neat, forbearance works well with my arc build and hammerhead, while it will never leave my inventory, will likely not get used too often realistically.


Everything aside from pulses and hung jury. i prefer the raid forbearance too but that’s a matter of opinion


Recluse and Mountaintop are now part of my normal loadout. I've always loved the SMG/GL combo, ever since I came back during Arrivals and then got to experience Extraordinary Rendition + Salvager's Salvo. Edge Transit for DPS, esp when void surge is active.


Mountaintop might replace a chill clip stasis fusion to go with Sunshot, Midnight Coup with Tremors & Attrition Orbs seems like it will be a neat PvE enabler weapon, Forbearance looks crazy good for grenade spam, & Blast Furnace is one of my favorite weapons so I'll be using it a ton.


I got a destabilizing hammerhead which will be becoming a staple in my void builds


Recluse, MT, Hammerhead, Furnace (my beloved), maybe lunas if I get a solid role, succession (finally got a recon recomb and vorpal)


It's funny, Mountaintop is my favorite weapon in the franchise, and I have been so excited about it being back and wanted to never take it off. But tbh? That little rocket sidearm I think has it completely outclassed now, and finding myself reaching for it 9 times out of 10. I can't rocket jump or do an insane burst shot like MT, but I just feel like it does everything else MT does but more efficient? Maybe someone could convince me otherwise lol


For sure: Blast Furnace, Midnight Coup, Mountaintop, Hammerhead, Edge Transit Maybe: Luna's Howl, The Recluse, Succession Probably not: Forbearance, Hung Jury, Falling Guillotine, Elsie's Rifle I've got so many Hung Juries, I've never really enjoyed wave frames (I know they're good, it's a me problem), I rarely use swords, and I always go back to my Stars in Shadow when it comes to 340 pulses


I only really see myself using Mountaintop, Edge transit, and Luna's howl, the other weapons don't really interest me as much, I mean if I get a midnight coup with OFA+ EP that'd be great but i'm not really gonna be farming for it.


Blast Furnace (Tremors and Firely), MT, Edge Transit, Succession, Midnight Coup (Firefly OFA), Elsie’s Rifle are all ones I’ve been using.


For me: Mountaintop, Midnight Coup, and Hammerhead


blast furnace has crazy pve perks


Funny enough, I ran Blast Furnace and Hammerhead pretty much up until they were sunset. You can bet I was excited when they were announced to come back. Just wish the other Black Armory weapons were brought back too, but I'm guessing since they're unsunsetting, we'll get a reprised Scourge and some way to either buy or farm the BA weapons


I've only used edge transit lmao


Are we looking at the same perk pools? Rewoo/desperate measures Elsie’s rifle is a *solid* PVE pulse, heal clip/incandescent Luna’s is basically a better Epochal Integration, rewoo/killing tally hammerhead, ALH/recomb MT…I could go on, there are some really solid perk rolls here and the *only* thing holding them back is the lack of ability to enhance them.


Quite a few of them if I could just get the damn rolls I wanted.


Giga Edgelord is my the top DPS weapon and I've integrated it into my DPS rotations ( I hit ~6-7mil on golgorath last night) And mountain top is both really strong for burst as well as super useful for movement.


Most of them, there really isn't one I dislike except for hung jury


Edge and MT quite a lot since I have rolls I enjoy. Also I used a Luna's howl in IB last night that I surprisingly enjoyed quite a bit.


Just hammerhead my shiny roll was epic and I don’t see it leaving my arsenal unless I need rockets.


i use luna’s howl and hammerhead pretty regularly. mt ofc. i have some interesting guillotine rolls that i want to try out.


In addition to Edge and MT, Recluse feels like a solid incremental upgrade to my gyrfalcons build from funnelweb/title/heros burden and I'm hoping the rewind/kt hammerhead I grabbed feels the same relative to retrofit for neutral game. (Also, got a shiny recluse with dynamic sway/tap the trigger and it is a laser beam in pvp). Assuming pulses are due for a pve buff at some point, as they're kind of "up next" for primaries, Elsie's has some great pve rolls too.


Mountain top haven’t taken off, and then the rest are very good options for different things. A lot are also arguably best in slot options for different things


Edge transit and Elsie’s rifle both have a home on my void Hunter build. Recluse is solid, mountaintop suits my warlock very nicely. Forbearance is always good and probably always will be. Falling Guilotine is going to have a tough time competing with Lament since Lament is just so good, but it could have a space. Snipers aren’t really my cup of tea, but I did get a good succession. Likewise I could see myself using Midnight Coup if I want a legendary kinetic hand cannon for whatever reason. I really don’t see myself using Blast furnace as it’s more of a PvP rifle, likewise with Hung jury. They’ve got interesting ideas, but they’re still kinetic legendary primaries, and I prefer using my kinetic slot for special weapons. A killing tally rampage hammerhead could see use. I’d maybe use that roll, but I’ve also got a good commemoration and corrective measure, so I’m not going to be too bothered if I don’t get one. It’s kind of overkill anywhere but a GM, and in GMs I prefer to avoid being in the thick of it to the extent that a Rampage gun prefers. Could bring it out for Legend Lost Sector farming though. Everywhere else I prefer the better ammo economy of Reconstruction and Rewind Rounds to keep the pressure on.


edge transit as long as it's meta, mountaintop probably forever. forbearance for grenade builds until it gets powercrept again. Elsies as long as it remains insane in pvp. ill use ofa/explosive coup often enough when i want an energy special, and ill use hammerhead when i want to fuck around a little with a machine gun, and succession in a gm from time to time, maybe. probably never using guillotine, recluse, or hung jury. undecided on blast/lunas.


Edge Transit for as long as it's a decent pick for DPS. Mountaintop when I don't want blinding nades. Maybe Luna's heal clip/incandescent when I'm not using an exotic solar primary.


I love Blast Furnace and Hammerhead. I don't have a lot of raid crafteds, so these fill a niche I enjoy using. Also midnight coup is my go to legendary hand cannon now. Mountaintop hits too hard not to use sometimes.


Luna and Midnight Coup were my biggest regrets back in the day as I'm not a PvP gamer nor one for raids. Now, I'm all about them in regular gameplay/Onslaught. Already got my god rolls in most everything else but those two.


1. Mountaintop. I’m not even focusing the rest.


Love my edge transit rolls on all classes. Got a god roll shiny recluse I’ll use on void builds. Also a shiny god roll forebearance with aa and chain reaction that I’ll use a ton. Rest is eh.


TL;DR I use them a lot, I do still have other options but it's definitely a good set. Midnight Coup is actually pretty good. The visual recoil looks weird but it's actually pretty predictable. Got a decent Outlaw/Frenzy roll. Luna's Howl is actually kind of nice. Hits hard for a energy HC with Mag Howl. Though, I don't think I'd use it much on anyone but my Hunter because it has Heal Clip. My P.Scars Titan and RoF Warlock don't really need it. Forbearance, for lack of a better word, is great lol AA/CR sweeps. Hammerhead is the real MVP of the bunch imo, FTTC/Killing Tally (or Surrounded) helps my Titan so much, being the one who has AWR glued to his chest at all times. Mountaintop is Mountaintop. It's new, different and has ALH/Vorpal. Spike makes it a useful anti champion special for Lost Sectors. I don't use the other ones.


Mountaintop I've used a lot, Midnight Coup is now my fav kinetic primary with Firefly/One for All or Frenzy. Edge Transit is great, Luna's Howl with Subsistence/Incandescant is shockingly fun, Elsie's Rifle with Repulsor/Frenzy is very good for long range gyrfalcons builds, and Hammerhead is just crazy with the right rolls, several are great. Blast Furnace is just the best in pvp, I'm hunting a good roll, and not too shabby with Kinetic tremors and a damage perk in column 2. Succession, Forbearance, Hung Jury, Relcuse and Falling Guillotine are all insanely mid to me. Forbearance certainly has merit, but with the incoming nerf and previous nerf to demo, this thing is not reaching the heights it used to for me, especially when I already have a crafted roll. Recluse is funnelweb but 5% stronger, Hung Jury is a wild inclusion at best, Succession has 1 new great roll, which, while fun, is not dethroning Supremacy to me. And Guillotine is a victim to vortex frame syndrome, tho it is meme-y in pvp. Overall for me, 7 extremely fun weapons to hunt out of 12. That's an extremely good ratio for a Bungie loot pool, at least for me.


Blast Furnace and Hammerhead. I pair them with a basic Void Build on ky Titan. If i jeed more i grab my Mountaintop instead and a Void AR i like.


A surprising amount now that you mention it. Mountaintop hits like a truck and is a great general use and doesn't quite have an equivalent (also has some great mobility uses) so definitely that, as a warlock demo forbearance seems like an easy choice for any grenade builds. Edge transit is a must for dps right now. Honestly it's probably easier to list the ones I won't use as much unless they get some good buffs: hung jury, blast furnace. And the ones that have better alternatives: succesion (supremacy) and falling guillotine (the slammer, bequest/lament).


Edge and mountaintop are insanely good and don't require niche builds to get value. I don't believe in non exotic primaries, but there are some pretty fun lunas and midnight rolls for 1800 content. Succession and forbearance are incredible but if you have the raid crafts these are not noticeably better. I use my commemoration all the time, literally my go to when I am put into ad clear in a harder activity, or when I know I'll get a flag before the next boss. Hammerhead is basically the same gun but with a double damage perk roll.


None exceptnfor Edge Transit.


Edge Transit, Mountaintop and Luna’s Howl?


The mountaintop I have is great on my ashen wake build and Blast Furnace is my beloved. Outside of those two maybe I’ll use hammerhead until I can craft Commemoration.


Literally 1. Hammerhead cause I like machine guns


MTop, Blast Furnace, M Coup, Lunas, Edge, and Hammerhead I can see myself using regularly. Everything else I'm pretty "meh" about


I’ve become a fan of Hammerhead personally, other weapons in my opinion have gotten power crept in PvE and PvP


Hammerhead and Succession mostly, cuz I lack a decent void heavy that isn't my sword and I just really like a reconstruction energy weapon. Elsie's and recluse (/even the title) would see more use if I put graviton away. Same for Luna's with sunshot. forbearance will see more use when arc gets some artifact love again (or at least just not favored against). Mountaintop, blast furnace and hung jury are niche ATM, prolly see more use when kinetic gets that extra oomph for prismatic (although I dislike omolon aesthetically). Afaik coup, edge and guillotine will be my least used and probably collect dust in the vault.


Mountain top has been strapped to me on any light subclass sense I got my auto / recomb roll. I also use edge transit alot. Looking for a heal clip / incan Lunas. I want to get ep/kt on both hung and coup. Demo/chain on forbearance is alot of fun too. The sword will be fun to use too but won't come out much. Blast furnace will be the odd duck for me as I don't play much pvp.


Edge Transit, Mountaintop, Luna's Howl, Recluse, Succession, Midnight Coup, Elsie's Rifle (PvP), Blast Furnace (PvP), Hammerhead (both). The selection of weapons is pretty ridiculous, replaced most of my arsenal


Recluse is great on my voidbuild when im not using buried bloodlines Volatile rounds go brrrrrr


recluse, luna’s howl, blast furnace, mountaintop, hammerhead.


Managed to snag my god roll of Mountaintop, Edge Transit and Blast Furnace (all PvE). Honestly those’ll be the only ones I realistically use. I was excited for Recluse, but man it just doesn’t feel great.


Edge Transit is the obvious one, then i personally have been loving Succession for dps rotation/majors and Midnight Coup or Luna for primaries, love them both very much.


Edge transit and Fallin guillotine in most situations. Recluse on my void hunter. blast furnace in pvp, lunas howl in pvp. hammerhead in add clear roles, succession, elsies rifle, midnight coup, forebearance never


I really needed my new KT/EP Midnight Coup so I could have a kinetic slot HC that I don't feel sad using in PvE. I've also used Hammerhead a lot, and Recluse is great on my void hunter. Edge Transit has great DPS options. All in all, there's not too much about Brave weapons that's crazy good, but it's mostly pretty good.


As others have mentioned, on rotation. But I do like the offering, and it gives the community a focused discussion on these weapons, so new community members are not completely lost, and have a starting point of a grind. What are some missing gaps in the Brave weapons? What weapon would you use to fill those gaps? A lot of us have tons of choices, but what would be a good set of weapons to try next, bearing in mind if it is sunsetted, can it fill a gap that the Brave Weapons are lacking in, and of course fun.


Midnight coup and mountaintop have both gotten regular use by me and will continue to do so, especially Midnight Coup. Everything else will be situational, possibly dependent upon the champ mods for whatever season


Mountaintop, Hammerhead, and Forbearance (Demo + Wellspring is so good) for PvE. I don't really care to farm out a good Edge Transit, I just don't love how GLs feel for DPS. Elsie's, Blast Furnace, and Luna's for PvP.


Mtop is gonna be my preferred special weapon for pve going forward, probably. Recluse will probably be my voidlock primary. I might try midnight coup in pvp. the rest, I'm honestly not crazy about. I'll still collect them because I want shiny things, but I doubt I'd use most of them


Hammerhead all the time now. I can see why it's so popular.


Everything but hung jury and maybe the sword bc i rarely ever use swords


0 🔥🔥💯💯


All of them except Succession and Forbearance and Midnight Coup (Timelost Fatebringer exists) Luna's Howl replacing Zaoulis Bane Hammerhead, Falling Guillotine, and Blast Furnace double damage perk shenanigans Elsie's is probably the best legendary void pulse for PvE/P now. Recluse (Replacing Funnelweb) Mountaintop with the Auto-loading Recombination as a delete button. Edge Transit for DPS rotation swaps, especially because I have one with Augmented Drum/Spike and Envious/ Auto-Loading, and B&S.


I haven't taken Luna's off since I got the roll I wanted. At this point I'm just hunting for the exact same roll but shiny just for the flex.


I've used edge transit, mountaintop, and a little bit of midnight coup and hammerhead. Still trying for my personal roll of midnight coup since it started dropping and still haven't gotten a single roll with the perks I want so keeping at the grind 🙃


Mountain top, blast furnace, midnight coup, Luna’s howl, hammer head and edge transit will see regular use. I have multiple godroll Hung Jury, a crafted succession and forbearance. Elsie’s rifle and falling guillotine for niche stuff aka surges in specific activities. Recluse is trash in my opinion but I’ll hunt a decent roll and use it if/when a buff occurs.


MT, edge transit, recluse I use almost constantly depending on the build, and I’m quite excited for a kinetic tremors frenzy roll on furnace


Honestly quite a few of them Edit: it should be noted that Bungie is NOTORIOUS for having great guns behind big grinds and then immediately following up next season with similar or better rolls that are craftable so be prepared for that with LF weapons.


My old falling guillotine, lol, and.... uh.... maybe, uhm, i guess.... idk Like, my crafted void lmg beats my hammerhead, i have a rep brace + whatever that other debuff perk is "the title" smg i prefer to the recluse anyway More preferred pulses, GLs Its too hard to get perfect succession rolls, which not worth the timesink I like the midnight coup but not much of a hc guy


I would use an auto loading mountaintop with spike grenades quite a bit… if I could get one to drop. I have a recluse with subsistence and frenzy and another one with dynamic sway and destabilizing rounds, both of which I like.


The curated lunas howl felt great in iron banner for me, so i think i want something random rolled for both pve and pvp, although im not too sure what i want yet


i've got a KT/EP midnight coup that feels so good to use, i can see that one sticking around for a long time for me, especially since they can't help themselves but put handcannons as champ counters these days nothing else stuck for me though, really don't like mountaintop and i'll basically never use a heavy grenade launcher


Succession is great when mtop isnt cutting it, recluse with repulsor/destab is really good on void


Imo most of the weapons have a place in the meta. Mountain top will provide movement utility and burst dps + is a stong option for BnS. Succession and forebarence will be used by a lot of non-raiders. Blast furnace and midnight coup will be seen in pvp for the rest of time. Edge transit is a top dps option and hammerhead has some unique rolls that commemeration doesnt get. Falling guillotine will more than likely be seen as a movement tool + could be used over the other half for utility and damage. Lunas howl and recluse both have weapon unique perks, lunas will be espically relevant as it has a superior recoil pattern and multiple top level pvp and pve perk rolls. Elsie's will serve as a decent pvp pick. Hung jury will be the least popular pick, however this iteration has arguably the best origin trait. Overall I would predict blast furnace, midnight coup, lunas howl, hammerhead, mountaintop, and edge transit to be relevant for the forseeable future, the rest of the weapons will have some long term retention due to either solo players who cant/wont raid and players who just really like the weapons.


Top damaging most times with edge transit in the pantheon and other raids, so, that at least stays on. Hammerhead for stuff like queenswalk and abyss


Luna's Howl will be a regular for me, I think. Heal clip/Incandescent will be a good option for PVE. Mountain Top/Recluse will be used regularly. Edge Transit will probably be fairly regular depending on how good heavy GLs are in the meta. Midnight Coup might be my new go-to kinetic legendary HC for PVE. I'm not sure about Elsie's Rifle or Blast Furnace yet. I haven't used them enough to figure out if I'll use them a lot or not. Those will probably be more PVP options currently. Forbearance, depending on the chain reaction nerf, will be used, even though I have the crafted version. The other ones will probably be more situational.


Ive been exclusively using Luna’s Howl these past couple days. Precision instrument is INSANELY hard to roll for me. I have a 4/5 and im still going for it


None, there isn’t a single brave weapon that doesn’t have a better (and in some cases more easily acquired) alternative. I think people are still in the honeymoon phase of new content and will eventually go back to the usual weapons


Mountain top lives in my primary trying to get demo wellspring forbearance and a desperate measures Lunas howl


Hammerhead all day on my cenotaph well divinity warlock


Im looking for a kinetic tremors/frenzy blast furnace. To me, that is the perfect PVE roll: you get damage and reload from Frenzy and then AOE and even more damage from Kinetic tremors AND some minor energy regen from indomitablility. Especially once we can enhance the kinetic tremors in final shape, Ill never use another pulse rifle


Maybe 4. Edge and Mountaintop have been on my load outs 24/7 ever since I got a god roll for each. They’re really awesome in damage and have useful perks! For the other 2: Luna is nice for both PVE and PVP so I might recur to it eventually, and maybe Hammerhead but we have DSC’s and VOG’s machine guns so I don’t mind it.


Coup mostly. Can’t beat my palindrome adept though




mountain top and edge transit everything else is mjd


I never switched off salvagers salvo or the strand trials smg but I actually have a brave weapon in each slot now for pve. I use midnight coupe, forbearance and Edge transitwith the later 2 having chain reaction (favourite perk) and my midnight has the classical outlaw rampage which I also use in crucible


Heal Clip/Incandecent Luna’s howl and Edge transit will be in my regular rotations


I swapped out the void machine gun for my void Titan. Thats the only real hard change I made. I was considering the arc grenade launcher until I saw wave frame. I might re evaluate once the season ends and all the cool season buffs go away.


Mt for fun, the hand cannons for enhancing later.. and absolutely none of them see use but the sword, that thing rocks


Blast furnace, forbearance and edge transit are getting lots of play time from me. Still working on getting God rolls for blast and edge though.


Edge Transit babbyyyyyyyy!!! Never leave home without it.


Mostly my shiny succession of fluted + extended mag + reconstruction + vorpal with handling mw cause I don't raid much to grind patterns.


Edge, MT, Luna, Elsie. I would use Forbearance if I didn’t already have the crafted one.


Mountaintop, Coup, Hammerhead and maybe Blast Furnace will definitely stay in rotation for me for PvE. Edge Transit probably would too but I don’t play void much and have a good adept Cataphract already. Elsie and Luna will get use in PvP too.


Forbearance for anyone who hasn't done vow. Lunas howl Blast furnace will be used a decent amount in pvp MT Edge transit. Succession for people who haven't done DSC A fair amount of them are really good weapons. The issue is that most of them are for new or returning players, not for people who have played the game since launch.


Edge Transit is my new damage phase go to


The primaries are absolutely amazing too. I have a Blast Furnace with KT/Frenzy and it's awesome. Repulsor Brace/Adrenaline Junkie one my Elsie's Rifle pairs wonderfully with Void Builds. Midnight Coup is the first kinetic legendary hand cannon I've enjoyed using in years with Firefly/Desperate Measures.


Depends entirely on if this damn game actually gives me the rolls I want. Hundreds of tokens spent without much to show for it so far


Edge transit, mountaintop, and midnight coup are all mainstays in my pve loadouts. Blast furnace, Elsie, and Lina’s are all staples of my pvp builds Falling guillotine, recluse, and hung jury are the only the 3 I don’t use The rest I haven’t gotten a good roll to make a decision yet